I know a lot of you hate on Newspring. But did any of you attend today's

Arch. Obviously I was that naive. Just look at my months vs posts. I simply put newspring in there bc I assumed there were other folks on the board that attended the church. And the only reason I've responded so much is I'm answering questions or comments. Go back and search my username and see. How much I've posted. I've never posted this many replies in a given month.
My biggest concern, CUtigerfan33, is the snake oil salesman is deeply involved in Clemson University athletics. And well done on the gif!!!
Newspring is doing a lot of good work attracting people to church and changing lives, That's a fact. I don't go to Newspring and don't plan on it anytime soon as I like my church, but as a Christian, I am pulling hard for Newspring to succeed in continuing to change lives and point people to God. However, I do worry about them. I don't know that I can properly express my concerns, but I do see things every now and then that causes me to raise my eyebrow and say "hmmm".

One note: I am done with young preachers wearing skinny jeans, untucked button down shirts and French looking shoes. Of course that's coming from a nearly 50 year old guy that thinks the sun rises and shines with a pair of loose fitting jeans, a polo shirt and docksiders without socks. I know I am behind the times when it comes to clothes, but It's getting to the point that I can't tell these guys apart.
NewSpring Church and Perry Noble have been a HUGE part of me having a closer personal relationship with God. Anyone who disagrees with Perry's "style" or "message" just simply stay away from NewSpring and you don't have anything to worry about.

Now, about the videos- I think Clemson's Video was better for a few reasons. First, the voice overs in Clemson's videos were of actual announcers talking about the "experience" Death Valley. Second, that's video is played when the busses start moving from the locker room. Clemson packed a pretty good amount of quality into their video. I think the theme should stay the same, but the highlights on the video should be updated yearly.

The one they played for Carolina was of good quality, but as was stated earlier it was packed with lies about "tradition" and "excellence" .. Since when? Also, the voice over was scripted, and not actual cut-ups of live announcers.
The cross certainly wasn't used originally as a symbol because of the absolute terror associated with crucifixion. Not exactly something people would parade around with on their neck as jewelry. I believe the fish and dove were 2 early symbols.

Not that any of this is relevant to this thread.
Orange blood. I've seen our video numerous times so maybe I just was a little desensitized. It just seemed a little more dated to me. W our traditions and some of the incredible players we've had and some of the incredible moments we've had (Lsu uga osu). I think we could do better. Maybe I'm off base tho.
What has Perry Noble done on this earth that should make me care what he thinks about God? Is he privy to some deeper secret knowledge that I can't get myself? Does he have a vastly superior intellect? Has he lived a life of poverty and charity? Is he a holy man, a modern day prophet, capable of converting the masses simply by reflecting God's countenance in his simple nature? Or is it something else? I ask again, and I'm serious, why any of you think this man knows more about the nature and essence of the Almighty than you do?
Originally posted by MTTiger19:
Today we were asked to wear our fav team colors. Obviously they knew clemson and scar would be the main schools represented. So at the beginning they showed the entrances videos for both schools. Look I get people don't like Newspring. I wasn't trying to start a debate about whether you like it or not. Or what your idea of church is. To each his own. I was hoping some others attended and had an opinion on the videos. If you'd like to know how he tied it in go to and check it out. It was a nice tie in. Sorry for asking.
If they get the PATRONS to wear their favorite breastaurant attire next week, I'll definitely attend and increase attendance.
Hooters, Tilted Kilt , Twin Peaks. Can't really lose uniting all men, all the while the Cock/Tiger competition is divisive.

Im a church leader!!!
Originally posted by 88MechEng:
Newspring is doing a lot of good work attracting people to church and changing lives, That's a fact. I don't go to Newspring and don't plan on it anytime soon as I like my church, but as a Christian, I am pulling hard for Newspring to succeed in continuing to change lives and point people to God. However, I do worry about them. I don't know that I can properly express my concerns, but I do see things every now and then that causes me to raise my eyebrow and say "hmmm".
Here's some good stuff...

The Church
Originally posted by Cavitybacks:
The cross certainly wasn't used originally as a symbol because of the absolute terror associated with crucifixion. Not exactly something people would parade around with on their neck as jewelry. I believe the fish and dove were 2 early symbols.

Not that any of this is relevant to this thread.
It is relevant, at least two people mentioned the cross, and lack thereof, without having any knowledge of the origin of the cross as a symbol of Christianity. You are correct, it was not only until crucifixion was banned, outlawed, or whatever as a method of punishment/death, but several generations had passed that had not seen a cross in action or the process of crucifixion. And like you said, the cross is nothing to celebrate, but the empty tomb is. Jesus had to endure the cross in order to pay for our salvation, but the cross did not make him our savior. Lots of people were crucified during those times, the empty tomb is what makes Jesus our savior.
Originally posted by doodog:
I've read where Noble doesn't let kids come to the "sanctuary" (if they even call it that) because it will distract others. But then he has "favorite college team day"? And that wasn't going to be a distraction?


I saw them coming out in masses at the Gwd campus. He does what he can to get a few more dollars in the bucket I guess.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
No, you're mistaken. Children aren't allowed in the auditorium/sanctuary due to subject matter. People who leave the auditorium/sanctuary are not allowed to re-enter due to being a distraction.
Here is my question...why does it bother you so much what Newspring does? Why do you even care?

This is not like politics where even though you might not have voted for the people in office and agree with what they're doing, you still have to do what they say. I understand the frustration on the subject of politics. This is Church, specifically one church, if you don't like it, there are plenty of others. And what I find really interesting, it's not non-Christians who have the biggest gripes with Newspring, it's other Christians or people who think they're Christians.

This is nothing but jealousy. People can't stand the fact that a preacher has a better house than them, has a better car than them, or whatever. They try to justify their ill feelings by saying all sorts of ridiculous things and making wild accusations.

So I ask again, why do you even care?
Re: I have a question for you New Springers.

Originally posted by catchandrelease:
It was the choice of my church based on it's instruction and my parents based on their believes. Which is a long standing tradition going back hundreds of years. It was not based on publicity for the church or minister which is the case with your church. Are you saying my church and parents were wrong and misguided in my baptism? And since I was an infant my parents and my church wanted my soul to be saved in case something happened to me. On the one hand, I am glad more young people are going to church, but I am afraid that these mega churches are doing it for the wrong reason. Again, I just do not put much faith in a minister wearing expensive clothing, rolex watch, living in a mansion and driving an expensive car. I refer to the Rev. Billy Graham who lives here in Black Mountain and lives in the same modest home he has lived in for years.
No, they were not wrong or misguided in following a tradition. But being baptized as a child did not save you "just in case".

The real question there is what happens when an infant dies, or when someone who has never even heard the gospel dies? I don't know the answer to that question, but I know that God is just. I like to think that in God's all-knowing nature, he would not put someone on this earth who had no chance, the whole free will vs predestination argument, but the answer to that question has not yet been revealed either.

But if you really want to get down to the nuts and bolts of it, baptism is not something that can be done TO you, no matter what your age. Baptism is something you do for yourself and others around you. It's a physical act that represents what has already taken place inside you when you accepted Jesus as your savior.
Originally posted by Trading Tiger:

Originally posted by Cavitybacks:
The cross certainly wasn't used originally as a symbol because of the absolute terror associated with crucifixion. Not exactly something people would parade around with on their neck as jewelry. I believe the fish and dove were 2 early symbols.

Not that any of this is relevant to this thread.
It is relevant, at least two people mentioned the cross, and lack thereof, without having any knowledge of the origin of the cross as a symbol of Christianity. You are correct, it was not only until crucifixion was banned, outlawed, or whatever as a method of punishment/death, but several generations had passed that had not seen a cross in action or the process of crucifixion. And like you said, the cross is nothing to celebrate, but the empty tomb is. Jesus had to endure the cross in order to pay for our salvation, but the cross did not make him our savior. Lots of people were crucified during those times, the empty tomb is what makes Jesus our savior.
I take it that you think a lot of Hymns should not be sang in church then such as "The Old Rugged Cross", "Near the Cross", "The Way of the Cross Leads Me Home", "At the Cross", etc.?
Not trying to be smart about it because I agree with most of what you're saying. I just don't agree that the cross shouldn't be celebrated. Without the crucifixion there is no resurrection. You can't have one without the other, so in my eyes they both have to be celebrated. Jesus did not have to be crucified, but he knew that was the only way for you and I to be forgiven. Therefore he took the burden that should've fallen upon us, put them on his shoulders and died for us so that we could live. That certainly deserves a great deal of gratitude the way I look at it. Again, not trying to be smart. That's just the way I see it.
Jesus was very good about using the tools and materials around him to make his point. I haven't seen the sermon that the OP is referencing with the sports videos, but I can imagine that it was VERY effective in making the point Perry wanted to make. I know how fired up I get when the videos start rolling in Death Valley, to the point of chill bumps some times. Imagine sitting in a church service and getting that same feeling and then realize you are sitting in church. Your mind would start processing many thoughts including the comparison of how this makes you feel and how "church" things make you feel. Now I get that those two things are vastly different and that for the most part we should behave respectful and reverential in church, but for the type of church that Newspring is and for the things that they are looking to accomplish, I think this fits.

However, they have done some things, mostly promotional kind of stuff, that I think is wrong and I do think they do some of this just to be wild and extravagant. As someone said earlier, I don't remember Jesus handing out chariots to get people to come to him. It's interesting to hear some of Perry's contemporaries wonder about their use of the big flashy tricks in services and if they are really keeping the focus on Jesus. Hopefully Perry is doing the same type of reflection.

One other thing, if you want to see a young preacher that is solid check out Francis Chan. I highly recommend his books and any message that he gives.
Originally posted by Howard's Jock:
So the sermon was about people being more involved in sports than God, do the solution is to show sports videos?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
They do stupid stuff like this at the beginning of the services. One time they played Highway to Hell from AC/DC, one time they played a video game, Sweet Home Alabama, etc. Things that get people's attention. The sermon is very elementary, as is the opening. (they don't have an opening at every service, just certain ones)
Originally posted by jeffcoat:
In before thread explodes Monday AM
Probably not going to happen. One of Perry's acolytes will email Cris and send this to the Round Table.

This who have made negative comments are probably getting their credit hacked right now.
Originally posted by chassc:

Originally posted by DecemberGrad:
What was the point of showing the pregame videos in the church? What was the text of that sermon this morning?
As for baptism: The only baptism that is required for salvation is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Water can't save you.
people have died from dehydration..
Btw, I do wish we could get some honest observations about the OP's original question, which is a good one. Which video was better? Does USuC have better film quality than us? I have a hard time imagining that with the stuff we have been putting out in the last 8 - 12 months that many programs are beating us out in this area.
This post was edited on 8/18 8:11 AM by 88MechEng
Originally posted by MTTiger19:
Jam. Please re read chass post. I am in no way claiming possessions make the man. I have what I have bc God has blessed me. My road has been long and hard. But for him to make a statement about the "lowest common denominator" is unfair and overly general.
I'll stand by what I wrote. God may have blessed you with a wonderful wife and beautiful children, great parents, good friends, etc. you know the truly important things in life. None of which you mentioned btw. He didn't bless you with a house on the golf course and the financial means to send your kids to a private school. The lowest common denominator is about the type of person you are and how you treat others. It's not about how much money you have or what material possessions you have or the type of job you have or where you live.
Originally posted by 88MechEng:
One note: I am done with young preachers wearing skinny jeans, untucked button down shirts and French looking shoes. Of course that's coming from a nearly 50 year old guy that thinks the sun rises and shines with a pair of loose fitting jeans, a polo shirt and docksiders without socks. I know I am behind the times when it comes to clothes, but It's getting to the point that I can't tell these guys apart.


The reason people hate NewSpring so much is that it is invading the Southern Baptist climate and heaven forbid you do anything different from them.

Southern Baptists are the most judgmental Christians there are in my opinion and are probably turning more people away from God and Church than they are to Him.

NewSpring is designed to bring non-believers to Church and to God. Many argue that NewSpring doesn't preach to current Christians or how to build the relationship. That is true to an extent because they believe those relationships are built through small circle groups that hold each other accountable.

Now I agree some things are over the top, but to say people worship and idolize Perry is ridiculous. I've heard just as many if not more Southern Baptists looking up to their small church's pastor.

Again, Christians should support the mission and other Christians. This debate needs to end. Like someone stated earlier, it isn't non-Christians that are hating on NewSpring, it's those Christians from other denominations and churches
These arguments sound exactly the same as the arguments for and against Scientology.
Re: I have a question for you New Springers.

Originally posted by chassc:
you have to be re-baptized to join that church? Even the satellite campuses?
No. You do not.
I'll give these mega church people credit. They have tapped into the subconscious of weak minded people and are seriously profiting. I'm surprisingly ok with this, seems like a great scam they have contrived.

Anyone want to throw in some money to start a billboard which will announce our intentions of a new church starting spring '15 called Newest Springs.

Please send funds via pay pal to TIA
Originally posted by Chefkdh:
The reason people hate NewSpring so much is that it is invading the Southern Baptist climate and heaven forbid you do anything different from them.

Southern Baptists are the most judgmental Christians there are in my opinion and are probably turning more people away from God and Church than they are to Him.

NewSpring is designed to bring non-believers to Church and to God. Many argue that NewSpring doesn't preach to current Christians or how to build the relationship. That is true to an extent because they believe those relationships are built through small circle groups that hold each other accountable.

Now I agree some things are over the top, but to say people worship and idolize Perry is ridiculous. I've heard just as many if not more Southern Baptists looking up to their small church's pastor.

Again, Christians should support the mission and other Christians. This debate needs to end. Like someone stated earlier, it isn't non-Christians that are hating on NewSpring, it's those Christians from other denominations and churches
You are correct about the second sentence.

But wrong about the first. I am sure many people there don't idolize Perry, but most do. This is proven by how insecure his followers are, and how they will defend him to no end. This is also proven by when Perry eoulf take vacations, a large portion of the church would not show up, do he stopped announcing to the church when he was going on vacation.

Recently Perry stated he would not be doing as many live services, some of them would be recorded, but he would not announced it, you wouldn't know until it was time for him to walk out that morning to begin the sermon. This was done because he knew many people would not come if he wasn't preaching.

Facts don't lie.
Originally posted by Ron Munson:

Originally posted by Chefkdh:
The reason people hate NewSpring so much is that it is invading the Southern Baptist climate and heaven forbid you do anything different from them.

Southern Baptists are the most judgmental Christians there are in my opinion and are probably turning more people away from God and Church than they are to Him.

NewSpring is designed to bring non-believers to Church and to God. Many argue that NewSpring doesn't preach to current Christians or how to build the relationship. That is true to an extent because they believe those relationships are built through small circle groups that hold each other accountable.

Now I agree some things are over the top, but to say people worship and idolize Perry is ridiculous. I've heard just as many if not more Southern Baptists looking up to their small church's pastor.

Again, Christians should support the mission and other Christians. This debate needs to end. Like someone stated earlier, it isn't non-Christians that are hating on NewSpring, it's those Christians from other denominations and churches
You are correct about the second sentence.

But wrong about the first. I am sure many people there don't idolize Perry, but most do. This is proven by how insecure his followers are, and how they will defend him to no end. This is also proven by when Perry eoulf take vacations, a large portion of the church would not show up, do he stopped announcing to the church when he was going on vacation.

Recently Perry stated he would not be doing as many live services, some of them would be recorded, but he would not announced it, you wouldn't know until it was time for him to walk out that morning to begin the sermon. This was done because he knew many people would not come if he wasn't preaching.

Facts don't lie.
My question for you is, how does that differ from any other church? It's only more relevant because there's a larger number of people that attend NewSpring. I would imagine the percentages would compare though.
Originally posted by MTTiger19:
Catch. I appreciate your traditions and I am not attacking them in any way. I think it's awesome you were raised by godly people and they wanted what's best for you. All I'm saying is that baptism as a baby meant nothing as an adult bc you didn't know what u were doing. U had no say in the matter. It'd b like comparing an atheist saying I did a ceremony on my child as an infant to b atheist. It doesn't include the actual person. That same atheist may become a great leader for Christ. All I'm saying is we, as adolescents teens or adults, know and understand what it means to b baptized. You didn't have a clue what u were doing as an infant. I don't doubt your faith, I don't deny your traditions, I don't disagree w what your folks did. But to say what happened to u as an infant vs what you CHOOSE to do as your own person is different. Whether it b getting dunked at newspring or at ninety six baptist church, YOU made that decision. That's my only point. There are several traditions in the church, heck there are traditions in life, doesn't make them right OR wrong. I hope u understand I'm not judging u.
I did not read the entire thread but I hope someone pointed out that there is something called confirmation at churches that baptize infants that is an opportunity for young folks to CHOOSE their commit to God. So, the whole choice argument is futile from your point of view. Parents CHOOSE to celebrate and introduce their children to their church through a baptism and part of the reason in doing it early is to give them and their entire fellow congregation the opportunity to welcome a new member and commit to accept that child and do their part in the child's spiritual upbringing. Not a bad thing to do. I believe Baptist call it a dedication. Not a big difference.
Originally posted by Chefkdh:

Originally posted by Ron Munson:

Originally posted by Chefkdh:
The reason people hate NewSpring so much is that it is invading the Southern Baptist climate and heaven forbid you do anything different from them.

Southern Baptists are the most judgmental Christians there are in my opinion and are probably turning more people away from God and Church than they are to Him.

NewSpring is designed to bring non-believers to Church and to God. Many argue that NewSpring doesn't preach to current Christians or how to build the relationship. That is true to an extent because they believe those relationships are built through small circle groups that hold each other accountable.

Now I agree some things are over the top, but to say people worship and idolize Perry is ridiculous. I've heard just as many if not more Southern Baptists looking up to their small church's pastor.

Again, Christians should support the mission and other Christians. This debate needs to end. Like someone stated earlier, it isn't non-Christians that are hating on NewSpring, it's those Christians from other denominations and churches
You are correct about the second sentence.

But wrong about the first. I am sure many people there don't idolize Perry, but most do. This is proven by how insecure his followers are, and how they will defend him to no end. This is also proven by when Perry eoulf take vacations, a large portion of the church would not show up, do he stopped announcing to the church when he was going on vacation.

Recently Perry stated he would not be doing as many live services, some of them would be recorded, but he would not announced it, you wouldn't know until it was time for him to walk out that morning to begin the sermon. This was done because he knew many people would not come if he wasn't preaching.

Facts don't lie.
My question for you is, how does that differ from any other church? It's only more relevant because there's a larger number of people that attend NewSpring. I would imagine the percentages would compare though.
It doesn't differ. There are a lot of churches that worship their preacher....and it is a problem. It just looks worse at NS because Perry eats it up....but other preachers do as well.

But yes, it is a problem at many churches and it is disturbing.
From what I have heard, I don't think I would go to New Spring. My church read through the bible and does a teaching every week on that part of the bible. It is very insightful and interesting. I am not sure they have enough scripture there in the sermons, but I have never been so not sure. I don't agree with everything I have heard out of Perry Noble either, but be careful about being too critical of churches if you're a christian. We don't want to be too judgemental.
Originally posted by tigers71:
I try to stay away from this type of thing because it always get too heated. I was raised in church and my dad tough me to judge not. I have reasons why that type of church isn't for me, but to each his/her own. I just can't seem to understand why new spring members get so hurt and angry if others don't like them. What happened to turning the other cheek? It's almost like when I was young and did wrong, but didn't want to admit that i was wrong. My conscious knew I should, but I just couldn't admit it. Members trully get angry and I see hatred in their christian eyes that I've not seen from fellow christian in my life. I also sense a holier than thou attitude from some that go there and it reminds me of when Jesus went into the temple and turned over the tables. I was at work the other day and simply said that I preferred smaller churches, but if others liked it then I'm happy for them. I got the evil eyes and was told that I wasnt a fit for them anyway since I would probably question Mr. Nobles and not trust that he knew what was best for me. Last I heard, that was God's job. With all that being said, do as you please, but quit getting angry if others don't feel the same as you.
This is not accurate at all. In any way shape or form.

It gets ATTACKED more than any other church and it's largely because of their numbers. Bigger target. People who actually go there continue to go there and see the messages week in and week out know exactly what is being preached, why it's done that way, have seen its effectiveness in their lives and the lives of others, etc. In other words, they know it's worth defending.

One of the wisest men I've ever met used to advise churches on selecting new preachers. He used to tell them "You are not the kingdom of God. You are a part of it. It is not your job to be everything to everybody. It is your job to reach those who you can reach."

He's 100% right. Newspring reaches people who have walked away from church or those who were ready to walk away from church by stripping away EVERYTHING that makes people walk away in order to create a non-intimidating environment for them to actually hear the message. It's right there in their charter "to reach people far from God." That's EXACTLY what they do. It's not supposed to be for everybody.
Originally posted by clemsonu96:

Originally posted by MTTiger19:
Catch. I appreciate your traditions and I am not attacking them in any way. I think it's awesome you were raised by godly people and they wanted what's best for you. All I'm saying is that baptism as a baby meant nothing as an adult bc you didn't know what u were doing. U had no say in the matter. It'd b like comparing an atheist saying I did a ceremony on my child as an infant to b atheist. It doesn't include the actual person. That same atheist may become a great leader for Christ. All I'm saying is we, as adolescents teens or adults, know and understand what it means to b baptized. You didn't have a clue what u were doing as an infant. I don't doubt your faith, I don't deny your traditions, I don't disagree w what your folks did. But to say what happened to u as an infant vs what you CHOOSE to do as your own person is different. Whether it b getting dunked at newspring or at ninety six baptist church, YOU made that decision. That's my only point. There are several traditions in the church, heck there are traditions in life, doesn't make them right OR wrong. I hope u understand I'm not judging u.
I did not read the entire thread but I hope someone pointed out that there is something called confirmation at churches that baptize infants that is an opportunity for young folks to CHOOSE their commit to God. So, the whole choice argument is futile from your point of view. Parents CHOOSE to celebrate and introduce their children to their church through a baptism and part of the reason in doing it early is to give them and their entire fellow congregation the opportunity to welcome a new member and commit to accept that child and do their part in the child's spiritual upbringing. Not a bad thing to do. I believe Baptist call it a dedication. Not a big difference.
yes some call it baby dedication. Basically it is more of dedicating the child into the church. The parents agree to raise the baby in a Christian manor and the church agrees to support the child. It is basically introducing the child to the church family.

All 3 of my children were dedicated. Only two have made the decision to go public and get baptized. When they did they came to us, we prayed over them, and we let the decision settle. We wanted to make sure they understood the decision they were making and what it truly meant. My 5 year old has asked to be baptized but we do not feel he has the full grasp of what he is asking for YET...

all that being said...the DECISION is accepting him into your heart and asking for a relationship. Being baptized is a celebration of going public with that decision. Not required but as my pastor has said...if you truly want a relationship with him why wouldn't you want to celebrate that and let the public know.

So many people try to make it so legalistic...the fact is if you believe he came, he died, he rose again for your sins and you ask him into your heart, ask him to forgive your sins, and you do the best job you can to live by his word then you are a Christian.

Give people 100 people the same book and you will get 100 different book reports. People will comprehend it differently...same with anything. These are stories that were told over and over in different languages and passed along the line so how do we know what is right and wrong?

Fact is if you accept him...he accepts you. If you don't he still loves you and longs for you to ask him into your heart. Pretty simplified but...why does it have to be so difficult and have so many rules?
Re: I have a question for you New Springers.

A three page religion thread without a post from me, seems odd...