OT: January 6 Hearing

Which of those things was an attempt to overthrow a free and fair election? No matter how many whataboutisms you toss around, nothing will ever be as destructive as what Trump did - NOTHING! Keep defending him - he'll be gone at some point but your dishonor will remain.
Don’t recall democrats trying to overturn the results in 2000 and 2016?
Can you read? I specifically said " I'm not defending them"

You are defending a pathologically lying madman who attempted a coup.. Which one is more dangerous for the country as a whole?
Just bc you keep saying that doesn't make it true. Only coup attempt in the history of the world when the person who attempted it was not there, no enemy was killed and not a single shot was fired from those attempting the coup. Continue to show your ignorance.
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Which of those things was an attempt to overthrow a free and fair election? No matter how many whataboutisms you toss around, nothing will ever be as destructive as what Trump did - NOTHING! Keep defending him - he'll be gone at some point but your dishonor will remain.
Lololol your party is about to get exactly what you deserve in november. Here in real life there are actual major problems going on and a huge lack of leadership. Going to be a red wave we havent seen in a long time and you know it. Bad policies are bad policies and right now Bidens approval rating is the worst of any president since Ford.
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Just bc you keep saying that doesn't make it true. Only coup attempt in the history of the world when the person who attempted it was not there, no enemy was killed and not a single shot was fired from those attempting the coup. Continue to show your ignorance.
He, like many of the sheep are a lost cause. They are so infatuated with Trump they can't even breathe. Trump will be gone for years and they will still be constantly talking about him. We have a lot of dumb people in the country and the main stream media does a great job of keeping them on the hook for more Trump, Trump, Trump. I actually feel bad for posters like Dpic, nytiger fan and others who spend so much time concentrated on the orange man.
Just bc you keep saying that doesn't make it true. Only coup attempt in the history of the world when the person who attempted it was not there, no enemy was killed and not a single shot was fired from those attempting the coup. Continue to show your ignorance.
You have the logic of a bowel movement. Move along like one please.
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Don’t recall democrats trying to overturn the results in 2000 and 2016?
Are you really not smart enough to spot the differences?

Al Gore not only conceded but actually presided over the electoral count in that congress
Hillary conceded the next morning

And both of them attended the inauguration!

Can you not do better than this?
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Lololol your party is about to get exactly what you deserve in november. Here in real life there are actual major problems going on and a huge lack of leadership. Going to be a red wave we havent seen in a long time and you know it. Bad policies are bad policies and right now Bidens approval rating is the worst of any president since Ford.
Sure, you'll probably take back both houses but will that really be better for the country? We already know most of the Repub candidates had to debase themselves to get Trump's endorsement by stating the election was stolen. You really think adding 50 more Marjorie Taylor Greene's is going to do any good? I'm sure you'll jizz yourself when they investigate Hunter's laptop and impeach Fauci, but your party will be the one that takes a black eye when they prove how stupendously stupid and worthless they are. But sure man, all dem new single celled organisms gon make sh*t right!
He, like many of the sheep are a lost cause. They are so infatuated with Trump they can't even breathe. Trump will be gone for years and they will still be constantly talking about him. We have a lot of dumb people in the country and the main stream media does a great job of keeping them on the hook for more Trump, Trump, Trump. I actually feel bad for posters like Dpic, nytiger fan and others who spend so much time concentrated on the orange man.
I feel bad for our country knowing that we have so many numbnut bootlickers like you with blinders so thick you can't recognize a mortal threat when you see one. But I promise you we'd like nothing more than to never speak his name again. Unfortunately that depends on you treasonous aholes not giving him the power he has to make waves from the sideline and run for the office again. Stop supporting him and he'll go away. Until then, we'll criticize you for your idiocy.
I'm right and you're wrong and I have no doubt about it. Pretty sure you're no world class brain surgeon though
No you’re blind as a bat and must sit and watch cnn and msnbc all day! Let me guess… you think Whoopi Goldbrick is a informed genius, right?
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No you’re blind as a bat and must sit and watch cnn and msnbc all day! Let me guess… you think Whoopi Goldbrick is a informed genius, right?
The words you say! They're so funny!! But we know you're just a hick from the sticks in a deeply red small town and you've never met anybody with a different opinion. You really need to get out in the world so you can see that you're in the minority and don't know shit from shiola.
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The words you say! They're so funny!! But we know you're just a hick from the sticks in a deeply red small town and you've never met anybody with a different opinion. You really need to get out in the world so you can see that you're in the minority and don't know shit from shiola.

You’re right! We’ll see who comes running to our small towns when your smog pit boils over. You progressives don’t know how to get out of the rain! Much less know how to get food unless some of us provide it for you! Bunch of dumbass city boys will go to killing each other over a can of porknbeans if the libs stay in control. Remember this thread when you’re hungry, urban red! And by the way, I’ve traveled the world, and there’s a lot of us in the “minority!”
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Sure, you'll probably take back both houses but will that really be better for the country? We already know most of the Repub candidates had to debase themselves to get Trump's endorsement by stating the election was stolen. You really think adding 50 more Marjorie Taylor Greene's is going to do any good? I'm sure you'll jizz yourself when they investigate Hunter's laptop and impeach Fauci, but your party will be the one that takes a black eye when they prove how stupendously stupid and worthless they are. But sure man, all dem new single celled organisms gon make sh*t right!
1. Without a doubt!
2. If they are replacing people we know from past experience have proven to be shameless lying scum like the one's producing that docudrama in congress right now, absolutely.
You’re right! We’ll see who comes running to our small towns when your smog pit boils over. You progressives don’t know how to get out of the rain! Much less know how to get food unless some of us provide it for you! Bunch of dumbass city boys will go to killing each other over a can of porknbeans if the libs stay in control. Remember this thread when you’re hungry, urban red! And by the way, I’ve traveled the world, and there’s a lot of us in the “minority!”
Naw you mofos will be killing each other with your 9 billion guns with nothing to do in that holler. And when the next pandemic comes along you'll all drop like flies because you don't believe in science.

Oh and 81,000,000 > 74,000,000
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Naw you mofos will be killing each other with your 9 billion guns with nothing to do in that holler. And when the next pandemic comes along you'll all drop like flies because you don't believe in science.

Oh and 81,000,000 > 74,000,000
Naw we’ll be picking you city rats off when you crawl out of your holes looking for food and water. Like I said… remember this thread! 81,000,000… LoL! Not a chance in hell uncle joe got that many votes!
Naw we’ll be picking you city rats off when you crawl out of your holes looking for food and water. Like I said… remember this thread! 81,000,000… LoL! Not a chance in hell uncle joe got that many votes!
And that's exactly what I'd expect a hick from the sticks, living in a deeply red small town to say. It's because you don't know any better. Poor little lie lover
And that's exactly what I'd expect a hick from the sticks, living in a deeply red small town to say. It's because you don't know any better. Poor little lie lover
Thing is… you and everybody else knows it! How many times did you vote down there in Fulton county? What a slime pit!
Sure, you'll probably take back both houses but will that really be better for the country? We already know most of the Repub candidates had to debase themselves to get Trump's endorsement by stating the election was stolen. You really think adding 50 more Marjorie Taylor Greene's is going to do any good? I'm sure you'll jizz yourself when they investigate Hunter's laptop and impeach Fauci, but your party will be the one that takes a black eye when they prove how stupendously stupid and worthless they are. But sure man, all dem new single celled organisms gon make sh*t right!
Your damn right it will be better for the country. This country is being driven off a with the current administration. Trump hasn’t been the President in 18 months and all the left can do is exactly what you say”jerk off and jizz all over themselves” and endlessly search for the boogie man that doesn’t exist. Our economy is tanking, proxy war w Russia, border wide open, gangs, cartels, fentynal overdoses, rampant crime, and China is sitting back watching the US get weaker while this administration makes them richer and what is this administration doing about it? Yep a prime time smear campaign on the former President full of lies and deceit.
Bill Clinton would tell Trump "hold my beer", but the left worships him and HRC. I am not defending trumps morality, but dems have ZERO room to criticize in this area.
The left worships Clinton? Naw pal 'the left' hates fvcking libs like Clinton for their policies like 3 strikes your out and the colossal dog shit that he helped turn congress into.

If someone criticizes Trump and you immediately start talking whataboutisms about some other shitty president, its not an argument and also proves you are probably a Trump boot licker. You are easily swayed and might not actually have any convictions and morals, rather you just want to worship Trump. Just saying.
Are you really not smart enough to spot the differences?

Al Gore not only conceded but actually presided over the electoral count in that congress
Hillary conceded the next morning

And both of them attended the inauguration!

Can you not do better than this?
Trump never conceded and I support that.
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The left worships Clinton? Naw pal 'the left' hates fvcking libs like Clinton for their policies like 3 strikes your out and the colossal dog shit that he helped turn congress into.

If someone criticizes Trump and you immediately start talking whataboutisms about some other shitty president, its not an argument and also proves you are probably a Trump boot licker. You are easily swayed and might not actually have any convictions and morals, rather you just want to worship Trump. Just saying.
Funny that the left who hates the clinton's nominated one to be potus and then 70M of them voted for HRC. The left must be a tiny minority of the country then, right?
You are probably just as smart as this post indicates you are. If you went back and read all my posts you would know I have said numerous times I have zero love for trump. I do not get swayed and I do not think he is a good person, and certainly do not worship him, or any man for that matter. Your political opinions appear to be about as informed as your opinion of me is.
Funny that the left who hates the clinton's nominated one to be potus and then 70M of them voted for HRC. The left must be a tiny minority of the country then, right?
You are probably just as smart as this post indicates you are. If you went back and read all my posts you would know I have said numerous times I have zero love for trump. I do not get swayed and I do not think he is a good person, and certainly do not worship him, or any man for that matter. Your political opinions appear to be about as informed as your opinion of me is.
Yes the left is smaller portion of the country. I think you refer to 'the left' to anyone that's left of you. Well that's kind of sweeping. Neo libs, communists, socialists etc all have very very different takes on policies and the role if government.
If you aren't to easily swayed and you don't worship him. Why are you standing up for him and talking crap about his detractors? Seems kinda boot licker to me.
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Yes the left is smaller portion of the country. I think you refer to 'the left' to anyone that's left of you. Well that's kind of sweeping. Neo libs, communists, socialists etc all have very very different takes on policies and the role if government.
If you aren't to easily swayed and you don't worship him. Why are you standing up for him and talking crap about his detractors? Seems kinda boot licker to me.
I refer to left as those left of "center" which is what the term means. That would be left of me bc I am right of center- particularly on fiscal policy. I would consider myself a fiscal conservative and probably more libertarian when it comes to social issues.
Who did you vote for? Do you worship them or lick their boots? Also, I have never defended trump as a person. I have defended his actions/policies from a comparative standpoint. I have also defended some of the ridiculous attacks against him. As for the particular subject of this thread, the Jan 6 storming of the capital was wrong, as I have stated numerous times. I have said several times if I were in charge, I would have warned protesters that anyone that attempted to cross the barricades and enter would be shot. You simply can not allow people to storm govt buildings, particularly the capital. However, I have not seen one single quote from trump that encouraged any violent behavior, much less any info that he was somehow involved in planning, facilitating or supporting storming the capital or any violent behavior.
As for the ABC docudrama sham being portrayed as some type of congressional hearing, it is just a dog and pony political show. We know the people holding he hearing have repeatedly lied solely to damage trump. The same people are the ones that promoted the lie about Russia collusion and said they had indisputable proof - which we know was an abject lie. It was all a hoax so obama/clinton/dnc could spy on a political rival purely for political gain. Why would any reasonable person buy what they are selling when you have historical proof they are liars?
I refer to left as those left of "center" which is what the term means. That would be left of me bc I am right of center- particularly on fiscal policy. I would consider myself a fiscal conservative and probably more libertarian when it comes to social issues.
Who did you vote for? Do you worship them or lick their boots? Also, I have never defended trump as a person. I have defended his actions/policies from a comparative standpoint. I have also defended some of the ridiculous attacks against him. As for the particular subject of this thread, the Jan 6 storming of the capital was wrong, as I have stated numerous times. I have said several times if I were in charge, I would have warned protesters that anyone that attempted to cross the barricades and enter would be shot. You simply can not allow people to storm govt buildings, particularly the capital. However, I have not seen one single quote from trump that encouraged any violent behavior, much less any info that he was somehow involved in planning, facilitating or supporting storming the capital or any violent behavior.
As for the ABC docudrama sham being portrayed as some type of congressional hearing, it is just a dog and pony political show. We know the people holding he hearing have repeatedly lied solely to damage trump. The same people are the ones that promoted the lie about Russia collusion and said they had indisputable proof - which we know was an abject lie. It was all a hoax so obama/clinton/dnc could spy on a political rival purely for political gain. Why would any reasonable person buy what they are selling when you have historical proof they are liars?
I voted for Biden in the last election. I don't boot lick.
Trump's policies are dog shit and you don't spend anytime on here defending them, you spend them detracting from his detractors.
You say the Jan 6 stuff was wrong. That is correct, you are also wrong to even waste your time trying to be flippant about the story telling of its wrongness. You should be trying win over people like @TigerGrowls. You should understand that history should be written and understood about that day and those that participated in it should be shamed to the end. Lets just say Pence was captured and lynched that day. That probably would have ignited an actual conflict in this country, potentially, and thrown our entire world into chaos.

Also, Russian collusion seriously? You need to be objective here. You can have context while being objective. Lets just wholesale accept your unproven narrative that it was wholly cooked up with no evidence, then what was the damage? To Donald Trump's reputation? He still was elected and still got to be president. What was the damage of Jan 6? What was the POTENTINIAL damage of Jan 6? Do you not understand that you are bootlicking every single time you dismiss an actual seditious event at call it equal to (in your mind) a smear campaign. The two aren't equal, one threatened a single persons political ambition, the other threatened our very government.

If you don't think people should vet presidential candidates and that someone like Donald Trump with his hoeing around Russia and accepting MONEY from Russian banks wasn't going to make the three letter government officials nervous and start having people trying to investigate to safeguard against a Manchurian candidate, I don't know what to tell you.

Anyway even if your narrative about poor lil Trump being bullied by being investigated is true... it doesn't ****ing matter compared to the seditious events of Jan 6. Can't you agree?
I voted for Biden in the last election. I don't boot lick.
Trump's policies are dog shit and you don't spend anytime on here defending them, you spend them detracting from his detractors.
You say the Jan 6 stuff was wrong. That is correct, you are also wrong to even waste your time trying to be flippant about the story telling of its wrongness. You should be trying win over people like @TigerGrowls. You should understand that history should be written and understood about that day and those that participated in it should be shamed to the end. Lets just say Pence was captured and lynched that day. That probably would have ignited an actual conflict in this country, potentially, and thrown our entire world into chaos.

Also, Russian collusion seriously? You need to be objective here. You can have context while being objective. Lets just wholesale accept your unproven narrative that it was wholly cooked up with no evidence, then what was the damage? To Donald Trump's reputation? He still was elected and still got to be president. What was the damage of Jan 6? What was the POTENTINIAL damage of Jan 6? Do you not understand that you are bootlicking every single time you dismiss an actual seditious event at call it equal to (in your mind) a smear campaign. The two aren't equal, one threatened a single persons political ambition, the other threatened our very government.

If you don't think people should vet presidential candidates and that someone like Donald Trump with his hoeing around Russia and accepting MONEY from Russian banks wasn't going to make the three letter government officials nervous and start having people trying to investigate to safeguard against a Manchurian candidate, I don't know what to tell you.

Anyway even if your narrative about poor lil Trump being bullied by being investigated is true... it doesn't ****ing matter compared to the seditious events of Jan 6. Can't you agree?

Lets just say Trump was hanged or beheaded. That probably would have ignited an actual conflict in this country, potentially, and thrown our entire world into chaos. Are you and Biden responsible for that? You treasonous people should be jailed right? Never saw where you or Biden spoke out against any of the Trump effigies. Hypocrisy much?

Also, the fact you think the people that stormed the capital were intent on finding and hanging pence, or anyone else is stupid. If your plan is to take the capital by force and kill people in an attempt at a coup your actions would be nothing like those that stormed the capital. If that were your intent, would you be spending your time filming it and taking selfies at desks? Would you have not brought a gun? If you had help/intel from congressman(like the committee claims), would you have not known evac plans or where to actually look for lawmakers instead of aimlessly wandering around the building? NONE of the facts support the ridiculous narrative being pushed by morons like you. It was a group of mostly Trump supporters who, as groups tend to do, got angry feeding off each other and decided to storm the building, likely with no clear purpose once they were inside. They were wrong and I will never defend their actions.
However, the jan6 committee has no interest in what actually happened that day. Their only purpose is to try and weave a story that Trump was somehow directly involved in planning/facilitating/plotting their actions - which there is no evidence of. The only significant evidence that has come out of that hearing is that it has been proven the one person they specifically claimed to have helped in planning by giving people who they say were there to "scout" the building access actually never did what they claimed. Yet somehow, people like you are either too dumb or too blinded by your ideology to recognize the fact you are being duped.

"Anyway even if your narrative about poor lil Trump being bullied by being investigated is true"
I never said or claimed that. If you think the dossier to get a fisa warrant was to "vet a candidate" you are an idiot.

Lets just say Trump was hanged or beheaded. That probably would have ignited an actual conflict in this country, potentially, and thrown our entire world into chaos. Are you and Biden responsible for that? You treasonous people should be jailed right? Never saw where you or Biden spoke out against any of the Trump effigies. Hypocrisy much?

Also, the fact you think the people that stormed the capital were intent on finding and hanging pence, or anyone else is stupid. If your plan is to take the capital by force and kill people in an attempt at a coup your actions would be nothing like those that stormed the capital. If that were your intent, would you be spending your time filming it and taking selfies at desks? Would you have not brought a gun? If you had help/intel from congressman(like the committee claims), would you have not known evac plans or where to actually look for lawmakers instead of aimlessly wandering around the building? NONE of the facts support the ridiculous narrative being pushed by morons like you. It was a group of mostly Trump supporters who, as groups tend to do, got angry feeding off each other and decided to storm the building, likely with no clear purpose once they were inside. They were wrong and I will never defend their actions.
However, the jan6 committee has no interest in what actually happened that day. Their only purpose is to try and weave a story that Trump was somehow directly involved in planning/facilitating/plotting their actions - which there is no evidence of. The only significant evidence that has come out of that hearing is that it has been proven the one person they specifically claimed to have helped in planning by giving people who they say were there to "scout" the building access actually never did what they claimed. Yet somehow, people like you are either too dumb or too blinded by your ideology to recognize the fact you are being duped.

"Anyway even if your narrative about poor lil Trump being bullied by being investigated is true"
I never said or claimed that. If you think the dossier to get a fisa warrant was to "vet a candidate" you are an idiot.
They were chanting hang Mike pence as a team building activity?
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The left worships Clinton? Naw pal 'the left' hates fvcking libs like Clinton for their policies like 3 strikes your out and the colossal dog shit that he helped turn congress into.

If someone criticizes Trump and you immediately start talking whataboutisms about some other shitty president, its not an argument and also proves you are probably a Trump boot licker. You are easily swayed and might not actually have any convictions and morals, rather you just want to worship Trump. Just saying.
If you didn’t like Clinton, who are some examples of democrat politicians that you do like?
They were chanting hang Mike pence as a team building activity?
Think about all the things people say on this message board. Do you think they can, or would, back up all the bs if they were called out in real life? No! how many people would actually show up in the Wachovia parking lot? Behind a keyboard or in a group is almost like the same thing.
Also, list all the examples you know of where someone allowed themselves to be videoed and yelling out in public that they were going to murder someone right before they did it. If this was their intent, did they just plan to throw furniture at the secret service protecting him? Why were they not armed? You know theses are the same guys that all have assault weapons and pistols with 150 clip magazines right? Why did they not have guns with them in the building? Even if you are stupid, you don't storm the capitol intent on killing people without guns when you know for certain those protecting the people you are after will absolutely have them. Please tell me what you think their plan was if they actually saw Pence?
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Think about all the things people say on this message board. Do you think they can, or would, back up all the bs if they were called out in real life? No! how many people would actually show up in the Wachovia parking lot? Behind a keyboard or in a group is almost like the same thing.
Also, list all the examples you know of where someone allowed themselves to be videoed and yelling out in public that they were going to murder someone right before they did it. If this was their intent, did they just plan to throw furniture at the secret service protecting him? Why were they not armed? You know theses are the same guys that all have assault weapons and pistols with 150 clip magazines right? Why did they not have guns with them in the building? Even if you are stupid, you don't storm the capitol intent on killing people without guns when you know for certain those protecting the people you are after will absolutely have them. Please tell me what you think their plan was if they actually saw Pence?
do you need to be explained how a message board is different than real life?
do you need to be explained how a message board is different than real life?
No more than you need to be explained the English language.
To my point, however, being in the middle of a crowd where no one can pick you out is similar to being behind a keyboard where no one really knows who you are. Care to address the rest of the post?
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this is the stupid ****ing discussion

>prove the crowd chanting "Hang mike pence" actually wanted to hang him!
It would take a while, but I bet I could find a post where someone in here said they wanted Trump dead. Are you saying that they are actually a threat to kill him? Are they currently plotting to do so? Should I report them to the FBI/SS/etc.?
It would take a while, but I bet I could find a post where someone in here said they wanted Trump dead. Are you saying that they are actually a threat to kill him? Are they currently plotting to do so? Should I report them to the FBI/SS/etc.?
LMAO, yes if you multiply that person by a thousand while they're in the same building with Trump, chanting "kill Trump" with a gallows outside. You should report that for sure.
LMAO, yes if you multiply that person by a thousand while they're in the same building with Trump, chanting "kill Trump" with a gallows outside. You should report that for sure.
It is your contention that it just so happened by chance that 1000+ people that happened to show up at the Jan6 protest were all intent on murdering the vice president? Do you have any idea how statistically unlikely that is. What percentage of people do you know that would murder someone they have never met before when they posed no immediate threat to them or their family? What % of the population would do that? Or, do you think Trump interviewed everyone that planned to go and only allowed the ones willing to commit murder to show up?
Also, the fact that you think 1000's of people showed up intent on killing the VP with no plan on how to do it, where to go once they were inside, brought no weapon to confront the secret service, etc., etc., etc. makes your contention even more ridiculous. If you are on oxygen, you may need to turn it up bc I don't think you are getting enough to function at a normal cognitive level.
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It would take a while, but I bet I could find a post where someone in here said they wanted Trump dead. Are you saying that they are actually a threat to kill him? Are they currently plotting to do so? Should I report them to the FBI/SS/etc.?
well, one would be marching to find the guy they're chanting about killing. one would be at home or work not on the way to carry out the act they're chanting about.

again, the fact that you can't seem to differentiate between a message board and real life is scary
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