**New** What to do

Where did you get the info that a computer chip is what is being referred to in Revelation 13? Seems to me it could be describing any number of things.

That’s my question...where are you getting these specifics? I know you have some reference books/articles/YouTube videos that gave you these way you extrapolated all of these specific prophecy interpretations from the Bible alone.

So far you keep posting all these coming events that are supposedly inevitable as if they are 100% fact. Where are you getting these ideas from? I’d be interested to read whatever far right theologian gave them to you. Having said that, there are tons of other Jehovah Witnesses/End Times Scholars who believe that a completely different set of events will come to pass and they are every bit as certain as you are.
I know what the NWO Playbook looks like, it’s their 21 Goals! I know things like why their will never be a cure for cancer! Because they believe in Depopulation... that one of their Goals. And because Goal #8 “Is to Suppress ALL scientific development which is NOT deemed Beneficial to The NWO. An example of this is Nuclear Energy for peaceful purposes. Because it’s cheap & because they want 3rd world countries dependent on the US!

I know why our statues are being defaced & the names of buildings, universities, Mascots, entities etc are being changed under the guise of Racial Equility... “Goal #2 of The NWO... to completely & utterly destroy All National Pride & National Identity, which was a Primary Consideration if a One World Government was to Work!”

Why do our lives change when they create a calamity.... Goal #11 ... “To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of creating one crisis after another & managing such crisises.” This was evident after 9/11 & what we’re going through with COVID-19!

Why will 50-70% of our young people vote for a Socialist President... Goal #21... “To completely Destroy The Education System in America By Teaching Out Based Education” This has been going on since the 80’s!

If You know Their Flow Chart & Their 21 Goals & Bible Prophecy & led by the HOLY SPIRIT, it’s a NO BRAINER!
I bet your “shift” button is flat worn out from all those capital letters.

Tell me one more thing before I go - how does QAnon fit into the NWO? Because Trump is going to be exhausted from fighting the global pedophile ring and the NWO at the same time. Or, is this the point of genius where 2 wild ass conspiracy theories meet - they are one and the same? Mind blown..:
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I just saw @tothmaster posted the same thing I was you really believe that Donald Trump, of all people, is the savior? If people voted for him that's one thing and to blindly support him is a whole different story...but to somehow fall for this idea that he's a true Christian yet he can't cite a bible verse because it's too personal? Just watch that interview from before he was elected and if you can't see through his bullshit, I'm not surprised but man, you're a terrible judge of not only when someone is flat-out lying but of character too. I'd like to believe that an actual Christian with a pure heart and good intentions is just grinning and bearing it because he's in office, maybe they got fooled a little bit but don't actually believe that man upholds the same values that you least from the perspective of what your religion teaches you. Some of you also make claims though like 2A is a "God-given right" so I wouldn't put anything past you folks.

I apologize though, even if (though) I may believe it, I shouldn't have made a comment about your mental health. I'll leave it at that. I do wonder if you have these conversations in real life and what the people around you think, at least those who haven't fallen for that same wild fairytale.
All I can tell You is he’s not one of them! I know that for a fact. If he was, they would Never try to oust him. He would have never changed the capital of Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem if he wasn’t led by the LORD. He would NOT be arresting Epstein & His Wife. He would NOT be trying to shut down abortion mills & put prayer back in school. Is he flawed? Yes, but we all are! Look @ David in the Old Testament, he slept with one of his own soldiers wives & had him killed. Was he flawed? Absolutely! Did he repent & become a man after GOD’s own heart! Did GOD punish David for what he did? Absolutely, he spent much of his time literally running from his enemies. His own son, Absolom tried to kill him & take his kingdom from him! GOD uses flawed men & Trump is no different. But he’s NOT in the NWO! Biden is Or Obama, Pelosi & the other NWO homers wouldn’t be endorsing him!
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I bet your “shift” button is flat worn out from all those capital letters.

Tell me one more thing before I go - how does QAnon fit into the NWO? Because Trump is going to be exhausted from fighting the global pedophile ring and the NWO at the same time. Or, is this the point of genius where 2 wild ass conspiracy theories meet - they are one and the same? Mind blown..:
Truthfully, I’m skeptical about Q from the sense many Qanons believe Q & his Brigade will bring down the Cabol/NWO. This is NOT going to happen! Daniel 7 clearly says JESUS is the one who crushes the Beast System/NWO “Not by Human Hands!”

Also, Revelation 6, The first five Seals shows what the NWO/Cabol will do to us. The next 16 Plagues are what GOD does to them & to the people who take the Mark of the Beast & Worship The Beast/Antichrist.

Revelation 19 clearly shows JESUS destroys all the armies gathered @ Megiddo (Armageddon) when he returns. Satan bound with a Great Chain. The Antichrist/Beast & False Prophet are thrown alive into the Lake Of Fire!
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I bet your “shift” button is flat worn out from all those capital letters.

Tell me one more thing before I go - how does QAnon fit into the NWO? Because Trump is going to be exhausted from fighting the global pedophile ring and the NWO at the same time. Or, is this the point of genius where 2 wild ass conspiracy theories meet - they are one and the same? Mind blown..:
I do think Q can slow em down some but completely destroying them is NOT going to happen!
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There it is again, talking about something going up someone’s ass again. I hope this is a troll because if it is it’s top 2-3 all time. If it’s not I hope to never cross paths with you when you are on a rant. Scary stuff.
Brother, all I can tell you is when you know you’re right about something & you know the HOLY SPIRIT has shown you what’s going to happen, you don’t care what people say or think! I know time will Prove me right & I know I’m doing what The LORD called me to do! If GOD be for me, who can be against me! I’m comfortable in my own skin, I leg press 610Lbs 25 times, I’ve got a beautiful wife & a cool dog! I’m happy as a clam!
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All I can tell You is he’s not one of them! I know that for a fact. If he was, they would Never try to oust him. He would have never changed the capital of Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem if he wasn’t led by the LORD. He would NOT be arresting Epstein & His Wife. He would NOT be trying to shut down abortion mills & put prayer back in school. Is he flawed? Yes, but we all are! Look @ David in the Old Testament, he slept with one of his own soldiers wives & had him killed. Was he flawed? Absolutely! Did he repent & become a man after GOD’s own heart! Did GOD punish David for what he did? Absolutely, he spent much of his time literally running from his enemies. His own son, Absolom tried to kill him & take his kingdom from him! GOD uses flawed men & Trump is no different. But he’s NOT in the NWO! Biden is Or Obama, Pelosi & the other NWO homers wouldn’t be endorsing him!
Trump thinks he is god so there’s that.
This is so true. No one can sell Biden as being the answer to our country's problems. He is simply the "Not Trump" option on the ballot.
And he’s not some wack nut crazy left guy like Bernie. I’m struggling with who to vote for this election. And it really has nothing to do with Biden. Like others have said, it’s whether or not I feel I can vote for Trump. Idk yet.
And he’s not some wack nut crazy left guy like Bernie. I’m struggling with who to vote for this election. And it really has nothing to do with Biden. Like others have said, it’s whether or not I feel I can vote for Trump. Idk yet.
If you like your freedoms vote for Trump, if you want your freedoms taken away, vote Biden! It’s a no brainer
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It probably is, most pastors stay far away from prophecy! Unless one knows a lot about the NWO, they’re not going to know about prophecy!

What if you’re wrong about the majority of this prophecy interpretation? I’d say you probably are, considering prophecy is so tricky and difficult to interpret. Stating that these things are factual is part of what makes people scoff at you. The fact is, you don’t know that these things are going to happen. You obviously believe it, but you don’t know it.
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I know what the NWO Playbook looks like, it’s their 21 Goals! I know things like why their will never be a cure for cancer! Because they believe in Depopulation... that one of their Goals. And because Goal #8 “Is to Suppress ALL scientific development which is NOT deemed Beneficial to The NWO. An example of this is Nuclear Energy for peaceful purposes. Because it’s cheap & because they want 3rd world countries dependent on the US!

I know why our statues are being defaced & the names of buildings, universities, Mascots, entities etc are being changed under the guise of Racial Equility... “Goal #2 of The NWO... to completely & utterly destroy All National Pride & National Identity, which was a Primary Consideration if a One World Government was to Work!”

Why do our lives change when they create a calamity.... Goal #11 ... “To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of creating one crisis after another & managing such crisises.” This was evident after 9/11 & what we’re going through with COVID-19!

Why will 50-70% of our young people vote for a Socialist President... Goal #21... “To completely Destroy The Education System in America By Teaching Out Based Education” This has been going on since the 80’s!

If You know Their Flow Chart & Their 21 Goals & Bible Prophecy & led by the HOLY SPIRIT, it’s a NO BRAINER!

Can you direct me to the list of their 21 goals as well as the list of their membership that you’ve taken as gospel?
What if you’re wrong about the majority of this prophecy interpretation? I’d say you probably are, considering prophecy is so tricky and difficult to interpret. Stating that these things are factual is part of what makes people scoff at you. The fact is, you don’t know that these things are going to happen. You obviously believe it, but you don’t know it.
He's clueless...just blindly guessing
This is so true. No one can sell Biden as being the answer to our country's problems. He is simply the "Not Trump" option on the ballot.

Unfortunately, this single qualification makes Biden attractive to many middle of the road people. A tragedy of the Trump presidency is that he's done almost nothing to expand his base and instead has alienated a fair number of traditionally conservative voters.

I agree that Biden is an awful candidate.
I know what the NWO Playbook looks like, it’s their 21 Goals! I know things like why their will never be a cure for cancer! Because they believe in Depopulation... that one of their Goals. And because Goal #8 “Is to Suppress ALL scientific development which is NOT deemed Beneficial to The NWO. An example of this is Nuclear Energy for peaceful purposes. Because it’s cheap & because they want 3rd world countries dependent on the US!

I know why our statues are being defaced & the names of buildings, universities, Mascots, entities etc are being changed under the guise of Racial Equility... “Goal #2 of The NWO... to completely & utterly destroy All National Pride & National Identity, which was a Primary Consideration if a One World Government was to Work!”

Why do our lives change when they create a calamity.... Goal #11 ... “To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of creating one crisis after another & managing such crisises.” This was evident after 9/11 & what we’re going through with COVID-19!

Why will 50-70% of our young people vote for a Socialist President... Goal #21... “To completely Destroy The Education System in America By Teaching Out Based Education” This has been going on since the 80’s!

If You know Their Flow Chart & Their 21 Goals & Bible Prophecy & led by the HOLY SPIRIT, it’s a NO BRAINER!

Can you also direct me to the evidence that there will never be a cure for cancer? I mean, that’s not correct considering there is a cure for many different kinds of cancer.
All I can tell You is he’s not one of them! I know that for a fact. If he was, they would Never try to oust him. He would have never changed the capital of Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem if he wasn’t led by the LORD. He would NOT be arresting Epstein & His Wife. He would NOT be trying to shut down abortion mills & put prayer back in school. Is he flawed? Yes, but we all are! Look @ David in the Old Testament, he slept with one of his own soldiers wives & had him killed. Was he flawed? Absolutely! Did he repent & become a man after GOD’s own heart! Did GOD punish David for what he did? Absolutely, he spent much of his time literally running from his enemies. His own son, Absolom tried to kill him & take his kingdom from him! GOD uses flawed men & Trump is no different. But he’s NOT in the NWO! Biden is Or Obama, Pelosi & the other NWO homers wouldn’t be endorsing him!

Isnt it funny that the entire time Obama was president he was described as a lowly, insignificant "community organizer" who was unfit to be president because of his lack of experience. Now the narrative has shifted and we are to believe that Obama was actually a card carrying member of the NWO all along. Not bad for a Kenyan.
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What if you’re wrong about the majority of this prophecy interpretation? I’d say you probably are, considering prophecy is so tricky and difficult to interpret. Stating that these things are factual is part of what makes people scoff at you. The fact is, you don’t know that these things are going to happen. You obviously believe it, but you don’t know it.
Saint Malachi’s Prophecy is spot on! It was hidden away in the Vatican Archives for over 900 years. Research Saint Malachi “Prophecy of the Popes” This is the WHOLE KEY about knowing the Timeline!

Saint Malachi was a GODLY Arch Bishop in the Catholic Church, he went to visit the Pope in Rome & GOD told him there would be 112 more Popes & the 112th & Final Pope Would Be ....
1. A Destroyer
2. The Only Pope to Not take a Symbol
3. He would be called Peter The Roman

Well, Jorge Bergoglio IS ...

1.The 112th & Final Pope
2.He’s The ONLY Pope to NOT take a Symbol
3. He took the name Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Francis of Assisi was a patriarch in the Catholic Church who founded the Franciscans. But his REAL Name was Petri De Bernondone, which means Peter The Roman!

By The way, GOD gave Saint Malachi EVERY Symbol of Every Pope leading up to the 112th & Final Pope.

This is the KEY to knowing who the Final Pope is & To Knowing Who The Beast/Antichrist is. He’s been in power for 7 years now. In the Middle of September 2019, he summoned All Global Leaders to “Sign a Pact for a New Humanism” You can google that! Two months later, COVID-19 was Released & all hell as ensued.

When you find the Flow Chart for the NWO, You will see it took a Long Time to put all those entities together. They’ve been working on putting all those pieces together since 1776, when the Families known as the Illuminati, funded the book “The Illuminati” written by Adam Weiskauph in 1776!

Once the NWO had All the pieces in place, Ratzinger (Pope Benedict the 16the Resigned) Making Way for the 112th & Final Pope.
He was the First pope in 600 years to Resign!

Now Read Revelation 6, The First Seal has been opened, which is the Rider on The White Horse, The Beast/Antichrist goes out conquering & to conquer!

Up next, The 2nd Seal, The Rider on The Red Horse, He was given Authority to Take Peace From the Earth & was given a Great Sword so Men would Slay Each Other! This speaks of Anarchy & War.

Check out Mathew 24, The Disciples asked JESUS, What will be the sign of YOUR coming, “JESUS responded, “Take heed no one deceives you, for many will come in my name claiming to be CHRIST.” He also said, “There would be wars & rumors of wars.” There would be Earthquakes in divers places, Pestilences (Need I say more), Famines, Friends & Families Will deliver one another up to Tribulation (This will happen when the NWO/Beast Government takes over) (Authorities will encourage people to “rat one another out”), This Gospel will be preached to ALL Nations, The Abomination That Causes Desolation Standing in the Holy Place... Beast/Antichrist stands in The Holy Place in Jerusalem & Blasphemes GOD, puts an end to daily sacrifice & Claims to Be GOD Himself)
When the Beast/Antichrist does this, he has 3.5 years to reign before JESUS returns, destroys the armies that have come against Jerusalem & Megiddo (Armageddon)

Another Prophetic Sign we are the Terminal Generation, JESUS said, “Learn The Parable Of The Fig Tree, when you see it’s branches get tender, you know Summer is near”
The Parable of The Fig Tree is when Israel Became a Nation on May 14, 1948!

JESUS said, “This Generation (that sees all these things) Won’t Pass Away, Until All These things have taken place!”’

The False Prophet & Antichrist are thrown Alive into the Lake Of Fire & satan is bound for 1000 years.

JESUS sets up HIS Throne in Jerusalem. Those that received JESUS as Their Savior & Lord, followed HIS Commands & did NOT Take The Mark of The Beast or Worship the Beast/Antichrist reign with JESUS for 1000 years. (The Millennium)

The rest of the dead are raised After the 1000 Year Millennium! This is called the Great White Throne Judgement! Whosoever’s Name Was NOT found written in the Lambs Book Of Life Was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire!
I don’t think a conspiracy theory discussion board can be considered a reputable source.

I mean...chemtrails? I thought I was going to get something way better than that.
You didn’t find what I wanted you to find! Email me ... & I’ll give you my #Cell # ... Text Me & I’ll send you what I’m talking about!
Isnt it funny that the entire time Obama was president he was described as a lowly, insignificant "community organizer" who was unfit to be president because of his lack of experience. Now the narrative has shifted and we are to believe that Obama was actually a card carrying member of the NWO all along. Not bad for a Kenyan.
Obama is in the NWO, he’s a 33 Degree Mason
I don’t think a conspiracy theory discussion board can be considered a reputable source.

I mean...chemtrails? I thought I was going to get something way better than that.
The information Id like you to see came from John Coleman, a Whistleblower, Who was Murdered for Exposing them! Give me till this afternoon on the email & I’ll send you what I want you to see!
Wow... just now came into this thread. Dont really know what to say.

When do we all die?

That will determine if I'm going to wear my mask or not.
The blinded guesser is not unlike many who have come before him, insisting that they can read the Bible and know the immediate future. We Christians have a long long history of wanting to be able to see and predict what God will do next.

I'm a Christian. "For God so loved the world......." is critical to my faith. Jesus said (more or less) "Love God with all your heart mind and soul AND love your neighbor as you love yourself." And the prayer most of us learned to say asks that "God's will be done on earth......" So my directions are clear and wildly different from those many others seem to hear.
Can you also direct me to the evidence that there will never be a cure for cancer? I mean, that’s not correct considering there is a cure for many different kinds of cancer.
Yes it’s #8 in the 21 Goals of The NWO... they believe in Depopulation, NOT curing people! They only want 500 Million people on the the earth, NOT 8 Billion! That’s why the spray us with metals & chemical (Chemtrails) hit us with microwaves with Cell Towers, Smart Meters, Cell Phones, They put GMO’s in our food & fluoride in our water! They’re killing us, not healing us!
The blinded guesser is not unlike many who have come before him, insisting that they can read the Bible and know the immediate future. We Christians have a long long history of wanting to be able to see and predict what God will do next.

I'm a Christian. "For God so loved the world......." is critical to my faith. Jesus said (more or less) "Love God with all your heart mind and soul AND love your neighbor as you love yourself." And the prayer most of us learned to say asks that "God's will be done on earth......" So my directions are clear and wildly different from those many others seem to hear.
I’m NOT a “Blinded Guesser” Everything I said will happen before your eyes! GOD Bless You!
Wow... just now came into this thread. Dont really know what to say.

When do we all die?

That will determine if I'm going to wear my mask or not.
For real. I need to know whether I should keep contributing to my 401k, or if I should just start spending it. If we're all dead in 10 years I need to start having fun with that $$$
For real. I need to know whether I should keep contributing to my 401k, or if I should just start spending it. If we're all dead in 10 years I need to start having fun with that $$$
Start spending. Unless God works a miracle I cannot for the life of me see how things get better. I really thought that all this would go away like protests and all that nonsense normally does. And that once we got to summer the “virus” would be gone at least for awhile. Not feeling to good about things now. No matter what happens in November it appears we are screwed either way.
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Yes it’s #8 in the 21 Goals of The NWO... they believe in Depopulation, NOT curing people! They only want 500 Million people on the the earth, NOT 8 Billion! That’s why the spray us with metals & chemical (Chemtrails) hit us with microwaves with Cell Towers, Smart Meters, Cell Phones, They put GMO’s in our food & fluoride in our water! They’re killing us, not healing us!

Listen man, there is no way some "global, NWO conspiracy" could be kept secret from all but a few super sleuths like yourself. Just look at the Trump administration and its struggles with containing leaks. You get together a bunch of people together, even if they share the same basic ideology, and there is no way they can keep a secret. Everyone has their own internal agenda, their own ambition, and their own opinions. Especially if the plan is killing billions of people and taking away basic human rights all in the name of worshiping Satan.

It sounds like you have gotten yourself onto some conspiracy message board of like minded people and it has turned into an echo chamber where you hear exactly what you want to hear. Mix in some hard core religious interpretations and beliefs, and you end up with a conspiracy theory that is impossible to disprove. You can always say "its coming, just wait!"

Its what I fear about the media in the country too - conservatives only listen to what is said on conservative media and liberals only listen to what is said on liberal media. You hear only what you already believe, so it confirms your beliefs. The other side becomes the "enemy" who is out to "destroy your way of life". Not someone that simply has different beliefs about the role our government should play or what rights people should have.
I’m NOT a “Blinded Guesser” Everything I said will happen before your eyes! GOD Bless You!
is there any way for you to sum it up in one paper or manifesto? i dont want to get it wrong and i feel like there's a lot of jumping around on this thread (and others for that matter)
Listen man, there is no way some "global, NWO conspiracy" could be kept secret from all but a few super sleuths like yourself. Just look at the Trump administration and its struggles with containing leaks. You get together a bunch of people together, even if they share the same basic ideology, and there is no way they can keep a secret. Everyone has their own internal agenda, their own ambition, and their own opinions. Especially if the plan is killing billions of people and taking away basic human rights all in the name of worshiping Satan.

It sounds like you have gotten yourself onto some conspiracy message board of like minded people and it has turned into an echo chamber where you hear exactly what you want to hear. Mix in some hard core religious interpretations and beliefs, and you end up with a conspiracy theory that is impossible to disprove. You can always say "its coming, just wait!"

Its what I fear about the media in the country too - conservatives only listen to what is said on conservative media and liberals only listen to what is said on liberal media. You hear only what you already believe, so it confirms your beliefs. The other side becomes the "enemy" who is out to "destroy your way of life". Not someone that simply has different beliefs about the role our government should play or what rights people should have.
It’s not a secret. It only appears that way because the very ones you speak of literally own the media outlets. So all the Trump stuff is a daily topic. In the end it’s all about money, power and control. They now have all three. Go back and listen to what John F. Kennedy said regarding these people prior to his death. He was going to expose it.
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