It’s done. Musk forced to buy Twitter

Big reason why I quit even engaging libs on social media. If you still drinking the blue koolaide after these last 2 years there’s nothing I can tell you to change your mind 🤣 Wise man once said never argue with a fool because people gonna wonder who da fool? lol

it’s you. You are the fool.
You’re welcome.
We’ll he wasn’t exactly born on third base and claimed to have hit a triple there big guy
Straw man. I never said that. He was born in a pretty wealthy family but that has nothing to do with his life story. Totally irrelevant.
I got a call from Elon today wanting to know if I would come back from my retirement.
Lol the butthurt and denial is strong here! He is going to blow it up and build it back without the communist stains
Why would he blow it up? That makes no sense. You don’t pay $40B for a company and then blow it up. You just start a competitor and erode the market. And Musk has the financial resources and clout to develop a major player. He clearly sees value in the current user volume. I’d suspect he’ll use the data to train human-interaction models.
i agree with most of this except US initiated cutting off Russia from SWIFT.

otherwise i guess i was just being optimistic that these dolts would enlighten me on how to end this conflict. but you are right, we wanted this and we will milk it to satiate the MIC while destroying the petrodollar. energy is the master resource.
Why the personal attacks? I actually just agreed with your post. You understand the Eurodollar system. Where was I wrong with Elon? If I am wrong, I will admit it, but you need to support your argument with facts.
I apologize man, I think I confused you with another poster. Your avatar is a little scary Btw. That man is pure evil.
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The left hates Elon because he is smarter, more successful and doesn't need them. He trolls them and it's entertaining. The first two full years of biden, how can anyone double down on the same mistake again in 2024? What a disaster the first two years have been.
Which I strange because they loved him a year ago.
When Musk is done with Twitter all the liberals itt will be severely triggered. Any money he potentially loses won’t be noticed, but socialist twitterers dwindling influence sure will. Who won? Thanks for playing.
Are you from another planet? You think he wanted to back out of the deal, force twitters stock to plumet, then have to over pay at the original stock price?
Oh wow, have you looked at the market lately? From another planet? Everthing has plummeted. So the deal was based on stock price? Try again. Don’t look now but it’s done a 22% increase since this was announced. Sitting at $52. Did you even look?
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Tesla makes most of it's money from government subsidies
This has not been the case for a couple years for Tesla or GMs EVs. Both passed the number of cars eligible long ago. But the new subsidies coming thanks to the walking President Bidead will benefit TSLA more than the rest because of how much of the percentage of components Tesla actually makes in the USA.
When Musk is done with Twitter all the liberals itt will be severely triggered. Any money he potentially loses won’t be noticed, but socialist twitterers dwindling influence sure will. Who won? Thanks for playing.
This crap about him being FORCED to buy it at a much higher original price is exactly that, crap. It's being purchased right at the current stock price. Liberal policies are simply NOT lucrative, do people really think Twitter's worth will go down now due to angry liberals? LOL
He did in a few years what it took NASA 50 years to accomplish. His rocket systems are better now than anything nasa has.
And how much money did NASA spend in last several decades?

Id like a refund and reparations on behalf of my dead grandparents who paid into it. Thanks.
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This is basically the reply of everyone who has said I’m full of shit. Wall St is good at pushing a narrative.
Well then, please enlightenment me. Like him or hate him, my impression is that Musk is the dominant reason for Tesla and SpaecX's success--and for perhaps the primary reason EV's are approaching viability in this country and for the revitalization of the American space industry.
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Well then, please enlightenment me. Like him or hate him, my impression is that Musk is the dominant reason for Tesla and SpaecX's success--and for perhaps the primary reason EV's are approaching viability in this country and for the revitalization of the American space industry.
Do you know anyone who works there? Most of his employees wouldn’t agree with you.
Musk took a huge L.
People who think twitter will somehow change their user policies in ways they want are going to be disappointed
Musk wouldn’t be the richest man in the world without the government. He won’t go against his masters.
He did in a few years what it took NASA 50 years to accomplish. His rocket systems are better now than anything nasa has.
How much of the R+D that NASA spent their time and money on did Musk utilize???
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I don't think his approach is to "blow it up" and rebuild it, that would be rather extreme IMO. He'll weed out the bots and algorithms and clean up some of the bias or fact checks here and there but other than that I don't expect much changes with the platform.
I don't think his approach is to "blow it up" and rebuild it, that would be rather extreme IMO. He'll weed out the bots and algorithms and clean up some of the bias or fact checks here and there but other than that I don't expect much changes with the platform.

I honestly think he talked his way into a corner running his mouth. I don't think he actually wanted to buy Twitter, but he got caught up in the attention.
what is the path to peace?

True long term peace? Well, that’s a philosophical discussion involving ideas like humanity evolving to a higher state of being where money, power, and violence don’t have the sway they do over us now. Let’s not go down that rabbit hole :)

But, Russia and Ukraine…. Russia has to be neutered. They invaded a sovereign state, unprovoked. Russia’s perspective is that Ukraine belongs to them, and they will not stop until they either have Ukraine or they are beaten. Getting Crimea didn’t satisfy them, did it? Annexing the Donbas won’t either.
I am not sure what you point is. I have seen first hand users banned from Twitter for posting views that apparently conflict with those of the people that run it. I followed a crypto guy verified @CryptoWhale for years who was recently banned just for constantly being negative on Bitcoin. I have also seem people banned for being anti-vegetarian. I am not even talking about the actual political realm which I don't follow closely.

My bet is I understand more tech than most including you.

I doubt it. I’m an IT professional, it’s what I do for a living. The list of technologies with which I have been involved and/or built throughout my career is longer than my arm.

If people are banned from the platform, it’s because they are violating policies…not because they are “anti-vegetarian”. That example is especially silly. I’m not going to debate anecdotal cases without any evidence. If you wanted to understand why any given user gets banned, you would need to see every tweet and every interaction that person has made on the platform.
Ok I mainly tweet about sports and a little bit of Jesus stuff. Why not 1 single retweet of anything of that nature ?? They only retweeted political stuff & like I said it stopped shortly after I caught on to it. If somebody hacked my account I’m sure they’d be doing way worse than that.

I don’t know dude. I have zero context here.

All I can tell is it sounds like you either don’t know how to use the platform. Or, someone else retweeted those things unbeknownst to you(wife, kids, friend, family who had access to your phone/tablet/computer). Or, you were black out drunk and didn’t know you did it. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I don’t know dude. I have zero context here.

All I can tell is it sounds like you either don’t know how to use the platform. Or, someone else retweeted those things unbeknownst to you(wife, kids, friend, family who had access to your phone/tablet/computer). Or, you were black out drunk and didn’t know you did it. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Ok I’m sending you’re a lib and refuse to believe big tech does shady 💩 with conservative accounts… Amirite??
Ok I’m sending you’re a lib and refuse to believe big tech does shady 💩 with conservative accounts… Amirite??

Uh, no. I’m someone who works in IT and understands how these platforms function. And understands the legal ramifications that would exist if the “shady” stuff they are accused of by a small minority of uneducated users was occurring.

Go ahead. Sue them. Compile your evidence and make your case. If your understanding of what you think occurred with your account is accurate, they’ve broken laws.
Uh, no. I’m someone who works in IT and understands how these platforms function. And understands the legal ramifications that would exist if the “shady” stuff they are accused of by a small minority of uneducated users was occurring.

Go ahead. Sue them. Compile your evidence and make your case. If your understanding of what you think occurred with your account is accurate, they’ve broken laws.

It's far easier to accuse on social media without ever having to say it in court. Seems like a familiar strategy, wonder were they got it.....

Trump maybe?
Uh, no. I’m someone who works in IT and understands how these platforms function. And understands the legal ramifications that would exist if the “shady” stuff they are accused of by a small minority of uneducated users was occurring.

Go ahead. Sue them. Compile your evidence and make your case. If your understanding of what you think occurred with your account is accurate, they’ve broken laws.
Buddy I have no reason to come on here and claim Twitter was retweeting stuff on my page to hate on me. It was like 1 re-tweet a week, nothing major at all. I really do not even care. I just like to have fun on social media, I’m not trying to be known as some political blow hard. I definitely don’t care enough to try to sue about the 💩 But trust me when I tell you Twitter was doing that 💩 on my page & I asked a few people in 1 of my groups if it had happened to them, they said no. And again, when I caught on to it & started undoing the re-tweets right after they re-tweeted it stopped. So maybe they where scared they could get in trouble if I took the time to hit up customer support or whatever I don’t know but again I don’t even care that much, actually thought it was kinda funny. MY MAIN POINT OF THE STORY IS I FULL WELL BELIEVE CONSERVATIVES WITH BIG PLATFORMS REALLY DO GET SHADOW BANNED SOMETIMES. But if you wanna believe Twitter and Big Tech (that are ran by a bunch of libs) are above doing shady things like that I’ll let you and your year of IT experience have that. I’ve got experience with some wacky 💩 happening on my Twitter page, didn’t even think it was some far fetched thing but you seem pretty triggered by it for some reason I dunno. I’ll leave you with an example tho.. 1 of the last things I busted was an article about George Floyd, basically showing the side of the story about him being a drug addict or something along those lines. I didn’t even read the article but it was definitely something that if somebody saw it it could start a whole 💩 show on my page that I’m not even about so yea that’s just the last example but it was those type of tweets. Another thing I look at a bunch of tweets about wild life or just other crazy stuff caught on camera that happens around the world… But none of that type stuff was ever re-tweeted… Only real drama type political stuff that more often than not, I saw but didn’t even read
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Lol, much like the electric car company will never work. I'm sure he will continue to allow liberal moderation that has been going on, riiiiiight. This went EXACTLY as he planned. He exposed them and opened the door to do he wants. Free speech will indeed return.
I bought tesla stock before you heard about it. I've known who he is since PayPal.
Buddy I have no reason to come on here and claim Twitter was retweeting stuff on my page to hate on me. It was like 1 re-tweet a week, nothing major at all. I really do not even care. I just like to have fun on social media, I’m not trying to be known as some political blow hard. I definitely don’t care enough to try to sue about the 💩 But trust me when I tell you Twitter was doing that 💩 on my page & I asked a few people in 1 of my groups if it had happened to them, they said no. And again, when I caught on to it & started undoing the re-tweets right after they re-tweeted it stopped. So maybe they where scared they could get in trouble if I took the time to hit up customer support or whatever I don’t know but again I don’t even care that much, actually thought it was kinda funny. MY MAIN POINT OF THE STORY IS I FULL WELL BELIEVE CONSERVATIVES WITH BIG PLATFORMS REALLY DO GET SHADOW BANNED SOMETIMES. But if you wanna believe Twitter and Big Tech (that are ran by a bunch of libs) are above doing shady things like that I’ll let you and your year of IT experience have that. I’ve got experience with some wacky 💩 happening on my Twitter page, didn’t even think it was some far fetched thing but you seem pretty triggered by it for some reason I dunno. I’ll leave you with an example tho.. 1 of the last things I busted was an article about George Floyd, basically showing the side of the story about him being a drug addict or something along those lines. I didn’t even read the article but it was definitely something that if somebody saw it it could start a whole 💩 show on my page that I’m not even about so yea that’s just the last example but it was those type of tweets. Another thing I look at a bunch of tweets about wild life or just other crazy stuff caught on camera that happens around the world… But none of that type stuff was ever re-tweeted… Only real drama type political stuff that more often than not, I saw but didn’t even read
Are you saying that another account was retweeting your posts? Yes, Musk is correct that there is a bot problem. It’s always been fairly easy to build a Twitter bot tht retweets stuff based on keywords. That is likely what was happening. The Russians have been using Twitter extensively to try to get certain topics trending.

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