

Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
Trump is 10 steps ahead of everyone.

Alright, here’s my take on Trump’s announcement about the Gaza Strip:

Trump points out how the last 100 years have been nothing but violence, and rather than continue this vicious cycle, Trump is exploring a more permanent plan for peace.

The Deep State thrive on instability and war. They like Israel and Palestine being in an endless state of conflict, so they can justify endless foreign aid for weapons, humanitarian aid, etc., which they launder. By finding a permanent solution for peace and bringing lasting stability to the region, the Deep State are unable to operate.

Trump also highlights how the main goal is to ultimately stop the killing. Perhaps the best thing for the People of Israel, Palestine, and the world, is for these two nations to have some distance from each other, because clearly, they cannot coexist peacefully.

That’s not to say I think Israel or Hamas are the “good guys”. I side with the innocent People on all sides, and simply wish for the slaughter to end. I think Israel is a corrupt and oppressive to the Palestinians, yet Hamas committed heinous acts of terror. The only “good guys” in my eyes are the civilians who just want to live in peace.

However, I’m not overly fond of the idea of forcing the Palestinian People away from their homeland, but I also do not have a better solution. The Palestinian People are being exterminated, Gaza is already a pile of rubble, and the Palestinians are essentially prisoners of an apartheid state. Something has to change. I’d argue moving the Israeli People might be the better idea, but I don’t make the decisions.

Also, this very well could be a Trump negotiation tactic to get the Islamic nations in the region to be more willing to come to the table, similar to how Trump used tariffs as a negotiation tool. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes. Perhaps there’s a lot that we do not know.

In conclusion, I think Trump has proven to us he has a vision, a plan, he has good intentions, and he is set on destroying the Deep State. I mean the man is literally purging the FBI, CIA, USAID, and Dept. of Education as we speak.

Do I fully understand this plan for Gaza? Absolutely not, but I think Trump has earned the benefit of the doubt, and we should all wait to see how it plays out before declaring that the sky is falling.


"Times Change. People Move. Life Goes On. Nothing Is Permanent When it comes to Gaza the area has been inhabited since ancient times, with early settlers including the Canaanites, Philistines, and later groups such as the Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, and Islamic caliphates.In more recent history, Gaza became a significant hub for Palestinians, particularly during the Ottoman Empire and British Mandate periods. By the mid-20th century, following the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, many Palestinian refugees fled or were displaced into Gaza, solidifying its identity as a predominantly Palestinian territory. The region’s strategic location along the Mediterranean coast has long made it a coveted prize for empires and nations alike. From ancient trade routes to modern military considerations, Gaza’s value has rarely been in question. However, this very desirability has also made it a flashpoint for conflict, with each successive power leaving its mark on the land and its people.We are here witnessing a shift of the ages. This is not your grandfather's colonial nightmare. The US has long been an arbitration factor for many conflicts where we clean up what is left and maintain a stronghold until that region recovers.Just ask Iraq. Donald Trump has said many times pay us for the investments and financing and we will remove our troops. America does not work for free. We will no longer be the public water fountain for passer-by countries. BRICS Nations are learning this lesson now. So we have to look at this as neccessary steps toward the liberation we all seek. And unfortunately not everything was clean. But it will definitely pay off. And some of us will be the initial benefactors of this historical undertaking. And you all know what that is."
Don't bring facts to this. His fanboys literally believe everything he tells them. It doesn't matter if he flips each time.
Its like him talking about how bad the trade deal with Canada is, how its the worst deal ever, who made this deal?? When HE’S the one who made the deal. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.
Wait a minute, one of the FEW things I agreed with Trump on was staying the F out of the Middle East. 100 years of killing? Are you kidding me? People have been merrily killing each other there since the dawn of recorded history. It's not just a Israel/Palistinian issue. PLENTY of folks hate each other over there.

Putting troops into the Gaza strip sounds like a really bad idea. WHEN has putting US troops there ever gone well for us long term?
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Wow. It’s going to be difficult for you to figure out who to support. On the one side you love Russia and promote them forcibly taking land from their neighbors. On the other hand they’re handing nukes to our enemies. On the third hand it’s our favorite president’s favorite president. How will you decide?
Wait a minute, one of the FEW things I agreed with Trump on was staying the F out of the Middle East. 100 years of killing? Are you kidding me? People have been merrily killing each other there since the dawn of recorded history. It's not just a Israel/Palistinian issue. PLENTY of folks hate each other over there.

Putting troops into the Gaza strip sounds like a really bad idea. WHEN has putting US troops there ever gone well for us long term?
Exactly. My opposition to this has absolutely nothing to do with any specific feeling on the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

The only stance I have is that I am firmly in the camp of they don't hate us for what we are, they hate us for what we do. Why give the jihadists more support?
Lol we HAD a nuclear peace agreement with Iran. He pissed all over it in his first term.
And now they are closer to the bomb than they've ever been. Where before, it was kinda hard to build nuclear weapons without the enriched uranium needed.
Wow. It’s going to be difficult for you to figure out who to support. On the one side you love Russia and promote them forcibly taking land from their neighbors. On the other hand they’re handing nukes to our enemies. On the third hand it’s our favorite president’s favorite president. How will you decide?
Are you trying to respond to Homeland Security?
Exactly. My opposition to this has absolutely nothing to do with any specific feeling on the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

The only stance I have is that I am firmly in the camp of they don't hate us for what we are, they hate us for what we do. Why give the jihadists more support?
Assuming you are not a practicing muslim, the true jihadis hate you for what you are. A kafir.
Well, you gotta realize what the REAL deal is with Gaza. That's prime beach front property. I'm sure that Trump plans on the US footing the bill in money and blood to clean that up and remove all the undesirables. THEN he'll sell off the real estate to private ventures for development. Anyone want to bet that Trump's going to make out like a bandit there?
Truly the party of compassion and moral conviction.

I wouldn’t vote for somebody that sent several billion dollars worth of military aid to a country dropping bombs on my friends and family. And Kamala had every chance to say she disagreed with that and said the opposite. She wouldn’t change anything
Truly the party of compassion and moral conviction.

I wouldn’t vote for somebody that sent several billion dollars worth of military aid to a country dropping bombs on my friends and family. And Kamala had every chance to say she disagreed with that and said the opposite. She wouldn’t change anything
The point was we tried to tell them it would be even worse if they voted for the other guy and now they're being threatened with displacement from their land altogether.
Much as I hate to say it, Trump's plan could work. I mean there's certainly history to support that. You've got a relatively weak group of people occupying valuable land that some group(s) of stronger folks want. You remove the people and send them elsewhere (far enough away that it's difficult to get back), then just take the land and develop it.

That's kind of how Israel was formed in the first place. You can also point to the Indian removal of the 1830s that opened up millions of acres of the Deep South to settlers. Obviously, the Cherokee removal is the most famous of these, but between 1830 and 1850, the Cherokee, Muscogee, Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw nations were forcibly removed to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi river.

Sure, out of the 16K or so Cherokee that were removed, somewhere around 4K died during the trip and even more died from sickness and starvation once they got there, but the point is that the the land and the conflicts associated with it were pretty much instantly solved. You can make the same case here. Just move these folks. I'd bet we could negotiate with Sudan or Etheopia or Somolia to take them. Problem solved. I'm sure that they'd have some trouble settling in, but they'll work it out.

Then you could develop all that Med beach front property into something worthwhile.
Much as I hate to say it, Trump's plan could work. I mean there's certainly history to support that. You've got a relatively weak group of people occupying valuable land that some group(s) of stronger folks want. You remove the people and send them elsewhere (far enough away that it's difficult to get back), then just take the land and develop it.

That's kind of how Israel was formed in the first place. You can also point to the Indian removal of the 1830s that opened up millions of acres of the Deep South to settlers. Obviously, the Cherokee removal is the most famous of these, but between 1830 and 1850, the Cherokee, Muscogee, Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw nations were forcibly removed to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi river.

Sure, out of the 16K or so Cherokee that were removed, somewhere around 4K died during the trip and even more died from sickness and starvation once they got there, but the point is that the the land and the conflicts associated with it were pretty much instantly solved. You can make the same case here. Just move these folks. I'd bet we could negotiate with Sudan or Etheopia or Somolia to take them. Problem solved. I'm sure that they'd have some trouble settling in, but they'll work it out.

Then you could develop all that Med beach front property into something worthwhile.
Respect the open mind.

Israel rubbled the rubble in Gaza. If gaza is rebuilt and the Palestinians stay, Hamas stays. Any aid given from the international community will go partially or entirely to hamas. At some point hamas will attack israel and then Gaza will be rubble again. Rinse and repeat.

Trump essentially said, since you two can't get along, you are going to make me solve this for you. I'll take the toy that you both want and neither one of you will have it. I also think Trump looks at most things through a financial lens. Rebuilding Gaza is going to be a money pit. If the US Taxpayers are going to be dropping $$ into that hole then it better achieve an outcome that somehow benefits us or lowers future expenditures long term.

Pretty crazy. But it is a conversation starter, and its not any crazier than doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different end result.
Respect the open mind.

Israel rubbled the rubble in Gaza. If gaza is rebuilt and the Palestinians stay, Hamas stays. Any aid given from the international community will go partially or entirely to hamas. At some point hamas will attack israel and then Gaza will be rubble again. Rinse and repeat.

Trump essentially said, since you two can't get along, you are going to make me solve this for you. I'll take the toy that you both want and neither one of you will have it. I also think Trump looks at most things through a financial lens. Rebuilding Gaza is going to be a money pit. If the US Taxpayers are going to be dropping $$ into that hole then it better achieve an outcome that somehow benefits us or lowers future expenditures long term.

Pretty crazy. But it is a conversation starter, and its not any crazier than doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different end result.
Yup... It's morally reprehensive as hell. But that's the guy we elected. Any plan that puts Israel and Palestinians next to each other is going to bring Hamas in as well. And sooner or later, shit is going to hit the fan again. And again, and again. I'd LOVE that not to be true. Anyone got ANYTHING else that has any chance of working?

Basically, it's the oldest play in the white man handbook. Take the brown people's stuff and move them out or kill them. Then the white folks have the stuff and no more brown people causing trouble. Peace for the white folks and whatever troubles the brown folks have... well that's a price the white folks are willing for them to pay.
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Yup... It's morally reprehensive as hell. But that's the guy we elected. Any plan that puts Israel and Palestinians next to each other is going to bring Hamas in as well. And sooner or later, shit is going to hit the fan again. And again, and again. I'd LOVE that not to be true. Anyone got ANYTHING else that has any chance of working?

Basically, it's the oldest play in the white man handbook. Take the brown people's stuff and move them out or kill them. Then the white folks have the stuff and no more brown people causing trouble. Peace for the white folks and whatever troubles the brown folks have... well that's a price the white folks are willing for them to pay.
Odd response talking about Trump's "morals". Is it moral to continue to fund this cycle of violence and death? The whole white man brown man thing ... i have no idea what that has to do anything here.
The point was we tried to tell them it would be even worse if they voted for the other guy and now they're being threatened with displacement from their land altogether.
Sure, and they could easily make the argument that Biden enabled it. The destruction you see in Gaza is a direct product of America funneling munitions to Israel (right or wrong); they couldn't sustain the war for more than a month without it. The message was, "We may be okay with tens of thousands of civilians dying and the widespread destruction of Gaza's infrastructure, but vote for us because Trump will be worse!" I mean come on. If they view Israel negatively, they're not going to endorse a slow, silent death over a loud one. They'll endorse neither, which is what happened, and I don't blame them.

All Trump did was say what the current Israeli government and a majority of its people want out loud, which I think will probably be worse for Israel in the long term than what had been happening, where the US would give them diplomatic cover and plausible deniability to violations of international law. There's no more hiding. So if you're somebody who wants the situation to change radically, on either side of things, you were never getting it under Biden/Harris.

As for my own view, I try not to moralize what either side in the conflict feels or does. I think just about anybody who was born in that situation would wind up hating the other side. The average Israeli soldier and the average Palestinian militant are both fighting for what they see as God and country, and they'll both fight like hell for it. Outside of actions that don't have a place in any war, I don't have strong feelings other than to want them to have empathy for each other and what's best for the US in light of the situation. Provided they don't go all in on ethnic cleansing, the only real moral judgement I have against Israel is its refusal to acknowledge the Armenian genocide. It's completely shameful that they don't, and it's not only because they haven't wanted to upset Turkey.
Assuming you are not a practicing muslim, the true jihadis hate you for what you are. A kafir.
Maybe, but I haven't heard a Muslim jihadist say "Death to Mongolia!" in the last 800 years or so. Muhammad Muhammad in Gaza doesn't hate America because we watch Family Guy.
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Remind me where the American people benefit again? Sounds like Trump gets a real estate project, and American or Israeli soldiers come back home in a box or with their legs blown off. Of course if Trump wants to grab a rifle and fight, he's more than welcome. The war for Israel's survival where Netanyahu's son gets to watch the highlights from his luxury Miami condo.

This message isn't good for Israel either. You have the PM openly giddy with joy at the idea of committing ethnic cleansing. In that case, Israel's most vocal critics and detractors would be vindicated.

By the way, what part of Christian values involves building a giant gold statue of yourself after sending a couple million people into exile?
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Remind me where the American people benefit again? Sounds like Trump gets a real estate project, and American or Israeli soldiers come back home in a box or with their legs blown off. Of course if Trump wants to grab a rifle and fight, he's more than welcome. The war for Israel's survival where Netanyahu's son gets to watch the highlights from his luxury Miami condo.

This message isn't good for Israel either. You have the PM openly giddy with joy at the idea of committing ethnic cleansing. In that case, Israel's most vocal critics and detractors would be vindicated.

By the way, what part of Christian values involves building a giant gold statue of yourself after sending a couple million people into exile?
Breaking the cycle will be cheaper for the US in the long run. Israel remaining right where it is and staying strong is in our best interest as well. Trumps video clip is another poke at all those in the ME to come up with an alternate solution.
Breaking the cycle will be cheaper for the US in the long run. Israel remaining right where it is and staying strong is in our best interest as well. Trumps video clip is another poke at all those in the ME to come up with an alternate solution.
If you want Israel to remain where it is, which I do, you don't want King Abdullah and General Sisi's heads getting shipped international express to the White House. BORING IS GOOD FOR ISRAEL. And nobody deserves America's blind support other than America itself. Not a single cent should go to funding another country's wars and health care while Americans suffer. To beat a dead horse, there was nothing about the Iraq War that was in our interest. I am afraid that the same fearmongering will push us into another pointless war with Iran.

An alternative solution didn't require him putting his foot in his mouth. Anyway, what you mean is that the alternatives didn't appeal to Netanyahu and his governing coalition. That's a separate issue. Trump's "proposal" was a bone for his Adelson donors, not a brilliant negotiating tactic.
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Remind me where the American people benefit again? Sounds like Trump gets a real estate project, and American or Israeli soldiers come back home in a box or with their legs blown off. Of course if Trump wants to grab a rifle and fight, he's more than welcome. The war for Israel's survival where Netanyahu's son gets to watch the highlights from his luxury Miami condo.

This message isn't good for Israel either. You have the PM openly giddy with joy at the idea of committing ethnic cleansing. In that case, Israel's most vocal critics and detractors would be vindicated.

By the way, what part of Christian values involves building a giant gold statue of yourself after sending a couple million people into exile?
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