**New** What to do

Greenville has one, but nobody listens for the most part and doesn’t wear one. I’m sure the same goes for a place like Charleston. For the most part in South Carolina people do not wear masks. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong. I’m just telling you what I see.
Sorry Bro, what I was saying is, I was NEVER worried about 2000 or 2012. There’s was way too much prophecy that needed/Needs to be fulfilled. The HUGE difference in then & now is The 112th & Final Pope is here according to Saint Malachi’s Prophecy, “The Prophecy of the Popes!” Saint Malachi was a GODLY Arch Bishop in The Catholic Church. In 1139 AD, he went to go visit Rome. While in Rome, GOD told him there would be 112 more Popes & The 112th & Final Pope would be a.... 1. Destroyer.... 2. He would be the ONLY Pope to NOT take a Symbol.... 3. He would be called Peter The Roman

GOD gave Saint Malachi Every Symbol of all 111 Popes leading up to the 112th & Final Pope. The Prophecy of the Popes Was hidden away in the Vatican Archives for over 900 years.

Well, Jorge Bergoglio (Popes Real Name) is the 112th & Final Pope, He is the ONLY Pope to NOT take a Symbol. He took the name Saint Francis of Assisi, which was a Patriarch in the Catholic Church which founded the Franciscans. But his REAL name was Petri De Bernardone, Which Means PETER THE ROMAN, just like GOD told Saint Malachi.

In The Middle of September 2019, Pope Francis gave this Edict... He Called For All Global Leaders To Sign A New Global Pact For A New Humanism.

Two months later, The Coronavirus was Released & All hell has broken loose since.

Pope Francis is The Rider On The White Horse in Revelation 6Th, The First Seal!

The Second Seal is on the Clock... The Rider on The Red Horse! He was given Power To Take Peace From The Earth & Was Given a Great Sword So Men Will Slay Each Other.

In Regards to America, I believe this is referring to Anarchy & Civil War!
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The “optics” that are mentioned is exactly why we won’t have a season this fall. Professional sports will take place because they are paid. Colleges, not a chance. You will see more walk outs, refusals to play, protests, etc. ESPN won’t know which side they support because they want the ad dollars and TV viewers, yet their talking heads will be preaching about players rights and such. ESPN will explode.
I hope ESPN would go belly up.
Your source for the number of cases per capita for South Carolina?
What is the Wuhan virus fatality rate per capita for South Carolina?
Of the Wuhan virus fatalities, what are the age group breakdowns?
What is the Wuhan virus hospitalization rate per capita for South Carolina?
What age group represents the majority of new Wuhan virus "cases"?
Does a positive Wuhan virus test result equal a case? That is, what proportion of new "cases" require medical intervention separate from hospitalization?
The point being is that your statement regarding Wuhan cases per capita is reflective of the position that contracting the Wuhan virus by anyone equates to certain death.

Some information regarding COVID cases in South Carolina for you or others who have previously expressed interest :

As of this morning, there are about 2,800 hospital beds available in S.C.
Nearly 8,000 are occupied. Among the occupied beds , about 1,400 are occupied by patients with confirmed COVID-19 or PUI.


- State Population : 5.1% million

- COVID-19 tests conducted : 533,738

Total number of confirmed cases in S.C. = 52,419

Average age = 41
Median age = 39
% confirmed cases that required hospitalization = 12%
Number of active cases requiring mechanical ventilator support = 171
New cases for July 11 = 2,239 (highest reported cases)
Percent positive for July 11 = 22.2% (highest to date)

Deaths = 929

Average age = 74
Median Age = 76
Age range of confirmed deaths = under age of 5 years of age (a toddler died today from COVID) - 104 y/o

% COVID deaths by age group :

—> 21-30 y/o : 0.8%
—> 31-40 y/o : 0.7%
—> 41-50 y/o : 3.1%
—> 51-60 y/o : 8.6%
—> 61-70 y/o : 21%

2019-2020 influenza season national mortality rate (using the lowest end of estimated people tested , and the highest reported death estimate. Doing this to give “worst possible” death rate) :

==> 0.15%

COVID-19 mortality rate for state of South Carolina ( 929 / 52,419 ) :

==> 1.77%

Saving @Larry_Williams some time

sources :
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I agree with this post 100%. I know it sounds incredible to those who have never received Christ as Lord and have no knowledge or understanding of the power of His Holy Spirit and the truth of the Bible. What is taking place in America is contrary to anything we have ever seen or experienced. Yet the events occurring around us are confirming the truth of Scripture at an alarming rate (which the Bible also prophecies). If God loved the world enough to allow His Son to die for our sins, don’t you think He would warn us about what is about to take place. Please heed His warning and prepare to meet Jesus Christ very soon.
I actually have great hope in that event!
Tonight is as good as any.
See the CDC influenza burden for 2019-2020.

there have been 34 positive influenza cases in total over the last 7 weeks out of more than 2800 tests reported by state labs.

47,000 tests have been conducted in clinical labs over the last 7 weeks. Only 136 have resulted positive.

So what influenza burden are we really talking about here over that span ?
The book of Romans is what we need to read for today. The book of John was written to the Jew under the law. We can definitely gleen truth from the Gospels but Paul’s Epistles are for us today.
Put both together............then you got something.
Not everything, as the Bible handles, but PLENTY for folks to sink their teeth into as they start out.
This is nothing more than a political weapon!
My stance on this board is well documented & there are those on this board who vehemently disagree with me & that’s fine. Like I’ve said Many, many times, time will Prove me right. What we are witnessing is an attempt by the NWO Beast System to take America over. I’ve been studying the NWO for almost 30 years & Bible Prophecy for over 35! If you like our way of life, going to sporting events, traveling, earning enough money to be able to do those things, you better take heed to what’s REALLY going on. The 11th Goal of The NWO is “To Keep People EVERYWHERE From Deciding Their Own Destinies By Means Of CREATING One CRiSIS AFTER Another & MANAGING Such Crisises!”

JESUS Said In Mathew 24 Regarding The End Times, “If It Were Possible, EVEN The ELECT Would Be DECEIVED!”
Revelation 12 Says, “Satan DECEIVES The WHOLE WORLD!” How... By Lying & Tricking The Masses!
This Manufactured, That’s Right, Manufactured Virus Is Being Used As A Weapon To Keep Businesses Closed, People Out Of Work & Will Eventually Be Used To Close As Many Precincts As Possible, Which Would Force Citizens To Mail Their Voting Ballots In, Which Will Lead To Massive Voter Fraud. I’ve said it Before & I’ll Say It Again, If Trump Is Ousted, Kiss Your Freedoms Goodbye! I’ve Listed A Host Of Oppressive Laws They Will Impose On Us In The Conspiracy Thread In The Round Table. Sporting Events We Love To Watch & Attend Are In Serious Jeopardy! Y’all Scoff & Ridicule All You Want But Time Will Prove Me Right! Many Of Y’all Have NO Idea How Evil & Wicked These People Are! Just So You Know, They Call You & I “USELESS EATERS!” They Are Behind What You See In Seattle, NY, California etc.... These People Worship Satan, One Cannot Be In The NWO Without Giving Their Allegiance To Lucifer! That’s a FACT!!!
This is why our country is duck without sports while other countries have patriots that follow simple ass guidelines.
This is nothing more than a political weapon!
My stance on this board is well documented & there are those on this board who vehemently disagree with me & that’s fine. Like I’ve said Many, many times, time will Prove me right. What we are witnessing is an attempt by the NWO Beast System to take America over. I’ve been studying the NWO for almost 30 years & Bible Prophecy for over 35! If you like our way of life, going to sporting events, traveling, earning enough money to be able to do those things, you better take heed to what’s REALLY going on. The 11th Goal of The NWO is “To Keep People EVERYWHERE From Deciding Their Own Destinies By Means Of CREATING One CRiSIS AFTER Another & MANAGING Such Crisises!”

JESUS Said In Mathew 24 Regarding The End Times, “If It Were Possible, EVEN The ELECT Would Be DECEIVED!”
Revelation 12 Says, “Satan DECEIVES The WHOLE WORLD!” How... By Lying & Tricking The Masses!
This Manufactured, That’s Right, Manufactured Virus Is Being Used As A Weapon To Keep Businesses Closed, People Out Of Work & Will Eventually Be Used To Close As Many Precincts As Possible, Which Would Force Citizens To Mail Their Voting Ballots In, Which Will Lead To Massive Voter Fraud. I’ve said it Before & I’ll Say It Again, If Trump Is Ousted, Kiss Your Freedoms Goodbye! I’ve Listed A Host Of Oppressive Laws They Will Impose On Us In The Conspiracy Thread In The Round Table. Sporting Events We Love To Watch & Attend Are In Serious Jeopardy! Y’all Scoff & Ridicule All You Want But Time Will Prove Me Right! Many Of Y’all Have NO Idea How Evil & Wicked These People Are! Just So You Know, They Call You & I “USELESS EATERS!” They Are Behind What You See In Seattle, NY, California etc.... These People Worship Satan, One Cannot Be In The NWO Without Giving Their Allegiance To Lucifer! That’s a FACT!!!
Some information regarding COVID cases in South Carolina for you or others who have previously expressed interest :

As of this morning, there are about 2,800 hospital beds available in S.C.
Nearly 8,000 are occupied. Among the occupied beds , about 1,400 are occupied by patients with confirmed COVID-19 or PUI.


- State Population : 5.1% million

- COVID-19 tests conducted : 533,738

Total number of confirmed cases in S.C. = 52,419

Average age = 41
Median age = 39
% confirmed cases that required hospitalization = 12%
Number of active cases requiring mechanical ventilator support = 171
New cases for July 11 = 2,239 (highest reported cases)
Percent positive for July 11 = 22.2% (highest to date)

Deaths = 929

Average age = 74
Median Age = 76
Age range of confirmed deaths = under age of 5 years of age (a toddler died today from COVID) - 104 y/o

% COVID deaths by age group :

—> 21-30 y/o : 0.8%
—> 31-40 y/o : 0.7%
—> 41-50 y/o : 3.1%
—> 51-60 y/o : 8.6%
—> 61-70 y/o : 21%

2019-2020 influenza season national mortality rate (using the lowest end of estimated people tested , and the highest reported death estimate. Doing this to give “worst possible” death rate) :

==> 0.15%

COVID-19 mortality rate for state of South Carolina ( 929 / 52,419 ) :

==> 1.77%

Saving @Larry_Williams some time

sources :
If I lived in SC I’d be worried that this quack is getting interested in what happens in your state. NY was a disaster when he was there.
Pope Francis is The Rider On The White Horse in Revelation 6Th, The First Seal!

The Second Seal is on the Clock... The Rider on The Red Horse! He was given Power To Take Peace From The Earth & Was Given a Great Sword So Men Will Slay Each Other.

In Regards to America, I believe this is referring to Anarchy & Civil War!
I think Trump May be the Red Horse and Twitter is his great sword. What do you think? Really drain the swamp as in both sides.
We also have a one world currency now, in crypto currency.
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You sir are without hope. Please read the Book of John. It will reveal the truth, answer questions and give life everlasting to anyone who believes it’s words.
Yes sir!
I love explanation points! It’s a way to show how pissed I am the NWO is putting us through this BS!!!
Goal #11 of the NWO... To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of creating one crisis after another & managing such crisises!!!
Especially election year crisis. That’s a huge contributor to all the rioting and other drama.
Not the way we know it! You won’t recognize it from a political standpoint Or geographically! Check out The US Navy Maps for 2020-2025. Florida, both East & West Coasts, the states along The Mississippi River & States around the Hoover Damn are partially or Fully Underwater due to The NWO’s Chemtrail Program. They’ve been spraying us for almost 80 years with Barium, Aluminum, Mold Spores & other chemicals. This is the “Real” reason for the Climate Change Crisis. Of Course, They will blame it on fossil fuels & people who use Fossil Fuels. Under the guise of protecting the Environment, they will roll out Agenda 21, which was signed into law in 1992 by Committee of 300 Member, George Bush SR. They will tell you where you can & can’t live & visit. They will roll out a Global Climate Change Tax & a Global Carbon Footprint Tax. I’m telling you this BEFOREHAND, so when it happens, you’ll Believe!
Yep, certifiable.
I’m probably in the minority, but given that this virus is now raging in this state, I’m all for Spring Football. It’s very obvious that’s what’s happening along our gulf coast would translate to these parts if football were played now. What are your thoughts on my thoughts @MF123? Or anyone else for that matter.
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Sir I hope you don’t actually believe those numbers. I know people in the medical field on the front lines of this from the very beginnings from Myrtle Beach to Wisconsin. Trust me those numbers are not true not even close. It’s all about the money. At least a third of these deaths contributed to COVID-19 are not. I sit and listened to a couple of the nurses literally on the front line say if anyone dies right now in the hospital it’s COVID-19 when they know it’s not, but nothing they can do but go along with it.
Story after story even on this very board about loved one’s passing away lately that didn’t have COVID-19, but their death was contributed to COVID.
Literally a lady at the water park today said a friend was killed in a motorcycle accident in the last couple weeks. Death certificate said Covid-19 was the cause. They have literally had to hire a damn attorney to fight this for insurance purposes.

DHEC a couple of days ago reported that 6 people died from COVID in Lexington County. Actually the coroner of Lexington County said that was not true and that only 1 died. That speaks to what is going on now. I don't trust the inflated numbers one bit!!!
Won't happen !!
It will & soon! Luke 21... JESUS said, “Men’s hearts failing them for looking after those things coming on the earth!”

“The Seas & the waves roaring!”

The Black Nobility runs Hollywood & The movie industry... if We’re paying attention, they’ll show you what they’re going to do & what’s going to happen. The problem is, people think it’s just Hollywood! If you haven’t seen the movie “Day After Tomorrow” check it out! Due to the NWO Chemtrail Program, which has been in operation for almost 80 years, that movie depicts what is going to happen between 2020-2025 (US Navy Maps)

This is consistent with what JESUS said in Luke 21... “Seas & Waves Roaring” & “Men’s hearts failing them for what’s coming on the earth!”
This is nothing more than a political weapon!
My stance on this board is well documented & there are those on this board who vehemently disagree with me & that’s fine. Like I’ve said Many, many times, time will Prove me right. What we are witnessing is an attempt by the NWO Beast System to take America over. I’ve been studying the NWO for almost 30 years & Bible Prophecy for over 35! If you like our way of life, going to sporting events, traveling, earning enough money to be able to do those things, you better take heed to what’s REALLY going on. The 11th Goal of The NWO is “To Keep People EVERYWHERE From Deciding Their Own Destinies By Means Of CREATING One CRiSIS AFTER Another & MANAGING Such Crisises!”

JESUS Said In Mathew 24 Regarding The End Times, “If It Were Possible, EVEN The ELECT Would Be DECEIVED!”
Revelation 12 Says, “Satan DECEIVES The WHOLE WORLD!” How... By Lying & Tricking The Masses!
This Manufactured, That’s Right, Manufactured Virus Is Being Used As A Weapon To Keep Businesses Closed, People Out Of Work & Will Eventually Be Used To Close As Many Precincts As Possible, Which Would Force Citizens To Mail Their Voting Ballots In, Which Will Lead To Massive Voter Fraud. I’ve said it Before & I’ll Say It Again, If Trump Is Ousted, Kiss Your Freedoms Goodbye! I’ve Listed A Host Of Oppressive Laws They Will Impose On Us In The Conspiracy Thread In The Round Table. Sporting Events We Love To Watch & Attend Are In Serious Jeopardy! Y’all Scoff & Ridicule All You Want But Time Will Prove Me Right! Many Of Y’all Have NO Idea How Evil & Wicked These People Are! Just So You Know, They Call You & I “USELESS EATERS!” They Are Behind What You See In Seattle, NY, California etc.... These People Worship Satan, One Cannot Be In The NWO Without Giving Their Allegiance To Lucifer! That’s a FACT!!!
Especially election year crisis. That’s a huge contributor to all the rioting and other drama.
Absolutely, and this election especially! The Beast/Antichrist Pope Francis has been in power for 7 years now. He & the NWO have had THIS ELECTION Circled For Their Takeover Of America. Revelation 13... The First Beast is Papal Rome/The Beast Antichrist & The NWO.

The Second Beast in Revelation 13 is America & The False Prophet. America is described as a Lamb having 2 horns, representing Civil & Religious Liberty. But We Start Speaking Like A Dragon. This means we are under the Control of a Draconian Dictator & our Government Will be Switched From A Democracy To Socialism which is a fancy word for Communism. The question is, is that going to happen THIS ELECTION, NEXT ELECTION or Somewhere in Between. The Preferred Government of The Beast/Antichrist is Socialism/Communism. When this happens, We’re All going into Bondage! Why do you think Biden says, “He will Transform The System!” Translation: “I Will Turn America Into A Socialist/Communist Nation!” This is being done under the guise of “Inequality!”

I do Strongly believe a Civil War is on the horizon, no matter who wins. If Trump wins, The Beast/Antichrist Pope Francis & The NWO will Ramp Up Their Attacks On Trump & America Significantly. If Biden Wins, Through Voter Fraud, Americans Will Rise Up When He & Whoever is Really Running Our Country Starts Imposing Draconian Laws on The American People.
This is why our country is duck without sports while other countries have patriots that follow simple ass guidelines.
Yes, because “other” countries already have Governments in place the Beast/Antichrist Pope Francis are “happy” with!” Trump is a Major Thorn in The Side To The NWO/Beast System. They need him OUT! If They allow sports, especially sports with fans, closing down the precincts will be a hard sell. By keeping the Covid-19 Propaganda going, they have a legitimate argument to shut down the precincts, where Voter Fraud will be Rampant.
Yep, the Democratic run cities are crumbling. Terrible mayors and governors.
Not Terrible Mayors & Governors, Evil, Wicked Mayors & Governors who are in bed with the NWO! They are allowing this to happen on purpose. This is part of the NWO Takeover Plan!
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I think Trump May be the Red Horse and Twitter is his great sword. What do you think? Really drain the swamp as in both sides.
We also have a one world currency now, in crypto currency.
Trump is NOT in the NWO! He’s trying to save America’s Ass! You don’t want Trump OUT! Without him, We’re All going into Bondage! That’s a Fact! If this happens, Time Will Prove Me Right!
DHEC a couple of days ago reported that 6 people died from COVID in Lexington County. Actually the coroner of Lexington County said that was not true and that only 1 died. That speaks to what is going on now. I don't trust the inflated numbers one bit!!!
And that person was 88 years old.
No Troll Brother! Tell me what you know about the NWO? Do You Believe The Bible To Be GOD’s Word?

that man has corrupted at every chance, especially with a few that seek to interpret it for us.....
I like Trump because he’s NOT one of them! They hate him & want him OUT! The people in the NWO are Vile & they do Vile things such as sex trafficking & they are scared to death Trump is going to come after them! We’ve only had two presidents since Woodrow Wilson who was NOT involved in the NWO. Trump & JFK! Woodrow Wilson sold America out in 1913 when America was changed from a Republic For The People to a Democracy. He also allowed The NWO International Bankers To Set Up The Federal Reserve & The American People have been getting screwed over ever since. Woodrow Wilson was a 33 Degree Mason, like Romney & Obama are!
Kobe was a 33rd degree mason, a boule.
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Sorry Bro, what I was saying is, I was NEVER worried about 2000 or 2012. There’s was way too much prophecy that needed/Needs to be fulfilled. The HUGE difference in then & now is The 112th & Final Pope is here according to Saint Malachi’s Prophecy, “The Prophecy of the Popes!” Saint Malachi was a GODLY Arch Bishop in The Catholic Church. In 1139 AD, he went to go visit Rome. While in Rome, GOD told him there would be 112 more Popes & The 112th & Final Pope would be a.... 1. Destroyer.... 2. He would be the ONLY Pope to NOT take a Symbol.... 3. He would be called Peter The Roman

GOD gave Saint Malachi Every Symbol of all 111 Popes leading up to the 112th & Final Pope. The Prophecy of the Popes Was hidden away in the Vatican Archives for over 900 years.

Well, Jorge Bergoglio (Popes Real Name) is the 112th & Final Pope, He is the ONLY Pope to NOT take a Symbol. He took the name Saint Francis of Assisi, which was a Patriarch in the Catholic Church which founded the Franciscans. But his REAL name was Petri De Bernardone, Which Means PETER THE ROMAN, just like GOD told Saint Malachi.

In The Middle of September 2019, Pope Francis gave this Edict... He Called For All Global Leaders To Sign A New Global Pact For A New Humanism.

Two months later, The Coronavirus was Released & All hell has broken loose since.

Pope Francis is The Rider On The White Horse in Revelation 6Th, The First Seal!

The Second Seal is on the Clock... The Rider on The Red Horse! He was given Power To Take Peace From The Earth & Was Given a Great Sword So Men Will Slay Each Other.

In Regards to America, I believe this is referring to Anarchy & Civil War!
We as believers will not go through the great tribulation but will be raptured. Amen!
that man has corrupted at every chance, especially with a few that seek to interpret it for us.....
I’m Telling You The Truth! I Can’t Help it if You’re Deceived! Do believe the Bible To be GOD’s Word? Do believe the Mainstream Media? Do You believe in the NWO? If You Said No to any of these, You’re Deceived! Time Will Prove Me Right! Ponder These Words...., JESUS said in Mathew 24, speaking of the last days..., “If It Were Possible, EVEN The ELECT Would be Deceived!”
Revelation 12 says, “Satan DECEIVES The WHOLE WORLD!”

How, By Lying & Tricking People & He uses Those In Power To Do So!
We as believers will not go through the great tribulation but will be raptured. Amen!
No, Read 2 Thessalonians 2... Paul tells the Church of the Thessalonians,”That day (JESUS’s Return) Won’t Come Until The Great Falling Away Has happened & a The Man Of Sin Has Been Revealed!” That doesn’t happen until the last 3.5 years of the Tribulation (Great Tribulation) From the time The Beast/Antichrist stands in the Holy Place (In Jerusalem) & Blasphemes GOD, Puts and End to Daily Sacrifice & claims to be GOD himself, The Beast Antichrist has 3.5 years to reign & after the 3.5 years, JESUS returns, Destroys The Armies Who Have Gathered @ Megiddo (Armageddon), The Beast/Antichrist Are Thrown Alive Into The Lake Of Fire! JESUS sets Up HIS Throne in Jerusalem & Those who Received JESUS as their Savior, Followed HIS Commands & DId NOT Take The Mark Of The Beast Or Worship The Antichrist Spend The 1000 Year Millennium With JESUS. The rest of the dead were NOT raised until after the Millennium. This is the Great White Throne Judgement!
For folks who think COVID is a hoax or tame, there is a lot of space between death and life for the disease to do damage. We really could have limited this disease to “embers” as Trump likes to say but “temporary freedom” was more preferable than wearing masks and social distancing for many people.

Now Atlanta is going back to Phase 1. Other cities will follow. Why is Europe declining in cases while the US is soon to hit 100,000 cases a day? It isn’t because we are doing so much more testing. It is because we are harvesting what we sowed.

100,000/day? So if 100,000 is confirmed/day we can assume the real number to be 1.2 million infections per day.

Sounds good to me as we will achieve herd immunity by next Spring, probably by Christmas if the rate expands as it most certainly would.

Then all this fear mongering BS can subside.