I'm shocked that you sweep some of those things under the rug like they aren't significant. The laptop issue is quite damning as it influenced the outcome of an election.......why doesn't that infuriate you as a tax paying citizen?
13 dead marines don't make you angry? More than a years worth of "inflation is transitory" doesn't piss you off?
If they had enough evidence to convict Trump, he would already be locked up so he couldn't help Repubs on the campaign trail nor start building his own campaign plans. They don't have enough evidence to prove that he influenced a riot anymore than Schumer or Pelosi encouraged an attempted murder on a SCOTUS justice.
Your tax dollars are paying for this sham and you're celebrating it.
I agree that there probably won't be enough to convict, my hope is that maybe some of this will be damning enough to end the Donald Trump spell over guys like @TigerGrowls who are convinced hea some bastion if virtue sent to save America from the Dems and RINOs. Trump isn't and never has been a republican.
Trumpism and his ilk is awful for America. I want to see a move towards the middle, I'd like to see some common sense, but I don't know if that is possible with Trump and his kind continually spreading lies and deceits and firing up morons.