Again, I don't necessarily disagree. Even though it's not a dollar-for-dollar pass-thru, we're already seeing benefits to the middle class though. Some of those companies are raising base pay as well, not just providing bonuses. And others are making investments in infrastructure, as
@TAINT_PAINT requests above.
And even though this is touted as a middle-class tax cut, being honest with ourselves, it's hard to cut taxes significantly for those paying very small percentages already. Increased pay, bonuses, hiring, etc. will benefit that group more than the actual tax cut.
I'm probably in the group that got drilled the most under the old tax structure. Make too much to pay a small percentage, but not enough to benefit from all of the loopholes or filter money through capital gains. This plan helps this group, who has shouldered much of the tax burden that supports our country.
My family could see a five-figure annual decrease in taxes as a result of this bill. We will pay lower rates, get a deduction on part of our income that is pass-thru, be able to filter private school tuition through 529 plans, avoid AMT, etc. This isn't the nominal benefit you reference elsewhere.
Additionally, my company sells to large employers. They will have additional capital to invest in the systems we provide. For someone in sales, this is good news. It will likely drive sales and our stock price should increase, which will also benefit me.
Finally, tax reform is baked into the roaring market, which has resulted in nice gains for retirement and investment accounts.
I don't disagree with you on some of the concerns. I too would have liked to see some incentive to drive corporate tax savings to be directed in beneficial areas, limit the uber-wealthy's (ie not 1%ers, but .0001%ers) tax manipulation and reduce spending to offset the deficit additions.
But, this is the first legislation in ages that helps my family's financial situation - and does it in a big way by lowering taxes (less expense), driving corporate investments (more income) and driving gains in the market (more investment gains). As a father, provider and heavily contributing taxpayer, I cannot possibly ignore the major benefits to my family when evaluating this legislation. I hope we improve further upon it, but its a win for now.