Get Woke, Go Broke: NBA All-Star Ratings Crash, Hit All-Time Low

lol people are choosing to be more racist just to spite people? what kind of dumb shit is that

if someone calling you out or making you feel uncomfortable because of something you said/did leads you to doing more of that thing, then you're just a shitty person. self reflection goes a long way. if you took a minute and tried to understand their point of view instead of doubling down on whatever you were doing, then you both would probably be able to learn alot
They are having shitty thoughts because they are being told how shitty they are when they didn't do anything.

LOL at the rest of that. Kiss my ass. You don't know me.
They are having shitty thoughts because they are being told how shitty they are when they didn't do anything.

LOL at the rest of that. Kiss my ass. You don't know me.
that 2nd part was the universal "you" not you - shortbus22- specifically, though i guess it also applies

if someone tells you you're acting racist and your response is to double down and even exceed in what you're doing then you're probably just a shitty dude with the self reflection skills of a goldfish
that 2nd part was the universal "you" not you - shortbus22- specifically, though i guess it also applies

if someone tells you you're acting racist and your response is to double down and even exceed in what you're doing then you're probably just a shitty dude with the self reflection skills of a goldfish
LOL. Ok. More condescension and self righteousness. Page 4 of the playbook.
LOL. Ok. More condescension and self righteousness. Page 4 of the playbook.
i mean i don't see how that's condescending at all

if your wife walks up to you and says you're acting like an asshole, do you just double down on what you're doing, or do you reflect on what you did and have a discussion about it?
Racism means that you think you are better than another based solely on race. Or you hate someone because of their race.

Those things aren’t happening often in the real world imho. I don’t hear people murmuring the n word, or excluding kids because of color, or other things that used to happen frequently.

But now, stereotyping is considered racism. I think that’s bullshit. The funniest comedies in history have centered around stereotypes. All of us stereotype people, one way or another.

Blacks and whites should be equal under law. They should have the same opportunities in life. Both should be able to be pulled over by the cops and not fear for their well fair. But the two races have stereotypes that are accurate. Telling me I can’t talk about those is insulting.

Chris Rock, Richard Prior, Jamie Foxx... you name it. These guys made hilarious comments about race, both ways, that were accurate and so funny. But now, nobody else is allowed that room to speak. It’s dumb.
1. The definition of racism is more broad than that.

2. Unless it's overt (Segregation, lynching, racial violence, etc), racism can be very difficult to prove. All the offender has to do is say, "No that's not true", and then you are left with the burdon to prove it.

Ex: Professional hair standards in corporate america.

It does not take a genius to see that the majority of these people up in arms about players kneeling at football games, for instance, do not actually give a crap about upholding the respect of the flag. If they actually cared that much why do they not also get up in arms about the other ways the flag is "disrespected" according to code.

It's incredibly obvious that it is the meaning behind the action and not the action itself that is the issue. And yes, race is a driving factor in that view.
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1. The definition of racism is more broad than that.

2. Unless it's overt (Segregation, lynching, racial violence, etc), racism can be very difficult to prove. All the offender has to do is say, "No that's not true", and then you are left with the burdon to prove it.

Ex: Professional hair standards in corporate america.

It does not take a genius to see that the majority of these people up in arms about players kneeling at football games, for instance, do not actually give a crap about upholding the respect of the flag. If they actually cared that much why do they not also get up in arms about the other ways the flag is "disrespected" according to code.

It's incredibly obvious that it is the meaning behind the action and not the action itself that is the issue. And yes, race is a driving factor in that view.
So anybody can be racist if you say so? You know what they feel better than they do? Cool.

Have a good day. I shouldn’t have entered this convo.
Yikes @shortbus22
I knew I was living rent free in others heads on this place but didn't realize you were one of the weak ones too.

You make some bold claims with no knowledge. Like you are actively trying to prove how foolish you really are.

Do so much less.
So anybody can be racist if you say so? You know what they feel better than they do? Cool.

Have a good day. I shouldn’t have entered this convo.q
So anybody can be racist if you say so? You know what they feel better than they do? Cool.

Have a good day. I shouldn’t have entered this convo.
Please quote where I said or insinuated that some can be racist just because I say so.

I know what they feel better than they do? Is it not possible to infer actions without explicit statement of intent?
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The point is people on here post trash articles like the one the OP posted, and take it for the gospel while also yelling about fake news and how journalism is dead. There isn't one ounce of decent reporting in the article, because if there was, it would mention the heavy decline in sports viewership among all sports, especially NHL and MLB where the whole "woke problem" isn't even a thing. So, it's pretty easy to figure out by doing 2 minutes of actual thinking that that isn't the reason people didn't tune into the all-star game

Rationalization from the triggered upset that we dare refuse to worship lapunk james like he does.
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This guy provides some unfiltered commentary on the subject.

Warning - Video has profane language and is not for children or easily triggered liberals.
as I said above, protesting the sins of our past and some sins of our present is fine. BUT dont step up on a soap box and preach AND then accept checks from the Chinese. Today, right now, people are being ethnically cleansed via either murder or rape and children are working in slave labor camps.

F* China!
I'm not going to sit here and say China doesn't commit horrible human rights offenses but if you are actually claiming that an American who receives compensation from the country of China can't criticize the American society out of some hypocrisy... that don't make no sense. That's a purely emotional appeal to dismissal of an argument based on a look over here approach.
Next you could argue if someone is paid by American money they can never comment on international refugee affairs because of our own troubles at the boarder.
Your dismissal is weak and it avoidance to the actual issues . Common tactic to just label someone a hypocrite so you can avoid the issue while tearing down the character of the person.
Tactics like this are why we seem to be stuck in mud in this country
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this is ridiculous.

1. you have no idea how to prove that 2nd sentence
2. even if they didn't play at an HBCU it doesn't mean that they don't care about HBCU's declining
3. most people in their teenage years don't give a shit about any of this stuff, and it's not til they're older and they have a platform they can use to enact change that they try to do anything.

Sure I can and did it before I posted (its called research). Look at where they went to school and then go to their recruiting pages and see where else they had significant interest. Not a single one of them listed a HBCU as one of their major choices.

Zion had Clemson and Duke. No where in there was SC State or Benedict.
I'm not going to sit here and say China doesn't commit horrible human rights offenses but if you are actually claiming that an American who receives compensation from the country of China can't criticize the American society out of some hypocrisy... that don't make no sense......

I never said an American cant, but ....the out right refusal to even comment on the genocide, murder, and slave labor conducted by the Chinese .... is hypocritical at worst, virtue signaling at best.
I never said an American cant, but ....the out right refusal to even comment on the genocide, murder, and slave labor conducted by the Chinese .... is hypocritical at worst, virtue signaling at best.
Same could legitimately be said about anything anywhere. How can you comment on him not mentioning the Chinese human rights atrocities when you haven't acknowledged the genocide in Darfur?
This type of destructive argument is actually a purity test you are applying to, in this case Lebron James aka the NBA. As you state you are doing this to attack his character and make him appear a hypocrite. I'm saying that is a bad faith argument made to avoid discussing the content of what is being said, and focus on character attacks.
Same could legitimately be said about anything anywhere. How can you comment on him not mentioning the Chinese human rights atrocities when you haven't acknowledged the genocide in Darfur?
This type of destructive argument is actually a purity test you are applying to, in this case Lebron James aka the NBA. As you state you are doing this to attack his character and make him appear a hypocrite. I'm saying that is a bad faith argument made to avoid discussing the content of what is being said, and focus on character attacks.
Easy ...
Is he profiting from the genocide in Darfur? He and the NBA are directly profiting from the Chinese barbaric labor practices and accept checks from from a regime that is responsible for the murder and rape of hundreds of thousands.

Him saying that the US is evil and a racist nation BUT being silent on the ACTUAL evil atrocities committed by the Chinese WHILE profiting from their evil acts is what makes him a hypocrite. There is no "appear" about it, he is a hypocrite. Its not a "purity test" in the slightest.
Easy ...
Is he profiting from the genocide in Darfur? He and the NBA are directly profiting from the Chinese barbaric labor practices and accept checks from from a regime that is responsible for the murder and rape of hundreds of thousands.

Him saying that the US is evil and a racist nation BUT being silent on the ACTUAL evil atrocities committed by the Chinese WHILE profiting from their evil acts is what makes him a hypocrite. There is no "appear" about it, he is a hypocrite. Its not a "purity test" in the slightest.
You seem to care more about the messenger (Lebron) than the actual message (black lives arent valued equally in the US).
How is that anecdotal?
because there is no empirical data to back up the assertion that "Black lives arent valued in the US". It entirely speculative and a opinion that is built on irrational emotion. Essentially the pure definition of "anecdotal".

Just because you think something and are emotional about it, doesnt make it true.
because there is no empirical data to back up the assertion that "Black lives arent valued in the US". It entirely speculative and a opinion that is built on irrational emotion. Essentially the pure definition of "anecdotal".

Just because you think something and are emotional about it, doesnt make it true.
So you believe institutional or systemic racism doesn't exist?
Oh it absolutely exists ..... awarding Government contracts to companies based on race, amount of COVID relief to companies/individuals based on race, college admissions based on race, etc are all prime examples of racist/prejudice practices.
So, based on your responses, you believe that black people actually are on the positive side of institutional racism. Am I reading that right?
Oh it absolutely exists ..... awarding Government contracts to companies based on race, amount of COVID relief to companies/individuals based on race, college admissions based on race, etc are all prime examples of racist/prejudice practices.
you mean when govt bids have the stipulation that it must be awarded to a minority-owned business?

that's neither racist nor prejudice practices
So, based on your responses, you believe that black people actually are on the positive side of institutional racism. Am I reading that right?
I believe that people should be judged on the merits of their character and rewarded based on the decisions they make and conversely are individually accountable for the mistakes that they make as well.
I believe that people should be judged on the merits of their character and rewarded based on the decisions they make and conversely are individually accountable for the mistakes that they make as well.
If only the world was so perfect. But unfortunately the world hasn't looked at African Americans that way.
If only the world was so perfect. But unfortunately the world hasn't looked at African Americans that way.

^ This is a victims mentality ...

F racists and racism (and China), there are more good people in their world than their are racist assholes. When all you look for is the worst in people that is all youre gonna find.
^ This is a victims mentality ...

F racists and racism (and China), there are more good people in their world than their are racist assholes. When all you look for is the worst in people that is all youre gonna find.

There are good people in the world but to turn a blind eye to what is negative doesn't help anyone. There is no victim mentality. Please take the time to read the link above.
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There are good people in the world but to turn a blind eye to what is negative doesn't help anyone. There is no victim mentality. Please take the time to read the link above.

only focusing on the negative doesnt help anyone .....

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