Republicans need to understand that opposing measures like #1, #2b and #4 in my OP will lose them elections. The vast majority of people think those are common sense. Pretty easy to paint a a Republican candidate as a right wing gun nut if he supports sales of ARs to 18 year old kids.
Good news is the members of TI generally agree with those items. #3 is rightly controversial. Would love to see a Republican congress and Republican president act quickly to enact #1, some version of #2, #4 and also address mental health issues. Much needed reform and would also help the party in midterm elections. We have the opportunity to become the party of common sense gun reform.
Many gun owners are not opposed to eliminating bump stocks, or even limiting ARs in theory. But what they ARE afraid of is the slippery slope. What will they want to ban next?
That is why the NRA fights ALL gun control measures so hard.
It comes down to the fact that the people of this country do not trust their government.
Also take a class on insurgency, counter-insurgency, unconventional warfare and a history of every war since 1765.
Bro, I hope you're not repeating this stuff in public.
Not sure I want in this debate but fighting a war against an armed populace in territory that they are familiar with, and you are not, is a recipe for disaster. Vietnam is one example. It tends to neutralize a lot of the toys.
I didn't know that churches, outdoor concerts, and public places were gun free zones.
In SC, Churches are without permission from a higher-up at the facility. At least in theory.
The rest are kinda situation-dependent and up to the individual area I think.
i can’t imagine how chaotic an active shooter situation would be if teachers had guns. How does law enforcement know who to shoot?
Well if the CWP program works the way it is meant to, the would-be schools shooter will think twice about it when he realizes he could get dead.
But there are other ways to limit the chaos. I wouldn't want an armed teacher running around hunting the shooter. And once again - I only support allowing the teachers to be armed. Not forcing them to be. And if they are armed there must be strict rules regarding the weapon's storage.
My wife works at a high school in the Upstate. She has a CWP but is not allowed to bring it into the school. The principle is a Marine, (once a Marine always a Marine). There are three former military, ROTC instructors at this school. While most teachers would not want to carry themselves, there are plenty, 4-5 at least, that would be more than willing to receive training, develop a professional defense protocol, etc to protect kids.
Do schools have the exemption where they can allow someone to carry on the campus? Churches and some businesses do but I am not sure about government establishments such as schools.
Waiting period needs to be increased to week or weeks (not days) with thorough background check. That would include examining social media profile of the prospective buyer (most companies do this now before making hires).
That would be ridiculously expensive and probably ineffective.
Actually “state of the art” weapons in those days were NOT designed or built for the military nor were they even USED by the regular military. The rifled musket was a civilian invention and riflemen in that time were civilians in military service..predominantly the militias.
And those riflemen waged hell on the British. The Brits were used to fox hunting - but not being the fox.
Shotguns are a much better self defense option than a pistol anyway.
Depends on the situation. But in general - yes.
I am smart enough to know that I am not going to change the mind of any of the other message board posters about this shit. Everyone has their own bias and beliefs, and no matter how much evidence is presented to the contrary, nobody will ever admit they are wrong about something. I have no other "cause" other than to expose hypocrisy.
Just keep posting. I don't read the posts but I do like looking at your sig.
And yes - I know who that is.
And HTF did this wind up here?
Don't think he was being serious.
If he was, then I know who should be mental evaluation #1......