Most classifications of people have experienced prejudice, racism, unfair treatment etc at some point in history. I'm just saying it doesn't do anyone any good to live 60+ years ago in the past because nobody can change how things were or what happened. Just one man's opinion but I think when people give excess attention to the terrible things that happened years ago, they are more likely to see ghosts so to speak and have a perception that relations today are worse than they actually are.
We can only change how we treat people today and going forward. If I had the power to go back in time and change things I would. But I don't so I've accepted that all I can do is treat everyone I come across in life with kindness and equality and choose to have a positive outlook instead of a negative one.
As far as the border patrol thing, I wasn't aware of that. But that doesn't surprise me since I understand that we live in the real world not utopia. We have people in this country that rob, rape, and murder other people EVERY SINGLE DAY. Of course there are going to be people that say and do racist things. But that doesn't mean that as citizens we should extrapolate those stories of racism and prejudice that the media crams down our throat and act like relations aren't literally the best they have ever been in the history of our country.
This mindset is so aggravating. Even if we assume that "race relations are literally the best they have ever been in the history of our country", it doesn't give you the right to tell people to shut up about the injustices they experience. We keep fighting to make things better. I could say that "we literally have the best standard of living of any society in history right now" but the GOP still gets to whine that taxes are too high. We are constantly trying to better our society regardless of how good it is.