What is so compelling to you, in particular, about Trump? Especially so much so that you’d believe these conspiracy theories, which, at the very least, mean some pretty awful things about other Americans?Of course
What is so compelling to you, in particular, about Trump? Especially so much so that you’d believe these conspiracy theories, which, at the very least, mean some pretty awful things about other Americans?Of course
What is so compelling to you, in particular, about Trump? Especially so much so that you’d believe these conspiracy theories, which, at the very least, mean some pretty awful things about other Americans?
Are Americans not capable of being awful people? Are you asking the same question to the lunatic anti-trumpers ITT who refuse to look at things from all angles? Not even sure what to make of such a ridiculous question
Are Tracy Beanz and Joe Flynn conspiracy theorists? I mean, I know they’re considered conspiracy theorists on this forum, but so is anyone who isn’t 100% bought in to the MSM narrative. Do you honestly even know anything about them? I’m guessing you’ll do a quick Google search and come running back to this thread with a CNN hit piece painting them as deranged white-supremacist conspiracy theorists, but you’re not going to actually do any digging. Just like the rest of the cackling hyenas ITT
And why do you assume I’m a Trump fanboy? I’ve come to appreciate a lot of his actions, dislike others, but I’m certainly no Trump sycophant. Do I despise the left? Yes. Do I think DC, most of the media, and much of the intelligence agencies in the US are corrupt and in need of revamping? Yes. Not everything is about Trump my man
How much have you donated to the Election Defense Fund? I read that Trump has raised about $150MM so far, with 65% of that going to the "campaign" that employs his family and funnels money to his resorts, that means the Trump family stands to pocket a large chunk of about $100MM. I will give him this, he knows how to milk the rubes (while also overthrowing our democracy, but that is a small detail).
I wasn’t talking to you