Get Woke, Go Broke: NBA All-Star Ratings Crash, Hit All-Time Low


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001

By Cristina Laila
Published March 9, 2021 at 4:44pm
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NBA players take a knee during National Anthem, screen image
Get woke, go broke.
Ratings for the NBA All-Star game Sunday night, which included a dunk contest, was down 24% from last year.
5.94 million viewers watched Sunday night’s game.
17.8 million people tuned in Sunday night to watch Meghan Markle complain about her privileged life.
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How far has the NBA fallen since they have become woke BLM anti-American kneelers?
In 1993, 22.9 million people watched the NBA All-Star game.

Americans are fed up with politics in sports.
Apparently overpaid spoiled athletes kneeling during the National Anthem while shoving Marxism down their fans throats isn’t a successful strategy.
Well, it can’t be that they have an inferior product compared to the 90’s. Cause as I have learned on this forum, current day players are bigger, faster, stronger, more skilled, and are all around superior to players from any other era.
The game is way different these days. More talented overall I would say is accurate. As far as OP's post, I have friends who are/were diehard clemson fans that refuse to watch a game after the Virginia game last season. Lotta truth to the article imo as far as the point the writer is making.
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Lol like viewership wasnt impacted by there not being any fans, or players publicly saying they didn’t want to play because of the added logistics and risks?

The article you posted is a joke, you guys love to complain about journalism dying and then you post something like that. Whoof
I have met people who quit watching sports because of 'Them ruining everything'. When I ask who ruined it? The answer is always black people ruined it by talking about politics.
I can't begin to tell you have pathetic that is from my point of view. How fragile do you have to be for it to ruin sports for you? I get it though, a lot of white people just don't want to GAF about anything during their sports and if someone challenges their beliefs they get upset. Poor folks. Won't someone please hear their grievances? Good thing fox, gateway pundit and others are covering this colossally important topic of white grievance.
Lol like viewership wasnt impacted by there not being any fans, or players publicly saying they didn’t want to play because of the added logistics and risks?

The article you posted is a joke, you guys love to complain about journalism dying and then you post something like that. Whoof

Not sure of your point. How does fans in the stands effect TV viewership. The fact is the NBA is much less popular than it was and is declining still. Of the people I know who have totally quite watching , all give the same reason and it has nothing to do with the two things in your first paragraph.
The game is way different these days. More talented overall I would say is accurate. As far as OP's post, I have friends who are/were diehard clemson fans that refuse to watch a game after the Virginia game last season. Lotta truth to the article imo as far as the point the writer is making.
Sounds like literally the opposite of diehard fans to me
I have met people who quit watching sports because of 'Them ruining everything'. When I ask who ruined it? The answer is always black people ruined it by talking about politics.
I can't begin to tell you have pathetic that is from my point of view. How fragile do you have to be for it to ruin sports for you? I get it though, a lot of white people just don't want to GAF about anything during their sports and if someone challenges their beliefs they get upset. Poor folks. Won't someone please hear their grievances? Good thing fox, gateway pundit and others are covering this colossally important topic of white grievance.
I don't know anyone who has said "black people ruined it by talking politics". I know quiet a few who are disgusted by blessed Americans disrespecting our flag and the blood that was shed for their freedom. Personally, I've got plenty of other things to do more enjoyable than watching spoiled grown men bounce a ball.
I have met people who quit watching sports because of 'Them ruining everything'. When I ask who ruined it? The answer is always black people ruined it by talking about politics.
I can't begin to tell you have pathetic that is from my point of view. How fragile do you have to be for it to ruin sports for you? I get it though, a lot of white people just don't want to GAF about anything during their sports and if someone challenges their beliefs they get upset. Poor folks. Won't someone please hear their grievances? Good thing fox, gateway pundit and others are covering this colossally important topic of white grievance.

Yikes. It has nothing to do with white people getting upset about this challenging our beliefs. Most of these woke dumb asses are in fact white in case you haven’t noticed. We simply do not want that garbage constantly shoved down our throats during sporting events. Having said that, the NBA and other leagues have every right to voice their oppression concerns for their black millionaire athletes, and we as consumers have every right to stop consuming it. It looks like Americans are speaking ... loud and clear.
When the majority playing is one race and that majority is shoving the BS white shaming then yes, one can conclude that it’s one race perpetuating the nonsense. If we can’t even acknowledge that then we have lost our guts. It’s not just sports. Cancel culture has taken over everything.
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NBA chose to go the political route and therefore you reap what you sow. I don't think they are particularly worried about going bankrupt and I don't think most people don't watch the NBA because of the politics, mainly due to the product is just not that great to watch night in/night out. Its like most things in life, the market is oversaturated and you see it across almost all sports. I do agree that the political messages are likely turning off more fans than bringing them in, however thats their choice to play to their audience.
One and done started the decline in both the NBA and college basketball.

College basketball helped build a fan base for these players which used to carry over to the NBA. Now college fans only see a good player 1 year and they move on. It is like a relationship break up. College fans don't want anything to do with players who leave so early and hurt their team. It is like they broke up with them.

Then you add in disgracing the flag and politics and it is like your ex girlfriend that broke up with you coming back and stabbing you in the neck while you are sleeping. You aren't going to all of a sudden start liking her again.
Not sure of your point. How does fans in the stands effect TV viewership. The fact is the NBA is much less popular than it was and is declining still. Of the people I know who have totally quite watching , all give the same reason and it has nothing to do with the two things in your first paragraph.
NBA tv ratings now dwarf MLB. It is not much less popular, it is actually much more popular than it was.

Also, if you haven't been paying attention, sports viewership is way down in every sport during covid, and a lot of it is because of no fans in the stands
Idk, I guess if you truly stand for something you gotta draw the line somewhere. It's gonna take more than that to get me to stop watching tho.
ya those "die hard fans" drew the line at our players wearing sayings like "peace" and "unity" on their helmets. Oh the horror. Screw those guys who stopped watching, we don't want them in our fanbase anyways
ya those "die hard fans" drew the line at our players wearing sayings like "peace" and "unity" on their helmets. Oh the horror. Screw those guys who stopped watching, we don't want them in our fanbase anyways
Everybody has the right to their opinion and how they spend their time. It's a two way street even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes.
Everybody has the right to their opinion and how they spend their time. It's a two way street even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes.

You are correct but unfortunately there is no two way street. It’s cancel culture way or no way.

The woke have an agenda and will push it at all costs and those be damned who get in the way. Nasty nasty agenda that they are pushing and the gutless majority just sits back and takes it like a bunch of punks.
Yeah this has absolutely nothing to do with most sports ratings taking a dive since the pandemic started...🙄 Even the Superbowl had it's lowest ratings in 15 years.

All the people complaining about hating the "woke" stuff and not wanting to see people kneel and all that crap. It's bullshit, plain and simple. They barely talk about or show any of that during the actual games, save for when it's actually one of if not the most prevalent topics nation wide at the moment.
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Keep kneeling and whining at every turn LeBron! Americans are showing you what they think of it ! The game is so different now that it is hard to watch honestly ! In the Celtic/Laker/Piston glory days you could not walk, carry the ball, or get away with the blatant violations that are allowed now . So sure players now look faster and more athletic when you don’t have to dribble , just walk all over the place and carry the ball all you want ! Also Jordan, Bird, Magic, Barkley, Thomas , etc. did not get into politics , they just played like hell ! Way different now with this society of snowflakes we live with where someone is offended at every turn !
I have met people who quit watching sports because of 'Them ruining everything'. When I ask who ruined it? The answer is always black people ruined it by talking about politics.
I can't begin to tell you have pathetic that is from my point of view. How fragile do you have to be for it to ruin sports for you? I get it though, a lot of white people just don't want to GAF about anything during their sports and if someone challenges their beliefs they get upset. Poor folks. Won't someone please hear their grievances? Good thing fox, gateway pundit and others are covering this colossally important topic of white grievance.

I watch sports to getaway from Political crap. I would watch news shows if I wanted that.

Prime Baby Bron Bron 5.9 million
Prime Jordan Era 22.9 million

From 1993-2020that time the US has grown from 260 million to 330 million so Baby Bron Bron would need over 29 million to account for inflation. He has approximately 1 viewer for every 5 jordan did.
The worst part of you post is acting like everyone that avoids politics is a white racist. Almost 98 million eligible voters in the US opted out of the last election, are they all racists too?
A big **** You from those of us that just want sports to be sports.
But not really though. Patriotism now is really just someone using that to rename their racism.

Such bullshit. I’m a content of character person and earning what you have by being qualified and working hard. Seems like a famous person said that. Doling out opportunities based simply on race and heated rhetoric is cowardice and a slippery slope to destruction.

There is nothing more racist today than the cancel culture and white-shaming addicts.
I think too many people wake up in the morning looking for a reason to be pissed off at someone who thinks differently than they do.
The Ultra Right wake up every morning looking for a reason to be pissed off and Leftists’ heads pop off the pillow every morning wondering how they can be a professional victim that day.

if folks want to make political statements ... cool .... let them ... but don’t bitch about sins of America’s past and then turn a blind eye to genocide and slave labor that is currently happening today just because one of your biggest financial backers are fans.

F* China !!!!!!!!!
Finally, our army of pregnant women will have form-fitting clothes to help them in battle.
Saw that last night. China's head of education making a push to make their young boys more masculine. We are making flight suits for pregnant women and better haircuts for females serving. hmmmm
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"Woke supremacy is worse than white supremacy." - Tim Scott

100% accurate.

It's cute that the woke warriors here think that people stopped watching NBA because they are racist. The league has basically always been 80+% black. It wasn't ever about that. It was about how Lebron plays the race card and alienates the fans that made him a billionaire. It was how they plastered Black Lives Matter all over the court and every commerical. It was a statement by the NBA that whites are the worst. Yeah, sorry, that's offensive to those of us who have watched it religiously our whole lives.

I love black people as much as any other race. I am from Gray Court, where we were basically 50/50 white/black (until Granny Smith apple farm brought in the Mexican workers, then we went 45/45/10). I have spent more time with black folks than most white people I know. I idolized Michael Jordan as a kid. I chose Showtime Lakers over the white white Celtics. I don't have one or two close black friends, I have entire communities that welcome me in as family.

For some punk kids, like @deshaunwatson4 or @TheValley91 or Lebron himself to come telling me/us why we do stuff or how racist we are really inside, when they don't know our hearts, pisses me off. So, I chose to cancel the NBA, like the woke cancel everyone else. NBA is dead to me for being so heavy handed with the bullshit. No more, no less.

I didn't get mad at Clemson doing their messages. Don't have an issue with NFL. Because those things never became bigger than the game. I don't watch sports for political commentary. I have paid attention to the news. I know what BLM and others are fighting for, and I have never said a word against it. Blacks deserve better than they have gotten in some avenues here. That's true. But for Lebron to be that spokesperson, as spoiled as his ass has been, and while he profits off Chinese made sneakers and is a hero in the country he bashes? Nope, nope, nope.
Idk, I guess if you truly stand for something you gotta draw the line somewhere. It's gonna take more than that to get me to stop watching tho.
I get what you’re saying, but the analogy to your supposed diehard friends and Clemson Basketball does not translate
Yikes. It has nothing to do with white people getting upset about this challenging our beliefs. Most of these woke dumb asses are in fact white in case you haven’t noticed. We simply do not want that garbage constantly shoved down our throats during sporting events. Having said that, the NBA and other leagues have every right to voice their oppression concerns for their black millionaire athletes, and we as consumers have every right to stop consuming it. It looks like Americans are speaking ... loud and clear.
I just don't think people are being real honest with themselves. I don't have a problem if you are protesting their protest by not watching, I just don't respect any of the reasoning I've ever heard behind doing so. To me the claim that they are whiners or unpatriotic is just hyperbolic nonsense used to dismiss them without even a thread of brain power. But thats just my opinion.
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Same ole same ole ... yawn! Racism on TI is alive and well. Suggestion ... read the article on Justin Foster and comment on that. Move this to the RT where it belongs along with all the OP's other posts.
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