It's 100% political/power move at this point.
Any virus litmus test is a 3rd world, no "social distancing", no "masks", no medical care, etc.. If a true novel virus is unleashed into these conditions the result (historically speaking) is devastating to the indigenous population. But what do we actually see in these countries? Nothing near (fractions of) the "death rates", infection rates, "case" rates of countries shutting everything down and people running for caves to hide in. In this country we are all told African Americans are disproportionately at a "higher" risk. Yet, in Africa (lets say Kenya, population of 51 million) there has been less than 1,000 deaths. Are we to believe people in Kenya can't count? Are bodies pilled up along the streets and it's just some big mystery? I don't think so.
What I hear now is, mandatory vaccines, apps to "monitor" your "health", restricted travel based on your "status" of compulsory consent.
Has anyone ever wondered why the CDC literally owns all the patents on the coronavirus? Is everyone aware that all the doctors telling us what to do have their names on these patents? Does anyone have any idea how much money is involved with these patents? Why does Bill Gates have more investment in vaccines and has openly stated numerous times (I'm paraphrasing), "this is where the future of return is on investment"? Why is Bill Gates vaccinating thousands of people in Africa and implanting RFID's into infants? Why is Mastercard involved and funding these (vaccination) "tests"? Why are countries talking about going "paperless" with their currency/money, it's all considered "dirty" now?
Its all about the money peeps. Wake up people, our little bit of freedom we still have is quickly passing us by. There is a reason why the Constitution has no mention of plagues and all the natural ills of the world revolving around humans.