In Support of Israel Against Those Who Hate Jews


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Jan 25, 2009
As a Christian the Jewish people worldwide and in Israel have my full support to defend themselves with as much violence as needed to kill all the terrorists and savages including any in the USA that are planning violence upon America.

Once the demons finish with the Jews the demonic savages will come for Christians and keep going in the genocide until no one different is left

So there is a huge amount of support to rid the world of the HAMMAS EVIL
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As a Christian the Jewish people worldwide and in Israel have my full support to defend themselves with as much violence as needed to kill all the terrorists and savages including any in the USA that are planning violence upon America.
Not very Christ-like of you. Didn't ole JC preach to turn the other cheek?
HAMMAS supporter I see

I unignored you just to respond

Normally I ignore your responses as worthless drivel
You know, we are STILL waiting on you to show us a post of someone supporting HAMAS on here... You make all these blanket statements, yet don't seem to be able to provide any backup to your bi weekly rants.
As a Christian the Jewish people worldwide and in Israel have my full support to defend themselves with as much violence as needed to kill all the terrorists and savages including any in the USA that are planning violence upon America.

Once the demons finish with the Jews the demonic savages will come for Christians and keep going in the genocide until no one different is left

So there is a huge amount of support to rid the world of the HAMMAS EVIL
Your daily diet of right-wing propaganda is making you a danger to society Peepaw. Remember your lies about this attacker? This is what you are becoming - this is your path.

"David DePape, the man on trial in the attack on Paul Pelosi in his home, testified that a steady diet of right-wing conspiracy theories led him to a plan to take down prominent government figures."

"On Tuesday, DePape’s testimony painted a worldview consumed by conspiracy theories that led him down a path of alleged violence. He said he watched YouTube videos and listened to hours of podcasts from right-wing figures like Glenn Beck and Tim Pool, CBS News reported. He testified that he became interested in right-wing conspiracy theories after learning about Gamergate, a misogynistic online harassment campaign from the mid-2010s that some experts have linked to the rise of online alt-right communities and the right-wing media ecosystem that thrived during Donald Trump’s presidency."

"That DePape's path to extremism began with the consumption of ring-wing media is unsurprising. Conservative media figures frequently adopt extreme, dehumanizing rhetoric to cast political opponents as enemies. "I think it’s hard to overstate the dangers here: This language moves beyond mere demonization, because it suggests a need for violent resistance,” Charlie Sykes, a former conservative talk show host who is the founder and editor of The Bulwark, told CNN ."