Nothing is dumber than when someone says "other civilized countries don't have this problem. We need to get rid of guns". Does any other civilized country raise their children the way we do here?
We have created little monsters thanks to the welfare system incentivizing fatherless homes since the 60s, removing God from everything, taking discipline out of our homes and schools, teaching children to be disrespectful of our country and the symbols that represent her, being soft on perpetrators of violent crime, teaching our youth that they are perpetual victims and everyone from law enforcement to the government and people of other races are out to take them down and allowing our youth to be exposed to some of the most obscene and violent content on television and the radio.
We can't raise our youth like Sodom and Gomorrah and expect them to grow up to be productive, law abiding members of society with a high respect for human life. Guns are not the problem...the hate in these kid's hearts are the problem and removing guns won't solve that issue. They will find other ways to kill and gun control will not stop criminals from obtaining guns because they don't care about the laws to begin with.
We have created little monsters thanks to the welfare system incentivizing fatherless homes since the 60s, removing God from everything, taking discipline out of our homes and schools, teaching children to be disrespectful of our country and the symbols that represent her, being soft on perpetrators of violent crime, teaching our youth that they are perpetual victims and everyone from law enforcement to the government and people of other races are out to take them down and allowing our youth to be exposed to some of the most obscene and violent content on television and the radio.
We can't raise our youth like Sodom and Gomorrah and expect them to grow up to be productive, law abiding members of society with a high respect for human life. Guns are not the problem...the hate in these kid's hearts are the problem and removing guns won't solve that issue. They will find other ways to kill and gun control will not stop criminals from obtaining guns because they don't care about the laws to begin with.