Then answer the questions i asked you:
I have 3 Questions. I will start by saying that when i did go to church we had monthly meetings in which all members would be present. In these meetings financial decisions were discussed, including the pastors salary. We always knew the exact amount the pastor received each month.
1. Can you tell me right now what Perry Noble makes each month?
2. Where does this money go?
3. Am i reading this wrong?
Matthew 21:12-13
12. Jesus entered the temple area. He began chasing out all those who were buying and selling there. He turned over the tables of the people who were exchanging money. He also turned over the benches of those who were selling doves. 13. He said unto them, "It is written that the Lord said, 'My house will be called a house where people can pray.' (
Isaiah 56:7) But you are making it a ‘den for robbers.’ ”
(Jeremiah 7:11)
You can post all the propaganda you like, but when every NSer i have talked to is no different than the ppl i drink with at a bar i have to wonder what does it matter. When your pastor cusses and calls ppl stupid from the pulpit i wonder what kind of man of God is this. Churches like this is why i have all but lost faith in God.