I'm a behind the scenes guy.
But no substantive response?
Does he ever give a substantive response?
I'm a behind the scenes guy.
But no substantive response?
I had it back in March and thankfully it was mild but that means NOTHING in the grand scheme of things. There have been times when I thought I was too harsh on you because I saw signs that you "might" be an ok guy. After your comments today and on the Rona thread, I see that I was right about you from the beginning. It's honestly disgusting to see your lack of empathy for others ONLY because your Master wanted to create a false narrative about the virus so it wouldn't interfere in his bid for re-election. The fact that you so gullibly go along with that remedial Orangutan speaks volumes. Character matters and you are devoid of it.
Does he ever give a substantive response?
It’s endearing the fashion in which you little libbys team up together for a RT cause. It’s like a little TI intramural squad.
What's bad is what the outgoing POTUS is doing. He continues to be an absolute embarrassment to this country. The election is over. Done. Time to pardon your family members, Rudy, and all the other crooks he has surrounded himself with and GTFO of the WH.
Which one do you watch more? Msnbc or cnn. You are 100% regurgitating their message.
What's it like not being able to critically think for yourself?
How about let the investigations play out...after all , we did spend 2.5 years on the 2016 election.
good thread regarding all this nonsense pubs are working themselves in a tizzy over
coming Jan 20th. Your president.
If a reasonably intelligent person can't listen to Trump or read Trump's tweets and have a clear understanding of what the man is all about or the type of person he is then I feel sorry for them. I don't need any news network to tell me what he is all about or what type of person he is. What news sources do you frequent?Which one do you watch more? Msnbc or cnn. You are 100% regurgitating their message.
What's it like not being able to critically think for yourself?
How about let the investigations play out...after all , we did spend 2.5 years on the 2016 election.
How noble of you to have 2nd thoughts. I’m no victim, so don’t worry for a second about you being a big bad bully.. lol. I honestly should’ve never crept into the ditch with you, as all it accomplishes is me getting muddy.
You can spin it however you’d like. You saw I said I pray for anyone harmed by any sickness, but I’m sure you didn’t relate to that line. You can keep your “we’re all in this together” narrative.
People are where there are in life for the choices they make. I hope you recollect in fondness of yours. Proof is in the reality.
I’m going to give you a bit of grace, and crawl out of this mud... you were comfortable in it before I paid any attention to you, so it’ll suit you well after I revert back to living above it.
lolololgood thread regarding all this nonsense pubs are working themselves in a tizzy over
Does he ever give a substantive response?
coming Jan 20th. Your president.
Georgia county official denies Trump team snagged Dominion voting machine from his office - Washington Examiner
A Georgia county election official said claims on social media that President Trump’s team has gotten hold of a Dominion voting machine are completely false. Politico’s Marc Caputo reported over Twitter that Carlos Nelson, a Ware County election supervisor, pushed back on an assertion from Chuck...www.washingtonexaminer.com
Which story is correct? Brad Raffensberger has something to hide and thats obvious. Kemp is probably right there with him too.
Your stories ALWAYS end up being incorrect so I'll let you decide.
You know I love a good Round Table squabble, but setting that fun aside....
The proof is here now. I hope everyone would want it explained. This isn’t a good time for our country, no matter which result. Elections are one aspect which cannot be tainted.
you are actually retarded.
you are actually retarded.
who in Trump's position would 'hope for the best and release evidence of fraud only as a last resort'. that means they have nothing else of substance and they're hoping for some miracle. but i guess if rudy G or Facebook didn't spell it out for you you wont be able to make the leap.
Georgia county official denies Trump team snagged Dominion voting machine from his office - Washington Examiner
A Georgia county election official said claims on social media that President Trump’s team has gotten hold of a Dominion voting machine are completely false. Politico’s Marc Caputo reported over Twitter that Carlos Nelson, a Ware County election supervisor, pushed back on an assertion from Chuck...www.washingtonexaminer.com
We will see. I still think America prevails. I remember when your party used to be about individual liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of choice and smaller government. Sad to see the Democratic party become the party of communism. We don't need to be puppets to china any longer. Although the democratic party was the party that fought to keep slavery so I shouldn't be surprised I guess.
You are literally too stupid to insult.
Two more weeks amirite?Patience darling... patience.
Two more weeks amirite?
The 12th amendment. This will go to the house, the election will be nullified, and each state legislature will receive one vote.
The 12th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves;constitutioncenter.org
Put your mask back on chief
Masks have been proven to reduce the spread of the virus. You would have to be a real inbred slack jawed yokel to still not get that.
Masks have been proven to reduce the spread of the virus. You would have to be a real inbred slack jawed yokel to still not get that.
Maybe because our commander in chief is a covid denier/suppressant, and so states were forced to fend for themselves without full federal assistance.Masks are fine when used correctly but most people (including those inbred slack jawed yokels you refer) don't use them properly. But even more so, why the lockdowns? Why mandate people not be allowed to operate their business? Why are we not modeling out the damage that is done to people's lives because of lockdowns? Why are schools being closed even though the health experts and pediatricians argue against it?
What does the media tell you that you should say here? Enlighten me
Maybe because our commander in chief is a covid denier/suppressant, and so states were forced to fend for themselves without full federal assistance.
Ok I'll bite. The highlighted text above is the most blatant example of the mishandling of this by the government. You can't have 50 disjointed responses to a pandemic, particularly when they're battling each other for resources. If this is truly "war-time", then you need a centralized federal response system that can collect and observe all states as a whole, and react accordingly to problem areas.What are you talking about? Take off the tin foil hat and give specific examples. Get the orange man off your mind for five minutes and have a rational discussion. How did he force states to fend for themselves? If anything, he has left the deicsions up to the states. The largest stimulus and bailouts in the history of our country were passed.
Ok I'll bite. The highlighted text above is the most blatant example of the mishandling of this by the government. You can't have 50 disjointed responses to a pandemic, particularly when they're battling each other for resources. If this is truly "war-time", then you need a centralized federal response system that can collect and observe all states as a whole, and react accordingly to problem areas.
That is why you can't just "forget the orange man". He is the President. He had the power to react and enact. He chose to deny and suppress. Germany is a perfect foil to the US--they are closest to us in terms of developed country status from a macro level. They also have an actual scientist as chancellor and she took swift and decisive action. What do you know... they're doing quite well right now all things considered.
He’s supposed to unite us 🤣🤣🤣🤣No specific examples. About what I expected. You said without full federal assistance. Outside of slogans or words what more did you want him to do? Please be specific.
Oh and Germany? Their crumbling economy... have you looked at their trends and deaths lately? Do a quick Google search and I think you will see how foolish of a statement that was.
It's a virus. Its going to spread. You can't run from it or hide from with with cloth over your mouth. Do you live with people in your home? Do you wear a mask around them? If not, you are a hypocrite.