Is the “Gubment Shutdown” affecting you?

We went to visit the NASA Ames Research Center while in Santa Clara before the game but.......


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What does it say about me that not one single part of my life has changed since they’ve been sitting at home?

Probably that you don’t get out.

Me: airports a little slower, not too bad so far, a few national parks I wanted to visit were closed, IRS finally finished drafting new tax forms (week or 2 delay), had my TV viewing interrupted by a worthless presidential address (did not result in anything), stock market jitters are stronger than they should be.

Worry not, other than personal inconvenience and potential negative economic impacts, the shutdown only demonstrates our government is even more dysfunctional than it has been which is hard to believe. We will eventually get tired of both sides and throw them all out.
About 1/3 of my job the last 7 years is working with NIAP(NSA) and NIST(Dept of Commerce) so gaining access to their servers, documentation and people is non-existent. I can't release my next major software feature without their servers for inter-op testing. May cost me a trip to the IETF conference in Prague in March. The delay would mean Montreal in July instead. Been to Montreal a couple of times, I think Prague would be more fun. Summary: bit of PITA, but not that big a deal.
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Just goes to show you how much waste the

Coast guard personnel, air traffic controllers, CDC employees.....These are pretty core govt services. If these ppl get pissed off and walk away I think many ppl will start thinking differently.
Given that >70% of spending is on SS, Medicare, Military, and debt management, it is not surprising. If you are over 69, you've probably already consumed more in Medicare than you paid in Medicare taxes, so you if you are going to the doctor you can pay in cash.
Flew international back into Boston Logan the other problems or crazy long lines getting through security...same as always.
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I'm currently furloughed. Financially, it doesn't hurt yet, because I have other income streams--it'll hurt in February.. However, I had a coworker call me in tears yesterday (single mom).

I have a cousin that is a guard at a federal prison...he worked a double on Saturday and chose not to go in last night.

If you place too much stress on anything, it will break eventually. Many of the less popular government agencies perform actions that the common citizen does not value until they need its services. It's real...affecting hundreds of thousands of people, republican and democrat.
Gonna get interesting if TSA agents and Air Traffic Controllers stop showing up for work.

You're right.

The Air Traffic Controllers tried this with Reagan and it turned out the biggest mistake by deep staters of the past 100 years. Union influence has never (and probably will never) recovered from the self-inflicted blow.

The % of gov't actually shuttered this time is way less than 1/4. We the bosses/payers should permanently shutter it if the bullies keep the shutdown going. Within those areas, identify any truly essential sub-services and redistribute to the national guard or the gov't departments still on the job. Demand adaptability.

Find waste within those services still open, and stop it to make room for the new duties. Those who want to serve the taxpayers will have to absorb the transition. They make 147% of private sector wage for same services. They'll manage.

Perform the taxpayers' essential services, or leave the cushy nest. Don't let the door hit you on your way out. Go with Nancy and Chuck to Venezuela or Cuba and try it there.
In 2013 was anyone a little PO'd the gov was shut down for 17 days to receive Obama care?
In 2013 was anyone a little PO'd the gov was shut down for 17 days to receive Obama care?
I said this same thing the other day. This isn't the first time the Government shut down and it wont be the last. Anyone taking any kind of government job understands that.

It has been shutdown something like 10 times since 1980.
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It affects very few people, although you may have much longer lines for security at the airport. I flew out of New Orleans yesterday, and the line was comically long because they only had one lane open. There were no problems in Chicago, though.

I'm sure it sucks to not know when you're going to be paid next, but I believe they've only missed one pay period so far, and there's no question that they'll eventually be paid for all of this time. Hopefully people have saved up enough money that they can get their mid-month paycheck late.

As far as other shut-downs, yes, people were pissed off then, too. Most of those were shorter than this one already is.
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Someone at the IRS must be working because my q4 estimate and payroll withholding just got cashed with the quickness.

Feel bad for the people not getting paid. Way too many people out there living paycheck to paycheck.
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Given that >70% of spending is on SS, Medicare, Military, and debt management, it is not surprising. If you are over 69, you've probably already consumed more in Medicare than you paid in Medicare taxes, so you if you are going to the doctor you can pay in cash.
Wait til you're over 69. You'll be singing a different tune.
Many of the things that are closed will not have an immediate impact but over time it is a major problem and will cause the economy to slow. Don’t be so short sighted.

FDA being shutdown is a big deal - food is not being inspected, New Drug Applications and generics are not being reviewed delaying potentially life saving drugs entering the market.

TSA agents are working for free right now, but there is a breaking point at which most will stop showing up for work because they will require a paycheck of some kind. That will affect business/economy in a big way!

IRS is going to have a lot of difficulty processing tax returns and getting refunds out to millions of Americans, where that money would be injected back into the economy. Not a positive for the economy.
Probably that you don’t get out.

Me: airports a little slower, not too bad so far, a few national parks I wanted to visit were closed, IRS finally finished drafting new tax forms (week or 2 delay), had my TV viewing interrupted by a worthless presidential address (did not result in anything), stock market jitters are stronger than they should be.

Worry not, other than personal inconvenience and potential negative economic impacts, the shutdown only demonstrates our government is even more dysfunctional than it has been which is hard to believe. We will eventually get tired of both sides and throw them all out.

Funny, because my flying experience actually improved (waiting in line, etc.) after the government shutdown.
I know 2 TSA agents in Columbia. In both cases they are the only source of income in their house. They say it’s tight on money and they haven’t eaten out in a month but they’re ok so far on essentials.

Both voted for Trump but said he has lost their vote. They wouldn’t vote for Hilary or nothing like that, they just would sit the next one out if he runs again. It doesn’t matter in S.C. but he could be losing votes in closer states over this.