Illegal Immigrants Eating Our Pets - Kamala Visits Border 4 Years Too Late - Border Patrol Laughs at Her

Only soy boys vote for Kamala. Wonder why men hate her? Probably because men have to work hard and all she has done is fail upwards.

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Where is PETA when you need them

Dam someone turn on the PETA SPOTLIGHT and call out them so attack these barbaric eaters of animal flesh LOL

The New York Times reported Monday on the heavy costs local resident Jamie McGregor and his family have endured due to the businessman’s praise of his Haitian immigrant employees. McGregor, described by the Times as “a lifelong Republican who voted twice for” Donald Trump, has experienced “death threats, a lockdown at his company and posters around town branding him a traitor for hiring immigrants.” From the article:
A flood of threats was directed not only at him, but his family and his business.
They came by the hundreds — phone calls, emails and letters from white supremacists, neo-Nazis and other people they had never met.
“The owner of McGregor Metal can take a bullet to the skull and that would be 100 percent justified,” said one message left on the company voice mail.
“Why are you importing Third World savages who eat animals and giving them jobs over United States citizens?” another asked.
Without an honest and fair right-wing media, we should be able to end them when they spread disinformation like this.

But you can’t end them, why?

Because the left wing media is even more dishonest. And it takes them much longer to issue a retraction or correction.

Mainstream media and the ability of the government to control the narrative died when Elon purchased the US commie project.
But you can’t end them, why?

Because the left wing media is even more dishonest. And it takes them much longer to issue a retraction or correction.

Mainstream media and the ability of the government to control the narrative died when Elon purchased the US commie project.
My goal is to keep shining the light on irresponsible, propaganda shitstains like you, who pervert the truth by spreading outlandish claims you see from random jackholes on MagaChan. Elon has destroyed that platform with his ego-centric desire to turn it into his personal vehicle for vengeful distortions of reality and I'm just doing my part by challenging the filth his fanatical serfs, like you, spread around the internet before no one knows what the truth is anymore. I refuse to let you agents of misinformation win without a fight.

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