I Love Russia

Kind of like when Bill Clinton lied under oath about his affair. He was the GD President of the US and lied under oath. He seemed to stick around.

This is actually my point EXACTLY.

Bill Clinton lied under oath to the American People and I fully believe that he should have been impeached and thrown out of office for it. He said that he didn't have sex with ML... and he did. I honestly don't give a shiit whether he banged some intern in the oval office or not. I'm sure that's not the 1st time that's happened.

I don't really care whether a sitting US Senator speaks to the Russians or not. Seems like part of the job description to me. BUT he lied under oath about it. He said that he had no contact with the Russians in the last year. He could have qualified it and said that it was part of his other duties... but he didn't. He sat in front of the confirmation committee and lied.

So my point is, those of you who think Clinton should have been thrown out b/c of lying. How do you justify Sessions lies?
This is actually my point EXACTLY.

Bill Clinton lied under oath to the American People and I fully believe that he should have been impeached and thrown out of office for it. He said that he didn't have sex with ML... and he did. I honestly don't give a shiit whether he banged some intern in the oval office or not. I'm sure that's not the 1st time that's happened.

I don't really care whether a sitting US Senator speaks to the Russians or not. Seems like part of the job description to me. BUT he lied under oath about it. He said that he had no contact with the Russians in the last year. He could have qualified it and said that it was part of his other duties... but he didn't. He sat in front of the confirmation committee and lied.

So my point is, those of you who think Clinton should have been thrown out b/c of lying. How do you justify Sessions lies?

Not that it makes a difference but Clinton was impeached.

Sessions lied and he should be called out on it. But we have a long storied tradition of not really doing anything to liars outside of political handslapping.

Like I said, unless he broke the law or intentionally subverted Democratic due process, I really don't care. The administration will continue to be a cluster and the democrats will continue to whine all the way
yes, and bill clinton was impeached as a result you rube

He was impeached by the House, and acquitted by the Senate. You conveniently failed to mention that part.

Also, don't forget the Paula Jones Case:::

More specifically, the Independent Counsel concluded that President Clinton testified falsely on three counts under oath in Clinton v. Jones. However, Ray chose to decline criminal prosecution in favor of what the Principles of Federal Prosecution call "alternative sanctions". This included being impeached:

"As a consequence of his conduct in the Jones v. Clinton civil suit and before the federal grand jury, President Clinton incurred significant administrative sanctions. The Independent Counsel considered seven non-criminal alternative sanctions that were imposed in making his decision to decline prosecution: (1) President Clinton’s admission of providing false testimony that was knowingly misleading, evasive, and prejudicial to the administration of justice before the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas; (2) his acknowledgement that his conduct violated the Rules of Professional Conduct of the Arkansas Supreme Court; (3) the five-year suspension of his license to practice law and $25,000 fine imposed on him by the Circuit Court of Pulaski County, Arkansas; (4) the civil contempt penalty of more than $90,000 imposed on President Clinton by the federal court for violating its orders; (5) the payment of more than $850,000 in settlement to Paula Jones; (6) the express finding by the federal court that President Clinton had engaged in contemptuous conduct; and (7) the substantial public condemnation of President Clinton arising from his impeachment."
These seven sanctions, Ray reasoned, were "sufficient", and therefore he did not pursue further sanctions in a criminal proceeding
Not that it makes a difference but Clinton was impeached.

Sessions lied and he should be called out on it. But we have a long storied tradition of not really doing anything to liars outside of political handslapping.

Like I said, unless he broke the law or intentionally subverted Democratic due process, I really don't care. The administration will continue to be a cluster and the democrats will continue to whine all the way

Clinton was impeached by the House, and acquitted by the Senate.
This is actually my point EXACTLY.

Bill Clinton lied under oath to the American People and I fully believe that he should have been impeached and thrown out of office for it. He said that he didn't have sex with ML... and he did. I honestly don't give a shiit whether he banged some intern in the oval office or not. I'm sure that's not the 1st time that's happened.

I don't really care whether a sitting US Senator speaks to the Russians or not. Seems like part of the job description to me. BUT he lied under oath about it. He said that he had no contact with the Russians in the last year. He could have qualified it and said that it was part of his other duties... but he didn't. He sat in front of the confirmation committee and lied.

So my point is, those of you who think Clinton should have been thrown out b/c of lying. How do you justify Sessions lies?

I guess the Democrats owe us one. Let's just call it even.
Russia is a country that can barely bake bread. About the only thing they have of value are their 1970s era ICBMs and their military.

And frankly I don't think the Russians have an interest in having a good relationship with the United States. So why oblige them?
An ends to a mean. It would certainly help keep China and North Korea in check.
Could possibly be because they have the ability to blow us off the map. I swear you libs

I'd rather be friends with just about any nation, than enemies. It doesn't make us weak to not want enemies.

Yet by almost any definition TR was a modern day liberal. So, this statement is basically backwards.

TR was definitely "Big Government" and would be a modern-day Democrat most likely. He would be a conservative with regard to guns and likely immigration, but he was a big supporter of the "Death Tax" because he felt that it kept people from being able to rest on the inheritence they get from their ancestors.

A true conservative would say that is nobody's damn business.
No big deal. Desperate fake smoke by fading Democrats.

Soviets and Russians have been trying to influence and foul up elections for decades- they likely did less this cycle than when Obama was elected. They attempt to manipulate elections in every free country that they can. Nothing new at all. This is well known in the intelligence community.

Recall Obama's major interference in Israel's last PM election?

Flynn is out because he lied to Pence, a violation of trust with the WH. His actual speaking to the Russians was no big deal. Sessions speaking to Russians was done in an official capacity on a Senate committee and is well-known. He did not lie about it and there was nothing inappropriate about it.

He's not out because he lied to Pence. The president knew within hours that he lied to Pence. Only the VP wasn't informed he was lied to. How did the VP learn of it? When the news media reported the true facts of the case. ONLY then did the President decide he had to do something and get rid of Flynn. There is no disputing those facts. If the president was really upset he had lied to both Pence and Preibus, he would have fired Flynn the moment he was presented the facts by the Acting Attorney General. He didn't.
lol at the spin in this thread. sessions, the goddamn attorney general, lied under oath. nothing more needs to be said. he has to go.

How many Obama cabinet and agency heads lied under oath(including HRC)? Should they have all been fired and should HRC have been thrown of the ballot? I didn't hear any dems calling for any of this.
Also, I have not read the transcripts of the hearing, but my assumption would be that they were trying to find out if there was anyone in the Trump campaign making contact with Russia on behalf of the campaign, which there was not. He has said he would recuse himself from investigations into Trump/Russia ties, which is more than Holder or Lynch did during investigations of Obama admin influence.
Had the Right gone full potato on Obama as the Libtards have with Trump the word Racist and hater would be used. Oh yeah...we didn't go full potato and still were called Racists and Terrorists. And when we had paid protestors screaming hatred and vitriol...oh yeah, we didn't do that.

You Libs are blind to what the previous 8 years did to us in the U.S. Now I could go on a rant with "for instances" with Obama, but it's a waste of time. So I'm going to tell you what we were told by you libs for those 8 years. GFY and get over it. didn't bother me.

Repubs didn't go full potato on Obama? You didn't read about Obama as Hitler, that he would never give up his seat as President (whole conspiracy theory on this one), that he was a communist, muslim, that he would usher in the second coming? That isn't potato?

Are you just trolling? So having your nominee lead a Birther movement wasn't potato? Openly calling for obstructionism of everything Obama did by the Senate majority leader isn't full potato, including the first time since like 1900 to not even bring to the floor of the Senate with a sitting president --to have a 'fair up and down vote' (Republican words) on a Supreme Court nominee?

I could go on and on myself so let me ask a simple question--what would Republicans going potato during the Obama admin look like to you? Can you articulate that?

As an independent, I just saw someone who committed perjury who is responsible for upholding the law. Period. (and I'm not even bringing up his sketchy KKK background, race relations, etc. etc.) If you are fine with that--well ok, but you can never claim a moral high ground through a political party if that is the case. It is sanctioning/condoning breaking the law.

You know what is full potato--claiming Obama was a dictator and then turning a blind eye to administration that paints the judiciary, the press, the intelligence community, etc. as enemies and then gets the people to condone flat out lying under oath. You don't need a #pizzagate or some other lame conspiracy theory--that is a concrete stepping stone to a dictatorship.
Ya know, there's a lot of mind-losing going on right now. If you look at polls from a few years ago, far more Republicans than Democrats were saying that Russia wasn't a friend of the US. Now, far more Democrats say that. What that means is, sadly, that the majority of people in both parties will change their perceptions solely because of how they might reflect on the partisans they favor.

Republicans would certainly be calling for investigations if it looked like the Russians had hacked into the RNC in an attempt to influence the election. Democrats would be poo-pooing the allegations in much the same way many Republican partisans are now... the only difference is that the media would be believing them and largely ignoring the allegations. I also find it hard to believe that many people would care that a Democratic AG met with the Russian Ambassador in his capacity as Senator while saying that he had no contact with Russian officials in his capacity as a surrogate.

Russia did try to hack into the RNC, they were just unsuccessful bc they didn't have crappy security. That is one thing that makes this lie pushed by dems so ludicrous. If you don't care about actual facts and just listen to the media and the dems, then you believe the narrative that the Russians specifically only targeted the DNC in an effort to sway the election despite the fact that it is simply not true. The combination of the ignorance of the general public and dishonesty of the media have produced a large group of people who either don't care about the truth or are too lazy or stupid to find it.
Repubs didn't go full potato on Obama? You didn't read about Obama as Hitler, that he would never give up his seat as President (whole conspiracy theory on this one), that he was a communist, muslim, that he would usher in the second coming? That isn't potato?

Are you just trolling? So having your nominee lead a Birther movement wasn't potato? Openly calling for obstructionism of everything Obama did by the Senate majority leader isn't full potato, including the first time since like 1900 to not even bring to the floor of the Senate with a sitting president --to have a 'fair up and down vote' (Republican words) on a Supreme Court nominee?

I could go on and on myself so let me ask a simple question--what would Republicans going potato during the Obama admin look like to you? Can you articulate that?

As an independent, I just saw someone who committed perjury who is responsible for upholding the law. Period. (and I'm not even bringing up his sketchy KKK background, race relations, etc. etc.) If you are fine with that--well ok, but you can never claim a moral high ground through a political party if that is the case. It is sanctioning/condoning breaking the law.

You know what is full potato--claiming Obama was a dictator and then turning a blind eye to administration that paints the judiciary, the press, the intelligence community, etc. as enemies and then gets the people to condone flat out lying under oath. You don't need a #pizzagate or some other lame conspiracy theory--that is a concrete stepping stone to a dictatorship.

I'm not sure you know what perjury is.

Also, how much of what you mentioned of the right's going overboard was espoused by mainstream Republicans? How much of it was part of the mainstream media narrative? It's not really comparable, in my opinion. In some ways, it shouldn't really be comparable, since Trump is personally much less fit to be president than Obama was. But that's neither here nor there if you're just comparing straight up reactions.

Drop the whole independent thing, though. It's clear that you're on a certain side, and you should recognize and acknowledge that even if you don't want to align yourself with a party in order not to think of yourself as partisan.
Russia did try to hack into the RNC, they were just unsuccessful bc they didn't have crappy security. That is one thing that makes this lie pushed by dems so ludicrous. If you don't care about actual facts and just listen to the media and the dems, then you believe the narrative that the Russians specifically only targeted the DNC in an effort to sway the election despite the fact that it is simply not true. The combination of the ignorance of the general public and dishonesty of the media have produced a large group of people who either don't care about the truth or are too lazy or stupid to find it.

Yes, but the point is that if the shoe were on the other foot, Republicans wouldn't be trying to downplay what happened and they certainly wouldn't be cozying up to Russia. The shift in majority of people's opinions of Russia in each party is really odd.
What this all means to me is that like great dynasties/countries in the past we are all doomed to the record of history. Of course,history as written, as in all things has a tendency to be written by the prevailing authority. That's why I stated record of history. There is so much vitriol in this country right now. I hate you for what you stand for and you hate me. We have lost sight of any common good! I am glad I only have a few years left on this earth! Recorded history in a century, i believe will look upon the United states as a country that turned its back on God. What written history will show?
What this all means to me is that like great dynasties/countries in the past we are all doomed to the record of history. Of course,history as written, as in all things has a tendency to be written by the prevailing authority. That's why I stated record of history. There is so much vitriol in this country right now. I hate you for what you stand for and you hate me. We have lost sight of any common good! I am glad I only have a few years left on this earth! Recorded history in a century, i believe will look upon the United states as a country that turned its back on God. What written history will show?
Yes, but the point is that if the shoe were on the other foot, Republicans wouldn't be trying to downplay what happened and they certainly wouldn't be cozying up to Russia. The shift in majority of people's opinions of Russia in each party is really odd.
The shoe was on both feet- that is my point. The Russians did try to hack the RNC. Also, I will be shocked if we actually try to cozy up to Russia, so to speak. Would I prefer to have a good relationship with Russia, sure I would. I would also like to have a good relationship with Iran, but that's not gonna happen either. I don't think Trump has said we will have a good relationship with Russia. He has said he would like to have one, but we will see how it works out- and I don't think it will.
I'm not a supporter of either major party. I'm a supporter of America. I find this as big a waste of time as the Hillary emails. How does focusing on any of this crap help the American people with jobs, healthcare, or a better way of life. American politics have sucked since Bush II and our elected leaders are so focused on tearing each other down that they do zero work for the actual people who voted for them.
I agree. It is equally terrifying that the dems are have the media working for them as it is the pubs are working for Russian interests.
Where were liberals when Obama mocked Romney for saying Russia was the biggest geopolitical threat. Why do they all of a sudden have an erection for Russia

you realize that it's just as ironic for conservatives to suddenly be very pro-russia, right?
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So a quick question to all you Trump supporters out there.

After being told repeatedly that Trump and staff had no contact with the Russians during the campaign. We now have confirmation that at least two of the staffers (former NSA Flint and now AG Sessions) did have contact. Flint obviously lied about it, and looking at the tape of the Senate Confirmation hearings, it's pretty hard to see how Sessions didn't as well.
Does this bother you?

Hanging up now and listening.

Does not bother me at all. This is an urban myth orchestrated by the outgoing Obama administration that broke numerous laws and set up a a narrative to bring Trump down. They illegally tapped Flynn and Sessions and are now leaking information to the press. Obama set this up to put Trump in bind from the start by placing sanctions on Russia right before he leaves office for an unproven action first of all. It is obvious that Trump will lift the sanctions and I support it. I am all for the US and Russia getting along! Russia did not come in and proxy vote for US citizens and the emails stolen from Hillary and company were real regardless of who stole them. Any of you that think the US and other countries do not attempt to influence foreign affairs and elections need to get a grip and just realize that it happens and will continue to happen. This is just a time release bomb that Obama left for Trump along with other activities he is perpetrating a mile from the White House in his new bunker compound where he is trying to set up a shadow govt.

- Flynn went down due to not fully notifying VP Pence(only) of the depth of conversation.
- Sessions did not even work in the Trump campaign!

This is all a scam to mire Trump in the muck. The democrats have nothing else but to obstruct and cause trouble. Donald Trump is a patriot and loves America!
I disagree. We have evidence - confirmed by all of our intelligence agencies - that russia using hacking to influence OUR election for Donald Trump. Everything they did was focused on getting Trump elected. Did they influence the election? Yes. How much we really don't know, but they definitely influenced our election.

As AMERICANS, we should all damn well be wanting to know why the f&ck they did that. Why did they want Trump elected? We have a right to know. If Trump has nothing to hide, he should welcome an independent prosecutor.

And at the same time the dems should be gutting the party of all the Clinton yes men and bringing in new blood.
So a quick question to all you Trump supporters out there.

After being told repeatedly that Trump and staff had no contact with the Russians during the campaign. We now have confirmation that at least two of the staffers (former NSA Flint and now AG Sessions) did have contact. Flint obviously lied about it, and looking at the tape of the Senate Confirmation hearings, it's pretty hard to see how Sessions didn't as well.
Does this bother you?

Hanging up now and listening.

Get over it. You lost the election. Stop crying.
Because people enjoy talking about stuff. If you are one that doesn't like it - good news you can just not click on it.
Evidently, the OP is unaware of how presidential Trump appeared in his speech the other night.

Nah, he knows, and is likely panicking. I was waiting at an appointment yesterday and the TV was on The View. I had no way to turn it, unfortunately, but it was kind of interesting. Those hateful women were terrified. They were desperately trying to think of ways to tear him down, and finally just settled on saying something about his use of the wrong word when talking about the recent attacks on the Jews in the U.S. Evidently, he said "disavow" and that got them all riled up because it wasn't the correct word to use. That was my understanding but then again, I was desperately trying to tune them out so hopefully I misunderstood because that's just dumb.

BTW, speaking of those shrews on The View, weren't Whoopi and Joy Behar supposed to leave if Trump got elected? For some reason, they're still here.
Oh, and you can add Barbra Streisand to that list. And maybe Miley Cyrus. Definitely Amy Schumer.
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The next four years are going to be annoying! The Dems and the media are going to keep the attacks and crying without end. They complain about Ivanka Trump's dress. They complain about Kellyanne Conway having her feet on the couch. When the show Obama with his feet on the furniture it is no big deal. Sessions needs to be fired because they believed he lied, yet they are still trying to shove down our throats that all Bill Clinton and the attorney-general talked about was grandchildren! The damn Russians did us a favor by hacking the e-mails to expose how nasty the Dems are. Poor Bernie Sanders had to bite his lip. The wicked witch of the west Hillary Clinton lost, and the Russians are bad, because they cost her the election. I care little for the damn Russians, but they saved us from Hillary Clinton. I don't care too much for the narcissist Trump either, but the news media and democrats are going to force me to embrace him. Hopefully Donald Trump can at least get some kind of semblance of running the country in spite of the democrats!
Say everything you said is true - I don't believe that it is but play along for a moment. What is your remedy other than the present outcome?

Trump gone. Forget democrat or republican. As an AMERICAN, are you really saying that you want an American president who is beholden to a Russian dictator? Will he be doing what is best for America or what is best for him?
"Trump gone. Forget democrat or republican. As an AMERICAN, are you really saying that you want an American president who is beholden to a Russian dictator? Will he be doing what is best for America or what is best for him?"

And Hillary is better? Hillary Clinton would screw Putin if she knew it would get her elected!
Trump gone. Forget democrat or republican. As an AMERICAN, are you really saying that you want an American president who is beholden to a Russian dictator? Will he be doing what is best for America or what is best for him?

Full potato. Leave NY and head back south and your liberal brain washing will slowly subside.
Does not bother me at all. This is an urban myth orchestrated by the outgoing Obama administration that broke numerous laws and set up a a narrative to bring Trump down. They illegally tapped Flynn and Sessions and are now leaking information to the press. Obama set this up to put Trump in bind from the start by placing sanctions on Russia right before he leaves office for an unproven action first of all. It is obvious that Trump will lift the sanctions and I support it. I am all for the US and Russia getting along! Russia did not come in and proxy vote for US citizens and the emails stolen from Hillary and company were real regardless of who stole them. Any of you that think the US and other countries do not attempt to influence foreign affairs and elections need to get a grip and just realize that it happens and will continue to happen. This is just a time release bomb that Obama left for Trump along with other activities he is perpetrating a mile from the White House in his new bunker compound where he is trying to set up a shadow govt.

- Flynn went down due to not fully notifying VP Pence(only) of the depth of conversation.
- Sessions did not even work in the Trump campaign!

This is all a scam to mire Trump in the muck. The democrats have nothing else but to obstruct and cause trouble. Donald Trump is a patriot and loves America!

Holy Christ. You can't be serious. Are you really? Obama is setting up a shadow government? This is an all-timer.