**New** What to do

is there any way for you to sum it up in one paper or manifesto? i dont want to get it wrong and i feel like there's a lot of jumping around on this thread (and others for that matter)
I did, look @ the top of this thread
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It’s not a secret. It only appears that way because the very ones you speak of literally own the media outlets. So all the Trump stuff is a daily topic. In the end it’s all about money, power and control. They now have all three. Go back and listen to what John F. Kennedy said regarding these people prior to his death. He was going to expose it.

All I can say is "Wow"...So no employee at any of these media outlets would say, "you know, I think these guys are a global New World Order wanting to take away everyone's rights and make us worship Satan and I'm not going to take it. I'm going to expose this!" Same with the schools, State governments, County governments, local governments, police, the military, hospitals, corporations, etc. They would all have to be on board too. Just think about how big of a conspiracy it would have to be to work. Its so impossible I cant believe I'm even trying to argue with you guys.
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Listen man, there is no way some "global, NWO conspiracy" could be kept secret from all but a few super sleuths like yourself. Just look at the Trump administration and its struggles with containing leaks. You get together a bunch of people together, even if they share the same basic ideology, and there is no way they can keep a secret. Everyone has their own internal agenda, their own ambition, and their own opinions. Especially if the plan is killing billions of people and taking away basic human rights all in the name of worshiping Satan.

It sounds like you have gotten yourself onto some conspiracy message board of like minded people and it has turned into an echo chamber where you hear exactly what you want to hear. Mix in some hard core religious interpretations and beliefs, and you end up with a conspiracy theory that is impossible to disprove. You can always say "its coming, just wait!"

Its what I fear about the media in the country too - conservatives only listen to what is said on conservative media and liberals only listen to what is said on liberal media. You hear only what you already believe, so it confirms your beliefs. The other side becomes the "enemy" who is out to "destroy your way of life". Not someone that simply has different beliefs about the role our government should play or what rights people should have.
It can when the media is in bed with them & lie for them! If we could depend on the media to tell The Truth, they wouldn’t be able to. Our government has been infiltrated @ all levels for a long time. Trump is surrounded by traitors.
All I can say is "Wow"...So no employee at any of these media outlets would say, "you know, I think these guys are a global New World Order wanting to take away everyone's rights and make us worship Satan and I'm not going to take it. I'm going to expose this!" Same with the schools, State governments, County governments, local governments, police, the military, hospitals, corporations, etc. They would all have to be on board too. Just think about how big of a conspiracy it would have to be to work. Its so impossible I cant believe I'm even trying to argue with you guys.
Dude, if they talk, they’re dead!
I did, look @ the top of this thread
This is nothing more than a political weapon!
My stance on this board is well documented & there are those on this board who vehemently disagree with me & that’s fine. Like I’ve said Many, many times, time will Prove me right. What we are witnessing is an attempt by the NWO Beast System to take America over. I’ve been studying the NWO for almost 30 years & Bible Prophecy for over 35! If you like our way of life, going to sporting events, traveling, earning enough money to be able to do those things, you better take heed to what’s REALLY going on. The 11th Goal of The NWO is “To Keep People EVERYWHERE From Deciding Their Own Destinies By Means Of CREATING One CRiSIS AFTER Another & MANAGING Such Crisises!”

JESUS Said In Mathew 24 Regarding The End Times, “If It Were Possible, EVEN The ELECT Would Be DECEIVED!”
Revelation 12 Says, “Satan DECEIVES The WHOLE WORLD!” How... By Lying & Tricking The Masses!
This Manufactured, That’s Right, Manufactured Virus Is Being Used As A Weapon To Keep Businesses Closed, People Out Of Work & Will Eventually Be Used To Close As Many Precincts As Possible, Which Would Force Citizens To Mail Their Voting Ballots In, Which Will Lead To Massive Voter Fraud. I’ve said it Before & I’ll Say It Again, If Trump Is Ousted, Kiss Your Freedoms Goodbye! I’ve Listed A Host Of Oppressive Laws They Will Impose On Us In The Conspiracy Thread In The Round Table. Sporting Events We Love To Watch & Attend Are In Serious Jeopardy! Y’all Scoff & Ridicule All You Want But Time Will Prove Me Right! Many Of Y’all Have NO Idea How Evil & Wicked These People Are! Just So You Know, They Call You & I “USELESS EATERS!” They Are Behind What You See In Seattle, NY, California etc.... These People Worship Satan, One Cannot Be In The NWO Without Giving Their Allegiance To Lucifer! That’s a FACT!!!

I like Trump because he’s NOT one of them! They hate him & want him OUT! The people in the NWO are Vile & they do Vile things such as sex trafficking & they are scared to death Trump is going to come after them! We’ve only had two presidents since Woodrow Wilson who was NOT involved in the NWO. Trump & JFK! Woodrow Wilson sold America out in 1913 when America was changed from a Republic For The People to a Democracy. He also allowed The NWO International Bankers To Set Up The Federal Reserve & The American People have been getting screwed over ever since. Woodrow Wilson was a 33 Degree Mason, like Romney & Obama are!

Not the way we know it! You won’t recognize it from a political standpoint Or geographically! Check out The US Navy Maps for 2020-2025. Florida, both East & West Coasts, the states along The Mississippi River & States around the Hoover Damn are partially or Fully Underwater due to The NWO’s Chemtrail Program. They’ve been spraying us for almost 80 years with Barium, Aluminum, Mold Spores & other chemicals. This is the “Real” reason for the Climate Change Crisis. Of Course, They will blame it on fossil fuels & people who use Fossil Fuels. Under the guise of protecting the Environment, they will roll out Agenda 21, which was signed into law in 1992 by Committee of 300 Member, George Bush SR. They will tell you where you can & can’t live & visit. They will roll out a Global Climate Change Tax & a Global Carbon Footprint Tax. I’m telling you this BEFOREHAND, so when it happens, you’ll Believe!

I was NEVER worried about 2000 or 2012! Too much Bible Prophecy

Tiger Maximus, in your leisure, I would like you to google..., The Elite Network & Click on The Flow Chart on The Top Left! Once you’ve done that, let me know & I’ll go over every single one of those entities with you! The NWO has been working on putting all of these entities together since 1776. That’s the year The Thirteen Power Families funded Adam Weiskauph’s Book, “The Illuminati” in a nutshell, Weiskauph’s Vision was to have a One World Government, a One World False Religion & a One World Currency. Some of the 13 Power Families you will be familiar with. The Kennedy’s, Onassis’s, Freeman’s, Dupont’s, JP Morgan’s, Li’s Rothchild’s, to name a handful. These 13 Power Families Funded Weiskauph’s Book, “The Illuminati” so that’s why they are called the Illuminati! Anyway, let me Know when you’ve researched “The Elite Network!” And we’ll go from them! It will Blow Your Mind!

Sorry Bro, what I was saying is, I was NEVER worried about 2000 or 2012. There’s was way too much prophecy that needed/Needs to be fulfilled. The HUGE difference in then & now is The 112th & Final Pope is here according to Saint Malachi’s Prophecy, “The Prophecy of the Popes!” Saint Malachi was a GODLY Arch Bishop in The Catholic Church. In 1139 AD, he went to go visit Rome. While in Rome, GOD told him there would be 112 more Popes & The 112th & Final Pope would be a.... 1. Destroyer.... 2. He would be the ONLY Pope to NOT take a Symbol.... 3. He would be called Peter The Roman

GOD gave Saint Malachi Every Symbol of all 111 Popes leading up to the 112th & Final Pope. The Prophecy of the Popes Was hidden away in the Vatican Archives for over 900 years.

Well, Jorge Bergoglio (Popes Real Name) is the 112th & Final Pope, He is the ONLY Pope to NOT take a Symbol. He took the name Saint Francis of Assisi, which was a Patriarch in the Catholic Church which founded the Franciscans. But his REAL name was Petri De Bernardone, Which Means PETER THE ROMAN, just like GOD told Saint Malachi.

In The Middle of September 2019, Pope Francis gave this Edict... He Called For All Global Leaders To Sign A New Global Pact For A New Humanism.

Two months later, The Coronavirus was Released & All hell has broken loose since.

Pope Francis is The Rider On The White Horse in Revelation 6Th, The First Seal!

The Second Seal is on the Clock... The Rider on The Red Horse! He was given Power To Take Peace From The Earth & Was Given a Great Sword So Men Will Slay Each Other.

In Regards to America, I believe this is referring to Anarchy & Civil War!

It will & soon! Luke 21... JESUS said, “Men’s hearts failing them for looking after those things coming on the earth!”

“The Seas & the waves roaring!”

The Black Nobility runs Hollywood & The movie industry... if We’re paying attention, they’ll show you what they’re going to do & what’s going to happen. The problem is, people think it’s just Hollywood! If you haven’t seen the movie “Day After Tomorrow” check it out! Due to the NWO Chemtrail Program, which has been in operation for almost 80 years, that movie depicts what is going to happen between 2020-2025 (US Navy Maps)

This is consistent with what JESUS said in Luke 21... “Seas & Waves Roaring” & “Men’s hearts failing them for what’s coming on the earth!”

Absolutely, and this election especially! The Beast/Antichrist Pope Francis has been in power for 7 years now. He & the NWO have had THIS ELECTION Circled For Their Takeover Of America. Revelation 13... The First Beast is Papal Rome/The Beast Antichrist & The NWO.

The Second Beast in Revelation 13 is America & The False Prophet. America is described as a Lamb having 2 horns, representing Civil & Religious Liberty. But We Start Speaking Like A Dragon. This means we are under the Control of a Draconian Dictator & our Government Will be Switched From A Democracy To Socialism which is a fancy word for Communism. The question is, is that going to happen THIS ELECTION, NEXT ELECTION or Somewhere in Between. The Preferred Government of The Beast/Antichrist is Socialism/Communism. When this happens, We’re All going into Bondage! Why do you think Biden says, “He will Transform The System!” Translation: “I Will Turn America Into A Socialist/Communist Nation!” This is being done under the guise of “Inequality!”

I do Strongly believe a Civil War is on the horizon, no matter who wins. If Trump wins, The Beast/Antichrist Pope Francis & The NWO will Ramp Up Their Attacks On Trump & America Significantly. If Biden Wins, Through Voter Fraud, Americans Will Rise Up When He & Whoever is Really Running Our Country Starts Imposing Draconian Laws on The American People.

Yes, because “other” countries already have Governments in place the Beast/Antichrist Pope Francis are “happy” with!” Trump is a Major Thorn in The Side To The NWO/Beast System. They need him OUT! If They allow sports, especially sports with fans, closing down the precincts will be a hard sell. By keeping the Covid-19 Propaganda going, they have a legitimate argument to shut down the precincts, where Voter Fraud will be Rampant.

Trump is NOT in the NWO! He’s trying to save America’s Ass! You don’t want Trump OUT! Without him, We’re All going into Bondage! That’s a Fact! If this happens, Time Will Prove Me Right!

I’m Telling You The Truth! I Can’t Help it if You’re Deceived! Do believe the Bible To be GOD’s Word? Do believe the Mainstream Media? Do You believe in the NWO? If You Said No to any of these, You’re Deceived! Time Will Prove Me Right! Ponder These Words...., JESUS said in Mathew 24, speaking of the last days..., “If It Were Possible, EVEN The ELECT Would be Deceived!”
Revelation 12 says, “Satan DECEIVES The WHOLE WORLD!”

How, By Lying & Tricking People & He uses Those In Power To Do So!

No, Read 2 Thessalonians 2... Paul tells the Church of the Thessalonians,”That day (JESUS’s Return) Won’t Come Until The Great Falling Away Has happened & a The Man Of Sin Has Been Revealed!” That doesn’t happen until the last 3.5 years of the Tribulation (Great Tribulation) From the time The Beast/Antichrist stands in the Holy Place (In Jerusalem) & Blasphemes GOD, Puts and End to Daily Sacrifice & claims to be GOD himself, The Beast Antichrist has 3.5 years to reign & after the 3.5 years, JESUS returns, Destroys The Armies Who Have Gathered @ Megiddo (Armageddon), The Beast/Antichrist Are Thrown Alive Into The Lake Of Fire! JESUS sets Up HIS Throne in Jerusalem & Those who Received JESUS as their Savior, Followed HIS Commands & DId NOT Take The Mark Of The Beast Or Worship The Antichrist Spend The 1000 Year Millennium With JESUS. The rest of the dead were NOT raised until after the Millennium. This is the Great White Throne Judgement!

I understand, but the first five Seals are what the Beast/Antichrist/False Prophet/NWO do to us! The next 16 Plagues is what GOD does to them & to those who receive “The Mark of the Beast” & Worship The Beast/Antichrist

I don’t think he steps down. I think he realizes if he’s not re-elected, we’re done as a nation as we know it. Biden is just a figurehead. The draconian laws I’ve mentioned time & time again will be imposed. This is when we (America) starts speaking like a dragon! (Revelation 13)

I’m here to warn people about what’s coming & soon! I’m doing my best to let people know we’re in the early stages of the Tribulation. I also want people to know what’s going to become of our nation if Trump is ousted. We’ll become a Socialist/Communist Nation. They will impose ....

Outrageous Taxes
They’ll roll out Agenda 21, they will tell you where you can & can’t live.
They will implement

Ok DDot, First of all, Thank You for engaging with me. I’ve been a member on this board for 15 years, Only for the past four months have I talked about this. I’ve been sitting on this information for many years, I was just waiting for the Beast/Antichrist/NWO to make their move, which they did & that’s why I’m speaking out! If you don’t believe the Bible or don’t know enough about it to formulate an opinion. And you don’t believe in the NWO, then how can you formulate the opinion that I’m mentally ill? Can you pick out one or two things I’ve said that would make you say that? And I’ll show you why I said those things! When these things I’ve passed along come to pass, what will be your opinion of me then? Are You still going to say I’m mentally ill or do you have the balls to admit you’ve been deceived?

LOL!!!! This is NWO 101... Many of the Professors & Teachers in our schools & Colleges are in the NWO! Hence... The 21st Goal of the NWO... “To completely DESTROY the Education System in America by teaching Outbased Education.”
This has been going on since the 80’s!
And you Won’t hear about it from the Mainstream Media because they’re in bed with them!
If you google “The Elite Network’’ & Click on the NWO Flow Chart in the upper left & You’ll see Media @ the bottom & half way up on the left you’ll see “Disinformation/Media Outlets”

Absolutely, I’d be Delighted Too, Read Daniel 7, The Fourth Beast is Papal Rome/The Beast/Antichrist & The NWO. The Fourth Beast in Daniel 7 is described as having 7 heads & 10 horns. The 7 heads represent the 7 mountains Papal Rome & The Vatican sit on. The 10 horns are 10 Global Leaders (Kings) that will reign with the Beast/Antichrist. The NWO has divided the world up into 10 regions with one king (world leader) over each Region. This is backed up in Revelation 17 & 18.
This same Beast system Is also found in Revelation 13. The First Beast is Papal Rome/The Beast/Antichrist & The NWO (10 Global Leaders/Kings) The Second Beast in Revelation 13 is America (The Lamb with the 2 Horns, Which describes Religious & Civil Liberty) But, Unfortunately, We (America) start Speaking as a Dragon, which means this Regime will impose Draconian Laws on The American People! If Trump is ousted, This Regime will replace him. Why! Because the Beast/Antichrist is in Power!

According To Saint Malachi’s Prophecy, which was Prophecied in 1139, GOD told Saint Malachi, “There will be 112 More Popes, The 112th & Final Pope will be a 1. Destroyer 2. He would be the Only Pope to NOT take a Symbol 3. He would be called Peter The Roman!

Well, Jorge Bergoglio is The 112th & Final Pope
He’s the ONLY Pope EVER to NOT Take A Symbol
3. He took The Name Saint Francis Of Assisi. Saint Francis of Assisi was a patriarch in the Catholic Church who Founded The Franciscans, but his Real Name was Petri De Bernardone, Which Means Peter The Roman!

Saint Malachi’s Prophecy, The Prophecy of The Popes was hidden away in the Vatican Archives for over 900 years! It’s ONE HUNDRED PERCENT ACCURATE!

This is why the Fist Seal in Revelation 6 has been opened, The Rider on The White Horse. He Goes Out Conquering & To Conquer.

I’ve been sharing with y’all what’s going to happen BEFORE it happens so, hopefully, You’ll will Believe.

I encourage who have never received JESUS as their Savior & Lord to do so. Things are going to get worse, NOT better!

JESUS said, “I AM The WAY, The TRUTH & The LIFE, No One Comes To The Father But Through ME!”

JESUS also Said, “IF You Confess ME Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels, But If You’re Ashamed Of ME & MY Words, I’ll Be Ashamed Of You When You Stand Before My Father & His Angels.”

Romans 10:9 Says, “If You Confess With Your Mouth The Lord JESUS & Believe in Your Heart GOD Raised HIM From The Dead, You Shall Be Saved!”

Mskoonce, I forgot to share with you the “Tatoo” you mentioned is called the Mark of The Beast (Computer Chip) inserted in Right Hand or Forehead (Revelation 13) Those who DON’T Receive it Won’t Be Able To Buy or Sell. Those Who Receive It. Will be the Recipient of One Or More of 16 Plagues From GOD in Revelation 6, starting with the 6th Seal & Following. After they perish, they Will ETERNITY in The Lake OF Fire (Revelation 14 & Revelation 20:15)

I believe the First Seal in Revelation 6 has been opened ... Rider on the White Horse Beast/Antichrist... he goes out conquering & to conquer.
On deck is the Second Seal, The Rider on The Red Horse... He was given authority to take Peace from the Earth & was given a Great Sword so men would slay each other. (Revelation 6) I Believe this speaks of Anarchy & Civil War

I’m with you, but The NWO Doesn’t want us getting along with our lives, hence the 11th Goal of the NWO... “To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another & managing such crisises.”

They’re already bringing it! They’re behind COVID-19, Black Lives Matters & Antifa all under the guise of Racial Equility. And they’re going to bringing a lot more! That’s why JESUS said in Luke 21.... “Men’s hearts failing them for looking after those things coming on the earth!” And .... “The Seas & Waves Roaring”
And in Mathew 24, HE Said, . .. There will be Tribulation unlike the world has ever seen or will see again.
And also in Mathew 24 in regards to the Tribulation, “If those days weren’t cut short, no one would survive but for the sake of The Elect, those days will be shortened!”

I’ve been studying Bible Prophecy for over 35 years & the NWO for almost 30! There are tons of Prophecy Books about the End Times/ Tribulation. Very few know much about the NWO! One can’t be accurate with Bible Prophecy without knowing a great deal about Papal Rome & The NWO. I know what their Flow Chart looks like, it’s massive.

If You Google “The Elite Network” Click the NWO Flow Chart on the upper left. In the upper left of the NWO Flow Chart, You’ll see “Microchipping!” I lean on the HOLY SPIRIT to show me things to come, which, if you’re a Christian, HE’ll do.

The Mark of the Beast is either going to be in a vaccine that has a chip in it, (See Bill Gates Micro Dot Technology With Luciferase)
Another possibility is the RFID Chip, which is in Obamacare. It was suppose to be administered in 2013 to everyone. The Mark Of The Beast will be administered @ some point in the near future, it’s just a question of when & how it will be implemented. You can find this in Revelation 13.

I believe in Saint Malachi’s Prophecy of the Popes, which I’ve described in Great Detail in Many threads, including this one. His Prophecy is called “The Prophecy of The Popes.” It was hidden away in the Vatican Archives for over 900 years (Read Petrus Romanus) Peter The Roman! Jorge Bergoglio, This Pope is Peter The Roman, The 112th & Final Pope who calls himself Saint Francis Of Assisi!

The Beast/Antichrist has been in power for 7 years. If you look @ the Flow Chart of the NWO, you can see it took a very, very long time to put all the pieces together. They’ve been working on it since 1776, when the 13 Power Families funded the Book The Illuminati, written by Adam Weiskauph! Once they had all the pieces put together, The 111th Pope resigned to make way for The 112th & Final Pope, Peter The Roman! Read Daniel 7, The 4th beast is Papal Rome/The Beast/Antichrist & The NWO! This was Prophecied 2600 years ago!

Yes it is! I’m doing what the LORD put on my heart to do! People need to know the Truth! I know what’s right around the corner, most people don’t. This is because most people know little about the NWO & how dangerous they are. I do because I’ve been studying them for almost 30 years. I’ve been studying Bible Prophecy for over 35 years. I sat on the information I’m sharing for a long time because I didn’t want to mess with anyone’s peace. But when the Beast/Antichrist/NWO made their move, The LORD put it on my heart to share what I know. I’ve shared what’s going to happen & a timeframe to when I think these things will happen based on my knowledge of Bible Prophecy & The NWO & being led By The HOLY SPIRIT! I’ve shared what’s going to happen BEFORE it happens so people will believe & receive JESUS as their Savior & Lord! Persecution is part of being a Christian! JESUS said, They Hated ME, They’ll hate You! I’m tougher than a two dollar steak!

I know what the NWO Playbook looks like, it’s their 21 Goals! I know things like why their will never be a cure for cancer! Because they believe in Depopulation... that one of their Goals. And because Goal #8 “Is to Suppress ALL scientific development which is NOT deemed Beneficial to The NWO. An example of this is Nuclear Energy for peaceful purposes. Because it’s cheap & because they want 3rd world countries dependent on the US!

I know why our statues are being defaced & the names of buildings, universities, Mascots, entities etc are being changed under the guise of Racial Equility... “Goal #2 of The NWO... to completely & utterly destroy All National Pride & National Identity, which was a Primary Consideration if a One World Government was to Work!”

Why do our lives change when they create a calamity.... Goal #11 ... “To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of creating one crisis after another & managing such crisises.” This was evident after 9/11 & what we’re going through with COVID-19!

Why will 50-70% of our young people vote for a Socialist President... Goal #21... “To completely Destroy The Education System in America By Teaching Out Based Education” This has been going on since the 80’s!

If You know Their Flow Chart & Their 21 Goals & Bible Prophecy & led by the HOLY SPIRIT, it’s a NO BRAINER!

All I can tell You is he’s not one of them! I know that for a fact. If he was, they would Never try to oust him. He would have never changed the capital of Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem if he wasn’t led by the LORD. He would NOT be arresting Epstein & His Wife. He would NOT be trying to shut down abortion mills & put prayer back in school. Is he flawed? Yes, but we all are! Look @ David in the Old Testament, he slept with one of his own soldiers wives & had him killed. Was he flawed? Absolutely! Did he repent & become a man after GOD’s own heart! Did GOD punish David for what he did? Absolutely, he spent much of his time literally running from his enemies. His own son, Absolom tried to kill him & take his kingdom from him! GOD uses flawed men & Trump is no different. But he’s NOT in the NWO! Biden is Or Obama, Pelosi & the other NWO homers wouldn’t be endorsing him!

Truthfully, I’m skeptical about Q from the sense many Qanons believe Q & his Brigade will bring down the Cabol/NWO. This is NOT going to happen! Daniel 7 clearly says JESUS is the one who crushes the Beast System/NWO “Not by Human Hands!”

Also, Revelation 6, The first five Seals shows what the NWO/Cabol will do to us. The next 16 Plagues are what GOD does to them & to the people who take the Mark of the Beast & Worship The Beast/Antichrist.

Revelation 19 clearly shows JESUS destroys all the armies gathered @ Megiddo (Armageddon) when he returns. Satan bound with a Great Chain. The Antichrist/Beast & False Prophet are thrown alive into the Lake Of Fire!

Brother, all I can tell you is when you know you’re right about something & you know the HOLY SPIRIT has shown you what’s going to happen, you don’t care what people say or think! I know time will Prove me right & I know I’m doing what The LORD called me to do! If GOD be for me, who can be against me! I’m comfortable in my own skin, I leg press 610Lbs 25 times, I’ve got a beautiful wife & a cool dog! I’m happy as a clam!

Saint Malachi’s Prophecy is spot on! It was hidden away in the Vatican Archives for over 900 years. Research Saint Malachi “Prophecy of the Popes” This is the WHOLE KEY about knowing the Timeline!

Saint Malachi was a GODLY Arch Bishop in the Catholic Church, he went to visit the Pope in Rome & GOD told him there would be 112 more Popes & the 112th & Final Pope Would Be ....
1. A Destroyer
2. The Only Pope to Not take a Symbol
3. He would be called Peter The Roman

Well, Jorge Bergoglio IS ...

1.The 112th & Final Pope
2.He’s The ONLY Pope to NOT take a Symbol
3. He took the name Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Francis of Assisi was a patriarch in the Catholic Church who founded the Franciscans. But his REAL Name was Petri De Bernondone, which means Peter The Roman!

By The way, GOD gave Saint Malachi EVERY Symbol of Every Pope leading up to the 112th & Final Pope.

This is the KEY to knowing who the Final Pope is & To Knowing Who The Beast/Antichrist is. He’s been in power for 7 years now. In the Middle of September 2019, he summoned All Global Leaders to “Sign a Pact for a New Humanism” You can google that! Two months later, COVID-19 was Released & all hell as ensued.

When you find the Flow Chart for the NWO, You will see it took a Long Time to put all those entities together. They’ve been working on putting all those pieces together since 1776, when the Families known as the Illuminati, funded the book “The Illuminati” written by Adam Weiskauph in 1776!

Once the NWO had All the pieces in place, Ratzinger (Pope Benedict the 16the Resigned) Making Way for the 112th & Final Pope.
He was the First pope in 600 years to Resign!

Now Read Revelation 6, The First Seal has been opened, which is the Rider on The White Horse, The Beast/Antichrist goes out conquering & to conquer!

Up next, The 2nd Seal, The Rider on The Red Horse, He was given Authority to Take Peace From the Earth & was given a Great Sword so Men would Slay Each Other! This speaks of Anarchy & War.

Check out Mathew 24, The Disciples asked JESUS, What will be the sign of YOUR coming, “JESUS responded, “Take heed no one deceives you, for many will come in my name claiming to be CHRIST.” He also said, “There would be wars & rumors of wars.” There would be Earthquakes in divers places, Pestilences (Need I say more), Famines, Friends & Families Will deliver one another up to Tribulation (This will happen when the NWO/Beast Government takes over) (Authorities will encourage people to “rat one another out”), This Gospel will be preached to ALL Nations, The Abomination That Causes Desolation Standing in the Holy Place... Beast/Antichrist stands in The Holy Place in Jerusalem & Blasphemes GOD, puts an end to daily sacrifice & Claims to Be GOD Himself)
When the Beast/Antichrist does this, he has 3.5 years to reign before JESUS returns, destroys the armies that have come against Jerusalem & Megiddo (Armageddon)

Another Prophetic Sign we are the Terminal Generation, JESUS said, “Learn The Parable Of The Fig Tree, when you see it’s branches get tender, you know Summer is near”
The Parable of The Fig Tree is when Israel Became a Nation on May 14, 1948!

JESUS said, “This Generation (that sees all these things) Won’t Pass Away, Until All These things have taken place!”’

The False Prophet & Antichrist are thrown Alive into the Lake Of Fire & satan is bound for 1000 years.

JESUS sets up HIS Throne in Jerusalem. Those that received JESUS as Their Savior & Lord, followed HIS Commands & did NOT Take The Mark of The Beast or Worship the Beast/Antichrist reign with JESUS for 1000 years. (The Millennium)

The rest of the dead are raised After the 1000 Year Millennium! This is called the Great White Throne Judgement! Whosoever’s Name Was NOT found written in the Lambs Book Of Life Was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire!
I'm curious before the internet where did all the NWOs, Templars, or Illuminati congregate to share information? Was it ham-radio? Late night AM Radio?

Also, do y'all get a group discount on TI?
I'm curious before the internet where did all the NWOs, Templars, or Illuminati congregate to share information? Was it ham-radio? Late night AM Radio?

Also, do y'all get a group discount on TI?
They don’t, they spend hundreds of millions of dollars on Security for a week long meeting in various parts of the world
All I can say is "Wow"...So no employee at any of these media outlets would say, "you know, I think these guys are a global New World Order wanting to take away everyone's rights and make us worship Satan and I'm not going to take it. I'm going to expose this!" Same with the schools, State governments, County governments, local governments, police, the military, hospitals, corporations, etc. They would all have to be on board too. Just think about how big of a conspiracy it would have to be to work. Its so impossible I cant believe I'm even trying to argue with you guys.
Everyone thought it was impossible to have organized crime... the NWO is that on Steroids x 10,000
Dude, if they talk, they’re dead!

You are as out there as any person I have ever talked to, and that is saying something. You obviously believe passionately in what you are saying, but to a normal person it sounds like the rantings of a madman.

Good luck and take care of yourself, I’m officially out trying to reason with you.
You are as out there as any person I have ever talked to, and that is saying something. You obviously believe passionately in what you are saying, but to a normal person it sounds like the rantings of a madman.

Good luck and take care of yourself, I’m officially out trying to reason with you.
What does this mean to you? JESUS said in Mathew 24 regarding The Tribulation.... “If It Were Possible, Even The Elect Would Be DECEIVED!”

& Revelation 12.... “Satan DECEIVES THE WHOLE WORLD!”
Look @ post 267... I spell it all out
I thought Giovanni di Pietro means son of Peter, not that his name was Peter? Confusing.

Also, isn't this Pope Francis' 'Symbol'
I thought Giovanni di Pietro means son of Peter, not that his name was Peter? Confusing.

Also, isn't this Pope Francis' 'Symbol'
By Symbol I mean all popes took a Symbol, Pope Benedict the 16th took the Olive Branch, another Pope took the Rose Bud, another Pope took the Mariner Symbol etc...

It might, I said Peter The Roman
By Symbol I mean all popes took a Symbol, Pope Benedict the 16th took the Olive Branch, another Pope took the Rose Bud, another Pope took the Mariner Symbol etc...

It might, I said Peter The Roman
Francis of Assisi (Italian: San Francesco d'Assisi; Latin: Sanctus Franciscus Assisiensis), born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone

Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone
All I can say is "Wow"...So no employee at any of these media outlets would say, "you know, I think these guys are a global New World Order wanting to take away everyone's rights and make us worship Satan and I'm not going to take it. I'm going to expose this!" Same with the schools, State governments, County governments, local governments, police, the military, hospitals, corporations, etc. They would all have to be on board too. Just think about how big of a conspiracy it would have to be to work. Its so impossible I cant believe I'm even trying to argue with you guys.
Think about it. They silence people daily for things they may or may not have done ages ago. Blackmail and money keep people from talking. Think about it. You’ve got a spot on national TV. You’re given a script with a huge pay check. Are you really gonna go against that and say something people wouldn’t believe of you did?
Think about it. They silence people daily for things they may or may not have done ages ago. Blackmail and money keep people from talking. Think about it. You’ve got a spot on national TV. You’re given a script with a huge pay check. Are you really gonna go against that and say something people wouldn’t believe of you did?

Well at least your community is single handed LT keeping Alex Jones in business...
Well at least your community is single handed LT keeping Alex Jones in business...
Sorry man I do not listen to Alex Jones or read any of his insanity. He’s a quack and likely on the payroll as a provocateur.
He’s referred to as Peter The Roman! That’s my point
Yes. Francis is absolutely Peter the Roman. Also known as Petrus Romanus. Entire 700+ page books have been written by numerous authors way more informed than anyone here and everyone of them say the same thing. He is not only the first Jesuit Pope, but also the first to take power from another pope stepping down. Everything he does is anti catholic and goes against the fundamentals of Christianity. I’m not catholic. I have read countless catholic authors express their concerns about him. Even to the point that Benedict has now returned to the Vatican. By all indications he is the False Prophet as stated in the book for revelations.
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Well he believes the same stuff you do, so not sure why you would call him a quack. You should be helping him fight the globalists.
He may discuss the same issues but from a different point and with a different goal. If he is what I think he is, everything he does is to discredit the truth behind the topics. As he presents himself as a crazy person no different than a group of wrestlers wearing nwo attire. It throws massive doubt on what is true in a well done effort to keep people from even looking into it.
Oh for goodness sakes. Wouldn’t he have come after the Black Plague or the Spanish Flu pandemics?
Forget preparing for the second coming and get your rear in gear making today God’s Kingdom on earth. That is what we are called to do. We are called to be God’s hands, God’s eyes, God’s ears. Go out and serve the neediest. That is how you can best serve God.

i would rather a part of the population live in fear or aww of this second coming


dressing in all black and hanging out destroying shyt and terrorizing police officers

why do you choose to support the latter?
JESUS is coming soon

to a stadium near you

and he aint white....

he will probably look like an jewish person

he is not saxon nor an anglo

and he will be wearing a dress

so he may support the trans movement

i hope he upgraded to crocs from sandals this time around