Well you would be mistaken, because they are owners, not members.
Well you would be mistaken, because they are owners, not members.
From what I understand when you join the church instead of becoming a member of the church you become a owner.Owners?
The NIV is actually a "good" translation, in that the writers went back to the original writings and translated from the original. Not all versions do that, some simply reword the KJV.My biggest gripe with Newspring is the use of the NIV bible. Why is large portions of the KJV left out or changed if the NIV is just a modern translation? Not trying to start anything, i just really want to know.
There is one side if all churches that are a business. What's your point? Do you have some personal knowledge of the inner workings at Newspring, or are you just bashing something you really don't know much about like most people on here?Hate to break it to you but you aren't going to a church, you're attending a business
<crickets>Have any TI folks who are "owners" of NS ever seen the budget of NS?
Just curious as I don't have an opinion
Seems that the amount of money is the root of the controversy
Every church, by definition should have its budget and expenses available to its flock
What is Perry's salary, including ALL benefits?
If the Owners don't know then they aren't owners and merely contributors to Perry's plan, it seems
Does anyone know if they have a budget for everyone to see and vote on?<crickets>
Don't know about Newspring, but not every church publishes their budget. Personally, i don't believe in having members vote on a budget. There's no Biblical principal for having members vote on anything, actually.Does anyone know if they have a budget for everyone to see and vote on?
Read Luke 16 verses 1-13. The parable of Jesus himself talking about being good stewardship of money. The church staff should be held accountable to let the congregation know how the money is being used. I hope you don't give your money to anyone (bank,401k,stocks,church) without any knowledge of how much or what it's being used for.Don't know about Newspring, but not every church publishes their budget. Personally, i don't believe in having members vote on a budget. There's no Biblical principal for having members vote on anything, actually.
Jesus came to bring the Kingdom of God.
In this country, we are huge believers (count me in) of a democratic (or more correctly, a republivan) process.
But kingdoms are not run that way.
Kingdoms are run by a King.
And in God's kingdom, He annoints people to be preachers, teachers, and other poisitions. None of them require a vote, and they are not employees, meaning they are not really accountable to the church members, but to God. The pastor in head of the local church. God's Kingdom is more military order than democracy, but it is an order of love and service, and not one of self centeredness.
Don't know about Newspring, but not every church publishes their budget. Personally, i don't believe in having members vote on a budget. There's no Biblical principal for having members vote on anything, actually.
Hate to break it to you, but your opinion means nothing to me.Hate to break it to you but you aren't going to a church, you're attending a business
GREENWOOD, SC—Michael Garcia, 20, was extremely surprised to learn that he had committed his life to Jesus Christ at NewSpring Church’s Easter service, sources confirmed Wednesday afternoon.
Garcia noted that the service had ended and he was getting up from his pew to leave with his family when two smiling ushers “kindly but forcibly” escorted him to a room in the church for a class titled ‘Your New Life At NewSpring,’ during which he and a roomful of others viewed a video featuring lead pastor Perry Noble.
“We were all kind of looking around at each other, confused,” Garcia told reporters. “Then they put the video on and Mr. Noble informed us that the terms of service on the inside of the programs we were handed when we walked in the church clearly explained that by stepping foot on NewSpring’s property we were explicitly agreeing to give our lives to Jesus Christ.”
“We looked and sure enough, there it was, down in the fine print at the bottom.”
When reached for comment, Perry Noble would only repeat loudly, “1244 SALVATIONS LAST WEEKEND!!!”
the bible should have never been translated to begin withThe NIV is actually a "good" translation, in that the writers went back to the original writings and translated from the original. Not all versions do that, some simply reword the KJV.
As for leaving a few verses out (the NIV does not leave out large portions), some NIV versions did it originally because the oldest known versions of those letters did not have those verses in them. Now, recent NIV versions do have the verses, they just note that the verses were not in the oldest writings.
I know a lot of people get hung up on a particular version, esp the KJV, but the truth is, any time you translate from one language to another, you lose some understanding. This is especially true for ancient Greek, which has MANY more tenses than our English.
Also, some words in other languages simply don't have a comparable English word. For example, the Greek 'metanoya' is translated 'repentance' in English, but the real meaning is 'change your mind'. If your pastor knows the Word, there should be a lot of 'metanoya' in every service, without a lot of crying and gnashing of teeth.
There is nothing magical about the KJV, all English translations have limitations. If you really want to understand what the original writers meant, there are a couple of versions that have a much more complete explanation. The KJV misses quite a lot.
Totally agree with being a good steward. The job of church elders or decons, not the body at large.Nope....but the Bible mentions more than once to be a good steward, and to do that you need to know where your money is going.
What does NS have to hide by not disclosing their financials?
Totally agree with being a good steward. The job of church elders or decons, not the body at large.
Not once. That's cute that you talk crap about him constantly. People get saved and turn their lives over to Christ and all you can do is bash the preacher. People like you and some of the other people in this thread are why so many people are turned off by church. Attacking a preacher that you don't like is childish. His church isn't for everyone and that's fine, but attacking him every chance you get is ridiculous. Grow up.
This.he fact that he is associated with our football program in any way, shape, or form is an embarrassment.
That video is also several years old. I'm sure if people recorded everything you said, there might be some things to criticize. Have you ever attended Newspring? Or is your opinion, like most people on this board, based solely on cherry picked videos and the speculative thoughts of others? Again, Newspring isn't for everyone and that's fine. You don't like the church or the pastor and that's fine, too. However, bashing him every chance you get is ridiculous. And he's not associated with the football program in any official capacity--he's just the pastor of the church where a large number of players and coaches attend. If that embarrasses you, feel free to pick another team. Or I can put you in touch with the necessary people to get a meeting with the coaches so that you can tell them how embarrassed you are about where they attend church--I'm sure they'll care. The point is there's no need to criticize Perry and his church every chance you get. Everyone knows how you feel. Let it go and move on. Next time you're in the Upstate, let me know and you can come to a service with me and form your own opinion. I'll even buy you lunch afterwards. With that, I'm done. I hope all is well in Pawley's and it's good to see Coach Gregory having so much success with the baseball program.The video doesn't lie. That dude has no business leading a church. I don't think less of you for attending there, because to each his own, but I definitely have a very low opinion of Mr. Perry Noble. The fact that he is associated with our football program in any way, shape, or form is an embarrassment.
You seem like a good person and a genuine guy. My only concern is that there are some financial concerns. Why is it so tough to find out how they spend their money.That video is also several years old. I'm sure if people recorded everything you said, there might be some things to criticize. Have you ever attended Newspring? Or is your opinion, like most people on this board, based solely on cherry picked videos and the speculative thoughts of others? Again, Newspring isn't for everyone and that's fine. You don't like the church or the pastor and that's fine, too. However, bashing him every chance you get is ridiculous. And he's not associated with the football program in any official capacity--he's just the pastor of the church where a large number of players and coaches attend. If that embarrasses you, feel free to pick another team. Or I can put you in touch with the necessary people to get a meeting with the coaches so that you can tell them how embarrassed you are about where they attend church--I'm sure they'll care. The point is there's no need to criticize Perry and his church every chance you get. Everyone knows how you feel. Let it go and move on. Next time you're in the Upstate, let me know and you can come to a service with me and form your own opinion. I'll even buy you lunch afterwards. With that, I'm done. I hope all is well in Pawley's and it's good to see Coach Gregory having so much success with the baseball program.