Hunter Biden verdict

I wouldn't bet on it. There is plenty of evidence but RINOs/DEMONrats are spineless.
What RINOs? The Committee is headed by Ultra-MAGAs and besides, all the RINOs(normal Republicans) have jumped ship to get away from the crazy. So the ONLY reason they aren't impeaching him is because they have no evidence - period.

The Democrats are even begging them to do it, but those spineless pussies know they have nothing...
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I have the same amount of evidence and fact that you, your uncle, and your father sold out this country to foreign adversaries as you do on them. I want you to answer for my unsubstantiated beliefs.
Show me the evidence then.

The evidence is out there on the Biden family.
I have the same amount of evidence and fact that you, your uncle, and your father sold out this country to foreign adversaries as you do on them. I want you to answer for my unsubstantiated beliefs.
"same amount of evidence and fact that you"

Let's see it b!tch.
What RINOs? The Committee is headed by Ultra-MAGAs and besides, all the RINOs(normal Republicans) have jumped ship to get away from the crazy. So the ONLY reason they aren't impeaching him is because they have no evidence - period.

The Democrats are even begging them to do it, but those spineless pussies know they have nothing...
You love you some repubs when you think they back up your beliefs.
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I'm just sharing information and asking questions. As Growls always argues, that's not tacit endorsement. I'm just spreading information that's out there in the ether.

Is that really what you're doing?
And what would that be?
Typical Marxist communist!

You folks show who you are every day. It doesn't take a "rocket surgeon" to figure this out.

Let's talk about it:
You Support illegal immigrants-Check
You Support abortion all the way up to birth-Check
You Support LGBTQ++iixyzabc (I don't want to leave anyone out, but it's just making it up at this point)-Check
You Support higher taxes-Check
You Support defunding police-Check

Those are just a few.

Now you may disagree with many of those listed above but you SUPPORT them. You vote for people who support them.
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Is there? What would that evidence be? Never mind, it'll just be some made up bullshit that exists only in your mind.
You absolutely provide nothing to this board. What "bullshit" have I made up? What exists only in my mind?

I used to think 73 dick picks @dpic73 was the absolute dumbest MF'er on this board.

You have proved me wrong.

Good luck with being stupid all your life.
Typical Marxist communist!

You folks show who you are every day. It doesn't take a "rocket surgeon" to figure this out.

Let's talk about it:
You Support illegal immigrants-Check
You Support abortion all the way up to birth-Check
You Support LGBTQ++iixyzabc (I don't want to leave anyone out, but it's just making it up at this point)-Check
You Support higher taxes-Check
You Support defunding police-Check

Those are just a few.

Now you may disagree with many of those listed above but you SUPPORT them. You vote for people who support them.
Oh, okay. Let's dismantle all this real quick for you.

You Support illegal immigrants-Check - I support legal immigration, and a path to easier citizenship for undocumented immigrants. I don't think all undocumented immigrants are drug using criminals who want to rape and murder people like MAGA would have you believe. I also know that without undocumented labor our economy would grind to a halt because Americans won't do the jobs that they're willing to do.
You Support abortion all the way up to birth-Check - I support a woman's right to choose, and late term abortion when the health of the fetus or mother is in danger.
You Support LGBTQ++iixyzabc (I don't want to leave anyone out, but it's just making it up at this point)-Check Yes, I support equality for everyone. I don't care who someone loves or what they identify as. I believe they should be free to love whoever they want without trailer trash harassing them.
You Support higher taxes-Check I support higher taxes on businesses and billionaires who exploit current loopholes to pay less than they rightfully should. I do not support higher taxes on individuals/families unless they rake in over $1mm/year in income.
You Support defunding police-Check I support increased transparency and regulation in how LEOs use their funding, and I support smarter funding for our LEOs. I believe that an armed response isn't necessary for every call, and sometimes it would be more prudent to send an official that doesn't have a firearm to defuse situations.

I, unfortunately, live in a country where there are only 2 options to choose from, so i'm forced to vote for the party that most closely aligns with my priorities. The GOP doesn't align anywhere with my current views since all they're doing is nominating terrible people who are trying to pull America into some sort of theocratic hellhole.
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Lol. You first.
Good gracious.

How stupid are you?

You follow me on everything, like a stalker, but you have no idea what is going on in the world. You're absolutely that stupid.

What are your plans when the welfare checks get cut off?
  • Like
Reactions: TigerGrowls
Good gracious.

How stupid are you?

You follow me on everything, like a stalker, but you have no idea what is going on in the world. You're absolutely that stupid.

What are your plans when the welfare checks get cut off?
Lol. I can assure you I'm smarter than you. When I check threads to see the latest, your drivel just jumps out at me. Sorry. You could stop posting dumb shit, but then I lose some entertainment.

I don't know if you exaggerate things that you don't like, and want to legislate, to make a point, or if you actually believe the lies you're being fed. You see complicated issues in simpleton, biased terms and don't really understand the core of these issues, and the cause and effect results of actions that could be chosen. That’s my personal problem when I see some of the ridiculous fabricated grievances by people like you.
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Oh, okay. Let's dismantle all this real quick for you.

You Support illegal immigrants-Check - I support legal immigration, and a path to easier citizenship for undocumented immigrants. I don't think all undocumented immigrants are drug using criminals who want to rape and murder people like MAGA would have you believe. I also know that without undocumented labor our economy would grind to a halt because Americans won't do the jobs that they're willing to do.
You Support abortion all the way up to birth-Check - I support a woman's right to choose, and late term abortion when the health of the fetus or mother is in danger.
You Support LGBTQ++iixyzabc (I don't want to leave anyone out, but it's just making it up at this point)-Check Yes, I support equality for everyone. I don't care who someone loves or what they identify as. I believe they should be free to love whoever they want without trailer trash harassing them.
You Support higher taxes-Check I support higher taxes on businesses and billionaires who exploit current loopholes to pay less than they rightfully should. I do not support higher taxes on individuals/families unless they rake in over $1mm/year in income.
You Support defunding police-Check I support increased transparency and regulation in how LEOs use their funding, and I support smarter funding for our LEOs. I believe that an armed response isn't necessary for every call, and sometimes it would be more prudent to send an official that doesn't have a firearm to defuse situations.

I, unfortunately, live in a country where there are only 2 options to choose from, so i'm forced to vote for the party that most closely aligns with my priorities. The GOP doesn't align anywhere with my current views since all they're doing is nominating terrible people who are trying to pull America into some sort of theocratic hellhole.
It's hard to believe there are people in this country that are "your damn stupid". You are one stupid F**k! Fill in the blanks.

1. You say you support legal immigration, YET you support "ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION".
2. Roe/Wade put it in the hands of the states. You can still have an abortion in other states Wap.
3. So you are saying there is more than 2 genders? I don't care who you love, but if you say there are more than 2 genders, it just proves your stupidity.
4. Higher taxes mean higher prices for all of us. You think companies just swallow the debt?
5. You only support "increased transparency and regulation" when it supports things you believe .

You aren't "forced" to vote for anyone.

To any PERSON who feels themselves "unfortunate" to live in this country, you sorry SOB, I will gladly donate money for you to GTFO. The problem is, you'll never leave. You talk a good game, but you never leave.
  • Like
Reactions: TigerGrowls
You absolutely provide nothing to this board. What "bullshit" have I made up? What exists only in my mind?

I used to think 73 dick picks @dpic73 was the absolute dumbest MF'er on this board.

You have proved me wrong.

Good luck with being stupid all your life.
So dumb that I consistently bust your bullshit on the regular and you can't disprove anything I say because you don't dwell in a fact-based world. If I am that dumb and you still can't fact-check me, nor prove any of the traitorous drivel that flops out of your own toothless mouth, what does that say about your intelligence? 🤔
  • Like
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Lol. I can assure you I'm smarter than you. When I check threads to see the latest, your drivel just jumps out at me. Sorry. You could stop posting dumb shit, but then I lose some entertainment.

I don't know if you exaggerate things that you don't like, and want to legislate, to make a point, or if you actually believe the lies you're being fed. You see complicated issues in simpleton, biased terms and don't really understand the core of these issues, and the cause and effect results of actions that could be chosen. That’s my personal problem when I see some of the ridiculous fabricated grievances by people like you.
"I can assure you I'm smarter than you." How so?

What makes you smarter than me?

"When I check threads to see the latest, your drivel just jumps out at me. Sorry. You could stop posting dumb shit, but then I lose some entertainment."

You're actually following me on the interwebs?

"That’s my personal problem". Yes it is. You have a lot of personal problems.
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So dumb that I consistently bust your bullshit on the regular and you can't disprove anything I say because you don't dwell in a fact-based world. If I am that dumb and you still can't fact-check me, nor prove any of the traitorous drivel that flops out of your own toothless mouth, what does that say about your intelligence? 🤔
No one can disprove anything you say dick pick. No one is allowed.

I hope DICTATOR TRUMP, comes after you next.

You wrapping your hands around your mom's leg won't work.
It's hard to believe there are people in this country that are "your damn stupid". You are one stupid F**k! Fill in the blanks.

1. You say you support legal immigration, YET you support "ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION".
2. Roe/Wade put it in the hands of the states. You can still have an abortion in other states Wap.
3. So you are saying there is more than 2 genders? I don't care who you love, but if you say there are more than 2 genders, it just proves your stupidity.
4. Higher taxes mean higher prices for all of us. You think companies just swallow the debt?
5. You only support "increased transparency and regulation" when it supports things you believe .

You aren't "forced" to vote for anyone.

To any PERSON who feels themselves "unfortunate" to live in this country, you sorry SOB, I will gladly donate money for you to GTFO. The problem is, you'll never leave. You talk a good game, but you never leave.
Okay I see I was mistaken in thinking I could have a meaningful conversation with you. Your inability to understand nuance is impressive, but not entirely surprising given what I’ve learned from reading your posts these few years.
No one can disprove anything you say dick pick. No one is allowed.

I hope DICTATOR TRUMP, comes after you next.

You wrapping your hands around your mom's leg won't work.
Spoken like a true "patriot". Disgusting you served in the US military and have no clue about freedom. Why don't you move to Russia? They need soldiers. Trump's dream is to make our country Russia lite.....
Okay I see I was mistaken in thinking I could have a meaningful conversation with you. Your inability to understand nuance is impressive, but not entirely surprising given what I’ve learned from reading your posts these few years.
Spoken like a true "patriot". Disgusting you served in the US military and have no clue about freedom. Why don't you move to Russia? They need soldiers. Trump's dream is to make our country Russia lite.....
You think I'm going to move to another country? LOL. Give up the country I was born in to stupid f**ks like yourself? Give up paying for all you leeches? It not gonna happen.

What does freedom mean to you? I know it doesn't mean sh!t to you.

That's because you've NEVER DONE ANYTHING FOR THIS COUNTRY! NOTHING, outside of cashing a check.
Okay I see I was mistaken in thinking I could have a meaningful conversation with you. Your inability to understand nuance is impressive, but not entirely surprising given what I’ve learned from reading your posts these few years.
HAHAHA. You never thought you were going to have a meaningful conversation. You sought to provoke. That was your only reason for being here.

You want a conversation, lets talk about your economy, or your gas prices, or your food prices. We can start there.

What say you?
Typical Marxist communist!

You folks show who you are every day. It doesn't take a "rocket surgeon" to figure this out.

Let's talk about it:
You Support illegal immigrants-Check
You Support abortion all the way up to birth-Check
You Support LGBTQ++iixyzabc (I don't want to leave anyone out, but it's just making it up at this point)-Check
You Support higher taxes-Check
You Support defunding police-Check

Those are just a few.

Now you may disagree with many of those listed above but you SUPPORT them. You vote for people who support them.
My God you folks are not smart. It's frankly sad.
  • Like
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You think I'm going to move to another country? LOL. Give up the country I was born in to stupid f**ks like yourself? Give up paying for all you leeches? It not gonna happen.

What does freedom mean to you? I know it doesn't mean sh!t to you.

That's because you've NEVER DONE ANYTHING FOR THIS COUNTRY! NOTHING, outside of cashing a check.
Lol. Wow. That's most asinine thing I've heard today.
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HAHAHA. You never thought you were going to have a meaningful conversation. You sought to provoke. That was your only reason for being here.

You want a conversation, lets talk about your economy, or your gas prices, or your food prices. We can start there.

What say you?

Glad to have a discussion, unfortunately you have demonstrated that you aren't capable of understanding nuance. There's just no point.
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HAHAHA. You never thought you were going to have a meaningful conversation. You sought to provoke. That was your only reason for being here.

You want a conversation, lets talk about your economy, or your gas prices, or your food prices. We can start there.

What say you?
Not Wap. But economy is good. But you don't understand that, because it goes against your cult beliefs. Government has little to do with gas prices. And you want the government to intervene in profit gouging by food companies? What about capitalism? I can't wait for your uneducated response.
Not Wap. But economy is good. But you don't understand that, because it goes against your cult beliefs. Government has little to do with gas prices. And you want the government to intervene in profit gouging by food companies? What about capitalism? I can't wait for your uneducated response.
"But economy is good". hahaha Maybe for you, but not other folks. When the economy is good, everyone feels it. When it is bad, everyone feels it.

"you want the government to intervene in profit gouging by food companies" I don't want the gov't to do a damn thing. Joe could touch a bar of gold and turn it into a pile of shiff, or put it in his pocket and tell you he never touched it.

Why are you Marxist wrong about everything? Oh, I know. Your policies don't work unless you are stealing from others.
HAHAHA. You never thought you were going to have a meaningful conversation. You sought to provoke. That was your only reason for being here.

You want a conversation, lets talk about your economy, or your gas prices, or your food prices. We can start there.

What say you?
He literally respectfully took the time and gave his views on the issues you provided. And you called him stupid and then made up restated his views, except you made them up in the extreme so you could be angry at them. He tried to start a conversation.
What RINOs? The Committee is headed by Ultra-MAGAs and besides, all the RINOs(normal Republicans) have jumped ship to get away from the crazy. So the ONLY reason they aren't impeaching him is because they have no evidence - period.

The Democrats are even begging them to do it, but those spineless pussies know they have nothing...
FAKE NEWS!! Repub conference in DC is majority rino unfortunately.
  • Haha
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He literally respectfully took the time and gave his views on the issues you provided. And you called him stupid and then made up restated his views, except you made them up in the extreme so you could be angry at them. He tried to start a conversation.
Really: "you called him stupid and then made up restated his views". Is English your secondary language?

Show me in the post you quoted where I called him stupid. I'm sure I have called him stupid at some time in the past, but that is beside the point. I will call you stupid right now, just because you take up for him.
Not Wap. But economy is good. But you don't understand that, because it goes against your cult beliefs. Government has little to do with gas prices. And you want the government to intervene in profit gouging by food companies? What about capitalism? I can't wait for your uneducated response.
The solid majority of Americans do not agree with you on the economy.
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FAKE NEWS!! Repub conference in DC is majority rino unfortunately.
You've lost your damn mind. The Oversight Committee is a cesspool of magats
