GW Bush was on vacation more than any other President but that is ok because he is a Republican. Had he not been on vacation so much in the first few months of office he might have read the intelligence briefings better and helped us avoid 911. But, again, he is a Republican so he gets a free pass for his vacation time since he spent it in Crawford Texas instead of Hawaii. The double standard of posters in regards to vacation time and Presidents is almost laughable.
@andcam this is another misrepresentation of facts. President Bush worked and entertained foreign leaders a great deal at his Crawford ranch. This is being called vacation time by Democrats, but it wasn't. It's just another case of people spewing stupid lies that they don't even take the time to understand. Like I have said til I am blue in the face... Try the truth on for size. It might fit you better than you think but it won't allow you to validate your views constantly with crap you get from Occupy Democrats and the likes.
Here's a list of Head's of State who visited President Bush in Crawford. This perfectly illustrates what I'm saying. It doesn't say in the Constitution that a President HAS to work in Washington.
November 14-15, 2001 Russian President Vladimir Putin
April 5-7, 2002 British Prime Minister Tony Blair
April 25, 2002 Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah
August 27, 2002 Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar Bin Sultan
October 25, 2002 Chinese President Jiang Zimen
February 21-22, 2003 Spanish President Jose Maria Aznar
May 2-3, 2003 Australian Prime Minister John Howard
May 22-23, 2003 Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi
July 20-21, 2003 Italian Prime Minister Silvo Berlusconi
March 5-6, 2004 Mexican President Vicente Fox
April 12, 2004 Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak
November 24, 2004 King Juan Carlos And Queen Sofia Of Spain had a brief lunch at the ranch
March 23, 2005 Mexican President Vicente Fox, Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in a Trilateral Summit held in Waco, Texas at Baylor University then headed to the ranch for lunch
April 11, 2005 Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon stayed overnight at the Hilton Hotel in Waco, Texas and went to the ranch for lunch
April 25, 2005 Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah met at the ranch for lunch after receiving dignitaries at his Dallas hotel, the Gaylord Texan (now King Abdullah)
August 4, 2005 Colombian President Alvaro Uribe