Lets throw out the median household income. Like you said there are lots of factors that go in to that.I think those are basically the same question. I'll note that SOME of these issues are not caused by an ongoing "minorities are worse than white people" mentality but are still very linked to the history of that. I'm also going to refer mostly towards things that are prejudicial towards black people. I'd also note that these studies control for things like the sort of crime a person is charged with.
Black people are disproportionately arrested and convicted than white people. They also have longer sentences. Crack cocaine sentencing is an example of something that has an extreme racial disparity. Black people are much more likely to be arrested for drug usage even though their usage rate is very similar to that of whites.
23% of people killed by police are black men, despite blacks only making up 12.6% of the population. (Conversely, whites are 73% of the population and account for only 45% of people killed by police)
Median household income for black families is 65% of average and 59% of the median household income for white families. (There are obviously lots of factors here)
People with "black" names need to send 50% more resumes than people with "white" names to get a response.
So you can look at this a few ways. You can say "there are probably some real structural issues at play here that are impacting things" or "active racism is causing these things" or "black people are responsible for all of this". I tend to think it's mostly the first one with some of the second one. I'm not exactly sure how a person can believe "all races are equal" and that third one, though.
I'll start with something that I agree with you on and that’s the 4th point. That’s an unfortunate statistic. There’s definitely more white people that are in positions within businesses that make hiring decisions. And I’m not sure we can label it blatant racism but maybe there is a subconscious bias when 2 applicants are head to head with very similar resumes with 1 person being named Mary Jones and the other being named Shaquanda Smith. I’m not saying that there’s never been a person that has consciously thought I have a white person and a black person here, I’m choosing white. But i think more often than not it’s not malicious, they just may lean to the name they is more familiar or closer to home.
I’m not sure what the solution is there. More diversity training? Time is the biggest one. We have to remember segregation was only a few generations ago. When you consider that and the fact that black people make up roughly 12% of the US population, there aren’t a whole lot of black CEOs and GMs. But the good news is that this country elected a black president twice so the number of CEOs and GMs with names like Latoya Thomas will only increase. That will help things obviously.
I don’t want to discuss the police thing or the crime thing. I think there are reasons for why things are the way that they are and it’s complicated. I would need to literally write an essay to provide an adequate response