Naomi Wolf warned the Tucker Carlson audience on Monday to beware of an unfolding emergency in the weeks ahead to help Joe Biden and Democrats in the upcoming election.
Jim Hoft
Published April 11, 2022 at 8:41pm
Naomi Wolf warned the Tucker Carlson audience on Monday to beware of an unfolding emergency in the weeks ahead to help Joe Biden and Democrats in the upcoming election.
Watch for more Fauci lockdowns from the globalist left in the weeks ahead.
Via Tucker Carlson:
See video on TGP
TRENDING: Heartless Biden Regime to Rip Newborn Baby from Single Mom and January 6th Protester Felicia Konold - Feds Insist 'She' Is a 'Proud Boy' - Please Donate
The Fourth Seal in Revelation 6 will open soon…. Th
1. The Fleecing of our funds out of our Bank & Investment accounts. Our NWO Government will say it was a cyber attack & as I’ve mentioned many times on here, it will be blamed on Russia or China or a combination of the two. I had mentioned North Korea & Iran in earlier posts along with Russia & China. You can take North Korea off the table & probably Iran as well.
I believe an EMP & tactical nukes will also be used on America. These events are the opening of the Fourth Seal, which is the Rider on the Pale Horse in Revelation 6. He’s given dominion over 1/4 part of the earth to kill with the sword, famine, death (pestilence) & wild beasts of the earth.
The EMP mentioned will be the result of a shuttle I mentioned in my posts from 2020 under the thread “Conspiracy Theories.” As I mentioned then, a shuttle full of enriched plutonium was launched on December 13th, 2012. This is the shuttle that will be opened @ several hundred miles above the United States. It will spread across the country & everything that’s run on a computer will be shut down. A handful of our cities will be hit with tactical nukes, including Washington DC.
Martial Law will be enacted! Authorities will go door to door & insist on citizens being transported to FEMA Camps or FEMA Centers. It will be mandatory that Everyone be transported to the FEMA Camps under the guise of offering protection, food, water, clothing & other provisions.
This IS A BIG LIE!!!!!!!
Once @ the FEMA Camps, citizens will learn they’ve been duped! NWO Authorities will give citizens two choices,
Agree To Be Re-Educated, Take The Mark of the Beast (RFID Chip) & Worship Pope Francis, who is the Beast/Antichrist.
BE Terminated!!!!!!!
This is consistent with Revelation 6, The Fourth & Fifth Seals! It’s also consistent with Revelation 13.
Whoever receives The Mark of the Beast (RFID Chip) & OR Worships The Beast/Antichrist or His Image Will Be The Recipient Of One Or More Of The Remaining 16 Judgements From GOD Starting With The 6th Seal In Revelation 6.
Once The people who have received the Mark Of The Beast & Or Worship The Beast/Antichrist Perish, They Will Be Cast Into Hell & Eventually Into The Lake Of Fire For Eternity.
This Is Why It’s Imperative To Receive JESUS As Your Savior & LORD Because HE’s The Only Way We Can Be Saved!
JESUS said, I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The FATHER But Through ME.
JESUS Said, “If You Confess Me Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels.
JESUS Said, “If You’re Ashamed Of Me & My Words, I’ll Be Ashamed Of You When You Stand Before My FATHER & HIS Angels.
Romans 10:9 Says, If You Confess With Your Mouth The LORD JESUS & Believe In Your Heart GOD Raised HIM From The Dead, You Shall Be Saved.
JESUS Went On To Say In John 15, “If You Love Me, You’ll Keep My Commands.
If You’ve Never Received JESUS As Your Savior & Lord, Say This Prayer..,,
GOD, I Come To YOU In JESUS’s Name, I Believe JESUS Died On The Cross For My Sins, I Believe YOU Raised HIM On The Third Day. I Ask You To Forgive All Of My Sins & I Turn To You Woth All Of My Heart, Soul, Mind & Strenth. I Invite You To Come Into My Heart. Thank YOU For Saving Me!
If You Said That Prayer, You’re Saved & Your Name Is Written In The Lambs Book Of Life. Tell Someone You Received JESUS As Your Savior & LORD. Pray Daily & Read Your Bible Daily. Seek GOD & You Will Find Him.
Revelation 20:15 Says, “Whoever’s Name Was NOT Found Written In The Lambs Book Of Life Was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire!
By the way, Putin, Zelinsky, Biden, NATO & The UN are All in bed together. They just make it look like they’re opposed to one another. The attack on our country will be with the consent of our NWO Government