I’ve already posted about this before, but it’s been awhile.
What I’m referencing is during his first campaign there was a Gold Star family, who were Muslim, and they spoke out against Trump about him being racist and xenophobic blah blah blah blah … they even spoke at the DNC. They were a 100% a DNC plant and were absolutely being used by the democrats …. And Trump fell for it. He popped off in the media and social media, attacking this family. He took the Dems bait …and it disgusted me.
1) it showed incredible weakness IMO
2) the only thing you say to Gold Star family is “We thank you for your sacrifice. Your son/daughter was a hero …., that’s it. Period.
I just don’t care for pompous toolboxes and Trump is the KING of tool boxes.
The Christianity as a prop was a killer for me AND I don’t respect any man who cheats on his wife.
But you’re right, I do like 90% of what he is doing …. I just can’t support him … integrity matters, and he has none.