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The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Aug 4, 2009

Now, if Obama will just go play golf for the rest of the day & NOT do anything to further the damage he's already done to this nation's reputation over the last 8 years, it would be greatly appreciated!


Blows my mind that the idiot he hired for Secretary of Education is about to ruin public education all by herself. I wasn't actually that nervous about Trump until I heard what this lady is about yesterday.

And believes that guns should be allowed in schools because of grizzly bear attacks. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(breath pause)eaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
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really glad to see that we've turned being President of the United States into a reality TV show o_O
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Pre election: Lock Hillary up. Post Election: The Clintons are good people
Pre election: Build wall, Mexico Pays Post Election: Well, parts of it may be a fence, and he's going to ask congress for money to 'jump start' the process. No word on Mexico paying, except them continually saying they won't. IE that means building it with tax dollars and that somehow Mexico pays later.
Pre election: My business interests will be the last thing on my mind (will use a blind trust). Post election: Keeps his stake in Apprentence and turns over business to kids (that's not a blind trust... see SEC regs) and puts kids in offices in the white house.
Pre election: Repeal Obama Care Post Election: Need a plan to insure everyone BEFORE we repeal Obama care (I actually agree with this one, but I can't imagine many Republicans do). Universal health coverage sounds a LOT like Obamacare.

So he's backing off a LOT of stuff and he hasn't even gotten in office yet. Most Politicos at least wait until then to start breaking promises.

Again, I'm not a fan of Trump and didn't vote for him. But I do want him to succeed. America can't succeed w/o him doing a good job.
Blows my mind that the idiot he hired for Secretary of Education is about to ruin public education all by herself. I wasn't actually that nervous about Trump until I heard what this lady is about yesterday.

Call your senators today.

Lindsey Graham: (864) 250-1417
Tim Scott: (864) 233-5366

I called yesterday and this morning. The secretary said she'd been getting a LOT of phone calls about DeVos.
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Now, if Obama will just go play golf for the rest of the day & NOT do anything to further the damage he's already done to this nation's reputation over the last 8 years, it would be greatly appreciated!



I'm so torn about this. On the one hand, Trump is a ridiculous human being who had no business getting anywhere close to elected office. On the other hand- and I recognize I probably shouldn't feel this way- it's so much fun to watch all these progressives who broke down so many of our social and democratic norms while assuming that things would always go their way (naturally, since they're progressives) lose their minds. In many ways, they produced the Trumpism that has little time for "establishment" niceties. I'd prefer that everybody play by the rules, be decent to each other, and take our life together (politics) seriously, but it's hard not to have gotten fed up with many of the lawless changes made by the Obama administration recently in the name of their version of "progress." The cheerleading for all this in the press and among elite cultural figures, and the censorship of any other views, have also been galling.

So, I guess, two cheers for Trump. I hope he's better than he makes himself seem.
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I'm so torn about this. On the one hand, Trump is a ridiculous human being who had no business getting anywhere close to elected office. On the other hand- and I recognize I probably shouldn't feel this way- it's so much fun to watch all these progressives who broke down so many of our social and democratic norms while assuming that things would always go there way (naturally, since they're progressives) lose their minds. In many ways, they produced the Trumpism that has little time for "establishment" niceties. I'd prefer that everybody play by the rules, be decent to each other, and take our life together (politics) seriously, but it's hard not have gotten fed up with many of the lawless changes made by the Obama administration recently in the name of their version of "progress." The cheerleading for all this in the press and among elite cultural figures, and the censorship of any other views, have also been galling.

So, I guess, two cheers for Trump. I hope he's better than he makes himself seem.
Blows my mind that the idiot he hired for Secretary of Education is about to ruin public education all by herself. I wasn't actually that nervous about Trump until I heard what this lady is about yesterday.

Maybe you can explain how great our public schools are now?

Public education is terrible right now. It can't get much worse. The federal government needs to stay out of it. No child left behind, common core and every other federal program have all failed.

But keep on with your generalities and baseless personal attacks.

As Obama said 4 years ago, the election is over. Trump won, now move on a clean the sand out of your vaginas.
DeVos is one of the better cabinet appointments he made, in my opinion.
In what way? I mean her work in Detroit is middle of the road at best. She has little substantive experience.

She's a reformer; but the contradiction is hilarious. "We don't want common core because we don't need some federal buereacrat telling how to teach our kids!" But "we need a reformer as DOE sec. so she can reform things from as that federal bureaucrat!"

The Liberal wing of the Democratic Party is a hilarious bit of hypocrisy but dang the republicans aren't far behind when they're in power.
Liberals really need to get over themselves. We had 8 years of shitty Bush, then you had your 8 years of shitty Obama. Now it is another Republicans time (although I wouldn't really consider Bush or Trump real republicans).

Either way, the election is over. Obama cost his party over 1,000 state and US seats. And he cost his party the general election....just like Bush did.
It's ok to have zero experience and be president, but tell the people of TI that our d line coach may have no experience and watch out.

Hey! Clemson football is obviously much more important than the future of our country. That was not sarcasm.
I still find it amazing our 2 choices for president were Trump and Clinton. I'm so glad I didn't vote and never thought I would say I wish Obama could stay another 4 years.
Do you really believe he can be much worse than what's been there the past 8 years?
I have been following the POTUS competency line downward for 30 years. I never have thought each could be worse than their predecessor, but they have. I am not sure how Trump will display his ability to be worse than Obama but am now convinced by history that he will. God save the United States of America because we have shown that we cannot.