November 4th, 2020

Two weeks earlier - that is hindsight analysis. Why not 4 weeks? That is an arbitrary timeframe. We would have just been saying wait 2 weeks a little earlier.

As for the masks. I wear my mask in public. But I have heard so many different responses to a mandatory mask guidance that That is not the answer for the entire country. Encouraging masks earlier, would be a good change and could have done some good. But the masks were only necessary once the public areas and restaurants and shopping started opening back up. Trump should have encouraged them and then governors and mayors should have made the mandatory for their areas where needed. Some are now doing it. But is that really all you have? Just my opinion. Using hindsight and all.
You asked what could’ve been differently and I gave you two thing.

It isn’t hindsight when a lot of people were telling him he needed to shut things down in real time. He should make a mask mandate
It tells me that Republicans will be at work and don’t have the time or immaturity to protest.
Interesting...who were those people after President Obama was elected, or the people that stormed the state house in Michigan this year, or the people blocking the hospital entrance demanding states reopen! Republicans March, Protest & Many With Weapons!
1. Each country is is different. You cannot apply what Norway did to what we should do in America. the fact that you dont think Trump, or Falci, or Brix, or Pence or whoever is on the taskforce looked at good practices from other conutries and considered them is comical. Yes, you or someone else will make a joke about "you know what is comical...." Like it or not, the American economy drives a lot around the world. And yes, there were probably some unfortunate deaths due to trying to manage the economy.
2. I don't know that Trump did not take the virus serious. He definitely had things working against him early, from CHina not even allowing the WHO in country, the WHO doing who knows what, Dems complaining when he did shut off travel from CHina etc. Publicly, he downplayed it. Maybe he should have scared the hell out of everyone, and then we could have watched a completely different MSM response.
3. There were no tests early, those had to be developed and mass produced. I don't know if that could have been done faster or not. I will wait for Falci's book in 2 years. Assuming he cashes in on how mean Trump was to him.
He Called It A Hoax... Ge Got Rid Of The Pandemic Team...
Interesting...who were those people after President Obama was elected, or the people that stormed the state house in Michigan this year, or the people blocking the hospital entrance demanding states reopen! Republicans March, Protest & Many With Weapons!
Republicans have no problems with protesters. Anarchists are another story.

Oh you know the thing...
Really? I thought he was referring to the media with how they handled the situation.
Technically, Trump called the media's bashing of Trump's minimizing the threat of COVID. I could give you a dozen quotes, but his discussion about "One day, it's going to magically go away" seems pretty much on point. Their accurate reporting of his attitude toward a global pandemic was not a hoax.
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How will you interpret it or reevaluate the way you see things if Trump loses, and/or if Trump loses in a landslide?
If that were to happen (& it won’t), conservatives will simply wait four years til the next election & try to retake the White House...
Yes, we’ll bitch & moan about Biden (or whoever Dems try to replace him with) but you won’t see no riots in the streets, no broken glass, no fires, no looting, etc...we don’t operate that way.
It's funny to me that people who say stuff like this accuse other people of being politics-obsessed. This virus isn't primarily a political issue, and it's not just a big deal because a national election is coming up. But people have managed to politicize it anyway, to the point that now the point man for the Federal government's (led by the guy they like) response is a scapegoat.

I do have no doubt that the media will portray the national response to the Wuhan Virus different if a Democrat is in office, but I also predict it'll almost be weird to go back to anyone less crazy and incompetent than Trump (and I'm not just referring to Biden here- I mean almost anybody else).
Everything about this is presented through a political lense. Every drop of it.
People that think this is going to get better after a election is foolish at best..

This country, no matter the results, is going to be as split as it has been in a very long time..
If that were to happen (& it won’t), conservatives will simply wait four years til the next election & try to retake the White House...
Yes, we’ll bitch & moan about Biden (or whoever Dems try to replace him with) but you won’t see no riots in the streets, no broken glass, no fires, no looting, etc...we don’t operate that way.
Correct. Amazing there weren’t racist base and city names and statues when obama was president.
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Republicans have no problems with protesters. Anarchists are another story.
History, who killed Lincoln, Dr. King & The Kennedy’s...or that whole KKK, Boston T-Party Thing or that Oklahoma City Bombing... was Civil War Southerns a Liberal Democratic or Liberal Republican Response?...anyway History is History!
Trump's highest approval poll numbers of his ENTIRE PRESIDENCY were this past May, when he was doing some sense of leading through the early days of the pandemic. I submit that he would be more popular than ever - and a strong bet for re-election - if we were reopening after suppressing the virus, a la Europe and Canada. LOL that this is a conspiracy against him.

The excuses for his epic loss are already beginning.

The question is: will y'all whine about the loss as much as Hillary supporters did in '16?
If you mean, will a bunch of idiots "threaten" to leave the country as if anyone cared, then no, no one who votes Republican is that stupid.
There are also other countries where the outcomes are worse. And while Trump has arguably encouraged skepticism of science and data through things he’s tweeted and said off the cuff, his administration’s response has been led by responsible scientists who follow the data. Basically, I think his leadership has been poor, but the policy hasn’t really been bad because the actually responsible people are the ones like Fauci, Birx, and Pence.

The biggest failures in my opinion have been not having a clear national strategy on things like testing, masking, and social distancing; the CDC screwing up the development of the initial test; not realizing the regulatory obstacles to private companies and health system developing their own tests; and the apparent absence of the CDC as a central source for clear data.

The CDC’s reputation will take a huge hit after all of this, not only because of screwing up the testing, but also because they’ve done very little to combat all the confusing information that’s out there. That may be slightly unfair since this is a novel virus, but the confusion people are experiencing from all the different sources of information (sometimes saying contradictory things) has really hurt the trust in our public health and medical community as a whole. Of course, it doesn’t help that Trump sometimes undermines them with the random stuff he says.
My main problem with Trump's response is his off the cuff answers to questions where he combats science and logic. Fauci and the scientists are constantly correcting him or at least saying, well we disagree etc. The president should be making a good example, wearing a mask, encouraging social distancing. All ive seen from him is shifting the blame where he can and ignoring the science to make him look better. He attacks testing, he refuses to wear a mask. His followers see this and do the same. He cares more about being reelected than protecting the American people.
1. Each country is is different. You cannot apply what Norway did to what we should do in America. the fact that you dont think Trump, or Falci, or Brix, or Pence or whoever is on the taskforce looked at good practices from other conutries and considered them is comical. Yes, you or someone else will make a joke about "you know what is comical...." Like it or not, the American economy drives a lot around the world. And yes, there were probably some unfortunate deaths due to trying to manage the economy.
2. I don't know that Trump did not take the virus serious. He definitely had things working against him early, from CHina not even allowing the WHO in country, the WHO doing who knows what, Dems complaining when he did shut off travel from CHina etc. Publicly, he downplayed it. Maybe he should have scared the hell out of everyone, and then we could have watched a completely different MSM response.
3. There were no tests early, those had to be developed and mass produced. I don't know if that could have been done faster or not. I will wait for Falci's book in 2 years. Assuming he cashes in on how mean Trump was to him.

Early on Trump consistently down played this virus and claimed it was only the media making it a big deal. They dragged their feet early on with testing, they dragged their feet with PPE. They consistently pushed the responsibility and blame onto the governors. The only logical solution to fighting a pandemic would to have a solid national response, Trump's answer was to down play the virus, lie about tests and PPE, take no responsibility/blame, and contradict our top medical experts. Still to this day it would help if he just went on tv and said please take this virus seriously and wear a mask, etc. But instead he's hosting political rallies, and complaining about how testing is making him look bad.

He had the gall to say that the slow response was because Obama's policies and him leaving the cupbard empty.... Trump was elected in 2016. He had every opportunity to address these issues and help prevent this disaster
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Threads like this are why we need sports to resume ASAP. The political turmoil and division in this country is pretty unbearable right now.
What would put it in the rearview? A vaccine would be a big help assuming that it's highly effective, but that is a tight time frame.

The virus may not have started as political, but the more data that come out showing it not being nearly as deadly/bad as originally thought, it is nothing but politics now. The Dems see it as a way to help Trump hang himself. He is obliging.
I just wonder what the brainiacs actually think could have been done differently. What would Hillary have done that could have changed things for the virus? What about Biden. If he wins and it is still out there in the news. What will he change that will save us all?

the virus is infecting and killing people. No doubt. But to think there was some response others would have done to have made a huge difference that Trump didnt without completely crippling the economy and workforce and education, well I would like to know that plan.

There was a plan. It was the pandemic playbook, it was started by W and then added to by Obama. Trump chose to throw it out and not use it because Obama had something to do with it.

Ebola happened during Obama's tenure. 11 cases, 1 death. Obama used the pandemic playbook.
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Real question for our Trump Supporters:

Biden wins in November, is there any chance you'll think he won fair and square?

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