Heritage Foundation's Impending Coup Attempt


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2007
Greenville, SC

Harris will win the election but looks like the Heritage Projects plan is to convince states that split their votes, Maine & Nebraska and swing states that have Republican SOS to refuse to certify their elections so that Harris won’t have the 270 votes necessary. Then the election would leave the electoral college process and move to the House. Each State Delegation gets one vote, the winner is whoever gets the simply majority, 26 votes. Their state determines who their delegation must vote for. Some of the swing states have Republican houses that can force a vote for Trump even though their electoral college votes went to Harris. This is a dangerous game they’re playing.

Overturning tens of millions of votes would be a big, big mistake. If this happens and it goes to SCOTUS who then tries to install Trump, Biden can declare martial law and override Congress and the Supreme Court. When martial law is in place, as Commander in Chief, Biden has unlimited authority to make and enforce laws. He could remove Thomas, Alito and Roberts. He could remove the members of Congress that participated in January 6th. He could implement the voting rights act & make it retroactive to force the states to certify the delegates as voted for by the people. He could arrest all members of the Heritage Foundation for attempting a coup on the nation.

This is all very, very serious but the Heritage Foundation are doing all they can to initiate the coup. They have to be stopped at all costs.

Harris will win the election but looks like the Heritage Projects plan is to convince states that split their votes, Maine & Nebraska and swing states that have Republican SOS to refuse to certify their elections so that Harris won’t have the 270 votes necessary. Then the election would leave the electoral college process and move to the House. Each State Delegation gets one vote, the winner is whoever gets the simply majority, 26 votes. Their state determines who their delegation must vote for. Some of the swing states have Republican houses that can force a vote for Trump even though their electoral college votes went to Harris. This is a dangerous game they’re playing.

Overturning tens of millions of votes would be a big, big mistake. If this happens and it goes to SCOTUS who then tries to install Trump, Biden can declare martial law and override Congress and the Supreme Court. When martial law is in place, as Commander in Chief, Biden has unlimited authority to make and enforce laws. He could remove Thomas, Alito and Roberts. He could remove the members of Congress that participated in January 6th. He could implement the voting rights act & make it retroactive to force the states to certify the delegates as voted for by the people. He could arrest all members of the Heritage Foundation for attempting a coup on the nation.

This is all very, very serious but the Heritage Foundation are doing all they can to initiate the coup. They have to be stopped at all costs.
Sounds similiar to how Harris was installed. Going against the wishes of 14 million voters. But I’m just a conspiracy theorist.
Sounds similiar to how Harris was installed. Going against the wishes of 14 million voters. But I’m just a conspiracy theorist.
Those 14 million voters had already voted for her when they voted for Biden since she is his VP, and knowing Biden's age, we all thought it was possible she'd step in eventually anyway. We aren't the least bit upset about it.
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Some people are saying the Supreme Court might have fvcked up royally when it didn't wait until Trump was actually back in office to grant him full immunity. Because, well, Biden also now has full immunity.

There is nothing the GOP can do to steal this election like it's planning to.
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Wow whoever this Heritage foundation is they must rule the world. Our new overlords the Heritage foundation.
Those 14 million voters had already voted for her when they voted for Biden since she is his VP, and knowing Biden's age, we all thought it was possible she'd step in eventually anyway. We aren't the least bit upset about it.
Dpic is already on the kamala or Valhalla train.
Wow whoever this Heritage foundation is they must rule the world. Our new overlords the Heritage foundation.
Yet you have no qualms whatsoever pushing the lie of a deep state led by George Soros. Not even an ounce of self awareness.

And nobody believes that you don't know who the Heritage Foundation is.
So it's becoming very clear that this is what Kevin Roberts was talking about when he said "bloodless coup," as well as the "secret victories already that they don't know about.

Bottom line, Trump and magas are going to force a Constitutional Crisis in November. Thank goodness the Supreme Court has granted Joe Biden blanket immunity for official business.