I'm a Nebraska Fan

What legitimate reasons can you list for withholding information from the public? What do people who got a certain number of votes, know better than the rest of society? Remember they work for us. Why should the employee be able to withold information from the employer?
The Nashville police didn't want the info released until their investigation was over. Why should a nosy citizen's interest supercede law enforcement's interest in keeping it private until they're ready? TBH, I don't care either way so get your questions answered elsewhere.
The Nashville police didn't want the info released until their investigation was over. Why should a nosy citizen's interest supercede law enforcement's interest in keeping it private until they're ready? TBH, I don't care either way so get your questions answered elsewhere.
The investigation is over and they will still not release the tranny manifesto.

The public has a right to know why these people are turning violent.
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The investigation is over and they will still not release the tranny manifesto.

The public has a right to know why these people are turning violent.
Dont forget the Vegas shooter or the leftist that shot up the Republican softball practice or the antifa guy that shot up the church in TX and many more...
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I honestly think it’s a moot point whether the shooter was republican or democrat. He clearly had a mental illness. No one in their right mind, democrat or republican, is going to shoot someone. The dude was sick! I’m sure we can all agree with that.
I honestly think it’s a moot point whether the shooter was republican or democrat. He clearly had a mental illness. No one in their right mind, democrat or republican, is going to shoot someone. The dude was sick! I’m sure we can all agree with that.
Agreed, I think it's likely he was looking for notoriety more than anything else.
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I honestly think it’s a moot point whether the shooter was republican or democrat. He clearly had a mental illness. No one in their right mind, democrat or republican, is going to shoot someone. The dude was sick! I’m sure we can all agree with that.
It's relevant insofar as the fact that maga people are insisting it was some loony leftist, when all the circumstantial evidence suggests otherwise.

Saying the rhetoric from democrats is why Trump got shot is absolutely hilarious to me. Trump has been spouting violent rhetoric for decades.
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It's relevant insofar as the fact that maga people are insisting it was some loony leftist, when all the circumstantial evidence suggests otherwise.

Saying the rhetoric from democrats is why Trump got shot is absolutely hilarious to me. Trump has been spouting violent rhetoric for decades.

To put what you are saying in perspective

The guy a couple years back was trying to steal the ROCK and ended up damaging it

He was described as redneck Clemson fan

I always asked myself why would a true blood Clemson fan do anything to hurt the Clemson image

GOOD QUESTION Don’t know the answer
To put what you are saying in perspective

The guy a couple years back was trying to steal the ROCK and ended up damaging it

He was described as redneck Clemson fan

I always asked myself why would a true blood Clemson fan do anything to hurt the Clemson image

GOOD QUESTION Don’t know the answer
That's actually exactly right. Holy shit. Yeah when that happened, at first we nearly all wanted to blame a chicken fan, and only a few people here said it was probably a Clemson fan.
It's relevant insofar as the fact that maga people are insisting it was some loony leftist, when all the circumstantial evidence suggests otherwise.

Saying the rhetoric from democrats is why Trump got shot is absolutely hilarious to me. Trump has been spouting violent rhetoric for decades.
Whatever the facts may be, the public deserves to know.

And yes, the rhetoric on Trump got out of control. "Threat to Democracy", "Racist", "Russian Agent", "Put him in the crosshairs", its all complete and total bullsh!t.
They've talked to a lot of his former classmates. This is the only one saying anything like this. All the other classmates have a consistently different version of things.
Thats why i was thinking he was schizo or multiple personality or something.

I don't doubt any of these peoples claims. Dude was clearly psycho so he probably said all kind of shit.

Facts are still coming out. Feds need to be transparent.
Crooks was in 7th grade at the time and he didn't say he hated Trump.

they just came out saying he was searching internet for Major Depressive Disorder.

Dude had bad mental problems. He clearly hated Trump. Unless you somehow irrationally believe that he shot Trump because he liked him?

He was either psych, a patsy, or both.
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There is more evidence that he was a Republican and his father was as well so the suppositions pulled out of your ass do not carry more weight than the actual evidence.

"Public records show his father is a registered Republican and his mother a registered Democrat"
A Republican wouldnt donate to Actblue or shoot Trump. So there are two things there that go against your statement. Also his classmate said he hated politicians...
they just came out saying he was searching internet for Major Depressive Disorder.

Dude had bad mental problems. He clearly hated Trump. Unless you somehow irrationally believe that he shot Trump because he liked him?

He was either psych, a patsy, or both.
You don't get to invent motive because of your feelings, especially when there is zero evidence that he hated Trump. Of course he had mental problems and that's enough to believe he did it for notoriety and no other reason.

You want to fan the flames so you'll feel justified if a politician on the left gets killed in retaliation... or worse. Why push this narrative when we should all be engaged in turning down the rhetoric?
A Republican wouldnt donate to Actblue or shoot Trump. So there are two things there that go against your statement. Also his classmate said he hated politicians...
John Hinckley didn't hate Ronald Reagan and one $15 donation he made at 17 years old means nothing. When you're that young, you have no idea who you are yet.
John Hinckley didn't hate Ronald Reagan and one $15 donation he made at 17 years old means nothing. When you're that young, you have no idea who you are yet.
Sure, that's why most people that age lean left. Its not until they have a career and family that they begin to get conservative.
You don't get to invent motive because of your feelings, especially when there is zero evidence that he hated Trump. Of course he had mental problems and that's enough to believe he did it for notoriety and no other reason.

You want to fan the flames so you'll feel justified if a politician on the left gets killed in retaliation... or worse. Why push this narrative when we should all be engaged in turning down the rhetoric?
You are a special kind of stupid thinking that he shot Trump but didn’t hate him.

A special kind of stupid. Listen to yourself. He shot Trump but didn’t hate him? Those are MY feelings? I really wonder about you sometimes.
How many people shoot someone else they like?

I’ve actually been shot by my neighbor hunting so Isuppose it can happen. But zeroing in a rifle on someone’s head is not an accident. @dpic73 is losing his mind. He is claiming that the shooter shot Trump out of love!!!