Originally posted by MillerHighLife21:
Originally posted by tigers71:
Members trully get angry and I see hatred in their christian eyes that I've not seen from fellow christian in my life.
This is not accurate at all. In any way shape or form.
It gets ATTACKED more than any other church and it's largely because of their numbers. Bigger target. People who actually go there continue to go there and see the messages week in and week out know exactly what is being preached, why it's done that way, have seen its effectiveness in their lives and the lives of others, etc. In other words, they know it's worth defending.
One of the wisest men I've ever met used to advise churches on selecting new preachers. He used to tell them "You are not the kingdom of God. You are a part of it. It is not your job to be everything to everybody. It is your job to reach those who you can reach."
He's 100% right. Newspring reaches people who have walked away from church or those who were ready to walk away from church by stripping away EVERYTHING that makes people walk away in order to create a non-intimidating environment for them to actually hear the message. It's right there in their charter "to reach people far from God." That's EXACTLY what they do. It's not supposed to be for everybody.