My problem is that most people truly aren't donning that suit or dress for Gods eyes but to be more impressive to others in church. It's materialistic. It's vain. And it is a barrier to others "not in the club".
Jesus said to be in the world, but not if the world. Many churches function more like country clubs than the hands and feet of Christ.
While I enjoy seeing my friends and families Easter photos today, I seriously doubt those mamas thought about making sure they were respecting God by fussing over little johnnies cowlick or starched shirt. Or their husband's vineyard vines blazer (God really digs the southern hipster labels). If you really think you are showing God greater respect by your exterior clothing, then I think you have a different picture of God than I do. And I would ask you to really reflect on that image of God.
He's a good dad that is after us with a passion and a seal that we can't comprehend. He doesn't ask is to clean up (physically or spiritually) before we enter into an intimate relationship with him. If we only focus on the skin deep, we are leaving too much on the table; sadly.
And while Christians are called to hold each other accountable (Ephesians) that standard doesn't apply to a non believer. Even when holding one another accountable, judge only in the way that you are prepared to be judged yourself.
But most importantly love one another. Why all the bashing WITHIN the church? People, there is a hurting world that needs the live and compassion that can only be brought by Christ and some of you are fixated on clothes?
“"Think about how the lilies grow. They don't work or make clothing. But here is what I tell you. Not even Solomon in all of his glory was dressed like one of those flowers.”
Luke 12:27 NIRV
You really think God even notices, much less cares?
Jesus said to be in the world, but not if the world. Many churches function more like country clubs than the hands and feet of Christ.
While I enjoy seeing my friends and families Easter photos today, I seriously doubt those mamas thought about making sure they were respecting God by fussing over little johnnies cowlick or starched shirt. Or their husband's vineyard vines blazer (God really digs the southern hipster labels). If you really think you are showing God greater respect by your exterior clothing, then I think you have a different picture of God than I do. And I would ask you to really reflect on that image of God.
He's a good dad that is after us with a passion and a seal that we can't comprehend. He doesn't ask is to clean up (physically or spiritually) before we enter into an intimate relationship with him. If we only focus on the skin deep, we are leaving too much on the table; sadly.
And while Christians are called to hold each other accountable (Ephesians) that standard doesn't apply to a non believer. Even when holding one another accountable, judge only in the way that you are prepared to be judged yourself.
But most importantly love one another. Why all the bashing WITHIN the church? People, there is a hurting world that needs the live and compassion that can only be brought by Christ and some of you are fixated on clothes?
“"Think about how the lilies grow. They don't work or make clothing. But here is what I tell you. Not even Solomon in all of his glory was dressed like one of those flowers.”
Luke 12:27 NIRV
You really think God even notices, much less cares?