***In Game Thread: Trump/Biden Debate #2***

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i dont care about political party

i wanna see 535 people we are paying half a million each take president trump seriously the next 4 years and see what we can accomplish

i dont care if they are a Republican or Democrat or Independent

just behave like an adult and understand the president is a national office

each member is a district or a state

just govern with leadership
Here are the facts: A member of Congress makes $174,000 a year. Oh sure, that sounds like a lot to some people. But that person generally has to have 2 homes, one in his congressional district and the other in Washington. “Alexa” tells me that the average rent in Washington, DC is $1,900 a month. Let’s presume said member pays $2,500 a month for their home in their district (metro areas probably a lot more). That’s nearly $5,000 a month just for housing. So, after taxes, that is about 50% of the take-home pay spent on housing.

There is a reason that the average member of Congress is wealthier than the average American but it has little to do with the money they make in Congress. It is because few people can afford to live on a congressional salary unless the are already wealthy.

Here is a reform I would like to see: 1) raise pay for members and congressional staff to be competitive with the private sector so that non-wealthy people can afford to serve in Congress; and 2) double the number of Members of Congress so they can better serve their constituents. The number has been frozen at 435 since 1929 when the population was 123 million people. That meant that each member represented about 280,000 people. Our population is about 330 million today so Members of Congress are representing about 750,000. How effective can they be representing that many? If we want a government closer to the people, increase the total to 870. (The cost of added members would probably be less than the cheapest military weapon.)

i dont care about political party

i wanna see 535 people we are paying half a million each take president trump seriously the next 4 years and see what we can accomplish

i dont care if they are a Republican or Democrat or Independent

just behave like an adult and understand the president is a national office

each member is a district or a state

just govern with leadership

although i would love to bring back the concept of


sometime around the 1790s
Here are the facts: A member of Congress makes $174,000 a year. Oh sure, that sounds like a lot to some people. But that person generally has to have 2 homes, one in his congressional district and the other in Washington. “Alexa” tells me that the average rent in Washington, DC is $1,900 a month. Let’s presume said member pays $2,500 a month for their home in their district (metro areas probably a lot more). That’s nearly $5,000 a month just for housing. So, after taxes, that is about 50% of the take-home pay spent on housing.

There is a reason that the average member of Congress is wealthier than the average American but it has little to do with the money they make in Congress. It is because few people can afford to live on a congressional salary unless the are already wealthy.

Here is a reform I would like to see: 1) raise pay for members and congressional staff to be competitive with the private sector so that non-wealthy people can afford to serve in Congress; and 2) double the number of Members of Congress so they can better serve their constituents. The number has been frozen at 435 since 1929 when the population was 123 million people. That meant that each member represented about 280,000 people. Our population is about 330 million today so Members of Congress are representing about 750,000. How effective can they be representing that many? If we want a government closer to the people, increase the total to 870. (The cost of added members would probably be less than the cheapest military weapon.)

how about sending most of those responsibilities back to the states

you know the old saying

got too big for ya britches

why would you want to double the amount of corrupt humans and then give them a raise.

or at least thats the way i view a politician

i view a politician much like an ANTIFA member looks at a cop
I like RealClear but they use all polls, including low quality ones that can skew the poll averages.

I'd ignore the averages, just take a look at individual polls.

538 is another option of course.
you guys are cute

i can see the sweat starting to form as those minds try to rationalize.

"maybe the voters wont notice hunter biden issue. hmmmm
just maybe the voters forgot about the crime bill
maybe they forgot about nafta

maybe they dont even realize the steel that that biden used to build the cages to house the illegal immigrant children--- they bought from china- not pennsylvania'

maybe voters will see all the good biden will accomplish.

you guys are rich

hey look down

thats quick sand lol
I don't blame you. We learned a hard lesson in 2016 but if the polls are close to being accurate, Biden has about 20 different paths to victory and Trump only has a few. If he wins, it would be a huge upset and we'll never trust the polls again, haha.

You better get ready. You guys dissect everything, to the point of paralysis by analysis. Didn’t you learn what happens when a completely biased MSM is the source of your data? You actually think that’s changed since ‘16? ....if anything, it’s worse now. As long as the MSM is liberal left... this record will repeat itself.

Look around, it’s not as complicated as many of you make it. I guess you’ll have to experience it all over again to believe it....

And then you’ll do the same thing in ‘24.
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you guys are cute

i can see the sweat starting to form as those minds try to rationalize.

"maybe the voters wont notice hunter biden issue. hmmmm
just maybe the voters forgot about the crime bill
maybe they forgot about nafta

maybe they dont even realize the steel that that biden used to build the cages to house the illegal immigrant children--- they bought from china- not pennsylvania'

maybe voters will see all the good biden will accomplish.

you guys are rich

hey look down

thats quick sand lol

They’re sweating bullets, and you can see it from a mile away.
Democratic U.S. Senator Tina Smith is now in a dogfight to keep her Senate seat after her once double-digt lead dwindled to a one-point lead in our latest KSTP/SurveyUSA poll. Smith leads Republican challenger Jason Lewis 43% to 42%, with 12% undecided. Another three percent favor other candidates.
In mid-September Smith had a 47% to 36% lead over Lewis. Earlier in October she still maintained a seven-point lead, 44% to 37%.
"This Senate race could go either way and it's a bit of a surprise because Tina Smith has had a lot more resources than Jason Lewis," Carleton College political analyst Steven Schier told 5 Eyewitness News.

One thing fueling the tightening race is that Smith's lead among women and suburban voters has largely evaporated.

Schier says ads some outside groups have been running with highlights of negative things Lewis has said about women on talk radio don't seem to be as effective as they once were.
You better get ready. You guys dissect everything, to the point of paralysis by analysis. Didn’t you learn what happens when a completely biased MSM is the source of your data? You actually think that’s changed since ‘16? ....if anything, it’s worse now. As long as the MSM is liberal left... this record will repeat itself.

Look around, it’s not as complicated as many of you make it. I guess you’ll have to experience it all over again to believe it....

And then you’ll do the same thing in ‘24.

You're a bully and no one likes you. Time for you to have your hydroxycolada with a demon sperm floater and go night night.
You're a bully and no one likes you. Time for you to have your hydroxycolada with a demon sperm floater and go night night.

A strong stance doesn’t make me a bully. You’re going to see I am completely correct, just as I was in regards to Covid being political.

Calling out BS is a rare act these days, which is a sad commentary.
Nah man, you're a brooding, threatening presence that tries to act like you know something that no one else does, when you know nothing. Taking the pulse of your neighbors in the trailer park doesn't give you some kind of supernatural insight.
You are what's wrong with this world if you consider COVID, the deadliest pandemic since 1918 to be political. Trump made it political because he saw it as a threat to his re-election. Like a good Trumpanzee, you took the bait and played along. You people don't give a frick about facts and it shows in your posts. Like your Supreme leader would say - SAD!

I can see the hinges have come off for you.

Understandable for someone in your position.
If the numbers I'm seeing among suburban white women in Colorado hold up, trump is in for a rough night. In Colorado, he's losing white educated men at an alarming rate, and white educated women at an even higher rate. Biden might win Colorado by 12+.

that may be true in in colorado

i havent seen in polling data in colorado on that

i dont consider colorado that important in the overall election process

the 3 states that matter in my opinion more than colorado, polling data does not agree with that statement.

suburban women are pretty split with still many undecided

and suburban men are clearly in turmps camp

but maybe colorado is different
wow i do see where about half of colorado want to go to a popular vote over an electoral college


they do not think colorado is relavent themselves

Nah man, you're a brooding, threatening presence that tries to act like you know something that no one else does, when you know nothing. Taking the pulse of your neighbors in the trailer park doesn't give you some kind of supernatural insight.
You are what's wrong with this world if you consider COVID, the deadliest pandemic since 1918 to be political. If it is, it's because Trump made it political because he saw it as a threat to his re-election. Like a good Trumpanzee, you took the bait and played along. You people don't give a frick about facts and it shows in your posts. Like your Supreme leader would say - SAD!

coo coo

coo coo

i think someone goes crazy over


Coo Coo