Meanwhile in Colorado:
ER Nurse in Aurora, Colorado says if you are against ICE mass deportations, you don’t know what being a victim of illegal immigrants looks like
“I have seen personally in the ER:
- A 16 year old who was shot in the face during a robbery gone wrong. She died. Unfortunately, we were not able to save her. Her injury was unsurvivable. That was due to illegal immigrants, the gang activity going on at the apartment complex that she lived
- I have seen a dollar store worker beat almost unrecognizable. Yeah, because his store that he was working at got robbed and he tried to defend it. And he lost, obviously. Still alive but had severe, severe injuries and wound up back in the hospital several times. Beat unrecognizable
- I have seen assault victims of things that felt with rape
- I have seen assault victims from just illegal activity.
- I have seen people dropped off by their friends in our ambulance bay due to fentanyl overdoses
- I have seen so many car accidents. I can't even count how many. It's like at least one a day if not more because these people come to our country and they don't know our laws, just basic laws like driving laws. Then they get in a wreck. Oh, and guess what? Aurora PD is so severely understaffed. When you get into a wreck here in Colorado, they don't even immediately respond. Almost always, the wreck happens, EMS gets there, they take the patients who need to be transported to the hospital to the hospital. we care for them and then a couple hours later a couple accident investigation officers and sometimes the patrol officers show up
- I had a patient the other day that had severe trauma and a liver lack. She was bleeding internally (This was from being hit by an illegal, it was a vehicle with license plates from Chihuahua, Mexico)
- A 15 year old kid got jumped by a gang of illegal, he now has severe facial fractures
It doesn’t end there, she explains more and more things she’s seen all through Colorado. This is the cost of Democrats illegal immigration
She’s seen all this just since she’s started in the ER in 2024. Insane.