OT: January 6 Hearing

It is your contention that it just so happened by chance that 1000+ people that happened to show up at the Jan6 protest were all intent on murdering the vice president? Do you have any idea how statistically unlikely that is. What percentage of people do you know that would murder someone they have never met before when they posed no immediate threat to them or their family? What % of the population would do that? Or, do you think Trump interviewed everyone that planned to go and only allowed the ones willing to commit murder to show up?
Also, the fact that you think 1000's of people showed up intent on killing the VP with no plan on how to do it, where to go once they were inside, brought no weapon to confront the secret service, etc., etc., etc. makes your contention even more ridiculous. If you are on oxygen, you may need to turn it up bc I don't think you are getting enough to function at a normal cognitive level.
THEY BROUGHT AND SETUP A GALLOWS. that is criminal intent.

no matter how much you want those ANTIFA guys to get off without being charged i think you're too late.
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Someone off their meds again I see.

maybe this is a deep fake RINO picture?

maybe this is a deep fake RINO picture?

Ummm, unless Pence is actually mini-me on stilts in disguise, I don't think that was going to work. Those two ladies talking do look like stone cold contract killers, though! Please take your meds!
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Ummm, unless Pence is actually mini-me on stilts in disguise, I don't think that was going to work. Please take your meds!
so now your argument is that they didn't bring heavy enough equipment to murder the VP?

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It would take a while, but I bet I could find a post where someone in here said they wanted Trump dead. Are you saying that they are actually a threat to kill him? Are they currently plotting to do so? Should I report them to the FBI/SS/etc.?
i mean if there was a mob of libs marching on the white house chanting "hang donald trump" yeah i'd say they're a threat to kill him
i mean if there was a mob of libs marching on the white house chanting "hang donald trump" yeah i'd say they're a threat to kill him
Do you think Bernie sanders should be jailed bc of all the rhetoric he spewed that led to ONE OF HIS STAFF attempting to murder republicans?
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Do you think Bernie sanders should be jailed bc of all the rhetoric he spewed that led to ONE OF HIS STAFF attempting to murder republicans?
One of his supporters shot up the congressmen in the baseball field, unless that’s what you’re referring to

Lets just say Trump was hanged or beheaded. That probably would have ignited an actual conflict in this country, potentially, and thrown our entire world into chaos. Are you and Biden responsible for that? You treasonous people should be jailed right? Never saw where you or Biden spoke out against any of the Trump effigies. Hypocrisy much?

Also, the fact you think the people that stormed the capital were intent on finding and hanging pence, or anyone else is stupid. If your plan is to take the capital by force and kill people in an attempt at a coup your actions would be nothing like those that stormed the capital. If that were your intent, would you be spending your time filming it and taking selfies at desks? Would you have not brought a gun? If you had help/intel from congressman(like the committee claims), would you have not known evac plans or where to actually look for lawmakers instead of aimlessly wandering around the building? NONE of the facts support the ridiculous narrative being pushed by morons like you. It was a group of mostly Trump supporters who, as groups tend to do, got angry feeding off each other and decided to storm the building, likely with no clear purpose once they were inside. They were wrong and I will never defend their actions.
However, the jan6 committee has no interest in what actually happened that day. Their only purpose is to try and weave a story that Trump was somehow directly involved in planning/facilitating/plotting their actions - which there is no evidence of. The only significant evidence that has come out of that hearing is that it has been proven the one person they specifically claimed to have helped in planning by giving people who they say were there to "scout" the building access actually never did what they claimed. Yet somehow, people like you are either too dumb or too blinded by your ideology to recognize the fact you are being duped.

"Anyway even if your narrative about poor lil Trump being bullied by being investigated is true"
I never said or claimed that. If you think the dossier to get a fisa warrant was to "vet a candidate" you are an idiot.
you are so unaware of the events of jan 6th theres no point conversing with you. you are a boot licker just own it.
you are so unaware of the events of jan 6th theres no point conversing with you. you are a boot licker just own it.
Please tell me what actual events I am unaware of. There are multiple video's from inside the capitol that day.

Also, there is video of Trump specifically calling for PEACEFUL protests the day of Jan6, yet how many times have we heard he said nothing about what was going on. You my friend are the boot licker. You just keep following along with your talking points and ignore the facts, though.
Do you think Bernie sanders should be jailed bc of all the rhetoric he spewed that led to ONE OF HIS STAFF attempting to murder republicans?
you'll have to share the commentary Bernie spewed that supposedly led to one of his staffers shooting up a baseball field. i'm not familiar with what he said so i can't say whether or not he should be jailed
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Not trying to start a political debate and not going to post further after this post.

just want to get beyond the partisans (including me) that habitats the political board and speak to any rational person that love America.

I urge you to watch the first hour of tonight’s hearing and decide for yourself what it means, particularly if you get your news from Fox News (which didn’t have any commercials tonight because they were so afraid of their viewers switching over).

watch for yourself and decide.

God bless America in it’s most perilous hour.

I'll asnwer your question with a question.

Do you believe 6 officers died that day during protest? Was any officer "bludgeoned" to death?
maybe this is a deep fake RINO picture?

Id love to know how many of them are paid actors. Truth is, we'll never know.

There's some weirdos out there for sure in every single category. But i think a lot of these "protest" are assisted by agitators who are paid. Left and right protest.