In 24 hours...

Blows my mind why people are so excited over someone with zero government experience whatsoever
That is exactly why people are excited. Somebody who has actually been successful in the private sector without having their hands in the government coffers. You will understand when you get out into the real world. Most of what the liberal college professors spew is pure BS.
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Trump is the Doctor that tells you you're fat because well you're fat. The main complaint I hear about him is that he's so mean. Well that's a big problem in America now we've gotten too soft. Everybody doesn't get a trophy in the real world. Im a deplorable and God Bless America!!!
Trump fine calling someone else fat but couldn't take it if someone called him fat. But hope he does great
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In what way? I mean her work in Detroit is middle of the road at best. She has little substantive experience.

She's a reformer; but the contradiction is hilarious. "We don't want common core because we don't need some federal buereacrat telling how to teach our kids!" But "we need a reformer as DOE sec. so she can reform things from as that federal bureaucrat!"

The Liberal wing of the Democratic Party is a hilarious bit of hypocrisy but dang the republicans aren't far behind when they're in power.

I think much of the outrage about DeVos is being driven by teacher's unions, who are particularly opposed to her because she's spent most of her time and money with regards to education advocating for school choice. They bring up the fact that she hasn't taught or been a public school administrator, but to many who think our public education system doesn't work nearly as well as it should, this just sound like the charge that nobody from outside the education establishment should be allowed to be the Secretary of the Education. It remains to be seen what kind of job she can do, but I don't see the argument that she's disqualified because not from the establishment to be a strong one.

As far as the Detroit stuff goes, much of the reporting has been either lazy or agenda driven. It turns out that the charters she supported produce significantly better results than traditional public schools. She's also been charged with trying to limit accountability, when in actuality she supported accountability measures while opposing partisan political manipulation of charters. But I think the it's the principle of choice that's really driving the whole narrative- unions don't want it because they think it takes away their ability to control public schools, for better or for worse.

I also don't really see the contradiction you're referring to. If the current educational system is too centralized and prescriptive at the federal level, then it would take some sort of federal influence to decentralize the system and give autonomy back to localities. I think the "contradiction" you're referring to is really just the strange idea that a federal administrator would work to diminish her power.
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While bush and Obama were president, I was able to:
Graduate from clemson
Get a job
Payoff student loans
Go an numerous vacations
Buy a house
Pay near $5k for freaking football tickets (well worth it to see clemson on top!)
Donate to iptay
Donate to charities
Etc etc etc

I'm sure I'll be able to do more of the same under trump and I didn't vote for him.

Whether you're a democrat or republican , you have waaaaay more control over your life than any president.

The majority of you all need to quit being assholes and just respect one another.
Maybe you can explain how great our public schools are now?

Public education is terrible right now. It can't get much worse. The federal government needs to stay out of it. No child left behind, common core and every other federal program have all failed.

But keep on with your generalities and baseless personal attacks.

As Obama said 4 years ago, the election is over. Trump won, now move on a clean the sand out of your vaginas.

Did you hear DeVos say she wouldn't enforce the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?? If any of you have children with disabilities this should scare you to death (it should scare anyone). I have watched my family fight with two different states (one R, one D) to try and get services, negotiating the bureaucracy and rubbish those institutions throw at families to try and deny services.

Basically DeVos is saying to families, screw you--you are all alone. States, even with the federal law, had to be sued and even then dragged their feet. If states know they can cut corners, they will and a parent will be left all alone--without a clue. This isn't making America great again, it is making it great for some and screwing the most vulnerable of populations, the least among us (I mean this in the Biblical sense where the last shall be first and the first last).

Now, if Obama will just go play golf for the rest of the day & NOT do anything to further the damage he's already done to this nation's reputation over the last 8 years, it would be greatly appreciated!



If MAGA is Trump appointing all these billionaire "leaders" to positions they have absolutely zero knowledge about, then he is batting 1.000%. Rick Perry accepted the position of Energy Secretary and actually thought that his job would consist of promoting the oil industry. His job as Energy Secretary, if confirmed, would be to manage and keep safe the Nation's NUCLEAR stockpile and create nuclear policy. The nominee for Secretary of Education admitted she has never attended a public school in her life, nor has any of her kids, but lucky for us, SOME people she knows (I assume her maids and employees, since she is also a billionaire) have had kids in public schools . God Help Us!

I guess Dabo needs to hire a new D-Line coach that not only doesn't have any experience coaching Defensive Lineman, but someone that has never coached football in order to Make Clemson Great Again. The TI/Yahoo servers would crash. This is a new era where supposedly outsiders with no experience is great for our country in MAGA.
Blows my mind that the idiot he hired for Secretary of Education is about to ruin public education all by herself. I wasn't actually that nervous about Trump until I heard what this lady is about yesterday.

Yeah, she did not come across very well.
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I think much of the outrage about DeVos is being driven by teacher's unions, who are particularly opposed to her because she's spent most of her time and money with regards to education advocating for school choice. They bring up the fact that she hasn't taught or been a public school administrator, but to many who think our public education system doesn't work nearly as well as it should, this just sound like the charge that nobody from outside the education establishment should be allowed to be the Secretary of the Education. It remains to be seen what kind of job she can do, but I don't see the argument that she's disqualified because not from the establishment to be a strong one.

I also don't really see the contradiction you're referring to. If the current educational system is too centralized and prescriptive at the federal level, then it would take some sort of federal influence to decentralize the system and give autonomy back to localities. I think the "contradiction" you're referring to is really just the strange idea that a federal administrator would work to diminish her power.

When you don't fill out an ethics forms (something that was a must during Obama hearings of nominees) and refuse to take a hard stance against for profit scam Universities (like the one the pres-elect was a part of of), then you bring it on yourself. When you say you won't enforce IDEA, which will screw disabled children and their families across the country--you bring it on yourself. When you aren't going to do a thing about student loans, a huge issue in the campaigns--you bring it on yourself.
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It hard to believe just how bad some things are; few Americans really have a clue.

My older brother was talking to a guy at one of the military bases in the Low Country (not Shaw, don't remember which), but he had exact numbers on the following:
Of all the FA 18s on this particular base, over 80% of them are stuck on the ground because they have no budget to buy parts and keep them in the air.

Our POTUS KNOWS this, and has done it ON PURPOSE!
Anyone who defends that man either has NO CLUE, or hates America. And there are a lot of both.

You know, the radical left are a strange breed.
A couple of months ago, I was talking to this woman I met on a dating site, and I knew she was somewhat liberal.
So we start talking politics, and I tell her that I think that we need to protect our borders.
The next thing I know, she's literally SCREAMING at me that THERE ARE NO BORDERS.
I responded, "Well, I've done a fair about of traveling around the world, and I can assure you that every country I've ever visited, they control their borders."
Again, SCREAMING at me that there are no borders!
Next thing she asks me: "Are you aware what we did to the Native Americans?"
Sure, I tell her. They were done wrong, no doubt. And then I ask her, "Are you aware that the Native Americans THEMSELVES took the land from a previous race, who they evidently eliminated?"
And are you aware that every culture on the face of the earth has, at one time or another, over run neighboring cultures and taken land and resources?

They are taught to HATE America, that we must commit political suicide of our country due to our own sense of guilt.

Crazy. Just CRAZY.
And believes that guns should be allowed in schools because of grizzly bear attacks. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(breath pause)eaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

Well, that was stupid, but what was REALLY concerning was:

1. Her refusal to promise that IF public school funding were diverted to private schools that these private schools would be held to the same standards as public ones.

2. Her ignorance of even the basic metrics used to measure education's success (or not). FYI, there are two ways to do this.

A. Set a standard (a bar) that students have to meet. When students are at that level, you test them to see if they know what they know and if they know what they should know. This is a simple and effective approach.
B. Measure improvement. Students are pre tested to see their knowledge level. Then post tested to see how much they learn during instruction.

Personally, I'm a big fan of A as at some point, these students are going to have to compete in the real world. No "touchy feeley" policies are going to change that and fair doesn't play a role anymore. HOWEVER, relying on just A is too simplistic (especially if you are interested in short term measurements of success). Consider the following example (an extreme one to prove a point).
Class 1 of third graders is in a failing school and is reading at below 1st grade level.
Class 2 of third graders is in a great school system and is reading at above a 5th grade reading level.

At the end of the year class 1 is reading at a 3rd grade level (they should be at 4th grade).
At the end of the year class 2 is reading at above a 5th grade level.

By using ONLY method A above, School 1/class 1/teacher 1 is punished for being below grade level (below the bar) and School 2/class 2/teacher 2 are rewarded for being above grade level.
What should probably happen: School 1 doesn't get off the hook completely as they let this happen in the 1st place, but they get a pat on the head for improving. The class 1 and teacher 1 get BIG props for learning 2 years of material in 1 year.
School 2 is obviously doing something right as their class is way ahead of the curve. Some concern as they didn't improve. Class 2/Teacher 2 have some explaining to do as their was NO improvement over the course of a year.

BTW, currently working on a PhD in instructional design (Education) at Idaho State University, so this sort of thing is in my wheelhouse.
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Blows my mind why people are so excited over someone with zero government experience whatsoever
Quite possibly you've answered your own concern.
What have life long experienced politicians done for the situation?
Well, I said Trump was gonna MAGA'n tomorrow but actually I'm wrong...he's already started!

He's directly responsible for thousands of jobs staying in this country...

He's caused a hysterical liberal meltdown of epic proportions...

& Clemson has won the National Championship!

What's not to like?!
It hard to believe just how bad some things are; few Americans really have a clue.

My older brother was talking to a guy at one of the military bases in the Low Country (not Shaw, don't remember which), but he had exact numbers on the following:
Of all the FA 18s on this particular base, over 80% of them are stuck on the ground because they have no budget to buy parts and keep them in the air.

Our POTUS KNOWS this, and has done it ON PURPOSE!
Anyone who defends that man either has NO CLUE, or hates America. And there are a lot of both.

You know, the radical left are a strange breed.
A couple of months ago, I was talking to this woman I met on a dating site, and I knew she was somewhat liberal.
So we start talking politics, and I tell her that I think that we need to protect our borders.
The next thing I know, she's literally SCREAMING at me that THERE ARE NO BORDERS.
I responded, "Well, I've done a fair about of traveling around the world, and I can assure you that every country I've ever visited, they control their borders."
Again, SCREAMING at me that there are no borders!
Next thing she asks me: "Are you aware what we did to the Native Americans?"
Sure, I tell her. They were done wrong, no doubt. And then I ask her, "Are you aware that the Native Americans THEMSELVES took the land from a previous race, who they evidently eliminated?"
And are you aware that every culture on the face of the earth has, at one time or another, over run neighboring cultures and taken land and resources?

They are taught to HATE America, that we must commit political suicide of our country due to our own sense of guilt.

Crazy. Just CRAZY.
I'm assuming you are married now?
Because this year, the more experienced candidate was the most corrupt candidate.

The POTUS is nothing more than a puppet on a string and the puppet that America picked has very few strings controlling it.

A LOT of truth behind this.

THIS is why the Clintons and the Bushes BOTH hate Trump. He's not part of the party.
He's not a member of the CFR. He's not controlled by the TRUE mega-rich that run the Federal Reserve and World Banks. He's not part of the globalist agenda.

I sure hope he has his personal and family security off the charts.

Those people WILL try to assassinate him. Count on it.
The President is nothing but a puppet to those people. And Trump isn't their puppet, and it pisses them off.
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It's going to be an interesting 4 years that for sure. He could do great or be impeached nothing would surprise me. There are betting odds already if he will be impeached lol.
Since Obama wasn't impeached they need to throw that article out of the constitution. Because of the last eight years, all of the laws blatantly broken from this administration with no impeachment? Impeachment shouldn't exist anymore.
really glad to see that we've turned being President of the United States into a reality TV show o_O
John Kennedy did that over 56 years ago. Every Prez elected since then was the most charismatic of the 2 candidates running.

As a nation, we don't seem to care about substance much anymore.
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Gotta love people who say they love Trump because he had no government experience then criticize Obama because he served in the US Senate just four years before being elected president.

And if you want a Treasury Secretary who accidentally forgot to list $95 million in personal assets, you are about to get one. I know that would be an easy mistake for all of us to make, right?

Of course, Mick Mulvaney 'forgot' to pay nanny taxes. Sure, Mick.

Betsy Devos' family gave $200 million to Republican interests but Trump doesn't want lobbyists working for his administration.

Which swamp needs drained? The old one or the incoming one?
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Now, if Obama will just go play golf for the rest of the day & NOT do anything to further the damage he's already done to this nation's reputation over the last 8 years, it would be greatly appreciated!


Good luck man..

Afterall, Russia made me vote for him.
Maybe you can explain how great our public schools are now?

Public education is terrible right now. It can't get much worse. The federal government needs to stay out of it. No child left behind, common core and every other federal program have all failed.

But keep on with your generalities and baseless personal attacks.

As Obama said 4 years ago, the election is over. Trump won, now move on a clean the sand out of your vaginas.

I already regret wading into this thread, but to be fair, this is a long string of generalities as well, based on zero empirical data
Did you hear DeVos say she wouldn't enforce the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?? If any of you have children with disabilities this should scare you to death (it should scare anyone). I have watched my family fight with two different states (one R, one D) to try and get services, negotiating the bureaucracy and rubbish those institutions throw at families to try and deny services.

Basically DeVos is saying to families, screw you--you are all alone. States, even with the federal law, had to be sued and even then dragged their feet. If states know they can cut corners, they will and a parent will be left all alone--without a clue. This isn't making America great again, it is making it great for some and screwing the most vulnerable of populations, the least among us (I mean this in the Biblical sense where the last shall be first and the first last).

I understand where you are coming from, but schools abuse IDEA just to receive funding. There are schools in Columbia where over half the school qualifies for IDEA funds. That is a problem. Yes, there are schools that need the funding for legitimate question. But just like with any federal program, it is abused.
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I already regret wading into this thread, but to be fair, this is a long string of generalities as well, based on zero empirical data

Not really. Everyone has seen the statistics as to how we rate internationally in education.

Most everyone can agree no child left behind has been a failure, and Bush should have never signed it into law.

The Dept of Education began in 1980. Schools obviously did fine without out.
Well, I said Trump was gonna MAGA'n tomorrow but actually I'm wrong...he's already started!

He's directly responsible for thousands of jobs staying in this country...

He's caused a hysterical liberal meltdown of epic proportions...

& Clemson has won the National Championship!

What's not to like?!

This is true and he deserves props for this one. I was remiss in not including this in a fairly negative post about him above. Companies thinking of moving jobs out of this country are shiiting bricks.
Maybe you can explain how great our public schools are now?

Public education is terrible right now. It can't get much worse. The federal government needs to stay out of it. No child left behind, common core and every other federal program have all failed.

But keep on with your generalities and baseless personal attacks.

As Obama said 4 years ago, the election is over. Trump won, now move on a clean the sand out of your vaginas.

Public education is terrible because of what they don't put into it... Go look at other countries that have surpassed the United States in almost every ACCOUNTABILITY measures there are. Teachers are paid better, more money is funneled into students and there is a general appreciation for public education.
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What's wrong with common core? I have no clue what it is, but it seems like public education should have the same standards across the nation.

Why does SC have our own testing? Why not make the whole country take a national test similar to SAT/ACT. Seems like that would simplify things so our teachers could actually teach.

Our state is always changing everything year to year. Why not have simple national standards, a national test, and then allow the local districts tweak their curriculum from there.
That is why he got elected....he isn't a career government employee.

Once you get older, start working and paying taxes, and see how the federal government works, you will understand.
Trump hasn't payed taxes in 18 years.
You won't get one iota of truth from the media the next 4 years. The last 8 has been painting shit into a picture of roses. The next four will be painting progress into a picture of a large turd. Media is nothing but Liberal shills.
That's why Tucker Carlson is so fun to watch I guess. He's the only one that exposes them.