Harris/Trump Debate

The whole “post birth abortion” thing might be the weirdest lie of all the lies Trump says. I can’t get over how they just keep repeating this. It doesn’t even make sense.
The whole “post birth abortion” thing might be the weirdest lie of all the lies Trump says. I can’t get over how they just keep repeating this. It doesn’t even make sense.
The VA governor did say some weird stuff but it was a long time ago and super pointless to bring that up.

But I’ve never understood why someone would be ok with a 16 week abortion but not ok with a 28 week abortion.
They’re literally on the immigration issue - Trump’s best issue, his strongest issue - and she hit a cheat code and insulted the size of his crowds and instead of hitting actual talking points on immigration he’s ranting about nothing
It was such a lay-up and he just couldn't help himself:

1. I didn't kill the bill, I didn't have a vote. But no, I was not in favor of the bill because it tied immigration response to the US spending large amounts of money on foreign wars instead of using that money to help Americans here at home.
2. I'm just glad she finally admitted that the immigration policies of her administration created a huge problem that needed addressing.
3. And yes, I invite anyone who wants to attend one of my rallies and they can see for themselves what kind of rally we have and whether anyone leaves early.

It's so easy and he just can't do it.
Amazing how people can see different things. I’ve missed bits and pieces as I’m on a plane and going through announcements and what not. But Harris is winning so far and she’s baited him a couple of times. The ralley thing got him good. He’s gone off the rails a couple of times.
She’s doing a good job of staying poised, not getting into a tit for tat, and just letting him rant. And since she’s not stuttering and stammering like Biden was she’s coming off much stronger.

I really thought her debating Trump was a mistake and he would dominate her, but so far I think she’s coming off much better.
Her cadence is awful. Like nails on a chalk board.

No wonder she finished last in 2020

She says America is exhausted ….. yeah from her policies of the last 4 years.
Kamala would have zero percent chance of winning a democratic primary. She’s just not sharp or charismatic.

But Trump can’t help himself.
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Amazing how people can see different things. I’ve missed bits and pieces as I’m on a plane and going through announcements and what not. But Harris is winning so far and she’s baited him a couple of times. The ralley thing got him good. He’s gone off the rails a couple of times.
She is doing ok, but it will not move the needle for ber.

Her voice is awful. Her cadence is awful, she still has the policies of the last 4 years to defend.

She is saying all this stuff but has done ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING while in office.

I predict no movement in polling a week from now.
She’s doing a good job of staying poised, not getting into a tit for tat, and just letting him rant. And since she’s not stuttering and stammering like Biden was she’s coming off much stronger.

I really thought her debating Trump was a mistake and he would dominate her, but so far I think she’s coming off much better.
She's done a great job of throwing in some triggers very casually like Hannibal Lecter/crowd size/him being a rapist/6 bankruptcies, etc.
Trump says we use Taiwan for chip manufactoring. Sir, that has changed, thanks to the Biden admin.
wrong - I develop and manufacture chips in USA and Taiwan. It has nothing to do with Biden.

Chip manufacturing came back to USA due to a drop in the cap gains tax and the threat of China controlling the supply chain.

Given those facts, so far Trump is sucking in this debate).
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