OT: January 6 Hearing

Didn't watch it, but I did see something online about a video they showed. It was actually produced with Trump's speech dubbed over the video. They cut out parts of what he said and selectively showed the worst parts of the video. They actually hired an ABC News executive to produce the hearing. If you think this is non-partisan, then just wow. You really should try to step outside of your echo chamber. This is about 3 things. Stop Trump from running in 2024, try to win favor for the midterms that are about to go horribly wrong for them, and distract from the disaster that is the Joe Biden Presidency.
Couldn't have said it any better!
Didn't watch it, but I did see something online about a video they showed. It was actually produced with Trump's speech dubbed over the video. They cut out parts of what he said and selectively showed the worst parts of the video. They actually hired an ABC News executive to produce the hearing. If you think this is non-partisan, then just wow. You really should try to step outside of your echo chamber. This is about 3 things. Stop Trump from running in 2024, try to win favor for the midterms that are about to go horribly wrong for them, and distract from the disaster that is the Joe Biden Presidency.
Didn't watch it

try to step outside of your echo chamber

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scary thought isnt it ...

I do think thats a bit of the problem ... Im not sure what the evil is and who the heroes are? What if everything is evil and there are no heroes? Or what if the heroes are evil?

I mean ...just the way I feel, my personal opinion ... there isnt a single news outlet out there that I can listen to or read that I can with 100% certainty say "Yup, that right there is the truth". Same opinion when it comes to politicians. Quite frankly, the most honest person in Washington today? in my opinion? AOC, without question in my mind ..... NOW that doesnt mean I agree with her, but I believe that she believes, what she is saying is true ..... if that makes sense
This might have been the most memorable line from the hearing - which would apply to a lot of people on this board as well.

mmmm hmmmmmmmm

not a very Christian thing for me to think .... but .... if Trump were to succumb to his steady diet of KFC and Taco Bell? it wouldnt be the worst thing .....

He is out there rolling on his daughter this morning ... granted its a tempered "rolling" .... but he is basically out there saying his daughter is stupid, uninformed, and doesnt know what she is talking about
mmmm hmmmmmmmm

not a very Christian thing for me to think .... but .... if Trump were to succumb to his steady diet of KFC and Taco Bell? it wouldnt be the worst thing .....

He is out there rolling on his daughter this morning ... granted its a tempered "rolling" .... but he is basically out there saying his daughter is stupid, uninformed, and doesnt know what she is talking about
Yes, the least he could do for the nation is have a completely clogged artery. And soon...

Of course his daughter has to be wrong because she believes in things that are true, which is heresy in his mind.
mmmm hmmmmmmmm

not a very Christian thing for me to think .... but .... if Trump were to succumb to his steady diet of KFC and Taco Bell? it wouldnt be the worst thing .....

He is out there rolling on his daughter this morning ... granted its a tempered "rolling" .... but he is basically out there saying his daughter is stupid, uninformed, and doesnt know what she is talking about

Yep. Dude is such a monumental asshat. Like truly terrible with no morals at all.

Still shocking that The Christian Right can somehow explain his beliefs. Just mind-blowing.
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Yep. Dude is such a monumental asshat. Like truly terrible with no morals at all.

Still shocking that The Christian Right can somehow explain his beliefs. Just mind-blowing.
Bill Clinton would tell Trump "hold my beer", but the left worships him and HRC. I am not defending trumps morality, but dems have ZERO room to criticize in this area.
Yep. Dude is such a monumental asshat. Like truly terrible with no morals at all.

Still shocking that The Christian Right can somehow explain his beliefs. Just mind-blowing.
You’re kidding I hope! I guess you think these perversion promoters and baby killers are more in line with Christian beliefs. Some of the stupid in these lefters is really beyond my comprehension. Come back in 10, no 5 years, of following this evil pack of Dems and defend what they will do, if they stay in control!
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These are the same people who told you for YEARS that there was trump russia collusion and that they had absolute undeniably proof. They held these same hearing about hat also, while not presenting one piece of actual proof - which was not possible bc it was, is and has always been a lie. They have hired ABC to "produce" the hearing in primetime. There are already people pointing out that statements made about them by Liz C. are false.
Anyone who believes anything theses people say are just stupid. They have already PROVEN they are willing to lie just to try and damage trump - who quite frankly needs no help in that area as he does that to himself quite well. How low must your iq be to watch that and believe anything they say?
This a 100% dog and pony show produced for TV.
You’re kidding I hope! I guess you think these perversion promoters and baby killers are more in line with Christian beliefs. Some of the stupid in these lefters is really beyond my comprehension. Come back in 10, no 5 years, of following this evil pack of Dems and defend what they will do, if they stay in control!

So the fact that Trump is pro choice eliminated him for you as well??? Didn't realize that did you?
These are the same people who told you for YEARS that there was trump russia collusion and that they had absolute undeniably proof. They held these same hearing about hat also, while not presenting one piece of actual proof - which was not possible bc it was, is and has always been a lie. They have hired ABC to "produce" the hearing in primetime. There are already people pointing out that statements made about them by Liz C. are false.
Anyone who believes anything theses people say are just stupid. They have already PROVEN they are willing to lie just to try and damage trump - who quite frankly needs no help in that area as he does that to himself quite well. How low must your iq be to watch that and believe anything they say?
This a 100% dog and pony show produced for TV.

Thoughts on video of his daughter saying he lost? Now he is trashing her?
So the fact that Trump is pro choice eliminated him for you as well??? Didn't realize that did you?
Trump is not My hero. And he openly acknowledged that he changed his position on abortion. At least he don’t pretend like he never held a different position like these liars in office now. How about Joe and the KKK connections? You completely forgot that I guess. Besides, Not a single issue voter here. But if you can support the flags that the left are waving, then you‘re as insane as they are.
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What does trump "trashing" anyone have to do with anything this hearing is supposed to be about?
I would argue he didn’t even trash her… he said she wasn’t involved in the 2020 results, which to my knowledge is perfectly accurate. She turned her focus to Georgia runoffs and campaigning down there following Christmas. She also continued to support his Presidency, you can see on her Instagram page she continued to volunteer in the community, advocate for the vaccine… I think him saying that she was no longer involved in the results is simply exactly what it was, he wasn’t trashing his own daughter don’t let them spin that that’s despicable
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Why can demorats never answer the question? Because the answer never fits the narrative. keep voting for these idiots and pay inflation, watch the borders overrun, gas prices, and let other countries run over us. Stupity is better then MEAN TWEETS.
Then can we have you instead?
Thoughts on video of his daughter saying he lost? Now he is trashing her?
This comment just proves my point that this is a dog and pony show. We know Trump lost the election. We know he is an ass. Is this what the hearing is about? Yes it is, and THAT is the problem. There is no new information about Jan 6 or it would be out there already. This will not be any substantive hearing about anything Trump actually did that any reasonable person could construe to think he was encouraging protesters to commit violent acts on Jan 6. It is an ABC news primetime drama production aimed at making trump a bad guy.
Was there anything said last night that would help prevent such an event occurring at the capital right now, right this second? And security measure discussed or decided upon or recommended? I honestly don’t recall any such proposals
So the fact that Trump is pro choice eliminated him for you as well??? Didn't realize that did you?
There are degrees of acceptance for most positions. Abortion is a tuff one for me. I am not at the extremes on either side. However, Trumps position politically is likely closer than Joe's. I am technically pro choice, I guess. However I am adamantly against many laws/policies advocated for by dem govs and congressman that make it ok to throw a live baby in a bucket in the corner and wait for it to die as part of a late term abortion. If you make me choose between no abortions and that, I will chose none every time. Yet you never hear/see media talking about theses extreme allowances as part of legislation many dems support.
This comment just proves my point that this is a dog and pony show. We know Trump lost the election. We know he is an ass. Is this what the hearing is about? Yes it is, and THAT is the problem. There is no new information about Jan 6 or it would be out there already. This will not be any substantive hearing about anything Trump actually did that any reasonable person could construe to think he was encouraging protesters to commit violent acts on Jan 6. It is an ABC news primetime drama production aimed at making trump a bad guy.
'We know Trump lost the election.'

You might want to tell your friends that.
There are degrees of acceptance for most positions. Abortion is a tuff one for me. I am not at the extremes on either side. However, Trumps position politically is likely closer than Joe's. I am technically pro choice, I guess. However I am adamantly against many laws/policies advocated for by dem govs and congressman that make it ok to throw a live baby in a bucket in the corner and wait for it to die as part of a late term abortion. If you make me choose between no abortions and that, I will chose none every time. Yet you never hear/see media talking about theses extreme allowances as part of legislation many dems support.

'I am adamantly against many laws/policies advocated for by dem govs and congressman that make it ok to throw a live baby in a bucket in the corner and wait for it to die as part of a late term abortion.'

Where are you getting your news? you might want to compare that with what's going on in real life.
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'I am adamantly against many laws/policies advocated for by dem govs and congressman that make it ok to throw a live baby in a bucket in the corner and wait for it to die as part of a late term abortion.'

Where are you getting your news? you might want to compare that with what's going on in real life.
This does not directly answer your question, but it is an example of what goes on in real life by those on the "compassionate left" side of the aisle. Justify that. I'll wait for your answer.

Was there anything said last night that would help prevent such an event occurring at the capital right now, right this second? And security measure discussed or decided upon or recommended? I honestly don’t recall any such proposals
I'm sure the Capitol is secure right now but the best thing they can do, by far, to make sure it stays that way is to make sure Trump never steps foot in the WH again. Seems like that's what they're addressing.
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I'm sure the Capitol is secure right now but the best thing they can do, by far, to make sure it stays that way is to make sure Trump never steps foot in the WH again. Seems like that's what they're addressing.
Well that’s too bad, they can’t keep the man from running and if he does and wins he will absolutely be back in the WH. That’s why this entire thing is a waste of time IMO
I'm sure the Capitol is secure right now but the best thing they can do, by far, to make sure it stays that way is to make sure Trump never steps foot in the WH again. Seems like that's what they're addressing.
Reckon they’re doing anything to make sure the riots of 2020 never happen again? The “riot” of J6 was a Sunday school picnic compared to what took place in what the left supports.
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deflect, deflect, deflect

I'm not defending them but there was a reason for those riots. There was NO REASON to be at the Capitol that day in an attempt to overturn democracy.
Well that’s too bad, they can’t keep the man from running and if he does and wins he will absolutely be back in the WH. That’s why this entire thing is a waste of time IMO
Then our country will be fvcked and we will deserve it.
deflect, deflect, deflect

I'm not defending them but there was a reason for those riots. There was NO REASON to be at the Capitol that day in an attempt to overturn democracy.
Yes you are deflecting like a true lefter. Ignore it, and at the same time defend that mess in 2020. Like I said… you’re delusional.
I am recovering from Covid and that Kangaroo Court sent me straight to the Australian Outback

So I save my money on a summer vacation

Is there any chance we could get an unbiased study of what went on instead of demonizing either side

Liz Chaney needs to have serious intervention on her life

After spending 4 years trying to overthrow the duly elected President of the US now we have the January 6th riot hearings which yes the riot was not a good thing but not overthrowing the government but a bad moment and I emphasize moment in history

please can we move on with really serious issues like inflation, gas inflation, oil and hydrocarbon economy destruction, lack of respect for police and the rule of law, lawlessness at our borders, supply chain issues, coming resource shortages of energy , food , gas , medical care , etc.

The crazy show is now in full swing

Look over here at the shiny objects

Quit looking at the real problems I have caused

I keep saying surely we have run out of MORONS who vote but every election I see a new wave of ignorance

I suspect this coming election will be no different

Then there is hope
Are you and all that liked your post, really as ignorant as you seem?
Let's get a committee together, Joe just incited violence ......

As ridiculous as it is, this remark by biden is much more of a call for violence than anything Trump said in regard to Jan 6. I am not saying Joe is calling for violence, just that his statement is much closer to that than any by trump.
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Let's get a committee together, Joe just incited violence ......

Between that, Kamala chanting in 2020 that rioters “they’re not gonna stop” and “this is a movement” referring to the summer of love with 574 riots and billions in damage, Joe’s “I’d like to take this man behind the gym and beat the hell out of him” and several several other instances, etc… I can provide so many more instances of the left inciting violence but yes conservatives? VIOLENT
Yes you are deflecting like a true lefter. Ignore it, and at the same time defend that mess in 2020. Like I said… you’re delusional.
Can you read? I specifically said " I'm not defending them"

You are defending a pathologically lying madman who attempted a coup.. Which one is more dangerous for the country as a whole?
You may not have noticed but we haven't experienced a pandemic in over a hundred years. There was no roadmap for how to recover from it but Biden did everything he could to get people vaccinated and put some change in their pocket. This caused the economy to swiftly reopen, which was great. Unfortunately it created a severe kink in the supply chain that still hasn't recovered. Add in a war and oil companies price gouging us and this is what you get. It's fine to blame him for some of it but to put NO BLAME on external forces is disingenuous. If you hate it here now, you can leave but it's just as bad or worse everywhere else.

But in the macro sense, Biden winning was better for the world as it got rid of a demonic, unbalanced tyrant. He did his job.
Between that, Kamala chanting in 2020 that rioters “they’re not gonna stop” and “this is a movement” referring to the summer of love with 574 riots and billions in damage, Joe’s “I’d like to take this man behind the gym and beat the hell out of him” and several several other instances, etc… I can provide so many more instances of the left inciting violence but yes conservatives? VIOLENT
Which of those things was an attempt to overthrow a free and fair election? No matter how many whataboutisms you toss around, nothing will ever be as destructive as what Trump did - NOTHING! Keep defending him - he'll be gone at some point but your dishonor will remain.
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