Love the smell of checks and balances in the morning

Exactly. That is not explicitly saying he will do that. The humorous part is that's exactly what Democrats have done everywhere they can. Which takes us back to the first law of the left: it's only legitimate if we agree with it.


Ok. Say whatever you need to in order to make yourself ok voting for trump.

The man is going to do whatever he wants and whatever benefits him. Without any regard for anyone else. That's who he is.
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Ok. Say whatever you need to in order to make yourself ok voting for trump.

The man is going to do whatever he wants and whatever benefits him. Without any regard for anyone else. That's who he is.

I have never said I would vote for Trump. In fact I said I would not. I agree about your assessment of him in the second paragraph. It's why I have always campaigned against him. Your assumptions are not valid.
I have never said I would vote for Trump. In fact I said I would not. I agree about your assessment of him in the second paragraph. It's why I have always campaigned against him. Your assumptions are not valid.

That's great news. Why in gods name do you think he won't do everything he can to go after his political enemies?
That's great news. Why in gods name do you think he won't do everything he can to go after his political enemies?

Because he didn't before. He says stuff but very seldom does it. That's how he is. It's so ironic to me folks on the left say he lies constantly, but then when it suits them they say everything he says is what he'll do. It's mental!
Because he didn't before. He says stuff but very seldom does it. That's how he is. It's so ironic to me folks on the left say he lies constantly, but then when it suits them they say everything he says is what he'll do. It's mental!

Trump Amplifies Calls to Jail Top Elected Officials, Invokes Military Tribunals
Well if the NY Times says it...

We'll see when he likely wins.
You have nothing scrub. Saying to read the opinion is not an answer. I am here with an exceptional attorney who read the entire thing yesterday. You are wrong.
So you want the president to decide who to charge etc? I just don't think that's ever been asked of a president, so seems a strange thing to hold him to. I personally don't want my president directing local prosecutors to do anything. Do you have examples? I may just be thinking about different things.

I also don't want my president directing the IRS to go after anyone, the FBI to investigate specific opponents, etc. Think that branch should largely be independent. Of course there are policy issues that they may push on a broad sense (if you want to push environmental policy, maybe you push to go after pollution offenders, etc for example).
It's not an "I don't want....," it's a matter of what IS. Those are the cold hard facts. Our government was not founded on the notion of having a federal police force. It was an anathema to our founding fathers and to the fledgling Republic of their time. There is one chief executive, and one chief executive only. Everything the attorney general and the department of Justice does is done at the pleasure of the chief executive. Period. There is no notion of separation of powers within the executive branch. That is all a modern contrivance.

I am not arguing that it should or should not be that way. I came into this thread to discuss the implications of presidential immunity, one way or the other.

What the people who hate Trump need to consider, is this is a two-way street. If you weaken the notion of presidential immunity, you weaken the notion of executive privilege, and you do that for every president from here on out. Maybe this is too much power. Maybe we should resign this in. I'm not really sure what the right answer is. It could be perhaps we're asking the wrong questions. Maybe we've given our federal government too much power altogether. I, for one, feel like we have. But that's the discussion for another thread.
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Trump doesn't believe in checks and balances.

He's explicitly said he's going to prosecute his political opponents and a whole bunch of people on this board are explicitly voting for him in the hopes that he exacts "revenge" on his political opponents.
Hahaha oh the irony. Only one party is currently trying to prosecute its leading political opponent.

But, it's not going as planned Iceman. Checks and balances buddy.
That's great news. Why in gods name do you think he won't do everything he can to go after his political enemies?
Because he would not be able to get away with it the way Biden can. Although, in fairness to Biden, and the Democrat party, I don't contend this is a coordinated effort to engage in political persecution. I believe this is a bunch of rogue ideologues trying to be the one that takes the Orange Man down. I actually think the Democrat party would rather none of this was happening. This isn't good for either party.

But to your point, do I believe Trump would do it if he could get away with it? Probably. Do I think he would have attempted to prosecute Hillary Clinton the way he promised to do his first term if he could get away with it? Yes. But he could not then, and he will not in a potential second term.
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As did the crowds of leftist that do it all the time....The double standard is what pisses people off....
kind of a broad reply I had. Was comparing how the left gets treated vs the right. Look at Holder, Clinton, and Garland. They are guilty of what Bannon is going to prison for. There are more people on the right in jail for the same crap while the left gets away with it....The double standard is what pisses people off the most. The left tried 2 coup attempts with fake charges of impeachment. That was an unlawful attempt to remove POTUS with fake made up charges and only one FBI guy got in any trouble for it. The ringleaders got away with it...Meanwhile you got hundreds of J6'ers still in jail without a trial. Im talking about peaceful J6'ers not any of the idiots that got violent...
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Hahaha oh the irony. Only one party is currently trying to prosecute its leading political opponent.

But, it's not going as planned Iceman. Checks and balances buddy.
Ice is the kinda guy that likes to punch and bully kids in the school playground. The moment a kid doesnt take his shit anymore and punches him back, Ice runs cry's to the teacher...
So do you think the judge in Trumps case should have recused himself bc he was a biden donor and his daughter was part of the dem campaign workforce or are you good with that since it was trump?
He will say "thats different and just maga misinformation"
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You didn’t address my point at all.

Why is it OK for magas on here to post every day about the sky falling and the end of America as we know it, but when smart people question the legitimacy of SCOTUS giving the president immunity to commit any crimes that they want, we are the ones who are “unhinged”?

You are not a serious person.
you claim SMART people so you lost any legitimacy with that comment...
You're welcome to disagree with me. But please do not mischaracterize me with the weak labels you so casually throw around. You couldn't possibly have less understanding of my views. Your ignorance doesn't make it OK to bring out your usual bigotry. It's amazing how invested you are in an image of people like me without actually haven't any factual understanding of what I believe and stand for. That's a mental illness.

And of course his lawyers are arguing that. It's their job to get their client out of trouble. The NY case will be overturned because it was total crap. The case on the documents isn't crap and I suspect he'll be convicted there. He totally blew it there by being an ass as usual. I wasn't interpreting his lawyers. I was simply reading a SCOTUS decision and what it means.

You were reading the scotus decision incorrectly. And lol at you calling me a bigot.
Because he didn't before. He says stuff but very seldom does it. That's how he is. It's so ironic to me folks on the left say he lies constantly, but then when it suits them they say everything he says is what he'll do. It's mental!

So we shouldn’t believe what he says?

Trump 2024: no way it can be as bad as what he is saying.
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You were reading the scotus decision incorrectly. And lol at you calling me a bigot.

You're one of the more bigoted people I have ever met.

As for the rest, we don't debate. We just talk past each other. Trying not to do that anymore. Have a great 4th!
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kind of a broad reply I had. Was comparing how the left gets treated vs the right. Look at Holder, Clinton, and Garland. They are guilty of what Bannon is going to prison for. There are more people on the right in jail for the same crap while the left gets away with it....The double standard is what pisses people off the most. The left tried 2 coup attempts with fake charges of impeachment. That was an unlawful attempt to remove POTUS with fake made up charges and only one FBI guy got any jail time for it. The ringleaders got away with it...Meanwhile you got hundreds of J6'ers still in jail without a trial. Im talking about peaceful J6'ers not any of the idiots that got violent...
Edited to add "only one FBI guy got any jail time for it." I left off the quote.

Can you refresh my memory on who this person was? I can't recall anyone involved in all of that crap that went to jail.
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Edited to add "only one FBI guy got any jail time for it." I left off the quote.

Can you refresh my memory on who this person was? I can't recall anyone involved in all of that crap that went to jail.
You are correct he just got probation and his name was Kevin Clinesmith...
Clinesmith, an FBI lawyer, pleaded guilty in 2020 to altering an email that was used to support a surveillance application on Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser. The altered email misrepresented Page's past relationship with the CIA, which was a significant detail in the surveillance process.
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Well. No.

An official act that results in an impeachment could still be immune from prosecution as a crime.

The fact that a president is impeached for some doesn't make that thing an unofficial act.
You people keep leaving out an important word in your rants. That is the word "constitutional" official acts. Killing your political opposition or faking charges to jail them arent constitutional and thus not legal...
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You are correct he just got probation and his name was Kevin Clinesmith...
Clinesmith, an FBI lawyer, pleaded guilty in 2020 to altering an email that was used to support a surveillance application on Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser. The altered email misrepresented Page's past relationship with the CIA, which was a significant detail in the surveillance process.
I'm TRULY not trying to act like I know more than you when I say I knew his name already. The MSM lies to us everyday. He never got any time in jail.

It was a "kinda big stink" until he got probation. He didn't face any actions whatsoever. Nothing that would amount to anything.

I'll just say, if I can tell you a chicken can pull a wagon, you better hook it up.

Point being, I wouldn't EVER tell you anything I know is a lie, yet the MSM does it every single day, and they get away with it.

Do you know the name Eric Ciaramella? If you don't, you probably should. It would also be justified if you didn't. He was hidden from the press/your eyes/my eyes. He was able to tell lies with no checks or balances. He was behind the 1st impeachment. How is it some POS like this bitch can cause an impeachment?

These people can do whatever they like, and there never seems to be any repercussions.

It's going to end at some point though. The debate pushed "ignorant people" over the edge. People are just now recognizing that Biden is a F**cking moron, when some of us have known that for +3 years. They have figured out they can't "hide a needle in a haystack" forever.

I'll be the first one to tell you, if Trump (I support him) committed crimes then lock his a$$ up. I'll also tell you, if that is going to be the standard, then there are bunch of MF'ers that need to go to jail before him.

Bush # 1, Clinton x2 (should be x4 because his wife is an evil bitch too), Bush #2, Obama, & and Joe Freakin Biden. DAMN people. We can't do better than this?
I'm TRULY not trying to act like I know more than you when I say I knew his name already. The MSM lies to us everyday. He never got any time in jail.

It was a "kinda big stink" until he got probation. He didn't face any actions whatsoever. Nothing that would amount to anything.

I'll just say, if I can tell you a chicken can pull a wagon, you better hook it up.

Point being, I wouldn't EVER tell you anything I know is a lie, yet the MSM does it every single day, and they get away with it.

Do you know the name Eric Ciaramella? If you don't, you probably should. It would also be justified if you didn't. He was hidden from the press/your eyes/my eyes. He was able to tell lies with no checks or balances. He was behind the 1st impeachment. How is it some POS like this bitch can cause an impeachment?

These people can do whatever they like, and there never seems to be any repercussions.

It's going to end at some point though. The debate pushed "ignorant people" over the edge. People are just now recognizing that Biden is a F**cking moron, when some of us have known that for +3 years. They have figured out they can't "hide a needle in a haystack" forever.

I'll be the first one to tell you, if Trump (I support him) committed crimes then lock his a$$ up. I'll also tell you, if that is going to be the standard, then there are bunch of MF'ers that need to go to jail before him.

Bush # 1, Clinton x2 (should be x4 because his wife is an evil bitch too), Bush #2, Obama, & and Joe Freakin Biden. DAMN people. We can't do better than this?
Yes I know who he(Ciaramella) is. But I had forgot Clinesmith had not got any jail time for doing what he did. Common folk would be in prison for years for doing what he did... There are so many players in the real "Game of Thrones" its hard to keep track all the time. Much respect to you and TY for the correction...
Yes I know who he(Ciaramella) is. But I had forgot Clinesmith had not got any jail time for doing what he did. Common folk would be in prison for years for doing what he did... There are so many players in the real "Game of Thrones" its hard to keep track all the time. Much respect to you and TY for the correction...
It wasn't meant as a correction, and I'm not sure if you remember or not, but you couldn't mention that f**kers name. If you mentioned him, then you were complicit.

Dude has now vanished like a fart in the wind. Nobody thinks that suspicious.
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It wasn't meant as a correction, and I'm not sure if you remember or not, but you couldn't mention that f**kers name. If you mentioned him, then you were complicit.

Dude has now vanished like a fart in the wind. Nobody thinks that suspicious.
yes and you would get banned off social media...