My friend I will accept your labeling someone like me, A Hugh Supporter Of The President of The United States of America "with f me"! Perplexed as to why The President is not attending Justice Scalia Funeral, I did some homework, thus:
1. Reading the tea leaves - I believe this is done @ the request & respect to The Scalia Family, do not believe they desire he attend. & President Barack Hussiane Obama is not the first president to do such.
2. The President Of The United States of America, Barack Obama & His Lovely Wife Michelle, will attend Justice Scalia Memorial Service @ The Supreme Court. Thus respecting the family wishes, while taking the verbal insults from someone like you, that desires a quick demise of The President Of The United States of America, Barack Obama.
Finally My Friend, It appears you despise The President Of The United States & as An American I fought (22 years decorated military service) for you to have a right to do so, but please do allow Fox-Rush-Shawn to allow you to ditto head - do your own homework;
1. President Barack H. Obama is one of 4 US President to visit Normady. President Obama attended the 65th anniversary in 2009 -
2. Never to military events - places wreath on tomb of Unknown Solider yearly, visited Our Troops In Iraq & Afghanistan, attends in Delaware (Never publicized & shouldn't be) on numerous occasions when the bodies of servicemen are being returned to the US. There are others but again I ask that you do some homework.
3. Never supports the policeman; Offered support & met with Gov. Haley & Charleston Police Force after the Charleston senseless shooting, shared a beer @ the White House that included Professor Gates, etc...oh you Meant He Does Not Support Abusive & Less Than Professional Policeman, Ok sorry!
4. Doesn't work hard; Really, worked with World Leaders for Climate Change Initiatives. Worked with many for cease fire in Syria, Jobs, Stabilized Economy, Working To Get Hiliary Elected President of The United States & Working Very Hard To Replace Justice Scalia In The Supreme Court!
Just keeping it Fair & Balanced My Friend & praying for a Long & Healthy Life for President Obama & His Family!