It’s done. Musk forced to buy Twitter

Straw man. I never said that. He was born in a pretty wealthy family but that has nothing to do with his life story. Totally irrelevant.
I wasn’t trying to make a point about his skill as an inventor. Just that he’s…..ummm….. the richest guy in the freaking world. How do you disparage the richest guy in the world as being a phony?
Buddy I have no reason to come on here and claim Twitter was retweeting stuff on my page to hate on me. It was like 1 re-tweet a week, nothing major at all. I really do not even care. I just like to have fun on social media, I’m not trying to be known as some political blow hard. I definitely don’t care enough to try to sue about the 💩 But trust me when I tell you Twitter was doing that 💩 on my page & I asked a few people in 1 of my groups if it had happened to them, they said no. And again, when I caught on to it & started undoing the re-tweets right after they re-tweeted it stopped. So maybe they where scared they could get in trouble if I took the time to hit up customer support or whatever I don’t know but again I don’t even care that much, actually thought it was kinda funny. MY MAIN POINT OF THE STORY IS I FULL WELL BELIEVE CONSERVATIVES WITH BIG PLATFORMS REALLY DO GET SHADOW BANNED SOMETIMES. But if you wanna believe Twitter and Big Tech (that are ran by a bunch of libs) are above doing shady things like that I’ll let you and your year of IT experience have that. I’ve got experience with some wacky 💩 happening on my Twitter page, didn’t even think it was some far fetched thing but you seem pretty triggered by it for some reason I dunno. I’ll leave you with an example tho.. 1 of the last things I busted was an article about George Floyd, basically showing the side of the story about him being a drug addict or something along those lines. I didn’t even read the article but it was definitely something that if somebody saw it it could start a whole 💩 show on my page that I’m not even about so yea that’s just the last example but it was those type of tweets. Another thing I look at a bunch of tweets about wild life or just other crazy stuff caught on camera that happens around the world… But none of that type stuff was ever re-tweeted… Only real drama type political stuff that more often than not, I saw but didn’t even read

That was exceptionally hard to read. I'll make 2 points and I'm done here.
- I'm 44 and have been in IT for 25 years. Don't be an ass.
- See below. You got botted. It wasn't "Twitter". But, you believe whatever silly shenanigans help you sleep at night.

Are you saying that another account was retweeting your posts? Yes, Musk is correct that there is a bot problem. It’s always been fairly easy to build a Twitter bot tht retweets stuff based on keywords. That is likely what was happening. The Russians have been using Twitter extensively to try to get certain topics trending.
I wasn’t trying to make a point about his skill as an inventor. Just that he’s…..ummm….. the richest guy in the freaking world. How do you disparage the richest guy in the world as being a phony?
He understands capital markets. In that aspect, he is a genius.
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Are you saying that another account was retweeting your posts? Yes, Musk is correct that there is a bot problem. It’s always been fairly easy to build a Twitter bot tht retweets stuff based on keywords. That is likely what was happening. The Russians have been using Twitter extensively to try to get certain topics trending.
No I’m not saying another account was re-tweeting my posts. I’m saying it was like somebody had access to my account & retweeted political 💩 from time to time. Nobody hacked my account though or I’m sure far crazier stuff than that would’ve happened. Nobody got any DMs from me or anything like that. It was definitely something to do with Twitter. I doubt it was a bot tho or it probably wouldn’t have stopped once I caught on and started undoing the retweets
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That was exceptionally hard to read. I'll make 2 points and I'm done here.
- I'm 44 and have been in IT for 25 years. Don't be an ass.
- See below. You got botted. It wasn't "Twitter". But, you believe whatever silly shenanigans help you sleep at night.
Ok genius then why did the bot stop retweeting stuff once I caught on and started undoing the retweets ?? Serious question , you might be right but can you answer that? Also then if bots can do that I don’t see why it’s so far fetched to think Twitter don’t have something that shadow bans conservatives
I wasn’t trying to make a point about his skill as an inventor. Just that he’s…..ummm….. the richest guy in the freaking world. How do you disparage the richest guy in the world as being a phony?
He also isn’t the richest guy in the world. By stock share of market cap he is. The richest guys are Putin and MBS, etc. those dudes are 10-20x richer than Elon.
On another note it’s pretty wild I’m having to sit here and defende myself over something I know dang well to be a fact that I personally experienced myself but got people acting like I’m crazy or don’t know how to use Twitter wich consists of a Tweet, Retweet & Undo Retweet button. I’ve been on there since 2011 & think I have the 3 buttons figured out by now. Maybe if I take a couple college courses 1 day I might learn how to upload photos & videos.. or maybe even go live wow

EDIT: Dang I almost forgot the little heart button you can hit to like something usually incase you want to reference back to it it’ll be easy to find. Just go on your profile and hit “liked tweets” and it’ll be easy to find what your looking for. You’re welcome for the tutorial, lol
I just find it odd that nobody in US leadership on either side of the aisle seems interested in brokering a peace deal between the two. It seems like they actually want nuclear war.
Russia's situation is far more nuanced than most seen to want to consider. While probably true that Ukraine is a quasi-puppet state being manipulated/ leveraged/exploited against Russia (and for perhaps a variety other less than savory reasons) by the West, Russia is also a desperate, dying country. They are running out of men of fighting age and will soon no longer be able to field an army even half it's present size. Russia is perhaps very literally fighting for it's very existence....but it's too late. Russia is screwed either way.

Nevertheless, the world should stand for nothing less than the complete restoration of Ukraine, to include all territories along with some amount of restitution.
I mean where else you see Elon Musk & Lindsey Graham about to have a dust up?? 🤣🤣🤣

EDIT: And wud u look a there… I even know how to share a Tweet from Twitter onto to TI.. And I ain’t talkin about 1 little tweet.. I shared like a Tweet responding to a tweet.. That’s next level 💩 right there fam 🤣
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I do. I'm stating a informed opinion. No one's perfect. Musk is deteriorating as a midas touch. His arrogance is costing him billions.. which he can afford
Cost him billions? Sounds like biased liberal media propaganda and misdirection. The potential with Twitter is unlimited. Everyone has lost allot of money in terms of stock in companies etc... lately. But we are to believe with everything Musk owns its his fault.

I don't know what he intends to do with it. But its hilarious to see liberals whom currently have a monopoly on social media so terrified. Sometimes life comes at you hard.

I'm a big Musk fan, but I respect your opinion.
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Cost him billions? Sounds like biased liberal media propaganda and misdirection. The potential with Twitter is unlimited. Everyone has lost allot of money in terms of stock in companies etc... lately. But we are to believe with everything Musk owns its his fault.

I don't know what he intends to do with it. But its hilarious to see liberals whom currently have a monopoly on social media so terrified. Sometimes life comes at you hard.

I'm a big Musk fan, but I respect your opinion.
I'm not so sure about this Twitter thing. I recall reading somewhere that it struggles to turn a profit.
Russia's situation is far more nuanced than most seen to want to consider. While probably true that Ukraine is a quasi-puppet state being manipulated/ leveraged/exploited against Russia (and for perhaps a variety other less than savory reasons) by the West, Russia is also a desperate, dying country. They are running out of men of fighting age and will soon no longer be able to field an army even half it's present size. Russia is perhaps very literally fighting for it's very existence....but it's too late. Russia is screwed either way.

Nevertheless, the world should stand for nothing less than the complete restoration of Ukraine, to include all territories along with some amount of restitution.
russia has 3x the population of ukraine.

Russia has energy and nukes. you are violating rule #1 assuming they are weak relative to Ukraine.
True long term peace? Well, that’s a philosophical discussion involving ideas like humanity evolving to a higher state of being where money, power, and violence don’t have the sway they do over us now. Let’s not go down that rabbit hole :)

But, Russia and Ukraine…. Russia has to be neutered. They invaded a sovereign state, unprovoked. Russia’s perspective is that Ukraine belongs to them, and they will not stop until they either have Ukraine or they are beaten. Getting Crimea didn’t satisfy them, did it? Annexing the Donbas won’t either.

unprovoked? US overthrows their election and new puppet regime changes stance on NATO expansion.

And why do you think Russia will not stop after annexing those eastern regions? to them, this is a reclamation maneuver not one of expansion.

We are the ones funding and arming this atrocity. More Russians and Ukrainians and dumbass volunteers will die because of America pushing this narrative that we must stop Putin regardless of the consequences.
No I’m not saying another account was re-tweeting my posts. I’m saying it was like somebody had access to my account & retweeted political 💩 from time to time. Nobody hacked my account though or I’m sure far crazier stuff than that would’ve happened. Nobody got any DMs from me or anything like that. It was definitely something to do with Twitter. I doubt it was a bot tho or it probably wouldn’t have stopped once I caught on and started undoing the retweets
I love that you think enough of yourself and your 6 followers that someone took the time to do that shit.

good to see your delusion is still strong. Keep it up buddy.
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unprovoked? US overthrows their election and new puppet regime changes stance on NATO expansion.

And why do you think Russia will not stop after annexing those eastern regions? to them, this is a reclamation maneuver not one of expansion.

We are the ones funding and arming this atrocity. More Russians and Ukrainians and dumbass volunteers will die because of America pushing this narrative that we must stop Putin regardless of the consequences.
No disrespect, but I think your perspective on this is too narrow, and naive.

Putin has made very clear he feels the entirety of the old USSR should be sovereign Russian territory. This is why we and our Allies are responding in this way and supporting Ukraine. Do you think Europe would willingly push themselves into a recession if they thought Putin would accept a sliver of Ukraine and call it quits? Heck no, this path eventually leads to Russia being on the doorstep of Europe, our biggest ally, and we will do whatever it takes to avoid that outcome.

Not to mention, you seem to be assuming Ukraine will simply acquiesce, which is neither in their nature nor temperament. As these last 6mo have shown.

Bigger picture…of course war and death is horrible, but there are geopolitical benefits for the US by further destabilizing Russia. It weakens China. It may potentially(hopefully) bring us closer to India, who will grow into a force over the next 50 years…and India as an ally and partner does what? It weakens China.
I love that you think enough of yourself and your 6 followers that someone took the time to do that shit.

good to see your delusion is still strong. Keep it up buddy.

I am going to have to let the other members of the New World Order Liberal Deep State Cabal know that @Elul77 is on to us and we should cease this clandestine Twitter operation immediately.
I do. I'm stating a informed opinion. No one's perfect. Musk is deteriorating as a midas touch. His arrogance is costing him billions.. which he can afford
What's your sources saying about this? Not true? Gonna block it?

Original aritcle

Now that Elon Musk has agreed to go ahead with his $44 billion deal to buy Twitter (TWTR), the mercurial Tesla CEO will likely attempt to make major changes at the 16-year-old microblogging platform — if indeed he follows through with his revived plans.
On Thursday, the Associated Press reported that Musk's lawyers said they wouldn't accept his renewed offer for the company. Earlier on Thursday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Twitter and Musk were negotiating the details of the deal and aimed to hammer out an agreement by Monday.
Musk's recently released text messages with fellow billionaires, family members, investors, Twitter executives, and others can provide clues into how he aims to transform Twitter if he does end up acquiring it. Importantly, they suggest he would plan to overhaul the company soon after the deal went through.
Musk's legal team handed over the messages as part of a lawsuit filed by Twitter seeking to force him to go through with the deal reached in April of this year after he reneged on it in July. When he backed out of the deal, Musk claimed Twitter hadn't given him enough data to determine the number of fake accounts, or bots, on the social media site. Twitter struck back in a lawsuit accusing the CEO of using the bots issue as a pretext for backing out of the deal.
Indeed, the text messages show Musk raised concerns about bots — which can spread false information on Twitter — before he struck the deal to buy the company. In those texts, Musk considers implementing a pay-to-tweet fee to tackle the fake account problem. As he's mentioned publicly, Musk also signals that he wants to relax content moderation and allow Twitter exiles like Donald Trump back on the site.
"Would be great to unwind permanent bans, except for spam accounts and those that explicitly advocate violence," he noted in one text message. In April, before he finalized his deal to buy Twitter, he texted that "drastic" action would be needed to fix Twitter.
Here are details on Musk texts that provide insight into how he would run Twitter:

A forum for 'free speech'

March 24, 2022: Musk to a recipient identified as "TJ" reported to be his ex-wife, actress Talulah Riley: “Maybe buy it [Twitter] and change it to properly support free speech."
The Tesla CEO also “liked” a message that day from tech investor Joe Lonsdale that had complimented one of Musk’s Twitter posts recommending Twitter's algorithm be open-sourced.
Lonsdale described Twitter as the worst of social media, due to its popularity as a news stream. "And this sh** is infecting the world,” Lonsdale wrote. “Please do something to fight woke-ism.”
“Absolutely,” Musk said in reply to Lonsdale.
April 6, 2022: Musk to veteran broadcast journalist Gayle King: “Twitter should move more to the center, but [CEO] Parag [Agrawal] already thought that should be the case before I came along.”
April 28, 2022: “Twitter is obviously not going to be turned into some right-wing nuthouse. Aiming to be as broadly inclusive as possible. Do the right thing for vast majority of Americans," Musk wrote.

Spam and bot control

March 24, 2022: “Crypto spam on Twitter really needs to get crushed. It’s a major blight on the user experience and they scam so many innocent people,” Musk texted.
April 9, 2022: Musk to Twitter board member and Salesforce co-CEO Bret Taylor : “Fixing Twitter by talking to [CEO Parag [Agrawal] won’t work."
(COMBO) This combination of pictures created on August 22, 2022 shows Elon Musk (L) shows his Texas belt buckle as he speaks during a press conference at SpaceX's Starbase facility near Boca Chica Village in South Texas on February 10, 2022, and CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey (R) testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on September 5, 2018. - Elon Musk has served August 22, 2022 former Twitter boss Jack Dorsey with a subpoena in a hunt for material to help him get out of buying the giant social media platform for $44 billion as agreed. (Photo by JIM WATSON / AFP) (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

Elon Musk and former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. (Photo by JIM WATSON / AFP) (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)
April 9, 2022: Musk to Bret Taylor: “Drastic action is needed.”
April 9, 2022: Musk to Bret Taylor: “This is hard to do as a public company, as purging fake users will make the numbers look terrible, so restructuring should be done as a private company.”

Blockchain technology & decentralization

April 9, 2022: Musk to brother Kimbal Musk: “I have an idea for a blockchain social media system that does both payments and short text messages/links like Twitter. You have to pay a tiny amount to register your message on the chain, which will cut out the vast majority of spam and bots. There is no throat to choke, so free speech is guaranteed.”
April 9, 2022: Musk to brother Kimbal Musk: “The second piece of the puzzle is a massive real-time database that keeps a copy of all blockchain messages in memory, as well as all messages sent to or received by you, your followers, and those you follow.”
April 9, 2022: Musk to Kimbal Musk: “Third piece is a twitter-like app on your phone that accessed the database in the cloud.” Later, he texted, "This could be massive."

User bans

April 5, 2022: Musk: “Would be great to unwind permanent bans, except for spam accounts and those that explicitly advocate violence.”

Executive leadership

April 7, 2022: “Frankly, I hate doing management stuff. I kinda don’t think anyone should be the boss of anyone. But I love helping solve technical/product design problems.”
April 26, 2022: Musk also texted that Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey confirmed to him that he had no intention of returning to Twitter. Musk to James Murdoch, son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch: “Jack doesn’t want to come back. He’s focused on Bitcoin.”
April 23, 2022: Musk to entrepreneur and angel investor Jason Calacanis: “Want to be a strategic adviser to Twitter if this works out?”
“100%,” Calacanis replied. “Board member, adviser, whatever…you have my sword.”

Rewarding content creators

In an April 23 text, Jason Calacanis recommended to Musk that Twitter could share revenue with video content creators such as those on YouTube.
“We could literally give video creators 100% of their ad revenue up to $1m then do split,” Calacanis said.
“Absolutely,’ Musk replied.

Paid Twitter memberships

In the April 23 texts, Calacanis also recommended to Musk that Twitter roll out paid subscriptions for individuals and corporations.
“Membership no one has tried really…so hard to estimate. 1-5m paid memberships maybe @ $50-100 a year. 250k corporate memberships at $10k a year?”
Musk to Calacanis (April 23, 2022): “You are a mind reader.”
On the day after Musk signed the merger agreement, Dorsey arranged a conference call for Musk to discuss next steps with Agrawal, the current CEO.
April 26, 2022: Musk to Jack Dorsey: “You and I are in complete agreement. Parag is just moving far too slowly and trying to please people who will not be happy no matter what he does.”
Editor's note: This post was updated to reflect new reporting on Twitter's negotiations with Elon Musk.
Alexis Keenan is a legal reporter for Yahoo Finance. Follow Alexis on Twitter
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russia has 3x the population of ukraine.

Russia has energy and nukes. you are violating rule #1 assuming they are weak relative to Ukraine.
Total population and demographic makeup of said population are wildly different things. Russia's demographic makeup, by age, is an inverted pyramid. That, of course, is not good. Things are getting have gotten desperate for them.
russia has 3x the population of ukraine.

Russia has energy and nukes. you are violating rule #1 assuming they are weak relative to Ukraine.
Oh, and for the record, I do not think Russia weak. They are desperate...or at least getting desperate. And as long as they have nukes (and energy), they have leverage. And if they have Ukraine, they have greater ability to apply said leverage.
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Oh, and for the record, I do not think Russia weak. They are desperate...or at least getting desperate. And as long as they have nukes (and energy), they have leverage. And if they have Ukraine, they have greater ability to apply said leverage.
I would also argue Russia does not have nationalism that Ukraine has, you see these ukrsine citizens drop everything and fight for their country, and their are men committing suicide or their wives murdering them so that they don’t have to be drafted and go to war
I doubt it. I’m an IT professional, it’s what I do for a living. The list of technologies with which I have been involved and/or built throughout my career is longer than my arm.

If people are banned from the platform, it’s because they are violating policies…not because they are “anti-vegetarian”. That example is especially silly. I’m not going to debate anecdotal cases without any evidence. If you wanted to understand why any given user gets banned, you would need to see every tweet and every interaction that person has made on the platform.
LOL, OK "IT guy". I was in tech before there was such a thing as "IT guys". If you have to constantly tell people about your qualifications it is because you are too incompetent to demonstrate your talent. I have a CU degree in mechanical engineering and was programming assembly language , FORTRAN, Pascal, Basic, Java, JS, et al while you were playing Atari and wearing Spiderman PJs. I built fullstack apps in React, MongoDB, and AWS as a hobby during the pandemic.

I don't know if Twitter is banning users based on criteria outside of their "rules", but I am seeing more and more situations indicating that is is the case. It will be interesting to see what changes occur if/ when Elon takes control.
Last edited:
LOl, OK "IT guy". I was in tech before there was such a thing as "iT guys". If you have to constantly tell people about your qualifications it is because you are too incompetent to demonstrate your talent. I have a CU degree in mechanical engineering and was programming assembly language , FORTRAN, Pascal, Basic, Java, JS, et al while you were playing Atari and wearing Spiderman PJs. I built fullstack apps in React, MongoDB, and AWS as a hobby during the pandemic. Web dev isn't rocket science.

I worked for the Dept. of the Navy doing R&D on noise and vibration analysis of nuclear submarine powerplants. I was later head of a department responsible for the machinery used to refuel the reactors.

After leaving the DoD I developed automated systems for trading the financial markets. This involved developing the software algos as well as building high-speed computers and LANs from the mother board level.

So, some arrogant webdev like @TigerFlow does not impress me to say the least. I don't know if Twitter is banning users based on criteria outside of their "rules", but I am seeing more and more situations indicating that is is the case. It will be interesting to see what changes occur if/ when Elon takes control.
Prolly didn't need the whole resume, but I think you proved your point.

One other thing I'd point out, Twitter owes no one ultimate 'honesty'. They can (and do?) generate 100% fake content and have algorithms to artificially increase or inflate content that suits their business and ideological whims. Considering that nearly 100% of individual donations from Twitter support exclusively Democrats and the Democrat party, I am 'sure' none of this bias affects what content they sensor, promote, or manipulate. I mean, why spend all that money helping to get a single party elected and not help engineer the the outcome you are otherwise so heavily invested in?

One would have to completely suspend disbelief to think otherwise.
Prolly didn't need the whole resume, but I think you proved your point.

One other thing I'd point out, Twitter owes no one ultimate 'honesty'. They can (and do?) generate 100% fake content and have algorithms to artificially increase or inflate content that suits their business and ideological whims. Considering that nearly 100% of individual donations from Twitter support exclusively Democrats and the Democrat party, I am 'sure' none of this bias affects what content they sensor, promote, or manipulate. I mean, why spend all that money helping to get a single party elected and not help engineer the the outcome you are otherwise so heavily invested in?

One would have to completely suspend disbelief to think otherw

Agree that Twitter can do whatever they want but I think they should be transparent. I have recently seen users banned for no apparent reason. I only use it to follow some sports, financial and tech feeds. I never post anything, so I doubt they even notice my account. A crypto guy with a large following was banned a couple weeks ago. He alleges it was due to his negative bias towards BTC and Twitter's bullish view. Founder Jack Dorsey is a big BTC promoter, so it makes sense. If there is enough smoke there is usually fire.

It will be fascinating to see how it unfolds.
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What's your sources saying about this? Not true? Gonna block it?

Original aritcle

Now that Elon Musk has agreed to go ahead with his $44 billion deal to buy Twitter (TWTR), the mercurial Tesla CEO will likely attempt to make major changes at the 16-year-old microblogging platform — if indeed he follows through with his revived plans.
On Thursday, the Associated Press reported that Musk's lawyers said they wouldn't accept his renewed offer for the company. Earlier on Thursday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Twitter and Musk were negotiating the details of the deal and aimed to hammer out an agreement by Monday.
Musk's recently released text messages with fellow billionaires, family members, investors, Twitter executives, and others can provide clues into how he aims to transform Twitter if he does end up acquiring it. Importantly, they suggest he would plan to overhaul the company soon after the deal went through.
Musk's legal team handed over the messages as part of a lawsuit filed by Twitter seeking to force him to go through with the deal reached in April of this year after he reneged on it in July. When he backed out of the deal, Musk claimed Twitter hadn't given him enough data to determine the number of fake accounts, or bots, on the social media site. Twitter struck back in a lawsuit accusing the CEO of using the bots issue as a pretext for backing out of the deal.
Indeed, the text messages show Musk raised concerns about bots — which can spread false information on Twitter — before he struck the deal to buy the company. In those texts, Musk considers implementing a pay-to-tweet fee to tackle the fake account problem. As he's mentioned publicly, Musk also signals that he wants to relax content moderation and allow Twitter exiles like Donald Trump back on the site.
"Would be great to unwind permanent bans, except for spam accounts and those that explicitly advocate violence," he noted in one text message. In April, before he finalized his deal to buy Twitter, he texted that "drastic" action would be needed to fix Twitter.
Here are details on Musk texts that provide insight into how he would run Twitter:

A forum for 'free speech'

March 24, 2022: Musk to a recipient identified as "TJ" reported to be his ex-wife, actress Talulah Riley: “Maybe buy it [Twitter] and change it to properly support free speech."
The Tesla CEO also “liked” a message that day from tech investor Joe Lonsdale that had complimented one of Musk’s Twitter posts recommending Twitter's algorithm be open-sourced.
Lonsdale described Twitter as the worst of social media, due to its popularity as a news stream. "And this sh** is infecting the world,” Lonsdale wrote. “Please do something to fight woke-ism.”
“Absolutely,” Musk said in reply to Lonsdale.
April 6, 2022: Musk to veteran broadcast journalist Gayle King: “Twitter should move more to the center, but [CEO] Parag [Agrawal] already thought that should be the case before I came along.”
April 28, 2022: “Twitter is obviously not going to be turned into some right-wing nuthouse. Aiming to be as broadly inclusive as possible. Do the right thing for vast majority of Americans," Musk wrote.

Spam and bot control

March 24, 2022: “Crypto spam on Twitter really needs to get crushed. It’s a major blight on the user experience and they scam so many innocent people,” Musk texted.
April 9, 2022: Musk to Twitter board member and Salesforce co-CEO Bret Taylor : “Fixing Twitter by talking to [CEO Parag [Agrawal] won’t work."
(COMBO) This combination of pictures created on August 22, 2022 shows Elon Musk (L) shows his Texas belt buckle as he speaks during a press conference at SpaceX's Starbase facility near Boca Chica Village in South Texas on February 10, 2022, and CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey (R) testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on September 5, 2018. - Elon Musk has served August 22, 2022 former Twitter boss Jack Dorsey with a subpoena in a hunt for material to help him get out of buying the giant social media platform for $44 billion as agreed. (Photo by JIM WATSON / AFP) (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

Elon Musk and former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. (Photo by JIM WATSON / AFP) (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)
April 9, 2022: Musk to Bret Taylor: “Drastic action is needed.”
April 9, 2022: Musk to Bret Taylor: “This is hard to do as a public company, as purging fake users will make the numbers look terrible, so restructuring should be done as a private company.”

Blockchain technology & decentralization

April 9, 2022: Musk to brother Kimbal Musk: “I have an idea for a blockchain social media system that does both payments and short text messages/links like Twitter. You have to pay a tiny amount to register your message on the chain, which will cut out the vast majority of spam and bots. There is no throat to choke, so free speech is guaranteed.”
April 9, 2022: Musk to brother Kimbal Musk: “The second piece of the puzzle is a massive real-time database that keeps a copy of all blockchain messages in memory, as well as all messages sent to or received by you, your followers, and those you follow.”
April 9, 2022: Musk to Kimbal Musk: “Third piece is a twitter-like app on your phone that accessed the database in the cloud.” Later, he texted, "This could be massive."

User bans

April 5, 2022: Musk: “Would be great to unwind permanent bans, except for spam accounts and those that explicitly advocate violence.”

Executive leadership

April 7, 2022: “Frankly, I hate doing management stuff. I kinda don’t think anyone should be the boss of anyone. But I love helping solve technical/product design problems.”
April 26, 2022: Musk also texted that Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey confirmed to him that he had no intention of returning to Twitter. Musk to James Murdoch, son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch: “Jack doesn’t want to come back. He’s focused on Bitcoin.”
April 23, 2022: Musk to entrepreneur and angel investor Jason Calacanis: “Want to be a strategic adviser to Twitter if this works out?”
“100%,” Calacanis replied. “Board member, adviser, whatever…you have my sword.”

Rewarding content creators

In an April 23 text, Jason Calacanis recommended to Musk that Twitter could share revenue with video content creators such as those on YouTube.
“We could literally give video creators 100% of their ad revenue up to $1m then do split,” Calacanis said.
“Absolutely,’ Musk replied.

Paid Twitter memberships

In the April 23 texts, Calacanis also recommended to Musk that Twitter roll out paid subscriptions for individuals and corporations.
“Membership no one has tried really…so hard to estimate. 1-5m paid memberships maybe @ $50-100 a year. 250k corporate memberships at $10k a year?”
Musk to Calacanis (April 23, 2022): “You are a mind reader.”
On the day after Musk signed the merger agreement, Dorsey arranged a conference call for Musk to discuss next steps with Agrawal, the current CEO.
April 26, 2022: Musk to Jack Dorsey: “You and I are in complete agreement. Parag is just moving far too slowly and trying to please people who will not be happy no matter what he does.”
Editor's note: This post was updated to reflect new reporting on Twitter's negotiations with Elon Musk.
Alexis Keenan is a legal reporter for Yahoo Finance. Follow Alexis on Twitter
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Not sure what you are exactly wanting me to respond to here. Theres like a million things and all of it conjecture in that article. I think you are probably asking me about the text messages where his ex wife suggests he buy twitter and make it a free speech platform? If so yah, ok honey, sounds good i'll do that. Personally, I'm a free speech advocate. But you see free speech is protected from the government, not from private companies. Now we can have a discussion about the internet being a commodity like electricity or the PHONE company and personally, I think it needs those levels of protection to keep AWS from owning the entire internet and its technologies within 10 years... however, you likely aren't asking about that.

You probably just want to know: Do I think Musk will buy twitter and own tha libs by reinstating all forms of speech and unbanning everyone? Well he could, but, he''d lose a shit ton of money in the process. Its a terrible business decision, because if he's allowing hate speech on the platform, a lot of folks are simply going to leave. Endorsement deals will dry up and the brand will suffer. Also, the idea that conservatism is persecuted on twitter is laughable. I would argue with anyone suggesting that. Show me on twitter an example of someone arguing for small government and getting banned. No what conservatives want is the ability to call people fag1ts and fr3aks and bully people for their lifestyles and play identity politics on twitter. Which is against their user policy.

I just think in the sober mornings of board meetings, Musk will likely get reeled in by some adults. Maybe he wont, its going to be his company and he can do what he wants. But at the end of the day I think some white people are just upset they can't say the quiet parts out loud on social media.
Haha, unfortunately that is not the entire resume - I get bored easily. I have just had enough of that condescending prick's nonsense. If he wants to go at it, I am game.

Agree that Twitter can do whatever they want but I think they should be transparent. I have recently seen users banned for no apparent reason. I only use it to follow some sports, financial and tech feeds. I never post anything, so I doubt they even notice my account. A crypto guy with a large following was banned a couple weeks ago. He alleges it was due to his negative bias towards BTC and Twitter's bullish view. Founder Jack Dorsey is a big BTC promoter, so it makes sense. If there is enough smoke there is usually fire.

It will be fascinating to see how it unfolds.
Who cares if they do that? They are a private company and can do whatever they want. How would you force them to be transparent? Make the government do it?
Who cares if they do that? They are a private company and can do whatever they want. How would you force them to be transparent? Make the government do it?
No, definitely do not want the govt. to take over anything. Agree they are a private company and can do whatever they want. By transparency I mean they should have open rules and tell users why their accounts were suspended. A guy on the other board posted his account was suspended with no reason given. A crypto guy with a large following was banned for allegedly being negative on Bitcoin. I do not think that violates any of the public rules. CryptoWhale censored.

I don't follow politics and think both parties are pitiful, but I think people should be able to express their views. I don't have to follow them or I can block them. I thought Musk's reason for the acquisition was "free speech".
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Not sure what you are exactly wanting me to respond to here. Theres like a million things and all of it conjecture in that article. I think you are probably asking me about the text messages where his ex wife suggests he buy twitter and make it a free speech platform? If so yah, ok honey, sounds good i'll do that. Personally, I'm a free speech advocate. But you see free speech is protected from the government, not from private companies. Now we can have a discussion about the internet being a commodity like electricity or the PHONE company and personally, I think it needs those levels of protection to keep AWS from owning the entire internet and its technologies within 10 years... however, you likely aren't asking about that.

You probably just want to know: Do I think Musk will buy twitter and own tha libs by reinstating all forms of speech and unbanning everyone? Well he could, but, he''d lose a shit ton of money in the process. Its a terrible business decision, because if he's allowing hate speech on the platform, a lot of folks are simply going to leave. Endorsement deals will dry up and the brand will suffer. Also, the idea that conservatism is persecuted on twitter is laughable. I would argue with anyone suggesting that. Show me on twitter an example of someone arguing for small government and getting banned. No what conservatives want is the ability to call people fag1ts and fr3aks and bully people for their lifestyles and play identity politics on twitter. Which is against their user policy.

I just think in the sober mornings of board meetings, Musk will likely get reeled in by some adults. Maybe he wont, its going to be his company and he can do what he wants. But at the end of the day I think some white people are just upset they can't say the quiet parts out loud on social media.

For every idiot that leaves because "hate speech" is allowed, another person will join because there is not censorship. Lol at Elon losing a lot of money on twatter. There is so much room for improvement he will 2-3x the value in just a few years of ownership.

Can't wait to start using twitter again once he owns it.
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No, definitely do not want the govt. to take over anything. Agree they are a private company and can do whatever they want. By transparency I mean they should have open rules and tell users why their accounts were suspended. A guy on the other board posted his account was suspended with no reason given. A crypto guy with a large following was banned for allegedly being negative on Bitcoin. I do not think that violates any of the public rules. CryptoWhale censored.

I don't follow politics and think both parties are pitiful, but I think people should be able to express their views. I don't have to follow them or I can block them. I thought Musk's reason for the acquisition was "free speech".
He's correct theres a bot problem on twitter. I personally, never use twitter, but I see how society has become really dependent on it, news articles link to twitter posts all the time. To me, Musk is doing this because he is starting to fixate on politics.
This whole discussion, is very important. What if Musk takes over twitter and bans anyone calling Trump a seditionist? What if he bans all religious discussion? Who cares? I don't. Its not a free speech issue to me, its a business decision made by a corp. They have share holders and a board, if the decision hurts their bottom line, they will boot Musk out the door. THAT is why I do not believe, at all, that Musk is going to make the splashes many here expect, and if he does. Well its going to get more interesting.

I'd argue that freedom of speech should be protected on the internet and that the government should enforce it. But thats me. More and more our society speaks through the internet. Therefore our speech now is becoming regulated by private companies, in exchange for using their services. We are headed towards a cross roads on that. I would argue the people of USA should have rights over the companies who services they buy. Think about if Ma Bell still existed and regulated your speech on the telephone?