OT: Looks like my kids are going to private school

Is "my kids are going to private school? the new "I'm leaving the country"?
Probably not, because your kids can in fact fairly easily go to a private school. Moving out of the country...a bit more of a life changing maneuver.
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Kids are in school around the same amount of time that they spend with their parents. They spend 6-8 hours every day being influenced, exposed to those schools characteristics, and people in the school. Most working parents see their children, especially HS kids who are striving for independence, far less than the walls of their school.

Kids in grade school are young and easy to influence. For lack of a better term, they are smart but they are all stupid at the same time. They have not fully developed their bodies or minds and are more likely to do reckless or irresponsible things.

If the school they attend instills the same values that you approve of at home they have a far greater chance to also pick up those values as they develop and move forward in life. If you want your kid to be in an environment where the teachers/principals have no real authority over disruptive students, god(or the values that come with god if you are not a religious person) completely removed, boys in the girls locker room, protests/petitions over dumb stuff then by all means send them to public school. I went to public school and none of this stuff was around then. It was a good experience and a good school for me at the time. Times change. I would rather my kid focus on learning Calculus, Chemistry, Biology, History, Literature, Econ, etc without social policy distractions or debates over whether or not someone can defy basic human anatomy by claiming they are male or female when they are clearly not.

Private or home school is the way of the future.

I think you're going to struggle finding a private school that will teach your kids exactly the way you want. If this transgender thing is what separates good from bad in your mind, you may find that, but what about the next social issue you don't care for?

In your case, home schooling may be the only way.
Go take a look at the suicide rates of those who go through the gender reassignment surgeries. Both do.

Suicide rates among transgender, in general, are high. You would find it difficult to find any credible evidence or study demonstrating that post-surgery and pre-surgery transgenders have any difference in suicide rates.
the good news is in the not so distant future if your son isn't very gordon male teams at soccer or baseball or basketball, he can probably dominate on the female team and earn a scholarship protected by Title IX!
The possibilities are endless!
I really think I do hate Obama..

Court shot down yesterday his just by-passing Congress, you know the branch of the Federal Govt that actually makes the laws, on giving payments to insurance companies to cover their losses by being forced to offer insurance to those they didn't want to offer. Feds will appeal, but they should lose on matters of law. Im sure it will go all the way to Supreme Court in the near future.

For me, it is not necessarily his policies - most of which I don't agree with - but his blatant disregard for the way this nation's government was founded.

From his handling of immigration issues, some of the health insurance stuff, and some of the "social" policies - he just doesn't have the authority to institue his wishes. He lost in court on the immigration decree; he lost on the insurance company bailout; one can only hope he gets sued on this and the administration loses again. (not for the actual policy - but for the fact he is by-passing the arm of government who is charged with making the laws of the land)

There are laws and procedures even the President of the US has to follow. He and his administration just don't seem to grasp that.
When the president repeatedly disobeys the law he should be arrested for crimes of high treason, with mandatory jail time...
Look - I made it clear, or so I thought, that it wasn't about the type of policy being implemented, but the executive decisions that by-pass Congress. Feel the same way if a Republican, or whomever, was making the decisions. Presidents don't get to make policy.(edit to say that should read that "Presidents don't get to make laws")

We have this thing called The Constitution. You know......separation of powers and everything.

Look - I thought I made it clear. I didn't dispute your political beliefs just that you hate Obama for doing the same thing that every Democratic or Republican president had done. You said you hated him and then listed things as if he's the only guy that has done those things. People do that all the time. Presidents don't get to make policy huh? But don't they? Except maybe you think Obama is the first to do this. Maybe he just figured out a way to do something no other president has. Prob not. No matter the party they do it.
If anyone in the Greenville area is interested in a private school for whatever the reason, I can't imagine one any better than St. Joes. Academics are first rate. Teachers are great. Little to no discipline problems. I'm sure there are many other good ones as well.
I'm a conservative but sending your private schools is a bad idea in most cases. Talk to teachers and administrators and you'll quickly find out how much better the education is at MOST (definitely not all) public schools.

One of the biggest things are that the teachers are much better in public (at least for Upstate SC). The private school teachers are oftentimes reject teachers tbat didn't get a public school job at first. This is all referring to elementary and middle too btw. Not sure on high school.
Look - I thought I made it clear. I didn't dispute your political beliefs just that you hate Obama for doing the same thing that every Democratic or Republican president had done. You said you hated him and then listed things as if he's the only guy that has done those things. People do that all the time. Presidents don't get to make policy huh? But don't they? Except maybe you think Obama is the first to do this. Maybe he just figured out a way to do something no other president has. Prob not. No matter the party they do it.

2 quick thoughts. Yes, I hate Obama. Should not have weaved that in my thoughts on Presidential decisions. Probably should've just left that sentence out in first post.

And second, I think it is wrong for any administration to make their own laws, circumventing the established rules. Yes I am quite aware that many Presidents think they can implement laws without going thru the proper channels. Then I was merely trying to show some other, recent, things this administration had tried to push thru where the courts have overturned their authority.
My wife went to a great private school in charleston. She feels like it was a huge waste of money if you're in a decent area for public schools.

There's no right answer though but there are idiots everywhere. You can only shelter so much. Some areas of sc you basically have to go private.
It's up to parents to instill the virtues in their kids that they feel they should have. If you feel that your parenting will be overruled by the influences of outside situations, you may as well keep the kids locked in a closet forever.

Couldn't disagree with you more.
I spent the first 20 years of my son's life instilling him with Christian Constitutionalist principles.
Problem is, they spend more time in public education, and then in college, than they spend with their parents.
And because the profs have PhD by their names, anything they say is automatically taken as gospel.
It is important to note that McHugh conclusions on transgenders people is hardly mainstream in the medical establishment nor supported by most of the research out there today.

Not that I care to dive into the research.
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Was having this conversation this morning. Basically, I went to a very good public school but there is simply no way on earth I am sending my kids to public schools. And it isn't just the transgender thing. That is definitely the nail in the coffin for public school for me, but there are countless other issues that are becoming "ok" in order to not offend anyone in public schools. It isn't ok and it is disturbing. I will not expose children to that.

Private school applications and the amount of home schooled kids are about to soar. People are going to hit a threshold eventually and start pushing back on all this liberal BS.
That's happening now.
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A friend of mine posed a great question on facebook:

"When a biological male self-identifies as a female, the politically correct stance is to be fully supportive of that individual as they undergo surgeries, hormone therapy and take other steps in an attempt to convert themselves into the opposite sex. But when someone with anorexia nervosa self-identifies as being overweight when they are not, the politically correct stance is to determine that they have a disorder and then do whatever we can to help them so that they will correctly self-identify.

Why the difference?"

Is this a real question? Have you ever known anyone with anorexia?

A young girl on a softball team I coached developed it a number of years back. She came from a great family. She is bright and a fine athlete. And she nearly starved herself to death. Fortunately, the parents had the wherewithal to send her to a center near Baltimore that literally saved her life. She's now 26 years old and healthy.

So you would just let people die rather than be treated for a life-threatening mental illness?

Gender identity is not life threatening.
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That's happening now.

hell yes it is
Watch this hand while the other is doing more important things. That's all this nonsense amounts to. That's why there is always another outlandish liberal crusade. Distract the public with nonsense and they won't notice what is really going on.
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What pisses me off is you took a national vote all of these laws never would pass. The minority is being heard more than the will of the people.
Yes, I would just let them die. Of course not!! I'd get them help because it's a mental disorder...much like the transgender. Did you even understand the question?

It's Begging the Question fallacy. The question only arrives at the desired conclusion if you first believe the premise that it's a mental disorder in the first place.
Couldn't disagree with you more.
I spent the first 20 years of my son's life instilling him with Christian Constitutionalist principles.
Problem is, they spend more time in public education, and then in college, than they spend with their parents.
And because the profs have PhD by their names, anything they say is automatically taken as gospel.

@FreeSC Does your son no longer believe in those Christian "Constitutionalist" principles?
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It's Begging the Question fallacy. The question only arrives at the desired conclusion if you first believe the premise that it's a mental disorder in the first place.
Well, considering that their "feelings" are directly contradicting reality, I'd say it is a mental disorder. Have you heard about transabled people? They cut off a limb because they "feel" like they should be disabled. They are purposely harming themselves(same as transgendered people changing their physiology) to better fit their feelings. We are doing a grave harm to these people by playing along with their delusions rather than getting them the help that they need.
I can speak to this situation. My wife (of 30years) and I did all 3 of these with our 5 children; the youngest just graduated from Clemson last weekend.
All 5 of my kids were home schooled to various levels, attended private school to various levels, and all five graduated from a good public High school in Anderson district 1. The biggest thing is that parents be responsible for educating their children; regardless of what type of "schooling", they are receiving. My kids, thanks to my wonderful wife, were well received and loved by their public school teachers once they got to High school and all graduated hs in the top 2-10 % of their classes. All 5 of my kids went to public HS so they could participate in sports. I will say that for the most part they hated the culture within the school. Once they realized that public school is not a microcosm of real society, they learned to deal with it. I'd also like to add a big "God bless" to the people who dedicate themselves to being teachers. These people endure things that I'd have absolutely no patience with, in a middle/high school setting.
My nephew went to Academic magnet in North Charleston for one year. His parents met a friend of his that was apparently going through a gender identification issue as it's called I guess. They then found out that there was a social club established at the school for this group and he was thinking of joining more for moral support of this friend. He is now home schooled. I am not pretending this issue is black and white. Some on here have said this was a non issue until the law in NC came up and this decree from Obama. My feeling is it was inevitable. I think it is more prevalent than we all know. If you think private schools are the answer, then think again. Just look at the private universities these days. They seem to be as socially liberal as anyone. Unless you're aiming for a Christian based school which might be the only answer other than home school.
I'm a conservative but sending your private schools is a bad idea in most cases. Talk to teachers and administrators and you'll quickly find out how much better the education is at MOST (definitely not all) public schools.

One of the biggest things are that the teachers are much better in public (at least for Upstate SC). The private school teachers are oftentimes reject teachers tbat didn't get a public school job at first. This is all referring to elementary and middle too btw. Not sure on high school.
No doubt there are fine teachers in public and private schools.The difference in many cases is that private school teachers are allowed to actually teach while public school teachers spend a large amount of time dealing with discipline issues simply because of class size. There are definitely exceptions but I'm not accepting blanket statements such as sending your kid to private schools is a bad idea in most cases and that the teachers are much better in public schools.Just my opinion.
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Suicide rates among transgender, in general, are high. You would find it difficult to find any credible evidence or study demonstrating that post-surgery and pre-surgery transgenders have any difference in suicide rates.
This isn't politically correct but... gender misidentification is a mental disorder and it is why going around your elbow (sex reassignment) to fix it doesn't always work.
I'm a conservative but sending your private schools is a bad idea in most cases. Talk to teachers and administrators and you'll quickly find out how much better the education is at MOST (definitely not all) public schools.

One of the biggest things are that the teachers are much better in public (at least for Upstate SC). The private school teachers are oftentimes reject teachers tbat didn't get a public school job at first. This is all referring to elementary and middle too btw. Not sure on high school.

Hmmm. I don't think this is accurate at all.

I know there are other factors involved, but the average SAT score for SC public schools is around 950. The average of the two Charleston private schools that my wife and I attended is over 1200. I doubt that these results were achieved through inferior education.
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A few points.
1. I have had a problem with Obama's overreach for his entire length in office- regardless of the topic
2. I have a problem not with true transgenders using the restroom they identify with, I have a problem with public SCHOOL restrooms being opened up to the people who identify with it because school age children have a particular proclivity to bend rules and test waters.
3. I am not worried about full blown trans people attacking anyone but I am worried about the perverts who are willing to put on a dress for a few days just to go into a girls restroom or locker room. HOW will the school deny this person? Is there a waiting period where you have to be trans for a long time? WHO is going to be the one to handle this situation? WHY does the US keep making things more convoluted? It would be so much simpler to have male, female, and a private restroom. If you are confused, you use the private restroom or locker room until you have chopped your old parts off and added your new ones.
Hmmm. I don't think this is accurate at all.
Most public schools are going to offer better education overall than private schools. The majority of private school teachers are not certified and do not have teaching degrees. They do not have the funds or resources to provide a lot of what public schools do. I will also add here that most 2A and smaller public schools are not noticeably better than private schools. There are elite private schools in the state that do provide better education than public schools but usually cost more than the average middle class parent can pay. Hilton Head, Charleston, Columbia, Sumter, and Greenville all have very good private schools. I am sure that there are some good schools in other areas but I know there are some good ones in these areas.
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This isn't politically correct but... gender misidentification is a mental disorder and it is why going around your elbow (sex reassignment) to fix it doesn't always work.

Speaking of this, I saw a blurb somewhere that Caitlin was now considering going back to being Bruce again.
Most public schools are going to offer better education overall than private schools. The majority of private school teachers are not certified and do not have teaching degrees. They do not have the funds or resources to provide a lot of what public schools do. I will also add here that most 2A and smaller public schools are not noticeably better than private schools. There are elite private schools in the state that do provide better education than public schools but usually cost more than the average middle class parent can pay. Hilton Head, Charleston, Columbia, Sumter, and Greenville all have very good private schools. I am sure that there are some good schools in other areas but I know there are some good ones in these areas.

I added this to my post above, but copying it here:

I know there are other factors involved, but the average SAT score for SC public schools is around 950. The average of the two Charleston private schools that my wife and I attended is over 1200. I doubt that these results were achieved through inferior education.

Granted, I'm not familiar with private schools outside of the larger population centers that you mentioned.
My nephew went to Academic magnet in North Charleston for one year. His parents met a friend of his that was apparently going through a gender identification issue as it's called I guess. They then found out that there was a social club established at the school for this group and he was thinking of joining more for moral support of this friend. He is now home schooled. I am not pretending this issue is black and white. Some on here have said this was a non issue until the law in NC came up and this decree from Obama. My feeling is it was inevitable. I think it is more prevalent than we all know. If you think private schools are the answer, then think again. Just look at the private universities these days. They seem to be as socially liberal as anyone. Unless you're aiming for a Christian based school which might be the only answer other than home school.
Your sister or brother pulled their kid out of Magnet b/c of that? Geeze. I know parents that would cut off an arm to get their kid in that school. Maybe they can pay the 20k/yr for Porter which is so Christian.
Just some facts to be aware of... many "private" schools still receive some type of federal funding, hence they are still accountable for Title IX and would not be exempt from this edict by our king... er um our President.

Because of the diversity and size, you'll find much more differentiated classes in public schools (I'm talking about AP classes, Academy/Schools that work, and college/work preparedness classes.)

One could be hopeful that the majority of schools who see this for what it is... will accept the 'punishment' and not take federal funds anyway... thus making the Department of Education useless and causing it's demise. As an educator for the past 16 years, I've never once had a problem with a gay/transgender child going to the bathroom. I'm not saying that problems haven't occurred, but overwhelmingly the issue isn't one where a federal mandate needs to be implemented.

The real problem will be when schools are disrupted by behavior testing the boundaries of this edict and the subsequent inability to discipline said behavior.

I can tell you many administrators are done. We've lost our ability to have opinions, and beliefs without fear of losing our jobs.

Is Walmart hiring?
I'm a conservative but sending your private schools is a bad idea in most cases. Talk to teachers and administrators and you'll quickly find out how much better the education is at MOST (definitely not all) public schools.

One of the biggest things are that the teachers are much better in public (at least for Upstate SC). The private school teachers are oftentimes reject teachers tbat didn't get a public school job at first. This is all referring to elementary and middle too btw. Not sure on high school.

The problem with this statement is that by almost every single measure the numbers don't bear out what you said. So other than it being factually inaccurate, you're right! :)

Also, there's more to those early development years than just 1+1, D-O-G, etc.