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What's wrong with common core? I have no clue what it is, but it seems like public education should have the same standards across the nation.

Why does SC have our own testing? Why not make the whole country take a national test similar to SAT/ACT. Seems like that would simplify things so our teachers could actually teach.

Our state is always changing everything year to year. Why not have simple national standards, a national test, and then allow the local districts tweak their curriculum from there.

Wow. What's wrong with Common Core? Not trying to single you out but there isn't enough time in the day. In short, not everyone learns not the same. Common core pretty much negates any type of outside the box thinking. It negates creativity and turns out kids into robots.

SC technically got rid of Common Core but in reality they just renamed it. It's basically the same thing. In many ways it inhibits our teachers ability to teach because they can't use their creative skills.

I should get my wife on here. She's a freakin expert on this stuff. She certainly knows a great deal more than this DeVos lady. Some of the things this lady was asked are base level questions. It's evident this lady is in this spot solely because she and her family gave millions to the cause. Completely incompetent.

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