Harris Biden Train Wreck

Deep state busily registering phantom voters and prefilling fake ballots on a daily basis though.

I’ve spoken to multiple Biden 2020 voters over the past couple weeks about their thoughts going into the 2024 election.

Here is what they said:

“I don’t think I can vote for Trump but I also can’t vote for Biden. I’m okay throwing my vote away with RFK Jr. even if that helps Trump.”

“I wish we could just have a normal person running for president on either side.”

“The Biden administration is a joke and embarrassing.”

“I don’t think I could ever get myself to vote for Trump because of January 6.”

“I am pro-choice but respect that Trump is trying to find a middle ground on the issue of abortion.”

“I feel like I either have to pick the crazy guy (Trump), or the idiot (Biden).”

“I can’t vote for Biden again. I will either not vote or will vote 3rd party.”

My biggest takeaway was the fact that these are Biden 2020 voters who have no intention of voting for Biden in 2024.

These are people who have always been liberal and did not like Trump.

Their sentiment is that Biden is so old and doing so poorly that while they can’t vote for Trump, they don’t care if he wins in 2024.

I personally think this will be a huge challenge for Biden in 2024.

I don’t see tons of Biden 2020 voters voting for Trump this time around but I do see a lot of Biden 2020 voters just deciding to stay home on Election Day.

Joe Biden's plan for "winning" in November:

Buying votes with taxpayer money and calling it "student loan forgiveness."

Paying college students federal money to register voters and calling it a "work study program."

Issuing an executive order demanding 600 federal agencies serve as part of the Democrat GOTV machine and calling it "Promoting Access to Voting."

Opposing voter ID and signature verification measures by calling it "Jim Crow 2.0."

Importing votes by refusing to enforce our laws and calling it "humane immigration policy."

Blocking ballot access for RFK Jr. and other third-party candidates and calling it "defending democracy."

Indicting his top opponent on four separate legally unprecedented charges and calling it "justice."

Joe Biden is the biggest threat to "democracy" and the rule of law of any president in American history.
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Joe Biden, and his ****ing pen
Day One
He signed the memorandum, freezing approval of rules passed in the final days of Trump’s presidency

He signed an executive order, rejoining the bullshit Paris agreement. Another self allocating ATM machine built by Biden.

He signed a proclamation, ending ban on US entry from majority Muslim countries. Once again, Trump kept us safe, and Biden only cared about votes and popularity.

He signed an order to require a mask wearing on federal property. Unconstitutional, but this regime doesn’t abide by the most sacred laws of this land.

Sign in order revising immigration enforcement policies. He revoked a Trump era policy that cracked down on communities shielding undocumented illegals from deportation.

He signed an order, incorporating undocumented illegals into our census. Trump tried to eliminate this, because he knew damn well, the Democrats wanted them all as future voters keeping them in power.

He then sign in order refocusing on the bullshit, climate crisis, and canceled the Keystone XL pipeline which produced oil from Canada to the United States. Once again, killing jobs, and our oil independence.

Biden then signed a proclamation pulling funds from our border wall being completed. Why? Because they never had intentions on sealing our border.

He signed an order, poising, federal student loan payments, all before he paid off these student loans, all in an effort to buy the youth votes, despite the Supreme Court telling him he couldn’t do this.

He signed a memorandum, reinstating deferred, and forced departure for Liberians. Widens memorandum blocked the deportation of Liberian refugees living in the US.

This came right from Obama‘s mouth as Biden signed a memorandum, strengthening, deferred action for childhood arrivals. (DACA) Obama’s baby living through Joe

And that ladies and gentlemen was day One of the most fraudulent Presidency in American history and no doubt the continuation of that big eared Kenyan Cocksucker Obamas third term. This was meant to be the beginning of the end of our Constitutional Republic. This is my very pissed off two cents
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Breaking News: 323 Drugs are in severe short supply here in the United States. These 323 drugs were never an issue under President Trump but have been in short supply since Biden was inserted in office and now there is a severe shortage and this administration isn't doing anything to increase those supplies.
This is not good.

You wanted "Build Back Better"? . . .
Well...Here it is!!!
Walmart is closing 23 stores in 8 states (all blue).
Target is closing 9 stores in 4 states (all blue).
Walgreens is closing 900 stores (mostly blue)
Bed bath and beyond is closing its remaining 360 stores.
Lowes has closed 50 stores.
Macy's is closing 150 stores (mainly blue)
Starbucks has closed 61 stores (mainly blue)
Home Depot is closing 15 stores
Dollar Tree is closing 1,000 stores
Foot Locker is closing 400 stores
Gap is closing 350 stores
Party City is closing 24 stores (mainly blue)
Big Lots is closing stores in Cali and Colorado
Burger King is closing 400 stores
Best Buy is closing 20 stores
Boston Market is closing 27 stores
Kmart only has 2 stores left
Sears closed all but 22 stores
Regal Cinemas has closed 429 movie theaters
Kroger grocery chain has closed 413 stores
US Bank is closing 23 branches
Wells Fargo is closing over 60 branches
Capital One is closing 50 branches
Bank of America is closing 20 branches
All because the economy is so wonderful.
Another Biden foreign policy disaster on deck.

Right now in Niger, the government has stopped the U.S. from doing diplomatic overflight missions.

We have Army soldiers in Niger who aren’t getting their troop rotations, their medicine, or even their basic supplies. I currently have constituents there who can’t even get clean water!

And the U.S. embassy in Niger is COVERING IT UP because of the State Department and Secretary Blinken’s embarrassing mission FAILURE!

We should never sacrifice the well-being of our service members to avoid political humiliation. I am demanding the Army get these soldiers the help that they need immediately!

Just when you think this administration couldn’t get any worse, they manage to surprise you.

The Democratic DEI cult has decided to weaponize the IRS by taking away the random component from how people are chosen for audit.

According to America First Legal, not only is the IRS engaging in race based audits but they are also withholding information about that and ignoring FOIA, as usual.

America First Legal has filed a lawsuit against the IRS to obtain information to show that the IRS is obtaining micro-data on race and ethnicity so it can tweak the audit algorithm to go after white, Asian and mixed race taxpayers.

We truly are living through Obama’s third term, the woke edition. Despicable administration