Years ago, I was a PR manager for the American Bankers Association and (among other things) I was responsible for discussing topics regarding credit card credit. I went on a radio talk show when I was in Chicago and I don't think I was aware that it was a far-right Christian radio station. The host started talking about credit cards and how people will soon have their numbers stamped across their foreheads and then mentioned 666 being the "mark of the beast." I was completely flummoxed. I don't recall having the slightest idea how to even respond to the guy!
It is pretty similar with how I react when I see some of these postings here. I mean, guys, reason just doesn't work with these posters!
Absolutely, I’d be Delighted Too, Read Daniel 7, The Fourth Beast is Papal Rome/The Beast/Antichrist & The NWO. The Fourth Beast in Daniel 7 is described as having 7 heads & 10 horns. The 7 heads represent the 7 mountains Papal Rome & The Vatican sit on. The 10 horns are 10 Global Leaders (Kings) that will reign with the Beast/Antichrist. The NWO has divided the world up into 10 regions with one king (world leader) over each Region. This is backed up in Revelation 17 & 18.
This same Beast system Is also found in Revelation 13. The First Beast is Papal Rome/The Beast/Antichrist & The NWO (10 Global Leaders/Kings) The Second Beast in Revelation 13 is America (The Lamb with the 2 Horns, Which describes Religious & Civil Liberty) But, Unfortunately, We (America) start Speaking as a Dragon, which means this Regime will impose Draconian Laws on The American People! If Trump is ousted, This Regime will replace him. Why! Because the Beast/Antichrist is in Power!
According To Saint Malachi’s Prophecy, which was Prophecied in 1139, GOD told Saint Malachi, “There will be 112 More Popes, The 112th & Final Pope will be a 1. Destroyer 2. He would be the Only Pope to NOT take a Symbol 3. He would be called Peter The Roman!
Well, Jorge Bergoglio is The 112th & Final Pope
He’s the ONLY Pope EVER to NOT Take A Symbol
3. He took The Name Saint Francis Of Assisi. Saint Francis of Assisi was a patriarch in the Catholic Church who Founded The Franciscans, but his Real Name was Petri De Bernardone, Which Means Peter The Roman!
Saint Malachi’s Prophecy, The Prophecy of The Popes was hidden away in the Vatican Archives for over 900 years! It’s ONE HUNDRED PERCENT ACCURATE!
This is why the Fist Seal in Revelation 6 has been opened, The Rider on The White Horse. He Goes Out Conquering & To Conquer.
I’ve been sharing with y’all what’s going to happen BEFORE it happens so, hopefully, You’ll will Believe.
I encourage who have never received JESUS as their Savior & Lord to do so. Things are going to get worse, NOT better!
JESUS said, “I AM The WAY, The TRUTH & The LIFE, No One Comes To The Father But Through ME!”
JESUS also Said, “IF You Confess ME Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels, But If You’re Ashamed Of ME & MY Words, I’ll Be Ashamed Of You When You Stand Before My Father & His Angels.”
Romans 10:9 Says, “If You Confess With Your Mouth The Lord JESUS & Believe in Your Heart GOD Raised HIM From The Dead, You Shall Be Saved!”