More proof that the Supreme Court has been sold to the highest bidder

Thank goodness. The administrative state needs the be scaled back 90%.

It's amazing how someone whose political sphere goes on and on about the importance of democracy supports every attempt to make end runs around that very thing. We have a legislative branch for much of the work of the administrative state. Chevron deference was a disastrous decision and thank goodness it's gone now!
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Thank goodness. The administrative state needs the be scaled back 90%.

It's amazing how someone whose political sphere goes on and on about the importance of democracy supports every attempt to make end runs around that very thing. We have a legislative branch for much of the work of the administrative state. Chevron deference was a disastrous decision and thank goodness it's gone now!
It's funny how conservatives wanted it initially. It allowed them to get around environmental challenges. Times change and they don't like the rule they created...

For the record, I'm pretty conservative. But this is a perfect example of how both parties are just power-hungry groups of self-centered losers that don't really care about the future of the country.
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It's funny how conservatives wanted it initially. It allowed them to get around environmental challenges. Times change and they don't like the rule they created...

For the record, I'm pretty conservative. But this is a perfect example of how both parties are just power-hungry groups of self-centered losers that don't really care about the future of the country.

I agree 100%. Both sides are awful. Hence my view of as little power in Washington as possible.
It's funny how conservatives wanted it initially. It allowed them to get around environmental challenges. Times change and they don't like the rule they created...

For the record, I'm pretty conservative. But this is a perfect example of how both parties are just power-hungry groups of self-centered losers that don't really care about the future of the country.
Does this mean I don't have to don an Obama campaign tshirt to curry the favor of a random Corp of engineers beurocrat if I want to clean out my farm pond?
What about a navigable waterway?
Supreme Court Strikes Blow To Administrative State, Overturns Chevron Doctrine

The high court’s decision marks a major victory for conservatives seeking to dismantle the unchecked power of unelected bureaucrats.
The Chevron Ruling checks the Administrative State from ruling by edict. Drain the swamp baby!!
Supreme Court Strikes Blow To Administrative State, Overturns Chevron Doctrine

The high court’s decision marks a major victory for conservatives seeking to dismantle the unchecked power of unelected bureaucrats.
Who needs experts anyway, amirite? I want Clarence Thomas to decide if I need a prostate exam and Aileen Cannon to decide if my drinking water is safe. It's science!

In overruling that doctrine, Kagan argued that “the majority turns itself into the country’s administrative czar.”

Joined by fellow liberal Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Brown Jackson, she wrote that the majority replaced a rule of “judicial humility” with one of “judicial hubris.”

“In one fell swoop, the majority today gives itself exclusive power over every open issue—no matter how expertise-driven or policy-laden—involving the meaning of regulatory law,” Kagan wrote.

She added that the decision puts the courts at the center of a wide variety of policy issues, ranging from climate change to artificial intelligence.

“The Court has substituted its own judgment on workplace health for that of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration; its own judgment on climate change for that of the Environmental Protection Agency; and its own judgment on student loans for that of the Department of Education,” Kagan wrote.

The 6-3 decision by the court upended a 40-year administrative law precedent in which federal agencies were given leeway to interpret ambiguous laws through rulemaking.

Now, judges will substitute their own best interpretation of the law, instead of deferring to the agencies — effectively making it easier to overturn regulations that govern wide-ranging aspects of American life."

Who needs experts anyway, amirite? I want Clarence Thomas to decide if I need a prostate exam and Aileen Cannon to decide if my drinking water is safe. It's science!

In overruling that doctrine, Kagan argued that “the majority turns itself into the country’s administrative czar.”

Joined by fellow liberal Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Brown Jackson, she wrote that the majority replaced a rule of “judicial humility” with one of “judicial hubris.”

“In one fell swoop, the majority today gives itself exclusive power over every open issue—no matter how expertise-driven or policy-laden—involving the meaning of regulatory law,” Kagan wrote.

She added that the decision puts the courts at the center of a wide variety of policy issues, ranging from climate change to artificial intelligence.

“The Court has substituted its own judgment on workplace health for that of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration; its own judgment on climate change for that of the Environmental Protection Agency; and its own judgment on student loans for that of the Department of Education,” Kagan wrote.

The 6-3 decision by the court upended a 40-year administrative law precedent in which federal agencies were given leeway to interpret ambiguous laws through rulemaking.

Now, judges will substitute their own best interpretation of the law, instead of deferring to the agencies — effectively making it easier to overturn regulations that govern wide-ranging aspects of American life."

You realize you just quoted 3 of the dumbest women on the planet. That's pretty much your speed though.

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Read it again Hambone - I didn't say a word about Boebert, Marsha Blackburn or Marjorie Taylor-Greene.
You didn't have to. Those are all intelligent women in this here US of A.

I said 3 of the dumbest on the planet. One of the 3 dumbest couldn't define what a woman was. You think nothing of such things, because you're a spineless coward.

The less you open your mouth, the less flies will get in.
You didn't have to. Those are all intelligent women in this here US of A.

I said 3 of the dumbest on the planet. One of the 3 dumbest couldn't define what a woman was. You think nothing of such things, because you're a spineless coward.

The less you open your mouth, the less flies will get in.
Thank goodness. The administrative state needs the be scaled back 90%.

It's amazing how someone whose political sphere goes on and on about the importance of democracy supports every attempt to make end runs around that very thing. We have a legislative branch for much of the work of the administrative state. Chevron deference was a disastrous decision and thank goodness it's gone now!
You are referring to the trump maga takeover of the Republican party I supported for many years. Sold their souls to the devil.

$$$, greed and self interest over oath of office is the mo. Many trump supporters who only listen to fox
news or trump sycophants on social media are only listening to politically biased propaganda that are flat out engineered to mislead. Has trump completely siphoned the ability of the Republican party to work non partison to help our nation to deal with the many problems we are dealing with. Trump and his group lead by self interest have only thrown fuel on the fire making things worse choosing to burn down what is left from our democracy.

How else can the Jan 6 incitement and actions be spun in any other way. Do you really believe the lies and actions he took to try and overthrow an election pressuring states and election officials to commit crimes on his behalf to do so?

Do you really believe he remotely takes the oath to office he swore to seriously? He has shown no allegiance to anyone other than djt. Do you really trust Putin and the dictators he expresses love for over our government?

If you hate living in our nation, there are other counties ruled by dictators that will provide the type of government you apparently wish to live under. Some of you who jump in supporting djt do not even live in the US
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You are referring to the trump maga takeover of the Republican party I supported for many years. Sold their souls to the devil.

$$$, greed and self interest over oath of office is the mo. Many trump supporters who only listen to fox
news or trump sycophants on social media are only listening to politically biased propaganda that are flat out engineered to mislead. Has trump completely siphoned the ability of the Republican party to work non partison to help our nation to deal with the many problems we are dealing with. Trump and his group lead by self interest have only thrown fuel on the fire making things worse choosing to burn down what is left from our democracy.

How else can the Jan 6 incitement and actions be spun in any other way. Do you really believe the lies and actions he took to try and overthrow an election pressuring states and election officials to commit crimes on his behalf to do so?

Do you really believe he remotely takes the oath to office he swore to seriously? He has shown no allegiance to anyone other than djt. Do you really trust Putin and the dictators he expresses love for over our government?

If you hate living in our nation, there are other counties ruled by dictators that will provide the type of government you apparently wish to live under. Some of you who jump in supporting djt do not even live in the US
Gaydar, if you think for 1 second I'm going to give up what I have earned, it AIN'T gonna happen. Stay in the basement. Much safer for you there.
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Typical trump alternate reality.
Why don't you "splain" it to me? Can you put two sentences together?

We already know you are "light in the loafers". You are a P***y.

That being said, what alternate reality am I living in?

Please invite all your Abcxyz++aidafakdj friends to join in the conversation.
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