I truly wish we could divide half the country with liberals and half with conservatives

Did Trump say he was going to build the wall and Mexico was going to pay for it? Yes he did and he failed miserably in that effort.

I'm not going to defend BIDEN's role in the immigration crisis because he should have handled it much better than he did, but NO she was not the border czar, that was the label Republicans put on her when she was only tasked with addressing the root causes of migration from the Northern Triangle countries.

In that role, she did help bring billions of public and private investment to the region and also visited the region to dissuade people from coming. And since the numbers from those three countries have dropped considerably, by that metric, you could argue she did help.

But again, she did not have presidential powers to stop immigration, which is handled by the Department of Homeland Security, so her role was defacto ceremonial. She was also handcuffed by Biden's policies and the unwillingness of Congress to provide any help for the needs at the border.

She has repeatedly stated that if she's elected she will add thousands of border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking, so at this point, we can only take her at her word
Trump failed due to opposition, not because of policy desire.

Kamala just failed on policy. They actually want the future voters, so it was probably an intentional failing. A failure none the less. Americans are worse off due to the immigration policies of Kamala Harris and thus they must be deemed a failure. Just like her.
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Trump failed due to opposition, not because of policy desire.

Kamala just failed on policy. They actually want the future voters, so it was probably an intentional failing. A failure none the less. Americans are worse off due to the immigration policies of Kamala Harris and thus they must be deemed a failure. Just like her.
Harris can't make policy in her role swine boy. What do you not understand??

I love how Trump is always the victim and he gets a pass on everything due to opposition, but you don't give Democrats the same grace when the Republican Congress refuses to help the "policy desires" of BIDEN'S (not Harris') administration.
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Harris can't make policy in her role swine boy. What do you not understand??

I love how Trump is always the victim and he gets a pass on everything due to opposition, but you don't give Democrats the same grace when the Republican Congress refuses to help the "policy desires" of BIDEN'S (not Harris') administration.

trump is the greatest president of all time but at the same time, a victim of those meanie Democrats.

The maga victim mentality is truly pathetic and sad. What a bunch of losers.
There’s not a single current Trump voter on here worth engaging in meaningful discussion with. The only GOP voters on this forum who have a shred of common decency and intelligence have stated they won’t be voting for Trump this year. There’s no point in trying to engage the absolute dregs of society (growls, fastball, morada, xrp, etc) bc they’re not serious people. I applaud yall for trying to have a serious discourse with them, but you need to realize they’re quite literally the stupidest part of the electorate.
There’s not a single current Trump voter on here worth engaging in meaningful discussion with. The only GOP voters on this forum who have a shred of common decency and intelligence have stated they won’t be voting for Trump this year. There’s no point in trying to engage the absolute dregs of society (growls, fastball, morada, xrp, etc) bc they’re not serious people. I applaud yall for trying to have a serious discourse with them, but you need to realize they’re quite literally the stupidest part of the electorate.
Poor wap is triggered by maga. Loser.
  • total deregulation (don't drink the water or step on an airplane)
  • no gun laws at all
  • no abortion rights (wait till they find out upstanding Republicans and poor white trash have a lot of unwanted pregnancies, too)
  • no books in school
  • no history in school
  • no science in school
  • reintroduction of communicable diseases due to no vaccines
  • theocracy led by corrupt church leadership
  • no immigrants to fill out workforce
  • total acquiescence to Putin
  • no free press
  • trickle down economics lol
Sounds like a great place. Hard pass.
damn good points, way to sum it up....
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Not particularly. I just don’t think any of you are intelligent or serious people. You don’t deserve any genuine discourse because you’ve shown to be incapable of critical thought.
Like I said.....triggered. Cant comprehend that anyone would disagree with your opinions. LOL!!
Like I said.....triggered. Cant comprehend that anyone would disagree with your opinions. LOL!!

I personally have no problem with someone diagreeing with my opinions. Everyone lives in their own reality, and I understand that most magas like you are having trouble paying for groceries and having immigrants take your jobs.

What I don't tolerate is your constant sharing of misinformation. Even after something is easily debunked, you continue to share it because you don't care. You think any anonymous twatter poster is truth and facts and figured are lies.

As @WapPride correctly stated, you are not serious people and are not worth serious discussion.

The fact that you all claim that trump is way up in the polls and is going to win in a landslide victory identifies you as unserious.
Didn’t he put tariffs on during his first term?

It’s almost like we can see and look what happened. 🤷‍♂️
Did he put 20% tariffs on ALL imports and 60% tariffs on ALL goods from China?

It's almost like you can't see the difference.
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Did he put 20% tariffs on ALL imports and 60% tariffs on ALL goods from China?

It's almost like you can't see the difference.
Do you remember you were crying wolf the first time too? And do you remember your administration did not remove the tariffs?
Do you remember you were crying wolf the first time too? And do you remember your administration did not remove the tariffs?
No I don't remember, can you show me the quote?

Unlike you, I don't listen to what a corrupt, mentally challenged geriatric says about tariffs, I listen to the people that actually understand the impact and they universally agree that his extreme plans will create a substantial net-negative impact on jobs and gdp.
  • "Candidate Trump has proposed significant tariff hikes as part of his presidential campaign; we estimate that if imposed, his proposed tariff increases would hike taxes by another $524 billion annually and shrink GDP by at least 0.8 percent, the capital stock by 0.7 percent, and employment by 684,000 full-time equivalent jobs. Our estimates do not capture the effects of retaliation, nor the additional harms that would stem from starting a global trade war."
What the difference?

Don’t call me dumb. You support Kamala.

Attempting to explain it to you would be a waste of time. Even if you admitted you were wrong, a day later you would be spewing the same propaganda.
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Thanks for pointing out that we can't take you seriously.

But to answer your question, the conservative side wouldn't last long because they'd be starved for entertainment unless you consider KidRock, Ted Nugent and Chachi exciting. Their internet connectivity would also suffer without computer nerds to keep everything running and without competent doctors, they'll all start dying off due to the medical misinformation they'll buy into, so I predict it wouldn't be long before they'd be begging the liberals to re-join their country.
You'd die of starvation. He who controls the food controls the people.
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Farmers receive billions in subsidies to stay afloat from the federal government. How's that going to work after you don't have any tax revenue?
They wouldn't die. The dense urban areas would be in trouble. They prob still know how to farm without subsidies. That probably goes against your statist programming.
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