I liked it, although I will say it was not as good as the reviews had made it out to be. Bozeman was great as the stoic Black Panther, as usual, and the women in the movie were all awesome. The sister, the gf/spy, and Michonne from TWD were all great, and were what worked best about the movie IMO.
I’m gonna have to disagree with
@athigpe , I was not a fan of Michael B Jordan. His character had a sympathetic backstory, but I don’t like the way Jordan played it and I definitely don’t think he was as good a villain as Hiddleston’s Loki. Loki is still easily the best Marvel villain, even though he’s becoming overused. Jordan just falls flat to me, like he tends to do in some of his movies. He’s much better in more comedic roles IMO, although he was good in Creed.
The cinematography was beautiful and the special effects were great, albeit overdone at times. Coogler’s script was awesome, though, and it’s obvious he’s a great director. Coogler brought Wakanda to life in such a way that it’s obvious the African nation will play a vital role in the MCU going forward. I can’t wait for Infinity War and Ant Man and the Wasp.
I give Black Panther a 7 out of 10.